
ProgressivismU.S. History 2011

What is Progressivism? Reform Movement from 1900-1920 Reform minded people wanting a better

life To correct problems that were caused by

industrialization Wanting “progress” in social, economic,

and Political areas Usually Native born, middle to upper

class, college educated

Origins of Progressivism Eliminate Corruption in Government

Establish a More Efficient Government

More Governmental Regulation of the Economy

Origins of Progressivism Expanded role of government in

protecting the human welfare Prohibit or Limit Child Labor Working Conditions of Women Establish Minimum Wage Work-Place Safety Limit Working Hours Caring for Injured Workers Assistance for Unemployed

Populist to Progressive

Populists Opposed Monopolies Government

Intervention Protect the Consumer Direct Election of

Senators Graduated Income


Progressives Unsafe Working

Conditions Bad Sanitation Political machines

Populist to Progressive

Populists Rural Movement


Lower-Middle Class Wokers

Progresives Middle-Upper Class College Educated Men & Women Social Workers,

Engineers, Writers, Teachers, Doctors, Lawyers, Ministers, etc.

Muckrakers Who are they?

Investigative Journalists that exposed the problems in society in an attempt to bring about reform

Name given by Teddy Roosevelt: “too busy raking at the muck at their feet

and ignored the glories of the heavens above”

Muckrakers Ida Tarbell:

History of the Standard Oil Company

Frank Norris: The Octopus

Muckrakers Jacob Riis:

How the Other Half Lives

Lincoln Steffens: The Shame of the


Muckrakers Upton Sinclair:

The Jungle

Progressive LegislationLocal Reforms:

Commission System EX: Galveston Texas 1901(Hurricane)

Council Manager Plan EX: Dayton Ohio 1913 and Staunton, Virginia

Mayors EX: Tom Johnson, Cleveland, Ohio

Progressive LegislationState Reforms:

Direct Primary: election where voters choose candidates who will later run in a general election

Secret Ballet

17th Amendment: Direct Election of Senators

Progressive LegislationState Reforms:

Initiative: allows voters to introduce NEW legislation by gathering signatures on a petition

Referendum: allows voters to CHANGE a law already in place

Recall: allows voters to REMOVE an elected official from office by holding a new election

Progressive LegislationFederal

Reforms: 16th Amendment

17th Amendment

18th Amendment

19th Amendment

Meat Inspection Act

Pure Food and Drug Act

Reformers and Reform Movements:Robert M. La Follete

Progressive Wisconsin Governor

“Fighting Bob”

Instituted: Direct Primary Taxed RR and Utility Co. Created Commissions to

regulate corporations

Reformers and Reform Movements:Florence Kelly

Social worker at Hull House

Fought to improve women’s work hrs.

Muller V. Oregon, 1908 10 Hour Workday

Reformers and Reform Movements:W.E.B. DuBois

“Souls of Black Folks”

Co-founder of the NAACP

Fought for Equal Rights for African-Americans

Reformers and Reform Movements:Booker T. Washington

Blacks needed useful labor skills

“Prove to be a value to society”

Tuskegee Institute, Alabama

Reformers and Reform Movements:Women’s Christian Temperance Union


Group that led the fight against alcohol Fought for “Prohibition”

Believed alcohol was responsible for unemployment, crime, and break up of families

Led by Francis Williard

Entered saloons, singing, praying and urging to stop selling alcohol

Led to the passage of 18th Amendment

Reformers and Reform Movements:National Women Suffrage Association


Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony

Pushed for the “right to vote”

Progressive Presidents:Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt

Before Presidency: Vice President

(Under McKinley) NY State

Legislature Governor of New

York Secretary of Navy Rough Riders

Teddy Roosevelt Saw Presidency as a

“Bully Pulpit”

Conservation a primary concern 148 million acres

forest reserve 50 wildlife sanctuaries National Parks U.S. Forest Service Newland Act 1902

Teddy Roosevelt-The “Trustbuster”

Breaking up Monopolies

Distinguished b/w “Good” and “Bad” Trusts

Kept an eye on the “good” monopolies

Filed 44 anti-trust lawsuits against “Bad” corporations

Northern Securities Company (RR)

Teddy Roosevelt

Settling Strikes United Mine Workers

(UMW) Strike

Roosevelt urged Arbitration


Square Deal TR’s 1904

Campaign Slogan

Be Fair in dealing with unions, businesses, and consumers

Progressive Presidents:William Howard Taft

Filed 90 anti-trust suits

Presidency as “administrative post”

Payne-Aldrich Tariff

Ballinger-Pinchot Affair

Dollar Diplomacy

Progressive Election of 1912 Republican

Nominee: Taft

Progessive Nominee: Teddy Roosevelt

Progressive Presidents:Woodrow Wilson

Clayton Anti-Trust Act

Federal Trade Commission

Federal Reserve System

16th and 19th Amendments

Moral Diplomacy

Election of 1916 Slogan “He kept us out of war” Women supported their country which

led to passage of the 19th amendment in 1920

This was final act of Progressive Era WWI broke out in Europe in 1914; USA

entered in 1917
