Page 1: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History





Page 2: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

ae Sur Inspires the Pen Mrs. W. E. Eurke, 525 West Orange Grove

A , ieoniona, Calif.

Sirs: Please give us a story on "Life Can be Beautiful," my favorite day- time strip. I'd also like a feature on Betty Winkler, my favorite actress.

Do you know you occasionally make a mistake in some of your items? For instance, you spoke of "Betty Barbour" as Cliffs wife on "One Man's Family." She is the wife of Jack.

It is so nice to hear Helen Hayes' voice again.

Mrs. K. L. Schlesinger, 812 North Genesee A , Los Angeles, Calif.

Sirs: There are countless shut -ins

JAMS and



The Extra Energy Breakfast Food!

Page Two

ON OUR COVER We give you pictorial proof that

Art Linkletter has a way with youngsters, as he demonstrates during the daildren's quiz feature of his popular CBS ''G.é. House Party" programs. Here. Art learns the ropes from his own trio of youngsters - 51/2- year -old Dawn, six- months -old Bobby and 71/2- year-old Arthur Jack, affection- ately nicknamed "Link."

in and around Los Angeles for whom the radio is the only spark of sun- shine in their lives. They cannot at- tend audience participation pro- grams, but would like so much to share in the fun and prizes. Why not have more radio contests for this great listening audience?

Many stations run contests of short duration, occasionally, but they aren't advertised widely enough. I believe sponsors should give a little more thought to this subject. Besides giving shut -ins mental stimulation and time - passing pleasure, contests for listeners would aid advertisers and create a great deal of good will.

* J. M. McNeely. 3346 Victory, Sae Diego,


Sirs: There are two complaints about radio programs made so often that I cannot understand why noth- ing has been done about them. One is the practice of announcing a piece of music before, instead of after, it is played.

The other complaint is the very prevalent and apparently irremedi- able problem of loud commercials.

In regard to one particular program, I'm wondering why Frances Scully changed from her unique type of pro- gram to being just another Holly- wood reporter. * Mrs. C. R. Allen, Long leach. Calif.

Sirs: Why are so many of the good programs such as "Fibber McGee and Molly," Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and others, on the air during supper time when the housewife, as a rule, is too busy to listen to them?

Many programs are heard at that time so that the rest of the country may enjoy them at u convenient hour. It may work u hardship on some West roast listeners. but others appreciate it as it allows them to hear their favorite airshows and still have their evenings free.

* Mrs. Ruth Gardner, 254 South Rosemead,

Pasadena, Calif.

Sirs: I echo the sentiments of other Radio Lifers. Can't we get "Those We Love" back on the air? It has long been a favorite of my family. If it is votes that are needed, I can

get at least twenty -five around my neighborhood.

Hallie Willard, West Hollywood, Calif.

Sirs: My sister and I would like to know why "Those We Love" are off. It was the best on the air. Also, what became of "Point Sublime "?

Bing Crosby is tops. As Yet. there are no plans for the

return to the airlanes of either "l'o:nt Sublime" or "Those We Love."

Mary Ana Kraus, 1317 Fifth Aversee, Los Angeles, Calif.

Sirs: I also would like to see some- thing in Radio Life about "Teen and Twenty Time." It is a super program with swell records, and I also think it helps prevent juvenile delfquency.

My other favorite programs are Frank Sinatra, Danny Kaye, "Lux Radio Theater," Alan Young. "Screen Guild Players" and "Suspense."

* Mrs. Edith Lamb, 645 Hillview Avenes.

Los Angeles, Calif. Sirs: I'm wondering if the "Glam-

or Manor" cast are coming to Holly- wood again this summer. I'm cer- tainly hoping so, as I didn't get to see them last year, and would love to see all of these very talented and extremely funny people, eapec-

Four Hits for You in



BROADWAY NEWS . hot off the wire . . . KHJ, every day at 12 noon and the night edition 10:15 p.m. Monday thru Friday. KMPC, every day at 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

SEWING SCHOOL OF THE AIR . . . commentary on fashion news by Sally Spinner. KHJ, 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays.

HOME CHATS . for the homemaker by Miriam Lane. KMPC, 10:45 a.m., Monday thru Saturday.

FELIX DE COLA and His Musi- cal Notebook. KHJ, 1:15 p.m., Saturday.



Broadway, 4th and Hill Where Los Angeles Shops with Confidence


Page 3: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

ially Cliff Arquette, who starts my day off perfectly with his refresh- ing wit and personality.

We enjoy the Judy Canova show very much and would like to know who plays the parts of "Pedro" and "the French count." They provide the highlights of the program. The Frenchman's dialect is perfect, and "Pedro," with his nonchalent jokes, keeps us laughing constantly. Wish he were on more often.

"Glamor Manor" is rumored to be rooting this wag again. but nothing seems to be definite os get. Mel mane is "Pedro" un the Judg Canon° pro- gram; Joe Kearns is the French count.

* hack Graham, Hollywood. Calif.

Sirs: Please accept my somewhat belated thanks for your extremely kind presentation to me of one of your Second Annual Distinguished Achievement Awards. I am indeed flattered land secretly p r o u d) to have been one of the fortunate ones chosen. I hope I can continue to be worthy of your signal honor.

P.S. May you enjoy fifty happy and successful birthdays!

* * RADIO LITE * * June l0, l9i '.plume 11. Number 1+

Published Meekly at Los Angeles. 15. California. tinniness Offices: 1029 West Washington Bud., rbone Richmond 4262. Editorial Officer, 15511

Sorth Vine, Hally"''md 2M, Phone H Ern p- ,tend 2025.

Radi,. Life w.,a entered as Second ('lass Matter May M, 1912. at fns Angeles, under Act of March :t, IM79. Postpaid Subscription., $2.75 year. $1.50 'i neat ha. Single Copies on sale at leading Indepen4eat /:rovers in Southern California t .'.r each. Reprinting in whole or in part wit heat permission strictly forbidden.

l'abliwher, ('ari M. Ki gaby; Editor, E. elyn A. Rigsby; Rumness M Vinson Vaughan; (tfiier Manager, (.'orgia l'ay wood; Art rector. Allen Kirks; log Editor, reari Rall.

Ads ert iaing Kepresentati. e, ('ulhreth Sudler.

All material used by Radio Life is specially prepared by its own staff writers, and re- printing in whole or in port ,s lthout pub- liaber'a permiaainn strictly forbidden.

Tangy sparkling .

made from whole ripaCali(ornia oranges.

,,tsewarrr. .vVy1.1.1a11g-k++i.

He Caught the


Ring dr :.r


retell them all lot fear people won't be- lieve him.

Jack Mather Says His Life Is Like a Merry -Go- Round; But He's Lucky Because He Snatched Prized Gold Ring

Tuesday. 7 p.m.. NRC -KF'I

JACK MATHER says he's so busy acting as "utility" man for the Bob Hope show and portraying the voices for Paramount's "Speaking of Animals" that his fast - withering Victory garden is

on its knees pleading, "Come out, come out, wherever you are."

Just a year ago, big, six -foot -one Jack abandoned all of his other mike chores and began traveling exclu- sively with the Bob Hope troope. "What an education," he grinned, "but we don't really have time to stop and sightsee. We travel three days for every one day our feet are on the ground."

During the twelve months Mather has been with Hope he hasn't yet been able to establish a definite character to please Bob or himself. As a "utility" man he plays every- thing -even cows. "And just about the most expensive cow in radio," Jack recalled. "One afternoon we found that the writers had forgotten to include me in that night's show. 'Jack'll moo like the cow,' Bob said, and I did. At my regular salary."

Just Skip It The actor, who has been in radio

since the late twenties, claims he has had so many different types of jobs in his lifetime that he doesn't dare

name them all. "Somebody'll start adding up one day and figure I'm one -hundred and forty -four. It's easier not mentioning them."

Out in Sherman Oaks, the family, Jack insists, is fast outgrowing its home. Mrs. Mather, the former Lynne Allen Malcomb, ten -year -old Jack, Jr., five -year -old Gregory, the bull -mas- tif, the horse, cow and chickens make the fences of the little valley place bulge.

According to their father, Jack and Gregory are chips off the old block. They think in terms of gags. While Jack, Jr. is developing into a com- petent artist, young Greg lives only to shoot airplanes, Japs, and to make up gags. "It's their life," Jack, Sr. assured us, "and they can do with it what they want. I'll never try to stop them."

One Ambition Mather admits he is governed by

one ambition. He wants to own a big red barn. "When I was a kid I left home to whip the world and buy a big red barn. j'm still going to have that barn and a farm to go with it." In addition to saving money toward the long - awaited purchase, Jack has been taking courses in animal breed- ing and husbandry. Lynne is going to raise horses, but Jack will take care of the cows.

Before he retires and goes to live in the wide open spaces where he

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CROONER Dick Haymes takes it on the nose from his

young son, Richard Ralph (better known as "Skipper ") while his daughter, Helen, age one, awaits her turn.

SAWAY FROM "DUFF'S Tay. ern," Ed "Archie" Gardner can

be found romping with one -year -old Ed, Jr. and the family dog, "Dully."

A& LITTLE MAUREEN Mans- field, two -year -old daugh-

ter of singer Ronny, shies away from the mike- light. Asked to sing into the microphone, Maureen de- murred, "No, no -Daddy do it!"

It may be "Papa who pays ", but, on at least one day out of every year, father gets his just desserts as folks everywhere salute good old Dad on the nationally - celebrated date an- nually set aside for this express pur- pose. Radio Life joins in this praise- worthy custom by hereby presenting pictures of some of radioland's top personalities who, away from the microphone, play the real life role of "Daddy ".

A PERFECT AUDIENCE for big Bill Bendix's com-

edy is his new 'little daughter, seven- months -old S t e.p h a n ie, who, by the looks of her wide gay grin, thinks her father is a

mighty funny man, indeed.

Page 5: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

HARRIET AND OIIIE'S ADVEN- TURES never cease with two lively

young sons ruling the roost at the Neison home, four -year -old Eric Hilliard and seven - year -old David Ozzie.

"DAGWOOD," ALIAS Arthur Lake, has his hands full with son, Arthur, Jr., while wife Patricia Van Cleve takes care of their youngest, little Marion Rose.

ere are Some of Airlanes' Famous Males And the Youngsters Who Call Them `Daddy'


enough to keep a man busy, news- caster Glenn Hardy proves he can ha+dle this laplul as well -five -months' -old Bobby and two -year -old Jimmy. (In the Fore- ground, "Pat," the family pup).

HARMONY rules the Bob Burns' household, blessed with these three happy youngsters -41/2- year -old Stephen, eight- year -old Barbara and six -year -old Billy.

.. p


Page 6: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

J that something has happened which shouldn't have.

Not in Script Behind - the -scene on radio row,

however, these are the things that are "sweated out," worried over and laughed about -the things that were not in the script.

Several weeks ago, listeners to the Blue's "Charlotte Greenwood Show" did not hear Wendell Niles announce the program. They heard, instead the voice of the program's producer, Thomas Freebairn -Smith, who stepped into the announcer's shoes when airtime arrived and Niles had failed to appear. The errant mike - man strolled into the studio with complete nonchalance fifteen min- utes after the show went off the air!

Informed the week before that the program was going to change its airtime, Wen, for the first time in his brilliant career, had gotten his dates confused and thought the time change had gone into effect a week before it actually did.

BASIL "SHERLOCK HOLMES" RATH- BONE and his aide, Nigel "Dr. Wat- son" Bruce, encountered a dire situa-

tion when the soundman switched effects during one of their broadcasts. But Bruce's quick ad -lib pleased the program's sponsor.

,It ShOUtdM't fiappell fiere!

For the Countless Times that a Show Is Aired With Clock -Like Precision, There Is Always the One Time Something Goes Wrong

.')/7HEN motion pictures are made, if something goes wrong, the director shouts: "Cut!" The cameras stop rolling

and the whole thing is done over again.

But when something goes wrong in radio, there is no turning back. What is being done -good or bad - is going straight into the micro- phone, out over the airlanes and right into the homes of (more or less) millions of listeners. '

This, needless to say, is the reason Page Six

S Recently, NBC's Art Baker was to do one of his broadcasts from San Francisco, but at the last minute, his plans were changed and he prepared to broadcast from Hollywood as us- ual. NBC's traffic department, how- ever, was somehow not notified of the switch and thinking that it was being handled in the Bay City, failed to put Art on the air until fran- tically contacted, after the network audiences had heard a full three and a half minutes of bewildering si- lence!

people in radio have such things as ulcers.

Nevertheless, radio and its work- ers -year after year, week after week, day after day, minute after minute, second after second -send into your loudspeaker a ceaseless chain of enjoyable, interesting and informative units of entertainment.

Only rarely does some flaw ap- pear in his smooth- running output of radio production. When it does, radio handles it with such sure - footed, quick -witted ingenuity that ofttimes listeners are not even aware

On the second week's airing of the Blue's "Tom Breneman Highlights" series, Tom opened the program by talking into a "dead" microphone. While the producer gestured wildly to Tom, the quick- thinking engineer turned on the other microphone in the studio fullblast, enabling dial- ers to hear Breneman's voice, al- though until he changed mikes, it sounded as though he were speak- ing from a great distance.

Many times, it is an unexpected sound effect that interrupts the smooth -flowing presentation of a well - rehearsed script. Once, when

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RADIO: West * National and International

Moving Day After months of preparation, during

which its new home was being corn - pletely rebuilt and newly equipped, KECA switched its broadcasting ac- tivities to Highland Avenue in Holly- wood on Sunday, May 27, from its former base on Vermont in Greater Los Angeles.

KECA's hard-working staff- includ- ing general manager Clyde Scott, pro- gram manager John Edwards, produc- tion manager Bill Davidson, and chief engineer Ralph Denechaud- breathed a long sigh of relief when the station's first day of operation in its new headquarters flowed smooth- ly by with no errors or calamities.

Weather Report As a service to millions of Southern

Californians who enjoy a trek to the beach each week -end, KECA is in- augurating week -end weather reports.

In cooperation with the weather bureau, official readings on the tem- perature, both of the air and the wa- ter, and fog conditions, will be taken from the weather station on Santa Monica pier, so that listeners will know, before they head beachward, just what to expect from the weather- man.

The reports will be given over KECA hourly, on the hour, beginning at 7:00 a.m., and continuing through 11:00 p.m., on Saturday and Sunday, throughout the summer season. The readings will cover conditions from Malibu south.

There They Go Joe Hernandez is back at the micro-

phone nightly at 6:30 p.m. over KMPC, broadcasting his colorful and exciting delayed broadcasts of the horse racing at Santa Anita Park.

Hernandez, the official announcer at Santa Anita, transcribes his ac- count of the races during the actual running, for the benefit of night-time radio dialers.

Buy Bonds KGFJ has inaugurated a new bond-

selling campaign to boost the "mighty Seventh" War Loan Drive. The sta- tion has prepared its own campaign of spot announcements and ten-sec- ond jingles, broadcasting the rhymes every hour on the half hour, with

special bulletins rotating throughout the day.

In cooperation with the Warner Brothers' Downtown Theater, KGFJ is selling bonds by telephone and mail, and on its 8:00 p.m. broadcast, "Of Words and Verse," featuring Rene Bo- zarth, the station is offering free au- tographed copies of Bozarth's book, "Sesame," with each bond purchased.

Indications at this time are that KGFJ will exceed its previous bond - selling high of $100,000, achieved in the Fourth War Loan Drive -a figure that has, until now, been the highest total for any independent station in Los Angeles.

The Call Personality - voiced Terry O'Sullivan,

one of the ether waves' most likable mikemen, answered Uncle Sam's call on no less a day than V -E Day.

Irish Terry kissed adieu a pretty wife and a trio of tiny colleens!

Enter Jainie Jay Stewart, popular CBS mikeman,

is currently passing out cigars, candy and little packets of cigarettes tied with pink ribbons and attached to match boxes engraved with the words, "It's a girl!"

Jay and his missus, Beverly Barnes,

NEXT WEEK Your schedule for summer listen-

ing is highliq'.ited in the upcoming edition of Radio Life, in which we list for you the new stars and new shows which will hit the airlanes during these hot- wea.'aer months when your regular favorites take a brief respite from the microphone. The remainder of the issue is de- voted to five more radio names well -known to every ether fan - columnist- commentator Lee Ship- pey, announce r -emcee Tommy Dixon, laugh- getters Florence Lake and Bob Jellison, and that man w'.ro knows what he likes about the south, Phil Harris.

Be sure to get your issue early. You'll want to keep it handy right beside your radiol

were blessed with a bundle of heaven Sunday a 4:55 a.m. when a six -

made ospital,

pound, nine -ounce baby girl her debut at the California h

She has been named Jamie, in honor of Jay. Beverly chose the name when she saw the movie, "Without Love," in which Katherine Hepburn appeared as a girl named "Jamie."

Adieu Dinner Listeners to the Blue's "One Man's

Family" heard the "family" bid fare- well to "Lt. Jack Barbour" last Tues- day when Carlton E. Morse wrote a special chapter concerning "Jack's" departure for overseas Army duty.

"Jack's" activities in uniform have been written to parallel those of actor Page Gilman, who plays the part. Gilman is due to leave for the Pa- cific war zone shortly.

Mr. Morse and the performers who comprise the famous radio family held a dinner for Page at the Amer- ican Room of the Brown Derby after the broadcast.

Disaporntwent Jimmy Durante is a disaç

man. He had planned to e overseas with his CBS comed ner, Garry Moore, but a film I

ment will keep Jimmy in Ho so late that only a plane cou up with the troup heading and Durante's doctor has fc him to fly.

Father Dies

pointed ntertaln y part - ommit - llywood d catch abroad, rbidden

Last week Radio Row lost one of its staunchest fans when Frank E. Scully, father of KECA commentator, Frances Scully, passed away after a brief ill- ness. Mr. Scully, who had been in rail- roading for fifty years, retired only last February 1. He was a native son and ever since his daughter started her climb to success in radio, he had fol- lowed the dial with extreme interest. Radio Life extends its condolences to Frances and her mother.

Harns Holdout That man with the grin and the

curly hair, Phil Harris, currently act- ing as the Professor on NBC's "Col- lege of Musical Knowledge," has been offered the emcee - singing spot on CBS' "Hit Parade," but Phil is hold- ing out for his missus, Alice Faye, to be featured on the same show as the femme vocalist.

Summer Stars Tenor Felix Knight and

Francis White will replace Eddy on the CBS airlanes th mer. Miss White is a Los girl who has previously bee un the air with Eddy and wit] Melton.

"Parkyakarkus" has been si replace Harold Lloyd's NBC ' The a te r" during the hot months.

Rumor Scuttled Word around radio row h

(Please Turn in Page 23,

soprano Nelson

is sum -

Angeles n heard


gned to Comedy weather

as been

Page 8: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History


t takes a lot of people to . put on a radio show -and

here are the ones who haue

played an important part

and served faithfully wí :h

the AMOS 'n' ANDY program

during the past season...



BOB FISHER who hove written the scripts.


JIM BASKETTE featured players who

respectively portrayed Shorty the Barber and Gabby the


LUD GLUSKIN who composed and directed

the musical settings.

HARLOW WILCOX .. whose announcements hove

told millions about Rinso.

KEN HODGE our producer, and his staff

from Ruthrouff & Ryan, who have handled the production.

RAY FERGUSON who operated the control panel.

ED LUDES s who supplied the sound effects.


... without question, one of America's top singing groups.

And the many talented actors and actresses who

played such convincing roles on our show.

To these writers, performers and technicians, and all others who haue contributed to the success of

"The Amos 'n' Andy Show" during the 1944 -45 season, we extend our sincere thanks and appreciation.


"110641 144541

Page 9: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History



Tó air ÖÖ3óÖfinfìi7iÓìf o 63 6 6 6 6 6 ìÍìîÓ ÓÒ 0 6 6 ìf D « 10

j 1

Previews 9QQQQIl4IlQ44QIl444444QA_4_Q_Q_SZQ.A9.JLíZJ1A4QQQ_QQQ4QQQQ

TIME CHANGES Monday, June 11 -Ted Malone, KECA,

10:15 a.m. 115 min.) Monday through Friday. Formerly KECA, Monday -

Tuesday- Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. Monday, June 11- Louise Massey and

Westerners, KECA, 3:30 p.m. (15 min.) Monday - Wednesday - Friday. Formerly KECA, Monday- Wednes- day- Friday, 10:15 a.m.

Thursday, June 14 - "TheShadow," KHJ -DLBS, 9:30 p.m. (30 min.) For- merly Monday, KHJ -DLBS, 6:30 p.m.



Monday, June 11 -"Easy Aces," KECA, 8:00 p.m. (15 min.) Monday through Wednesday. Jane and Goodman Ace and their friends return.

* 11 fystery

Sunday, June 10 -"The Adventures of Father Brown," KHJ -DLBS, 2:00 p.m. (30 min.) G. K. Chesterton's lovable detective priest.

Sunday, June 10 -"The Abbott Mys- teries," KHJ -DLBS, 3:00 p.m. (30 min.) Sleuthing by the l o v ab l e "Abbott" newlyweds, Pat and Jean.

Tuesday, June 12 -"Man Called X," KFI, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.) Starring Herbert Marshall.

Wednesday, June 13 -"Dark Venture," KECA, 9:00 p.m. ;:30 min.) Dramas of mystery and suspense.

FRIDAY 7:30 P. M

"Radio's Most Hilarious Show"



790 on your dial



Quiz Thursday, June 14- "Phonocord Fam

Hy Party," KFI, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.) A novelty program featuring fam- Hies competing with each other.

Music Sunday, June 10 - "Family Hour, ""

KNX, 2:00 p.m. (45 min.) Summer show will feature Eileen Farrell, Earl Wrightson and Jack Smith.

Tuesday, June I2- Sigmund Romberg, KFI, 7:30 p.m. (30 min.) Romberg conducting a 45 -piece orchestra, and a guest soloist.

* Variety

Monday, June 11- "Smile Time," KHJ - DLBS, 7:15 a.m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. Wendell Noble and Steve Allen.

Monday, June 11 -"The Fitzgeralds," KFI, 11:30 a.m. (30 min.) This pro- gram is in addition to Ed and Pegeen's weekend show.


Tuesday, June 12- "The Doctor Fights," 6:30 p.m. (30 min.) Bob Cumming will star, *

Variety Sunday, June 10- Andrews Sisters,

KECA, 1:30 p.m. (30 min.) Tom Breneman will be guest.

Saturday, June 16- "Everybody's Favorite," KFI. 5:30 p.m. (15 min.) Evelyn Ankers will be Vyola Vonn's guest.

Sunday, June 10- Nelson Eddy, KNX, 1:30 p.m. (30 min.) Rice Saxon will he guest. *


Thursday, June 14- "Suspense," KNX, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.) "The Burning Court" starring Clifton Webb.

Friday, June 15 -"The Richest Man in Duluth," KECA, 7:00 p.m. (O n e hour) A special dramatic program featuring Alfred Drake, a stellar Hollywood cast and music by Earl Robinson. *

WHAT'S SPECIAL Public .11 fails

Friday, June 15-Boy Scout Awards, KMPC, 7:30 p.m. (30 min.) All Scout troups in Southern California will participate in the program.

. -, v U ach U'1112C`CIJ

KFI The Ozark story teller, Bob Burns,

has drawled his way into the hearts- of radio listeners with homespun hu- mor and philosophy that is entirely his own. Each Thursday at 6:30 he hits the air with one half hour of - y music and fun which

might lead one to suspect him of be- ing the non- serious type of fellow in his private life that he is over the radio. Such, however, is far from the fact, and an idea that Bob Is promoting currently shows that he has a very serious side. It is his plan in his own home town of Canoga Park where he is mayor to plant memorial trees in

the community park for all residents killed while serving in the armed forces. Bob contends that there can be no finer memorial to a man than a beautiful tree and affixed to each tree will be a plaque bearing the name of the war hero .

REPORTS FROM ALL OVER: Com- mentator H. V. Kaltenborn (KFI M.W.F. 5:00) takes his vacation in long weekends with news analyst Robert St. John taking over his Friday spot through the summer.... Mrs. Carveth Wells, wife of the news analyst aired nightly at 10:30 is off to Bermuda for a two months stay.... Leonard Sues, youthful maestro on The Eddie Can- tor Show (Wed. 6:00) starts rehearsals only five hours before the program goes on the air and usually gets every- thing done in two ... Comedian Fred Allen returns to the air via KFI this fall in a Sunday afternoon spot ...Lat- est report on radio listening shows Hil- degarde (Tues. 7:30) holds lead vocal- ist spot with Bing Crosby.... Mickey Rooney may head a variety show in the fall, pending his release from the Army.... Abbott & Costello (Thursday 7:00) with Connie Haines and Bob Matthews are scheduled for personal appearances in the east during the first three weeks of July.

« « «

Fritz Moritz, bassoon player with the Symphony Orchestra heard on the JOHN CHARLES THOMAS program Sundays at 11:30 and conducted by Victor Young is rated by Toscanini as the world's greatest bassoonist. The maestro has long tried to entice Moritz away from his present spot but to no avail. Fritz likes living in Hollywood and working with Victor Young.

* « *

Popular young actress, Evelyn An- kers will be Vyola Vonn's guest on EVERYBODY'S FAVORITE, Saturday at 5:30. Miss Ankers was born in

Chile of British parents but she's now awaiting final American citizenship papers. -Aduertiaernent.

Bob Burns

Page 10: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

MEW Me«*



Sunday Morning

KFWB 7:30-8 AM

* Indicates News Broadcasts. -KFI-The Eternal Light. * KNX , KPAS, KGER,- News. *KECA -News.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV(IE- Wesley Rod,u league,

*KM l'/' -News. KFWB- Funnies.

*KMTR -News. Music. KFAC-- Cquntry ('horch. KRKD- Ranch Program. Y W'KW-Pan-American

Reshot. KGF.1 -Arm Clair (concert KFVD -Tempt Tunes. KFSD -Call to Worship. KFOX -Rev. Dean Reed.

9:15- KNX -Blue Jacket (choir. KGER- Kingdom Within.

11:15-KECA-Music of Americas. KMPC- Institute fur the

Blind. KMTR- Chapel in the Sky. KFXM- Sunday Serenade,

11:30-KFI-Successful Gardening. KNX- Invitution to Learning. KHJ, KGB, KF_X.M, KVOh-

Voice of Prophecy. KECA -Hour of Faith. I(:MPC- Wesley Raido League. KINVI1 -Lnion Rescue Mirriuo. KMTR -W. B. Record. KPAS -Immanuel Baptist

Church. KWKW- Buenas Noes es. KFAC- Streuin' 'runt.

'V1)- Church of Christ. KEG X -Rev, K. E. Reid. KGER -Light of 'Truth.

8:45 *KF'1, KRKD -News. KGEJ -Quiet Moments. KGER -House of Don.

el-KFI-Chicago Roundtable. KNX -Salt take Tabernacle.

*KECA -Blue World Correspondents.

KH.1, KGB, KFXM, KV'0E- Pilgrint Hour.

*KMPC -News, Sunday Revue. *KMTR -News, Swedenborg Hr.

KRKD -Sunday Serenade. KFAC -Liberal Catholic Hour. KIND-Waltz Time. K(iF.1- Mid -Horning Melodies. KWKW -Little italo. HPP(' -Rev. Myron Nichols.

*KGEK -News, Dr. Springer. *KIND- Carteth Wells,

9:15 *KECA -News HMTR -Pastor K. G. Egertson. KFAC- Concert. KPPC- Prelude to Worship. KGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell. KFSD -America United.

9:30- KFI -Echoes & Encores. *KNX- 'l'ransatlant lc ('all.

KHJ, KGB, KF.X.M, K%QE- Lutheran Hour.

KECA -Notes from a Diary KFWB -Peter Potter.

*KMTR -The World Tomorrow.

Complete Gilbert & Sullivan

Works KFAC -9:30 - I 1 A. M. Sun.

Sponsored by Marshall & Clampett

KFAC -Gilbert A Sullivan. KPPC -Dr. Frederic P.

Woellner, KIND- Victory Parade 'tll

p.m. KGEB -Radio Revival. KFSD- Sunday Concert.

9:45- KECA- Canary Pet Shop. 10 *KFI: KFSD- Layman's Views of News.

KNX -(church of the Air, *KECA -.lobo Kennedy, News.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KMPC -News. Western Federal Music Hour.



KPAS- Slatic Program. K'KW- Hollywood Lutheran, 10:15 -KFI, KFSI)- Chuck Collins,


The Romance of the Highways

"Unreal Realities" KHJ -KVOE

10:15 A. M. Sundays l I

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVGE- I onunander Scott.

KEW'S-Peter Potter. KFOX -Rev. Russell.

111 :311 -KF'l- Musical Milestones. *KNX- Netts. KECA -Sammy Kaye'

Serenade. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'0E-

Sweetheart Time. SPAS -Czech Polkas. KMPC- Church News. KWSW- Hungarian Baptist. KFSD- Chicago Roundtable.

10:J5 *KNX- Edward R. Marrow, KPPC -Tower (chimes, KFOX- Cumberland Church.

10:55 *KECA -Leland Stowe, News Extra.

11-'7-Stars of Future. KNX- Stradisari'r Orch.

*KECA- Washington Story. KHJ, KGB -Band Concert.

*KMPC -News, Off the Record. *HFWB -News. *KMTR-News, Church of

Christ. SPAS- Church of Open Door. KFAC -1st Methodist Church. KWSW -Radio City Church. KGFJ- Speclals in Musk. KFXM -tint icon Clonal

Church KIY'C- Church Sees ice, Dr.

Eugene ('arson Blake. K VtIl -Past, Present, Future. KFOX- Presbyterian Church.

KGER -Evangelists' Hour. KFSD -Ford Show.

11:15 *KECA- Behind the War News. KFWB -Peter Putter. KGFJ- Romany Time. KVOE -Word of Life,

11 :30-KFI, KF'ID- Westinghouse, John Charles Thomas.

*KNX -World News Today. KECA- Remember Hour.

*KHJ, KGB -6111 Cunningham.


s i S Coó TTITT ó T1 710 870 990 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 1411141i

KGF'J -Soult of Woods. KWKW -Ail Saints Episcopal. KFOX -First ('hrlstian Ch,

11:41 -KHJ, KGB, KV0E -Oslo Carnegie.

KMTR- Frank and Ernest. 11:55 -KNX -Olin Downes.

12 *KF1. KFSII -World Parade, KNX -N, V. Philharmonie.

*KHJ- Broadway News. KECA- Musical Bouquet.

*KMPC -News, Frank Hemingway.

*KFIVB, KGER -News. *KMTR- News, Boys' l'hoir.

KGF.1 -Say It With Music. KWKW'- Lincoln Ate,

Presbyterian Church, KGB -Strange As It seems. KFXM- Hasten the l)ay. KVOF- Midday Melodies.

12:15 *KE('.4 -News. KH./ -Hume '('own Parade,

KMPC -Off the Record. KFWB -Peter ('otter..

*KFAC, KFXM -News. KPI'C -Musa' ut Masters. KGB -Voice of the Army. KVOE -('angry Chorus.

1X:3(1 -KFI, HFSD -Arany Hour. KECA -"Miss Hattie," Ethel

Barrymore, KH,1- Memory Music, Ted

Bacon. KFWB -Jean Leonard. KWKW- American Jewish

Hour. *KRKD -Net's.

KPPC -Muslcal Moments. KGB, KFX.M, KVOF:- Hookey

Hail. KIil' :K- sacred Harmonies.

12 :45*KEAC, KI'AS -Newa.

1 KNX -N. V. Philharmonic. KECA -Darts for Dough. KHJ, KGB. HF-1CM, KYOE-

Your America. *KMPC -News, Manhattan

Highlights. *KIWIS-Henry ('harles, *KMTR- News, Modern Concert

Hull. KRKD -Sunday on Ranch. SPAS- Lutheran Layman's

League. KFAC.-Victory ('layers. KI'PC- Chamber Music. KFOX -Dick Ross.

*KIND- News, McKee Piano. KG F.1- Consiste Encores.

*KGER -News. Rev. Charles Greeoamyer.

1:15 -KFWB- "Musical Sweets."

SUNDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs' Appear In Llghtface Type; Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 1:30 -- Andrews Sisters, KECA. 2:30 -Charlotte Greenwood,

KECA. 3:00-- S111er Theater, KNX 4:00- Wayne King, KFt. 5:110-- Langford -Jones. KFI. 5:311-Eddie Bracken. KFI. 0:00 -Quentin Reynolds, KINK. 0:30 -Texaco Theater. HNX, 11:4.5- Jimmie Fidler, KECA. 7:30- Harold Lloyd. Comedy

Theater. KFI. 8:00 -Great Gildersleeve. KFI. 9:15 -Evelyn Bigsby, KECA. 9:30 -Romance of the Ranchos,

KNX: War

12:30 -Arnty Hour, KFI. 1:00 -Your America, KHJ.

11.15- Pacific Story, !EFL

Quiz Programs 1:00-Darts for Dough. KECA. 1:30 -Name That Song, KH.I 7:00 -Take It or leave It, I(NX. 8:30 -Quiz Kids, KECA.

Drama 10:15 -Commander Scott, KW, 19:30-Ethel Barrymore In

"Miss Hattie," KECA. 9:30 -Nick Carter, KHJ. 4:I0- Calling All Detecthes,

KHJ. 4 :00- Norman Corwin, KNX 0:20 -Hollywood Mystery Time,

KECA. 7:00 -Life of Riley, KECA. 7:15 -Helen Hayes. KHJ. 7:301 Was There, KNX

8:00 -Crime Doctor, KNX 8:30- Murder. My Hubby, KH.I. 8:30- Blondie, KNX. 5:00 -Bill Lance, KNX. 9:30- Boston Blackie, KH,I. 11:30- Haunting Hour, KF1

Outstanding Music 9 :00-Salt Lake TabernaL'r

KNX. 9:30- Gilbert & Sullivan, Nt: '

11:00 -Stradivari's Orch., XXX. 11 :30 -John Charles Thomas,

KFI. 12:00 -New York Philharmonic

KNX. 1:30 -Nelson Eddy, KNX. 2 :88 -NBC Symphony, KF7.

:110- Family Hour, KNX. 3:00 -Summer Hour, KECA. 5:U0-Inglewood ('ark Concert,

EN X. 8:00- Manhattan Merry-Go-

'Round, KFI. 8:30 -Album of Familiar MUSIC,

KFI, 7:00 -Hour of Charm, KFI. 8 :311- Standard' Symphony, KFI.

1e:00- Newaical, KFVD. 10:00 -Lucky Lager Time, KFAC. 11:30-Bridge to Dreamland,


Public Affairs 8:311 -Invitation to Learning,

XXX, 9:00- Chicago Roundtable, KFI. 8:30- Speaking of Books,. KPI'('. 8:45 -Dorothy Thompson. KHJ. 5:45 -Mayo: Huwron, KMC. 7:00-Open Forum, KFAC. 9 :45- Washington Inside Out,


*KFAC -News. KIND-Musical Bettie.

1:30 *HFI -These Make History, KNX-Nelson Eddy, KECA- Andrews Sisters. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Name That Song. KMPC- Baseball 311 8 p.m. KFWB -Peter de Lima. KMTR, KFOX -young Peoples'

Church, Kli F'J- loterm issiou, KWSW - Hoyos Hour. KI'AS- Church is Barn. KFAC -Good Neighbor Salute. KFVD- Hawaiian, KGER -Light and Life. KFSD -Music America Loves.

1:45 *KFI- Edward Jorgenson, KFWB -Help Wanted. KIND-Vocal Varieties. KAS- Chorea of Christ.

2 KFI, KFSD- Symplioay Hour. KNX -Family Hour. KECA-Mary Small Revue. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Father Brew 's. KMPC- Baseba II.

*KFWB -News. *KMTR -News, 'Trinity M. E.

Church. KGFJ- Bemembraace. KFVD -Informed Democracy. KPAS- l.antpllghter Jazz

Session. KPPC -Hour of Song.

HFOX -Good News. KGER -Long Beach Band.

Hear Our Pupils Sing KFOX

Sunday, 2:15 p.m. Frac Auditions Phone oc Write

CIVORU STUDIO 1664 No. Bronson -GL. 1 266

2:15 -K F'U'LL -World Security Conference.

KFOX- Civoru Group. 2:30 -KECA- Charlotte Greenwood.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOR- Nick Carter.

KFWB -Youth Demands Answer.

HMTR- Wings of Healing. KPAS -Challenge to lout' KWKW- Italian Melodies. KFOX -Rev. Billy Adams. KFVD -Timely Tunes.

*KGER -War News. 2:15- KNX -William 1., Shlrer.

KFVD- Militant Democracy.

3 KFI- Catholic Hour. HNX -Siher Theater, Cuurad


Abbott Mysteries, KECA -Sumer Hour. KMPC -Baseball. KFWB -' Ez ru.'

*KMTR-News. Pianos, KFAC -Famous Musical

Favorites. KI'AS- California Council

Table. KI'PC- Muslcai Varieties. KGFJ- Mississippi Show Boat. REVD-Popular Favorites. KFSD- ('onvair Entertains,

*KGE:H -Newa, Gustavesou. KEO\ -Rev. Earl Ida.

3:15 -K )I '1R -Betty Pldllips. 14,1 t D- (colored Revue.

3:311 *1:11. KF"JD -News. It \ -1 necheduled


Sunday 3:30 to 4:00 P.M. Sponsored by Edwards Brothers

Colonial Mortuary

KECA -Songe of Nations. KH.1. KGB, KFXM, KV0E

Upton Close. KFWB-Want To Be lu Radio. KM'l'H -Bible Treasury Hour. KGFJ-Epecially For YOU. KFVD -Hank, Nlghtwatchmau. KWKW -Rev. Gagnon. KGER -Back to God, 711,Fsp -*I,jo M,As1.4erid,e,

Page 11: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History



Lutheran Gospel Hour E. Norheim, Pastor

3:30.4:00 Sunday


SPAS- i.utherau Gospel Hour 3:45 -KFI- Melody Parade.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Dick Brown.

4KFI, KFSD -Wayne King. -K

FI, Presenting

Corwin *KECA -Drew Pearson.

KHJ, KGB, KVOF -- Calling All Detectives.

KMPC- Baseball. KFWB- Unscheduled. KGFJ -Curtain Calls.

*KMTR -News, Old Fashioned Res li al.


REVIVAL Charles E.

Fuller, Director.

P. O. Box 193, Lus Angeles,


KNIT K-4:06-5:00 P. M. KPAS-4 :00-5:00 P. M. KPRIL-4:00-5:SO P. M,

REBROADCAST KGER-I:0O-5:00 P. M, KPAS--9:00 P. M. KFI/X-1O:00 P. M. KV0F:--10:00 P. M. KFX.M-10:u0 P. M. KI'MC-1U:00 P. M.

KI'AS, KPRO -Old Fashioned Revival.

KPPC- Alhambra Pres. Ch. KWKW- Sunshine Mission.

*KGER -News, Old Fashioned Revival.

EFOX- Sunshine Pastor. KGB- Leonidas W'itherall. KFXM- Sacred Harmonies.

4:15*KFCA -Don Gardiner, News, 4:30 -KFI, KFSD -Fitch

Bandwagon. KNX- Unscheduled KHJ, KGB, KV0E- Accent on

Romance. *KFWB -News.

KECA -Sunday Vespers, REVD-90-90 Club. KPPC- CIassies,

KGER -Colonial Tabernacle. KFXM-ABC-King's

Ambassadors. 4:45 -KFWB- Stuart Hamblen.

FY 13-Carter Wright.

5 -KFI, KFSD -Langford- Jones, Show.


MALE QUARTET KHX- Sunday, 5:00 P. M.

Inglewood Park Cemetery Ass's

KNX- Inglewood Park Concert.

KECA -Gen. Junius Pierce. HMPC- Baseball. KHJ, KGB -Mediation Board.

*KMTR -News, Whispering Vespers.

KWKW- Italian Novelties. KFAC -Bowling News. KGFJ -Twilight 'lime, KRKI) -- Anchor of Hope, KIND- Harlem Holiday. KPAS-Seabees. KFOX -Ile'.. Dilbeck.

KFXM -L. I). ri. S. Hymns. KVOE- Bethel Tabernacle. KGER -yews, Rev. Draper.

5:15- 1RE('A- Footlight Favorites. KFOX -De'.. Lyle Hale.

5:30 -RFI, KFSD -Eddie Bracken Show. KNX -Art Baker. SECA -Jerry Wayne Show. KMTR -Reformed Witness

Hour. KFAC- Christian Science. KRKD -Hour of Cheer. KPAS- Christian Memory Hr. KFOX- t'elvary Echoes. KFXM -Made in America. KVOF, -Civic Interest. KGER-- Colonial Vespers.

5:43 *HH.1, KGH, KFXM, KVOE- Gabriel Heather. KWKW- Variety,

5:33 *KNX -Ned (' aimer. 6 -KFI, KFSD- Manhattan

Merry -Go-' Bound. KNX- Quentin Reynolds.

*KECA- Walter Winchrll. KHJ, KGB -Steel Horizons.


*K31TR -News, Bethel Chapel. KFAC- Music. for Everyone. KGFJ -House Party.

*KPAS-News KWKW- Evenhog Serenade. KPPC-Light Classics.


PROPHECY Louis S. Bauman

SUNDAYS, 6:05 P.M. K G E R

*KGER -News, "Prophetic Word," (Antis S. Bauman.

KFXM -Ave Muria Hour. KVUE- Minister's Hour.

6:15 -KECA- I.ouellu Parsons. Hollywood Mystery Time.

KMPI' -Gay Nineties Revue *KFWB -Henry Charles.

KPAS- l'oiversity Explorers. 0:30 -KFI, KFSD -Album of

Familiar Music. KNX -Texaco Star Theater.

*KHJ. KGB, KFXM, K1 'OE- Cedric Foster.

HMPC- Mother's Album. KFWB -Round Table

Discussion. KMTR -Radio Bible Class. MOLD -Rev. Matthews, KF V D- Evening Serenade. KI'AA- Beyond Tomorrow. KWKW -Young America

Speaks. HPI'C- Speaking of Books, KFOX -Hat's Memory Room. KGEK- Lutheran Layman'

League. e:45- .KECA -,Timmyy Fidler.

KH.I. KGB, KFXM- Dorothy Thompson.

KMPC -Mayor Fletcher Bowron.

*SKSD -News, Browning. Kl'P(' -Story Time. KVUE -{ rage and Truth.

7 HFL KFSD -Hour of Charm. KNX -Take It or Leave 11.

RECA -Life of Riley. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOK-

Earl Wilson. *HMPC -News, Adohr Golden

Hour. KFWB -Vets Talk It OI-er.

*KMTR-News, Music. KPPC- Sacred Song Recital. KPAS -Ethel Holler. KWKW -James Townsend. KFAC -Open For KGFJ- Overture to Evening. KFOX -Olga (:raves.

7:15 -KHJ KGB, KFXM. KY0E- Thls Is Helen Hayes.

*KPAS-News. KPPC -Organ Recital.

KGB- Ramona's Minstrels. :30 -KFI, KFSD- Harold Lloyd.

Comedy Theater. KNX -1 Was There. KECA -One Foot In Heaven. KFWB -Rabbi Magnin. KMTR -Southwest Church of

Christ. KPAS --Church of Open Door.

*KWKW-News. Ki'PC -Youth Church. KFXM-Hi eh School finites.

7:05- KECA- Income Tax. KHJ -This Changing World. KFWB- Cathone Answers. K PP('- Masterworks. KGB -Columbus Boys' Choir. KVOE -Christian Youth.

8 -KFI, KFSD -The Great Gildersleese.

KNX -1 rime Doctor. KECA -Greenfield Village

Chapel. KHJ, KFXM, VOF. -Burn to

He a Star. *KMPC -News, Frank



King's Ambassador Quartet KMTR- 8:059:00 P. M.

Also 1u::I0 -1u:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

*KMTR -News, Floyd B. Johnson.

RFWB- Hollywood Presbyterian Church.

KFAC -First Methodist Church.

KFOX --- Christian Science. KGFJ -Walla Invitation, KGB -Time for Music.

*KGER -News. Chatawiva. 8:15 -BEC A- Pan -American

Rhythms KMPC -Washington Inside

Out. S:25- KNX -Song of the Week. 8::tu -KFI, KIND-Standard

Symphony. K N X- Blondie. KECA -Qulx Kids. KHJ, KGB. KFXM -Murder

Is My Hohby. KMPC- Everybody's Hour. KGFJ- Dancing Rhythm. KPPC -Word of Life. KVUE- Modern Music.

8:45- KPPC -Religious News. 9- KNX -Adventures of Bill Lance.

*KECA -Sam Hayes, News. *KHJ, KGB. KFNM, II OE-

News, Glenn Hardy. *KMPC -News, Organ Melodies.

RFWR -Union Rescue Mission. *KMTR -News, Figueroa

Christian Church. KGFJ -Show Time. KPAS -Old Fashioned Revival. KFAC- Sunday Evening Club.

*KGER -News, Bethel Church.

KFOX- County Barn Dance. 0:13 *KHJ. KGB, KVOE -Rex

Miller. KECA -Evelyn Bigsby. KFXM -Letters From

Servicemen. 11:30-KFI, RFSD -The Haunting

Hour KNX -Romanre of the

Ranchos. KHJ, KGB, KFX-II- Boston

Mackie. *KECA -News.

KFWB- Pacific Lutheran Hr KMTR -Voice of Prophecy. KFAC- Gateway to Music. KFOX-Rev. Eddie Driver. KGEK- Tuckin' In Hour.

9:45*KEC4- Washiagtoo Inside Out.

KPPC- Religious 'Sews. *KFI, KFSD- Richfield

Reporter. *KNX -Ten o'('lock Wire.

KHJ, KGB; :0th Air Force. KECA- Soldiers of the Pre'

*KMPC -News, Old Fashion' Revival,

*KFWB -Henry ('harles. *KMTR -News. Bob Brooks.

KPAS-Voice of Calvary. KG F.1- W esteru.

*REVD- Newsical, 3 Hours, RFOX -Rev. Fuller. KFXM, KVUI: gild Fashion

Reis al. *KGER -News, Della Collins.

10:13 -KFI- Chapel Quartet. KNX -Discussion. KHJ -Hawaii Culls. KECA -Allen Roth's Orcb. KFWB -Good News Hour.

*KMTK -W hat's Cp? *KFAC -News.


Inside the News

with Mr. Carveth Wells


10:30 *KFI -Cars el h Wells, Inside the News.

KN \- Tomnty 'Tucker *KKI'A- News.

KHJ, KGB -Chet Stewart's Orch.

KMTR -Wingy Monone. KFAC -Music for Listening KI'.AS- Bright Corner Char

*KFVD- Newiséal. KGER -Youth Center.

10:45*KFI, KFSD -News. KF.('A- Week -end Feature. KFW B- Musicale. KMTR-Denny Berliner Or

11KFI -America Coiled. *KNX -News, Tommy Durse;

KECA -Tunes Tidings. KHJ, KGB- Slofunletta.

*HMPC -News, Masters' Hoc KFWB - Gospel and Song.

*KMTR -News, Music, KFAC -Lueky Luger Dance

Time. KGF.i -Open Album.

*KIND- Newsical, 'cil 9 a., KFOX -Merl Lindsay's Bau

Il :l5 -KFI- Pacifie Story. 11::0 -KNX -Charlie Barnett.

KPAS- Shep's playhouse. KFWB -Johnny Cumes Hor KMTR-Rev. I.. C. Page. KGF.1 -Blue of Evening,

11:30- KF('A- Bridge to Dreamla K PAS- Shepp's Pleylouse.

11:45 -KFI, KFSD -St. Francis' lit *KHJ. KGB -News.

KFWIS- Treasury Salute. KGFJ- What's Up?

II:55 *KFI, KNX, KFWB- News.

SONG OF NORWAY KGJF presents the musical score to

"Song of Norway" Friday, June 15 on "Musical Digest," 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Based upon the life and music of Ed- uard Grieg, this score was arranged by Wright and Forrest, and stars Irra Petina and Robert Weede.

BATTLE -LINE BAEDEKERS Both NBC's Jack Benny and Keenan

Wynn are completing plans for over- seas entertainment tours.


A touchy problem encountered by mothers who have two children was solved by Art Linkletter during a recent CBS "House Party" broadcast. Linkletter told the audience how he always has great difficulty with his two children, Dawn and Arthur Jack when it cómes to dividing desserts. He finally adopted King Solomon's sterling rule! Let one of the children cut the dessert, and let the other have first choice!

NEW SONG HITS KWKW's program "New Song Hi

features original songs, never befi heard on the air: Electrical trt scriptions, cut in Hollywood, introdt these hits of tomorrow. The show heard Monday thru Friday at 3:30 p

Paul Scott brings poetry, philosop and selected music to his listeners "In a Friendly Sort of Way" he over KMTR, Monday thru Saturc at 12:05 p.m.

Page 12: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

wew '?","8,60.1011"Plel"1,Sfe,FMNIWPS19,1+we.-r019lre+map..*+-",.'

MONDAY, JUNE 11 * Indicates News Bruadcacts.


ginning !dible ^ oilr

KFOX Mon. thru Sat.

lilbur Nelson

30 minutes with the Hymn Book and the Bible

rt '30 -8 A. M

8 -KFI -Fred W uring's PenoeyI aniane

KNX -Unscheduled KECA- Breakfast Club.

*KHJ, KGB. KF' M, KVOE -- Arthur Gaeth.

*HMI'(' -News. Norman Nesbitt *KFW'B- Pennell Reports. *KMTR -News. Western Stars.

KGFJ -Music Moderne. *KPAS, KGER -News,

KRKD, KFOX -Ur. Louts T. Talbot.

KWKW- Morning Devotions. KFVD- Covered Waeoo

Jubilee. KFSD= Finders, Keepers.

8:10 -HFW'B -Bands In Review. KGER -Soul Patrol.

8:15 *KF1 -Between the Lines. HNX- Vanent I.ady. KHJ, KGB -Korn Cobblers. KMPC-Market Reports,

Sports, KWKW- Hasten the Day. KFXM- Morning Melodies. KVOF: -War Casualty List. KGER- Mtzpah.

I:25- KPAS- Mlnute KMPC-Hutt le

8:30 -KFI- Miraody. KNX -Light of the World. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HYOE-

Take It Eas_ KMPC-Don Otis. KFWB -Help Wanted. KMTR- Christ ('hunch Unity.

*KFAC,y KFSD -News.

Prayer. Sports.

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

SPAS -Haven of Rest, *KRRD -News Headlines.

KWKW-News, OPA. KFOX-Rev. R. E. Reid.

8:45 -KFi, KFSD -David Harm. KNX-Aunt Jenny's Real Life

Stories, *KF'Wtt -News.

KFAC-Show Time. HFVD -Vocal Favorites, KWKW- Reveille Revue.

. KVOE -Bing Crosby. KGER -New Tribes Mission.

8:55 -KGB, HFXH, KVOE-Lanny s Ginger.

9 *KFI, KGFJ-News, KNX-Kate Smith.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- WBllam Lang, News.

KECA- Glamor Manor. *KMPC-News, Sweet Lelia'''.

Art Baker. KFWB -Dr. Reynolds.

*KMTR -News, From Treasury Scripture.

KRHD -Sagebrush Serenade. KPAS-Polly Patterson. KWKW-Res. ' Rhumas Beard. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus,

*KGER -News 4:05 -KFI- Edward Jorgenson.

KGER--- ('urtis H. Springer. `:15*KFI, HF'SD -Larry Smith,

KNX -Big Sister. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Mort, n Downey. KMPC-Hollywood Melodies KFWB- Rhumba Time. KFAC-Voice of Health. KGFJ-Medical. KWKW-Treasury Salute. KGER -Dr. J. A. Lovell,

:30 *KFI -From the Pacific. KNX- Romance of Helen

Treat. KHJ -Time Out. KECA- Brenemuu's Breakfast

In Hollywood. *KFWB, KFAC, KWKW-

News, KMTR -Bible Treasury Hour. KPAS-Harmony Homestead. KGFJ -Swing serenade.

KGER -Radio Revival. HFVD -Show Tunes. KGB -Serenading You, KFXM- Future Unlimited. KVOE- frayer, Service Band.

9:35 -KFXM -Old Family Almanac. 9:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KHJ -Tune Time. KFWB- Midmorning Melodies.

*KRKD-News. KWKW-Rev. Graves. HFVD -Here Cumes Parade. KGB -Molly Morse. HEIN- Design for Listening.

*NCX A --LToe

n y C aMrBe

e, Beautiful.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KMPC -News, Hits for the Mlssus.

KFWB- Kitchen Kollege, Chef Milani,

Marching to Victory.

KFAC-Midmorning Serenade. KGFJ -Racing News. KRKD -Turf Bulletins. KIND-Morning Serenade, KWKW- Metrnpolltan Scratch

Sheet. *KFOX -News. *KliKK -News, Pan -American

Fellowship. 10:15- KFI -Hollywood Fan Magazine

KNX-Ma Perkins. KECA-Ted Malone. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOti-

Something to Talk About. KMTtt- King's Men, KGFJ-Upbeat Session. KRKD -Dr, O. M. Richardson.

*SPAS -Scutt Newhall. KWKW- Hawaiian Echoes. K(iER- Kingdom Within. KFOX-Res. Emma Taylor.

10:30 -KF!, KFS.D- Albers Hour. *KNX -Bernadine Flynn, News. KECA -My True Story. KMPC-Stump Us.

*KFWB -Henry ('harles. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.,

*KFAC-News and Rations. *HWHW-News, Symphonic

Strings. KPAS- Woman's World. HFVD -Union Rescue Mission. KGER -Sunshine Pastor.

10:45 *KFI, HFSD -Art Baker, News. KNX-Young Dr. Malone. HHJ, KVOF Music, Lyrics. KMPC-Home Chats, KFWB-Science of Mind. KMTR -('are of the Body. KFAC-Between the (.Ines. KRHD -Midnight Missions KWKW-Gaucho Serenade. KGB -John J. Anthony. KFXM -Voice of the Army. KFOX -Dr. A. C. Michelson.

10 :55-KECA-Aunt Jemima.

111 -HFT, KFSD- Gullding Light. HNX -Tww't on a Clue.

*HHJ, KGB, KVOE- Cedric Foster.

*KE('A- Baukhage Talking. *KMPC-News, Mail Bag

Requests. KFWB -AI Jarvis,

*KMTR -News, Dr. Louis Talbot, '

KGFJ -Concert Pastelle, *KFVD, KGER -News. *KWKW -Baseball. Fighting

Americans. KFXM -Voice of Experience.

11:15 -HFL, KFSD-Today's Children. KNX-Rosemary. KECA -Ethel and Albert. KHJ, KGB, FNM-Jane Cowl KPAS-J. Newton Yates. KVOR- Women's ('lube KFOX- Spotlight Bands.

11:30 -KFI, KFSD -The Fitzgerald, KNX-Perry Mason. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, EVOE-

Queen for Today, KECA -Blue World

Correspondents. KMTR -Songs to Remember.


Spotlighting Peace.

EGER -Rev. Greenameyer. 11:45 -KFI -Hymn. of All Churches.

KNX-Tena and Tim. *KECA -News.

KMPC -Lud Gluskin. KFAC-Piano Briefs, HPAS- Western. HFVD -Violet Schram,

HFKFOX- Varieties.

I -Farm Reporter. KNX -Neighbors, Irene Beasley.

*KHJ-Broadway News. KECA -Mystery Chef.

*KMPC-News, Frank Hemingway.

*KMTR -News. Paul Scott, KFAC- l.uncheou Concert. HPAS -Hal Hart. KWKW -Blue Room. HGFJ Sweet and Low.

*KGFJ, KGB. KY OF News. *KFVD-Editor of Air. *KGER -News. Dr. Curtis H.

Springer. KGB, KVOE -News. KFSD -Women of America.

18:15 -KFi, KFSD -Ma Perkins. *KNX -Howard Petrie, News.

KHJ -Johnson Family. KECA -Gospel Singer. KMPC-Norman Nesbitt. K W K W- Hawaiian. HFVD- Luncheon Musical.

*KFOX, KFXM -News. KVOE- George Olson.

12:30 -KFi, KFSD- Pepper Young's Family,

KNX- Bright Horizon. KHJ-Mild and Mellow.

*KECA -John B. Kennedy. KMPC- Bridge Club, Robert

Lee Johnson. *KFW'B -News.

MONDAY Program Highlights Horning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8:00-Fred Waring, KFI, 8:1)0- Breakfast Club. KECA, 9:00-Kate Smith, KNX. 9:30 -Torn Breneman Breakfast,

KECA. 6:00 -Bogy Carmichael. 11:30- Spotlight Bands, HEC 7:00 -Guy Lombardo, KF,C 8:110- Supper Club, KFL 8:15 -Hedda Hopper, KNX, 8:15 -L um and Abner, KECA. 8:30 -Burns & Allen, KNI. 9:30 -Voz Pou. KNX.

War 6:15 -Salute to the Services,

KMTR. 6:15 -GI Joe, SPAS. 8:00 -Renter's News Dispatch,

KFWB, 10:15 -Pacific War Analysis,


Outstanding Music 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 5:30 -Voire of Firestone, KFi. 1:00- Musical Digest, KGFJ. 7:00- Contented Hour. KFI. 8:00 -Evening Concert, KFAC. 9:00 -Telephone Hour, EFL.

10:0O-Lucky Lager Dance Time, HFAC,

10:00 -Newsical, HFVD.

10:00- Eastside Club, KFWB,

Drama 5:30 -Tom Mix, KHJ. 6:50 -Lux Radio Theater, KNX. 6:15 -Real Life Stories, KHJ. 7 :00-Screen Guild Players,

EN X. 8:00- Michael Shayne, KHJ. 8:30 -Cavalcade of America,

KFI. 8:30 -Hawthorne House, KECA. 9:00 -The Whistler, KNX. 9:30 -Orson Welles, KMPC

Quiz Programs 8:30 -Better Half, KHJ. 6:30 -information Please, KFI. ':30- Thanks to the \snits. KNX. 7:30 -Dr, I. ti., KFI. 8:30 -Pay Day Quiz, KMPC,

Public Affairs 2:00 -0. W. Ideas, KRHD, 7:00 -United Jewish Appeal,

KECA 11:15 -Washington Today, KFI,

Sports- Comment 10:00 -Met. Scratch Sheet,

KWKW. 10:00- Racing. KG/ 0.1 KRKD, 3:45 -Santa Anita, KWKW 5:45 -Race Results, KGFJ,

EKED. 1:30 -Santa Anita, KMPC, 6:45- Broadway Bill, KWKW'.

10:30 -Sam Baiter, RECA.

KGFJ--Calling All Zones.

KGB -Club Reporter. KFXM -Farm Front. HVOE -After the War,

What? K(iER -Juke Boz.

12:45 -KFI, KFSD-Right to Happiness.

KNX- Bachelor's Children. KECA- ('onstance Bennett, KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Gracious Living. KMPC- Memory Melodies. KFWB -AI Jarvis.

*KFAC-News. KWKW-Singing Sweepstakes. KFVD- Violet Schram. HPAS -Tex Tyler. EFOX -Lucky l.ndy. KGER- Gardening School.

1 KFi, KFSD- Backstage Wife. KNX -G. E. House Party. KHJ -Think Hard Now,

*KECA -Time Views the News. *KMPC-News, Headline Bands *KMTR -News, Music.

KFAC -Dr. Helen Collier. KGFJ-Easy Rythm.

*EFVD, KGER -News, HPAS- Eleanor King. KGB, KVOE- Walter

Compton. NFU-Songs of Hawaii.

1:15 -KFi, KFSD- Stella Dallas. KECA -Radio Parade, KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Elsa Maxwell's Party. KFAC-Melody Matinee. KGFJ- Bienvenidos Amigos. HFVD -Moods in Music,

1:25*HNX -News, 1:311-KFi, KFSD-Lorenzo Jones,.

KNX-Feature Story. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Never Too Old. *KE('A -This Moving World,

GB Martyn. KMPC-Lady of Charm. KMTR -Dial and Win. KGFJ-Intermission.

*KRHD -News, Music. *KPAS-News. *KWKW -News, Memories.

1 :45-KFI, KFSD -Young Widder Brown.


Handy Man. *KECA -Buddy Twos, News.

KMPC -Juan Rolando. KRKD- Singing Waiters. KIND-Music City. KPAS-Gardening. KFOX- Concert Master.

1:50 -KECA- Reserve.

2 -KFI. SFSD -When a Girl Marries.

KNX-Evelyn Winter. *KHJ-This Changing World.

KECA- What's Doln,' Ladies? *KMPC- News, Sweet Leilanl, *KMTR -News, Dial and Win.

KFAC -Paradise Isle, HRKH -O, W. Ideas. KGFJ -Town Crier. KFVD -Timely Tunes. KWKW-Club 811. KGER -Security Conference. KFXM -Our Towq, Social

Security. *KGB -News.

2:15 -KFI, KFSD- Portia Faces Life.

KNX-Sert ice Time, KHJ -Today on the Coast. KMPC-Pan-Americana. KFAC-Memory Musicals, SFOX- Public Bulletin.

2:30 -KFI, KFSD -,lust Plain Bill KNX-Meet the Missals. KHJ -The Smoothies. KECA -Frances Scully. KMPC -King ('ole Trio, KFWB-Bert Fiske. KKKD- Baseball Scores.

*KWKW-News, KFOX- Western Songs.

t:43 -IFI. SFSD -Front Pap Farll. KNJ KGB, KVOE -Radie

Tour, KECA- Memories in Melody. KMP(' -Bing Crosby. *KFV D -News.

3 -KFI-Road of Life. KNX -Housewives Protective

League. *KL('A -Three "Clock News. *KHJ, KGER, KFSD -News.

KFAC- Famous Musical Favorites.

*KMPC -News, Swing Shift. KFWB-Melody Matinee.

*KMTR -News, Music. KGFJ-Jack Pot, KRKD-Victory Queen Contest

*KPAS -Listeners' Digest. KWKW- Studio Center. KGB, EVOE- Griffin

Reporting HFXH- Prayer, News,

Brevities. KFOX-Buddy Cole.

Page 13: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

3:1.5 -':FI -Joyce Jordan, M.D. KECA -Walkie Talkie. KHJ-Happy Homes, Nonna

Young. KPAS -Juke Box Matinee 'til

5:15 p.m. KW'HW- Reflection in Music. KFOX-Mr. & Mrs. America. KGB -John Kirby's Oreh. HVOE --Of Chic Interest. KFSD -Road of Life.

3:30 -KFI- Woman of America. KNX -Jimmy Carroll Singe. KECA- Louise Massey &

Westerners. KFWB-Sweet Lellani,

Victorious Living. HMTR- Pianos. KGFJ-Orchestra du Jour.

*RRHD -News, Music. KFVD- Popular Favorites.

*KWKW -Off the Press. KGB -Art Baker. HVOE- Newspiv Melodies. KFOX -Hollywood Salon. HOER-Cheerful Chat.

3:45 -K17, HFSD -Allot Mary. HNX -The World Today. KHJ-Bill Hay Reads the

Bible. KECA- Reserve. HMPC- Paramount Parade. HFW'B -Jazz. HMTR- Hawallan Village.

*HFAC -News KGB, KFIC , KV'0E-

Johnson Family. HWHW -Santa Anita Handi-

cap. i:55*104X -Bob Trout. 4 -KFI, KFSD -One Woman's

Secret. RN C- Potluck Party.

*KECA -Headline Edition. *

News, KGB,

KFL , jr.oE- *HMPC -News, Sweet Leilani.

KFWB- Woman's World. *HMTR -News, Win Moren.


Gems of Melody 4.5 P. M., KFAC -1330

Ask for fres program at Slavick Jewelry Co.

HFAC -Musical Masterpieces. HGFJ -Variations.

*KGER-News, Helene Smith. HFSD -Plano Selections. HWKW- Speaking of Sports.

4:15 *KFI, HFSD -News of the World.

*KECA -Raymond Gram Swing.

KHJ, KGB, HFSM, HVOE- Rex Miller.

KMPC -Garrett's Varieties. *HEWS -Vocal Varieties,

News. HWHW- Theater Guide.

Music. *KFVD -News.

RRHD- Movieland Quiz. 1:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook.

HNC -Open House. KECA -Gen. Junius Pierce.

Comment. KHJ -San Francisco Sketches. HMPC -Hit Parade Tunes, KRKD-Tunes of the Day. HGFJ- Air- o- torlals, Stylings

in Blue. HWHW -C itizens Committee. KGB -Songs of Praise. KFXM-Dr. Philip M. Lovell. IS VOE- Treasury Salute. HFSD -Black & White.

1:45- KECA -Hop Harrigan. KHJ-Frolics. KM PC-Modern Romances. KFW'B- Stuart Hamblen.

H RHD-N ews, "'WITH-Piano Moods. KFOX -Art Dickinson. KGB -Tommy Harris Time.

*KFSD -H. V. Kaltenbora. 4:55 -HNX -Organ Interlude.


*KFI -H. V. Kaltenborn. KNX-Man Named Jordan. KECA -Terry and the Pirates.

*HHJ. KGB, KFSM, HVOE- Sam Hayes.

*HMI'(' -News, Teen and Twenty.

*KMTR-News. Music. KGF.hlire at 5. KRKD-Songs of the Saddle. KWKW-Speaking of Sports.

*KGER-News. 5:15*11FI. HFSD -News.

HNX- Through a Woman' Eyes.


Superman. KMTR -Salute to the Services.

*HFAC, HFVD, KFSD- News. HWHW -Manin Anita.

*II PAS-Sidney Roger. 5:30 -HF!, HFSD -1 nice of

Firestone. *HNX -Nelson Pringle.

KECA -lock Armstrong. KHJ, KGB. KFXM. HVOE-

Adventures of Tom Mix. .... HMTR -Irwin Alien. HFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KGFJ -Race Recap. KIND-9O -9e Club. KREID -Race Results. KPAS-Juke Box Matinee. KWKW- American -Jewish Hr. RGER- Security Conference.

5:45 *HNX -News, Truman Bradley. HE(' A-Capta in Midnight.

*KHJ. KGB, HFXM, KVOE- Night News Wire.

HMPC -Help Wanted. *HMTR -K. Louis Platen,

News. *KGFJ-Notes Sketches.

KFVD -Evening Concert. 5:55 *HNX -Bill Henry. 6 -KFI, HMI-Hoagy

Carmichael. HNC -Lux Radio Theater.


News, Gabriel "Dotter. *KMPC -News, Norman Nesbitt *KFWB. KFOX, KGER-News. *HMTR -News, Tomasso En-

semble. HFAC -Music for Everyone. HGFJ -Musical Digest '(il

g p.m. HWKW- Italian Melodies.

KPAS- Hospitality House. 11:115-KHJ, KGB, HFXM, KVOE-

Real Lite Stories. KECA -Peter de Lima, HMPC -Ozie Waters.

*KFWB -John B. Hughes. KPAS -GI Joe.

Miracles of Science Dr. Arthur I. Brown

6:15 - KFOX, 1280 kc. Mon. Wed. Fri.

KFOX- Miracles of Science, HGER -Victorious Living.

e:30 -KFI, HFSD -Information Please.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM, AVOE- Better Half.

KMPC-Monday Varieties. HMTR -Clawson Triplets. HGER- Victorious Living, KFVD -Vaudeville. KPAS -Church of Christ. HWHW- Et enin Serenade. KFOX -Hat's Memory Room. HGER -Prophecy Speaks.

I :45- HMPC -Rhumba Time. HMTR- Treasure Chest. RRHD- Hollywood

Tunesmiths. APAS-Inside Facts. HWHW- Broadway Bill. RGB -Ships of War,

0:55 -KECA- Coronet Story Teller. 7 -KFI, HFSD -Carnation

('odtented Hour. KNX -Screen Guild Players. KECA -Reser e,

KHJ -Curt Massey. *HMPC -News. Dinner Dance. *RMTR -News, Music.

KFAC -Concert in Miniature. *RRHD. KGER-News.

KWKW-Maurice Johnson. HPAS -Help. Wanted. KGB -Eddy Orcutt,

7:15 *HHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Jim Doyle, News.

HNX -Ozie Waters and His Guitar.

HMTR -W. B. Record. HERD-Three Quarter Time.

HPAS- C.I.O. Reporter. HWHW- Evening Musical.

7 :30- H FI, HFSD -D r. I. Q. KNX-Thanks to the Yanks. KECA- Reunion U. 8. A. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Lone Ranger. *HF MB -News.

HMTR -Dr. Clem Davies, HFAC- Musical Jewel Box.

*HWHW-News, Variety. KGER- Gospel Hour.

7:45 *KFWB, HFOX -Major Hubert Turner, Comment.

*KFAC-News. SKFI, HFSD -Perry Como. HNX -Jerk Kirkwood Show. KECA -Easy Aces.

*KECA -News. F M PC -Orson Welles.

*K I'N'B -Henry Charles. Kl'AS -Life and Health. KGB -Lew Dliamond's Oreh. KVOE -Munie for Millions.



Private Detective" Adventure Intrigue


RAJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Michael Shayne.

*KMPC-News, Frank Hemingway.

*KFWB- Reuters News Dispatches.


and King's Ambassador Quartet

KMTR -8:059:00 P. M. Also 10:30 -10:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

*HMTR -News, Floyd B. Johnston.

HF AC-Es ening Concert. K(.1'.1-Of Words and Verse. *II PAS-News.

:15 *EFT, /MD-Fleetwood Lawton.

KNX-Hedda Hopper. KECA -Lum and Abner. KMPC -Floyd A. Allen. KFWB- Warner Bros.' Orch. HGFJ -Show Time.

5:30 -Rn , HFSD -Cavalcade of America.

KNX -Burns and Allen. KECA- Hawthorne House.



Man. 8:3OpM.KM PC HMPC -Pay Day Quiz,

*KFWB- News. HGFJ -Dancing Rhythm. HPAS- Western Melody.

S:45 *KECA, HPAS -News. KFWB- Pa n -A -Must -Cana. HGFJ -Community

Broadcasters. 0 :55*KNX-News.

9 HFf, KFSD- Telephone Hour. RNS -The Whistler. KECA -Blind Date.

*KH.1, KGB. HFXM, HVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KM P(' -News. Frew tie Time. *HFW'B -Peter de Lima. *HMTR -News, Texas Jim

Lewis. KGFJ- $aludos Amigoe.

9:15 *HHJ. KGB, KFXM, HYDE-- Cecil Brown, News.

*HMPC -Dean Dickason. KFWB- Manpower.

8:30 -KFI- Hollywood Bowl Auditions.

HNX -Vox Pop. KHJ-Feeling is Mutual.

0:45 -KECA -Hobby Hours. KHJ, KGB, HVOE- Mutual

Musicale. *KFWB -Sam Baiter. *KFI. HFSD- RIehfield.

Reporter. *KNX -Ten &Clock Wire.


Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside the News * with

Mr. Carveth Wells


*KECA- Hollywood Spotlight, Geore Fisher.

*KHJ, GB, KFXM, HVOE- Fulton Lewis jr.

*KMPC -News, Dance Parade.


10 fo 12 P. M. Ivory Nl /octet seed.,'

ICFWB eerie.', rl.o1 Deeds ('

KFWB- Easteide Club. *KMTR- News, Bob Brooks.

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KGFJ-B. & R. Cowboys. RPM-Western Hit Parade,

KFVD- Newsiest, 3 Hours. 10 :15-KFI-Unseen Enemy.

HNX -Pacific War Analysis. KECA -Martha Meare.

*HH.1, KGB. KFXM-News. KMTR-What's Vp?

10:30'kKFI- Carveth Wella, Inside the News.

KNX-World's Most Honored Music.

KECA -Sports Book. KHJ-Johnson Family. HMTR -Wing Monona. HGFJ -Western.

10:45 -KFI -Ole Corral. KHJ- Neblett's "So the Story Goes." HMTR -Denny Beckaer Orch.

11 *KFI, KHJ-News.

*HNX -Jim Wyatt. KECA -Tunes, Tidings.

*KMP(' -News. Motion Pictur. Briefs.

HEWS- Eastside Club. *RMTR -News, Win Morro.

KGF.1 -Open Album. HPAS- Shep'e Playhouse.

*KFVD- Newsical. 11 :15-KFI-Sing for th. 7th,

*HNX -Name in News. KHJ. KGB, Kt 0E--Carlos

Molina's Oren. KM PC-Rhythm 'til Midnight KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. 11:20- KFI -It Happened Today.

KNX-Milton ('harles. 11:30 -KFI. KFSD-Eddie Rey wood'

Orch. *KECA -News, Dixie

Hospitality. KHJ, KGB, ATOE -King Cole

Trio. HGFJ -Blue of Evening.

*KFVD- Newsical, 4i1 1 a.m. 11 :45*KHJ, KGB. KFSD -News.

KGFJ-What's Up? 11 :55*KFI. HNX. KFWB-News.

Page 14: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History


TUESDAY, JUNE 12 Indicates Nen -s Broadcasts.


7A M

KHJ Scotch triple .4000 C /Hasa

Central Chevrolet Co. present.

"Sunny Side Up" 7:05 a.m. Mon. thru Sat.

8 11 -Fred Waring. HKNX- Tnseheduled.

KECA- Breakfast Club. *KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Arthur Garth. *KMPC -News. Norman Nesbitt. *KFWB -Pennell Reports. *RMTR -New. Western Stars.

KFAC- Coontr' ('Intrrh of ' Hollywood.

KGFJ -Mash ?Indorene. *SPAS. RG1;6 -News.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KRRI). KFOX -Hasen of Rest. KV.KW-Morning Devotions. REVD-Covered Wagon

Jubilee. KFSD -Finders. Keepers.

.:15 *KFI- Betwrrn the Lines. KNX- Valiant Lady. KHJ, KGB -Korn Kobblers. KMPC-Market Report. Sports. NPR It-Bands in Review. KWKW -Reu eilte Revue. KFXM- Morning Melodies. KFS1) -( d ('hoer. KVOF:- Y1 or Casualty List. KGER- Mizpali.

41:25 -KMPC- Hattie, Sports. I :30 -K FI -M i ra ndy.

KNX- licht of the World. KHJ, KGB, HV'OE -Take It

Easy. KMPC -Don Otis. KFWB -Help %anted. RMTR -( hrtst Church Unity.

*KFM', KRKD, KFSD -News. KPAS-Baptist Brothers. KWKW-News, Reveille. KFXM- Sunshine Service. KFOX -Reu. R. E. Reid.

1:45 -KFI, KFSD -David Herum. KNX -Aunt Jenny's Stories.

*KFWB -News. KFAC -Show Time. KFV'D- Vocal Favorites. KVOE -Bing Crosby. KFSD -Dr. Reynolds. HGER -New Tribes Mission.

1:55 -KGB -Lanny S Ginger.

9 KGFJ-News. KNX -Hate Smith.

*KHJ, KGB. KFX.VI, KV 0E- William bang.

KECA- Glamor Manor. *KMPC -News, Sweet Leilani,

Art Baker. KF%B- Ilealth Talk.

*KMTR -News, Christian Fundamentals.

KRKD -Reflections in' Slusir. KW'RW -Rev. Thomas Beard. KPAS-Folly Patterson. KFVD- V \'altz Time. HFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

*RGER -News. .J:05 *KFI -Edward Jorgenson.

Comment. KGER -Dr. Curtis H. Springer

41:15 *KFI, KFSD -Larry Smith, Commentator.

KNX -Big Sister. KILL KGB. KF:X.M, KVOE -

Morton Downey. KMPC- Hollywood Melodies KFWB-Rhumba Time.

KFAC-Volee of Health. KGFJ- Medical. KWKW -Morning Song Parade KGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell.

9:30 *KFI -From the Pacific, KNX-Romance of Helen

Trent. KECA- Breneman's Breakfast

in Hollywood. KHJ-Time (hit.


KMTR-Bible Treasury Hour. KFVD -Show Tunes. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KPAS- Harmony Homestead. RGER -Radio Revival. KGB -l'. S. Marine Band. SIAM- Future Unlimited. KVOE- Prayer, Service Band.

9:1 5-Kí M -Old Family Almanac. 9:40-KFI-G. I.s Abroad.

KFWB -Sweet Leilani. 9:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KH,I -Tune Time. KFW11.- Midmorning Melodies. KMTR -Treasury Salute.

*KRKD -News Clifton. KWKW -Gospel Friends. KFVD -Here (times Parade. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM -Design for Listening. KGER- Colonial Tabernacle. KFSD -Ann Gibson.

10RNX -(.ife Can Be Beautiful. *Kill, KGB, KFXH. KVOE -

News, Glenn Hardy. *KECA -Tony Morse. *KMPC -News, Hits for tife

Missus, KFWB -Kitchen Kollege, Chef

Milani. *KMTR -News, Marching to

Victory. KGFJ -Raring News, KFAC-Midmorning Serenade. KRKD -Turf Bulletins. RWKW -Met. Scratch Sheet.

*HGER -News, l'an- American Fellowship.

*KFOX -News. 10:15 -KFI- Hollywood Fan Magasine

KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA -Ted Malone. KHJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE -

Luncheon with Lopez. KMTR- King's Men,

M(GFJ- Upbeat Session. *KPAS- News, Srotl Newhall.

KWKW -Hawaiian Echoes. KRKD -Dr. O. M. Richardson. KFOX -Res. Emma Taylor. KGER-Kingdom Within. KFSD -Heaven on Earth Club

10:30 -KFI. KFSD- Albers Hour. *KNX- Bernadine Flynn, News.

KECA -My True Story. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KS OE -

Paula Stone. John Britt,. KM PC-Stump Us.

*KF'%'B -Henry Charles. K51TK -Floyd R. Johnson.

*KFA(' -News, Rations.


WOMAN'S WORLD 10:30 -11:00 a.m.

KPAS Monday thru Friday

simian s or *KWK W -News. Symphonie

Strings. KIND -1 pion Rescue Mission. KGER- Sunshine Pastor.

10:45 *RFI, KFSD -Art Baker, News. KNX -Vnung Dr. Malone. KH.l. RGR, KVOE-John J.

Anthony. KMPC -Hone Chats. KFWB- Sclenre of Mind. KMTR- l'ersonal. KFAC- Between the l.iaes. KWKW- Western Serenade. KRKD- Midnight Mission. KFXM- American Mercury

Theater. KFOX -Dr. A. U. Michelson.

10:55 -KECA -Aunt .lemima. iiHil. KFSD- Guiding Light.

H NX -Two on a Clue. *KECA -Baukhage Talking. *KHJ, KGB, KVOE- Cedric

Foster. *KMPC-News, Bail Bag

Requests. KFWB -AI Jarvis.

*RMTR -Sews, Dr. Louis Taihot.

KWKW-Baseball, Fighting Americans.

KGFJ-Concert Pastelle. *KIND, KGER-News.

KFXM -Voice of Experience. 11:15 -KFI, KFSD- Today's Children

KNX -Rosemary. KECA -Ethel and Albert. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE -

Jane ('owl. K FVD- Musical Revue. KPAS -J. Newton Yates. KFOX- Spotlight Bands.

11:30 -KFI. KFSSD -Woman In White. KNX -Perry Mason. KECA -Blue World -

Correspondents. AWL KGB, KFXM, RV'OE -

Quern for Today, KMTR -Songs to Remember.

*KFAC, HFOX -News, *KRKD -News, Douglas. *KPAS -News. *KWKW -News, Spotlighting

Peace. HGER -Rev. Chas. Greens -

meyer. 11:45-KFI-hymns of All Churches.

KNX -Tens & Tim. KECA -News, Ted Meyers. KMI'C- D'Artega. KFAC -Piano Briefs. KFVD- Violet Schram. K PAS- Western. KFOX- Varieties. KGER -Bible Treasury Hour.

11:55 *R WK%' -News.

TUESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Llghtface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface

I"ariet y 8:00 -Fred Waring,. KFI. 8 :00-Breakfast t,lub. KECA. 9:00 -Kate Smith, KNX. 9 :30-Breneman-s (freak fast

Party. KECA. 10:00 -Chef Milani. KFWB 1n:30 -Paula Stone. KHS. lí:15 -.lane Cowl, KH.t. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook, REI. 5:30- Date with Judy, KFI. 0:30 - Fibber McGee A Molly,

KFI. 0:311 -Spotlight Bands. RECA. 8:00-Jack Kirkwood Show,

KNX. 8:00 -Perry Como. KFI. and Abner. [MCA. 8:30 -tinny Simms. KF1. 8:30 -Alan Young Show, RECA. 9 :O0-- Everything for the Boys,

KFI, If 'fir

10:15 -Pacific War Analysis, KNX

Drama 0:00- Mystery Theater, KFI. 0:00 -Inner Sanctum, KNX. 7:00-Nan tailed X, REI

7:30 -Red Ryder, KH.1. 7:30 -One Man's Family. RECA. 8:00 --Count of Monte Cristo,

KB.!. 9 :00 -Rig Toton. RNX. 9:30 -Downstage ('enter, KFI,


9:30 -Murder Will Out, KECA.

Quiz Programs 12:30 -Calling All Zone.. KGFJ. 1:00 -Think Hard Now, KHJ.

Outstanding Music 4 :00-Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 4 :30-American Melody Hour,

KNX. 6:00-Musical Digest. KGFJ. 7:30 -Sigmund Romberg, [(FL 8:00 -Evening Concert. KFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Tiene, KFAC.

10 :00-Newsical, RFVD. 10:00- Eastside Club. KFWB.

Pub1`Ic fairs 12:43- Books. KVOE. 6:30-American Forum. KHJ. 7:00- Sumner Weller. KECA.

10:30 -Congress Speaks,KNX. Sports- Çonlnlrnt

10 :tSt -Met. Serat h Sheet. KWNW.

1n:tst- Racing, KGFJ, KRKD. 3:45 -Santa Anita. KWKW. 3:15 -Belle Martell, KMTR. S:45 -Rare Results, HGFJ,

KRKD. O:30-Santa Anita. KMPC. 8:45- Broadway Bill. K%'KW. 8:1.5 -Baseball, KMPC.

MOO-Olympic Fights. KMTR. 10:30-Sam Baiter Sports, KECA.

Reporter. 11.41-Kr-Farm HN Neighy bors, Irene

Beasle *KHJ- Broadway News.

KECA -Mystery Chef. *HMI'(' -News. Frank

Hemingway. *KMTR -News, Paul Scott.

KI'AS -Hal Hart. K% KW -Blue Room. RFA('- Luncheon Concert. KGFJ -sweet and Low. KRKD- Prairie Schooner. KIND- Editor of Air. KFXM- Diagnostic Group. KFSD -Woman of America. KGB, HVOE, KGER -News.

12:15 -KFI. KFSD -Ma Perkins. *KNX- Howard Petrie, News.

KHJ- .Johnson Family. KECA -The Gospel Singer, KMPC- Norman Nesbitt. KWKW -Hawaiian Echoes, KFVD- Luncheon Musical. KGB, KVOE- George Olson.

12:30 -RFI. KFSD - Pepper Young's Family.

KNX -Bright Horizon. KHJ. KVOE -Mild and

Mellow. *KECA -John B. Kennedy.

KMPC-Bridge Club. *KFWB -News.

KF'. D- Violet Schram. KGFJ- Calling All Zones.

*KWKW -News. Variety. K GB-KFXM-Smoothies.

12:4. -HF1, 'KFSD -Right to Happiness,

KNX- Bachelor's Children. K H.1 -Lee Shippey. KEY'A- Constance Bennett. KMPC- Memory Melodies. KFWB -AI Jarvis.

*KFAC-News. RWK%- Singing Sweepstakes KGB. KFXM -This Is Musk. KVOF. Books. KFOX -Lucky Lady, RGER- Garden School.

1 KFI, KFSD- Backstage Wife. HNX-G. E House Party.

*KECA -Time Views the News. KHJ -Think Hard Now.

*KMPC-News, Headflne Bands *KMTR -News. Music.

KGFJ-Easy Rhythm. *RGER, KFVD -News.

KPAS- Eleanor Ring. KGB, KVOE- Walter Comp-

ton. KFXM -Songs of Hawaii.

1:t:, -KF7, KFSD -Stella Dallas. KV('A -Radio l'arade. RH.). KGB. KFXM, KVOE -

Elsa's Party Line. KFAC-Melody Matinee.

KGFJ-Biens enidos Amigos. KF', D- \tonds in Music,

1:25 *KNX -News. 1:30 -KFL KFSD - Lorene Jones.

KNX- Feature Story. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE -

Never Ton Old. *KECA, KRKD, KPAS-News.

KMPC-Lady of ('harm. KMTR -Dial and Win. KGFJ- Intermission.

*KWKW -News, Musical Memories.

K F'VD- Hawaiian. HFOX- Concert Master. KGER -Captains of Industry.

1:45 -KFI. KFSD -Young Widder Brown,

KNX-Danny O'Neil. *RECA-Buddy Twins.

KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE - Handy Man.

KMPC -Juan Rolando. KRKD-Singing Waiters. KPAS-Land of Mine.

1 :50*KECA-Edward Jorgenson.

2 -KFI, KFSD -When A Girl Marries.

KNX -Evelyn Winter. *KHJ -This (hanging World.

KECA- What's Doing Ladies? *KMPC -News, Sweet Leilani, *KMTR -ews. Dial and Win.

KWKW -('lab 60. KEAC- Paradise Isle, KGFJ-Town Crier. KFOX -Organ Treasures. KRKD- l'.T.A. KFVD- Timely Tunes. HGER -Rolfe's Band.

2:15 -KFI. KFSD -Portia Faces Life.

*{KNX -Sers ire Time, News, KHJ -Today on ('oast.

KMPC -Pan -Americana. KFAC -Memory Musicale. KFOX- Public Bulletin.

2:30 -KrL KFSD -Just Plain BIB. KNX -Meet the Misws,

*KECA- Fronces Scully. KHJ -The Smoothies. KMPC -King Cole Trio. KFWB -Bert Flake. KRKD- Baaeheil Scores.

*KW KW -News. KfDX-Song of the West. HGER -Security Conference.

Page 15: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History




OTTO KRUGER and Guest Stars in motion pictures

of the future


T:30. , KNX-1o7o


Farrell. KECA -Memories in Melody. RH.L KGB, KVOF Radio

Tour. TIM P(' -Bing \ Crosby, KIND-News.

3 KFI -Road of Life. JINX- Housewives Protective

league. *KECA -Three n'('lock News. *KHJ, HFSD, KGER- News. *RMPC -News, Swing Shift.

KFWB- Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News, Music.

RFAC- Famous Musical Favorites.

KGFJ-Jack Pot. KFVD- Popular Tunes. KRKD- Matinee Melodies,

*KPAS- Listeners' Digest. HWKW- Hollywood Melody

Time. HFOX -Buddy Cole. KGB, KVOE- Griffin

Reporting. KFNM -News, Devotions,

Brevities. 3:15 - KFI -Joyce ,Jordan. M.D.

*HNX -News, The Todd.. KHJ-Happy Homes, Norma

Young. HECA- Walkie Talkies. KMP('- Swingahift. KWKW- Reflections In Music. KP,1S -,Juke Box Matinee 'fil

5:15 p.m. KFOX- Hawaii Calls. KVOE -Civic Interest. KFSD -Road of Life.

3:30 -KFI -Woman of America. *HNX -News, Afternoon Dance.

KECA -Footlight F'arorifea. KEW R -Sweet Leilanl, Vic-

torious hiving. KMTK- Pianos. KGFJ- Orchestre de Jour,

*KRKD -Newa Headlines. *KWKW -Off the Press.

KFOX- Hollywood Salon. KGB. HVOE- Musical Matinee KGEN- ('heerfai Chat.

3 :45 -KFI, HFSD -Aunt Mary. *KNX -World Today, Bob

Trout. KHJ-Kill Hay Reads the

Bible. WECA- Reserve. KF W B -Jazz. RMTR -Hawaiian Village.

* RFA(' -News. KWHW -Santa Anita Handi-

cap. KGB, RFXM, KVOE-- Johnson

Family. 4 -KFI, RFSD -One Woman's

Secret. KNX -Potluck Party.

*KECA -Headline Edition. *KHJ,

lton KG11L.

K %I. KVOE -

*KMI'l' -News. Sweet l,eilani. KFWB -Bert Flake.

*KMTR -News, Win Morro. RGFJ- Varlations. REVD-Piano Selections,

*KGER, RFON- »ewa.


Gems of Melody 4 - S P. M., KFAC -1330

Ask for free program At

Slavick Jewelry Co.

RFAC -Mueieal Masterpieces. 4:15 *KFI. RFSI -World New..

*HNX -News, Music. *KH.I. KGB, KFX51, KVOF -

Rex Miller, *KECA -Raymond (iront Swing.

RMPC- Garretl's Varieties. *KFWB -Gospel and Song,

News. *KFVD -News.

KWKW- Theater Guide, Music KRKD- Movieland Qaiz,

1 ;30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notetrouk. HNX -American Melody Hour. KECA -Gen. fierce. Comment. RHJ -San Francisco Sketches. RMPC -Oar Fighting Heroes. KRRT1 -Tunes of the Day. KGFJ- Air- o- torlala, Stylitngs

in Blue, KIND-Tea Time Music. RWKW- ('Itirena Committee. KFXM -Dr. Phillip Lovell. HFSD -Black 'n' White.

4:45-KHI-Frolics. KECA -Hop Harrigan, KMPC -Twilight Tales. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. KWKW -Plano Moods. KGB -Tommy Harris Time. KVOE--Treasury Salute. KIXM- Musical Cocktail. KFOX -Art Dickinson.

5 *KFI, KFSD -Edward .lnrcen. Ion,

RNX -Mon Named Jordan. *KH.1, KGB. KFXM. RIVE -

Sam Hayes, News. KECA -Terry and the Pirates.

*KECA- News, Teen and 'twenty.

*KMTR - News. Munir, KI:F.1 at Five. KFVD -Evening Serenade. KRKD -Songs of the Saddle. KWKW -Speaking of Sports. KH)X- !sunshine Pastor.

*KGER-News. 5:15 *RFI, KIND-News.

KNX- Through A Woman's Eyes.

KECA -Dick Tracy. RHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE -

Superman. RMTR -Belle Martell. Sports.

*RFA('. KFV1) -News. *KI'AS ,Sidney Roger, News.

KWKW -Santa Anita. 5:30-KFI, KFVD -A Date with

.Indy. *KNX -Nelson Pringle.

RF:('A -.lock Armstrong. KHI. KGB, KFXM, KVOE -

Adsentures of Tom Mix. KMTR -Irwin Allen. KF'AI' -Whoa Rill Club. KGF.1 -Race Recap. KFVI- 90-90 ('hub. KRKD -Rare Results. KPAS -.Luke Box Matinee. KWKW- American .Jewish

Hour, KGER -World Security

Conference. 5:45 *KNX -Truman Bradley News.

KF:('A- Captain Midnight. *KILL KGB, KFXM, KVOE -

Night News Wire. AMP(' -Help Wanted.

*KMTR -K. Louis Flatan, *KGr'J -Notes Sketches.

KFVD- Evening . de. 5:55 *KNX -Rill Henry.

6 RFt, KFSD- Mystery Theater. KNX -Inner Sanctum.

*KILL KGB. KFXM, KVOE - Gabriel Hratter,

K F:CA -Çuy [omisarrlo Show. *RHIN-Newa. Norman Nesbitt. *RM'l'R -News Tomasso En-

semble. *K FOX. KGER-News.

KFA(' -Musir for Everyone. KG F.l- Musical Digest. 'till 8

p.m. KRKD -Early Ianestle. KWKW- Italian Melodies, K PAS- Future Pianists.

6 :15 -R F:(' A- Reserve. KHI. KGB. RFXM, HVOR

Jimmy Fidler. KM PC -Ozie Waters,

*KFWB -John B. Hughes. *KFVD- Nws.

KPAS -Mary Burke King. KF'OX -Dirk Ross. KGER -Rev. Burps..

6:311 -KFI. KFSt)- F'ihher McGee & Molly.

RNX -'The Doctor Fights. KE(A- Spot light Bands. KILL KFXM, RSOE- Ameri-

can Forum. KMP(' -Santa Anita Rares. KFWB- 'America Dances." KMTR -Clawson Triplets. KF-Erwin Yen, Organ. KIND- Vaudeville. KPAS -Church of Christ. KWKW- Theater Highlights. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room. ,KGER-Prophecy Speaks. KGB -Arch Oboler.

11:45- KMP('- Rlnumba Time. KMTR -Treasure Chest. KRKD -Hollywood Tuneamith. KPAS- Inside Farts. KW'KW- Broadway Blli,

6:55- KECA -Coronet Story Teller. FI, KESI, Man Called X 7 RHNX

-Sente to the Front. *KECA- Sumner Welles, *RMPC -New.. Dinner Dance. *KMTR -News. Music.

KEA('- ('norm in Miniature. *KRKD, KGER- News.

KI'AS -Help Wanted, KWKW- Maurice Johnson.

7 :15 *KH.1. KGB, KFXM, WIDE - Jim Doyle. News.

KNX -Ihie Waters. KE/A- Reserve KMTR-W. B. Record.

*KFVD -News. KRKD -Three- Quarter Time. KPAS- C.I.O, Reporter. KGER -Dr. Fagan.

7 : :Nt -RF'1. HFwD- Sigmund Romberg KECA -One Man's Family. K.H.I. KGB. KFXM, KVOE -

Red Ryder. *KFW'B -News.

KMTR -Dr. ('lem Davies. ¡MAC-Musical Jewel Box.

KRKD -Do You Know.

K N X- Hollywood Preview, *KWKW -News. Variety.

KGER-Kingdom Within. 7:45 *KFW'B, KFI)X -Major Hubert

Turner, Comment. *KF'A/'- News.

8 KFI, KFSD- Supper Club. KNX -.Jack Kirkwood Show. KF,('A -Easy Ares KH.J. KGB. KFXIItf, KVOE - ('ount of Monte Cristo.

*RMPC- News. Frank Heming- way.

*KFWB- Dispatch from Reuters'.

*RMTR -News, Grace Dotson. KEA('-Evening Concert. KtiFJ -tif Words and Verse,

*KPAS- News. 8:15* FI, READ- F'ieetwood Lawton

KNX -Musir That Satisfies, KECA -Loon an' Abner. KMPC -1net of Eking. KFWB- Warner Bros. Oreh, KlF.l -Show Time.

l ::W -KFI. KFSI)- Johnny Presents (:finny Simms.

RNX -Theater of Romance. KECA -Alan 'toting Show, KHJ- Elman's Auction

Gallery. KMPC-Charlie Mpivak,

*KF WB -News, RMTR -Central Church of

Christ. REPLI- Dancing Rhythm. K PAS- Western Melody. KFYIX -1'. E. Gardner.

. KFXM -- Spirit of Vikings. KVIIIE -Ships of War. KGER -Melvin Moomjean.

8 :4S -KFW B- Pan -A -Must -Cana. KGFJ- Corpmunity Broad-

casters. RFXM .Ships of War.

I:55 *KNX -News, 9 -11EFI, KFSI)- Everything for the Boys.

KNX -Big Town. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM. RVOE -

News. Glenn Hardy. KECA -Newa. *RMPC- News. Vocal Gem.. *KFWB-Peter de Lima. *KMTK -News, Trans .Iim

Lewis. H(: F'.1- Saludos Amigos.

8:15 *KILL KGB, RFXM, KVIIE - Rex Miller.

KECA- Musical Memoirs. KFWR .Strollin' Tom. KMIS' -King Cole Trio.

8:311 *KNX -Edwin t. Hill. RFI -RFI -Hollywood Bowl

Auditions. KII.1, KGB, RE \5I. KVOE -

r hn pl n in Jiro.




KECA -Homier Will Oat. KMPC- Frankie Masters.

*KFWB -Henry Charles. KFXM -This Is Poland.

KGER -S ,arkle Time


KFI . P.M. T



9:4S- KNX -Tapes :r:es of Life. nsrheduled,

*KFWB -Sam Baiter. RFXM- Muusie for Night. KVOF Smooth Performance.

*KFI, KFSD- Richfield Reporter.

*KNX -Ten o'Clnck Wire. 10

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside the News with

Mr Caryeth Wells

10:30 P. M. - KFI



KECA -Holly wrwul Spoi,.,.nQ George Fisher.

*KH.1, KGB. KE \51, KVOE, - Fulton Lewis. Jr.

*list Pt -'.rra., tu :uo'e Parade.


10to12P.M. l.rr PM* r.cyl )

KFWB s.rI,. , Hess, Mdc K1'W ls- 1:nsfside Chub.

*Kxl'l'R- News, Olympic I:F'AI -Lucky Lager Don,.

Time. RI: F'.1 -It A R Cowboys.

*KFS- D- Newsical, 3 Hours. KI'.' -% %.stern Hits, *K(.EH -News, 5' ictory

Sitssinn. LI :I: *FFI -Genre Polk.

*KNX -Pa, i fir War Analysis. *KILL K1 :11. KFXM -News.

10:311 -KFI- ('nraeth W ell., inside the News.

KNX- Congress Speaks. F11.1- .Johnson Family. KE('.A- Sports Book. KGF',J- Western Musir. KGB -Eddie (treat.. KFXM- Mystery Theater. KGER -Pan- American Fellow-

ship. 10 :4.5- KFI -(Ile Corral.

KNX -Behind the Svelte/S. KECA -Freddy Martin Orch, KHI, KFXM, KAOI:

Johnny Neblett. K1:ß- Amariran Forum.

11 *KFI -Eleventh Hour News. *KNX -.lint Wyatt. *RIIJ. KFXM- News.

KF:('A- Tunes, Tidings. *KMP(' -News. M. P. Items.

KFWB- Eastside Club. *KMTR -News, Win Morro.

KGF.J-Open album. KPAS Carter Wright. KFOX -Merl Lindsay Nile

Riders. 11:15 -KFI -Sing for the 7th.

*KNX -Names in News. KHJ, KVOF l'h.t Stewart's

Orchestra. KID1 P(' -Jnd ('onlon's Birch.

11:20 -KP7 -I apNnrd 'today. KNX -Tony Pastor Ilrch.

*KFVD- Newiscal 'till 1 a.m. 11:30 -KFI -Ray Herbeek Orvh,

*KECA- News. HGFJ -Blue of 1:s ruing.

11:45 -KNX -Charles Barnett Orch. KECA -Dixie Hospitality.

*HHJ, KGB. KFSD -News. RMPC- Rhythm 'fill Midnite. HGFJ- What's

11 :55 *HFI, HNX, HENS -News.

Page 16: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

ID-KM-Fred Waring. KNX-Unscheduled. KECA- Itrenkfa.t flub.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVAE- Arthur (melk.

*HMI'('- Newa, Norman Nesbitt KFIVB -I..A. Breakfast flub.

*KMTR -News, Western Stars. KGFJ-Music Moderne.

*KPAS, KGER -News. KItRD, KFOX -11r, Lonis T.

T811st1. KFA('- ('nunlrT ('einroh. KWKW- Morning I)rnotions. KFII)- ('onered Wagon

Jubilee. FLESH-Finders, Keepern.

'8:05 -KORB -Noni Votarl. 0 :18 *KFI -Bit wren the Linen.

KNX- Valiant 1.ndy. . jHJ. KGB -Korn Kobbers, MIe- Mnrkrt Report, sports

KWKW- Children of Light. K(ER -M izpn h. KFXM -Morning Melowlfrs. Kl'OM War Casualty List.

e :30.rKF1- Mlrandv. KNX-Light of the World. AlU, KGB, KFXM, KSOE -

Take It Easy. KMIK' -Songs For You, Otis. KMTR- ('brist ('hurelt Unity.

*KFA(', KI.51 -New..

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

K1' Xs-itaien ni Rest. *KW K W -News, Itet Hite Betue *KRKH -News Headlines.

KFY)X -Bet, R. F. Reid. 0:15 -KF'I, KF'SD -David Harum.

KNX -Ahnt Jenny's Real Life Stories.

KFA(' -Show Time. .t KWKW- Keteille Betue. KGB -Leo Huff Trio. KF'VD- 1 01'111 Fat.rites. KFXM- Sunshine Service. KGER -New 'Tribes Mission.

11:55 -KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E- Lanny & Ginger.

9 *KFI, KGF.I, KGER- Néws. KNX -Kate Smith. KE('A- Glanwir Manor.

*KH.I, KGB, REAM, KVOE- William Lang.

*KMP('- Newa, Street t.eilani, Art Baker.

*KMTR -News, Church Loks at Life.

KWRW-Ren. Thomas Beard. KPAS-Polly Patteratn. KRKH- Sagehrash .' tide. KF'VD- Waltz Time. KFOX -Firebrands for Jesus.

11:00 *'KFI -Edwit rd Jorgenson, Comment.

KGER -- herein I1. Springer. 111:15 *KFI. KFSD -harry Smith,

. Commentator. KNX-Itig Sinter. KILL KGB, KI\M, K\'0E-

Mnrton Downey. AMP('- Hollywood Melodies.


R. L. McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G.. Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London)

for the

McCOY HEALTH SYSTEM F:rery morning -Mon. then Frl.

KFM nt 9:13

K E.tI' -A oil e nt Healt It. KWKW -Treasury Salute, KG1'.1- Medical. KGtat -Res. J. .l. l.oteil,

0 :30 *KFI -From the Pacific. KNX- R.imtnpre of Helen Trent KHJ -Time 'Hut. KEt'A- Itreneman's Breakfast

In Hollywood. *KI'WB. KFA(', KW -KW -Kew's

KMTR- Itible Tremolo Hour... KI'VD -Show Tunes. KGF.1 -Swing Serenade. KVAS- Harmon) Homest end. K1 :F:R -Radio Recital. KGB-Serenading fou. K \ -IIE- National frayer,

Your Arthy .Sereine Forces.

KF \tt - future l niimlted. 9:3.5 -KF\t1 -Old Family Almanac. 9:411 -KFl% It -Sweet Leltani Time. 0:15- KFI -Ronny Mansfied, Sanga.

KNX -Dur rial Sunday. KH.I- 'l'une Time. K\ITR- Treasury Salute. KI'N B- Midmorning Meludien, KV,KW -Ken, Gott PR. KI'I7) -Here (times Parade. KGER- Colonial Tabernacle. KGB -Army Sernit'e Band. KFXM- Design for l.intening.

10 *KNX -Life ('nn Ile Beautiful. KH.I, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- New's, Glenn Hardy.

*KE('A -Tony Morse. *KMI'('- News, Post Parade.

KFWII- Kitchen Kollege. Chef Milani.

*KMTR -News, Marching to I ictory. KI.1'.I- Racing News. KFA('- Midmorning Serenade. KRKH -Turf Itulletinn. KFVD- Morning Serenade. KVAS -Mary Waterstreet. KWKW' -Met. Scratch Street.

*KFOX, KIiER- News. 10:15- KFI -Hollywood Fan M:tgn-

eine. AN X-Ma Perkins. KECA-' -Ted Madone KH.I, KGB, KFX, , KVIII'. --

Something Tu Talk ANott, KMI'(' -flits for the Miasun, KMTR- King's Men. KGFJ-Upbeat Session.

*KPAS-News, Scott Newhall. KWKW-Hawaiian Echoes. KRKH -Dr. O. M. Richardson KGER -Kingdom Within. KFI)X -Rea. Emma Taylor. R FSD -l'.T. A.

10:30 -KFI, KF71D- Albers flour. *KNX- Iternadine Flynn, News. KH.I-Sewing School. KECA-My True Story. KMP(' -Stump I n.

*KF'W11 -Heny ('harles. KMTR-Floyd B. Johnson.

*KFA(' -Hewn, Rations. &KWKW-Newn, Symphonie

Strings. KRKH- Samuiloff.

. KEPI -Union Rescue Misnioti KGER- Sunshine Pastor.

NOW PIERRE Maestro of the Chafing Dish

With Marion Lee WOMAN'S WORLD

on KPAS -10:30 A. M.

KPAS- Woman's World.

KFXM -Vincent Lopez' Oreh. 10:13 -KFI, KFSD -Art Baker, News

KNX -Toting 11r. Mplooe. KHJ, KGB. K\ OE -dnhn J.

Anthony. KM I'('- lltnte t'hnts, KEW It- Science of Mind. KMTR-Care of the Body. KRKD- Midnight Mi +.inn. KI'.11'- Be :oern the Linen. KW KW- Gaucho Serenader+, KI'\11- Treasury Salute. KI'IIX -Dr. A. l'. Michelson.

10:55--KECA-Aunt ,lem'ma,

1 KFI, I(FSD-(:aiding I.ight. KN\-Two on a Cine. KF('A-Bartklinge Talking. K11.1, K(;B, R\"OF1-('edrtc

Foster. *KM1'l'-Nenn, Mail Bag Re-

ones'w. K1'W-B-AI Jan is. *::ti f,:-News, Dr, !Ands

Ta I hot. KI:F.1-Concert Pastelle.

KI:1':K-News. Q

Flash BASEBALL SCORES By Innings -Major and Pacific

Coast Leagues.

Daily KWKW 1430 Kc

KWKW- tia.ehall; Fighting Americnns.

KFXM -A nice of Experience. 15- IlF'1, KIND-Today's Children.

KN X- Rosemary. RE('A -Ethel and Albert. KILL KGB. KFXM, KI'OE-

.talle Cowl. REVD- Musical Re( ue. KPAS-.1. Newton latex. KI'OX- Spotlight Bands.

:30-KFI. KIND -Woman in %bite KNN -Perry Muslin KII.I, KGB, KI'X3(, K\ IIF- Queen for Today.

*Kt.:CA -Blue World Corre- spondents.

KMTR -Songs to Remember. *KFA(', KICK!), KVAS, KF'OX

-News, *KWKW-News, Spotlighting

Peace. KGER -Bet. ('burlen tireena-

myer. :45- K1.1- Ilynun% of A11 Churches.

KNX -Tenn and Tim. *KF :('A -News. Ted Mc ;'ers.

KMI'(' -Roy Shields. KI'AC -Piano Briefs. KVAS -West ern Melody. KF'ON- Varieties, KFI D -V luise Schram. KGER -Bible 'Treasury (lour.

-KI'1- F'nrtn Reporter. KNX- Neiglilatrs, Irene

Beasley. *KW- Broadway News,


WEDNESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In .Ight fa, a 'l'y lie; Afternoon and

Evening Frog. ails In Boldface.

Variety 8:00-Fred 'Waring. 1:FI 8:011 -- Breakfast Club, KECA 8:00 -L. A. Breakfast Club,

XFWB 9:It0- -.Kate Smith, KNX -

9:30- Hreneman'a Breakfast, KECA

11t:Po -Chef Milani, KF \VB 11:1'. -.lane Cowl, XH.1 6:09 -Ethnie Cantor, KFI 6:00F'rank Sinatra Show, KNX 1:00 -Kay Ryser, KFt 7:311 -1,et Tourself Go, KNX eras -.lark Kirkwood, KNX B:InF- Supper Club, RH 8:1:1 -Gum and Abner, 'MCA

/T'ar 5 :i',- Salute to the Sert ires,

KMTR 8:00- Krntrrs' News Dispatch,

KFWII 8:11)- Telentsion, Test Pattern,

WOXI'Z, 8:30- Television. Scanning the

Globe, W6XVZ 9 :00 -Telen initio, Teletratrl,

Puppet Show, WSN%Z Drama

0:311 -Mr. District Attorney, KFI :111 -lwme Ranger, K11.1

s:311- Cnnnternpy, KECA 8:30 -Dr. Christian, J. Hersholt,

KNX 8:30 -Gay Mrs. Featherstone,

KFI 9:011 -The Saint. KNX

9:00 -Hark I- enturr, KE('A 9:00 -Mr. and Mrs. North, R1'1 9:30 -Ellery Queen, KNX 9:30- Hollywdral Theater, KF1 9::111 -Arch OMtler flay, KHJ

Quiz Prngra)nl 6 :30- Detect. Collect, KNX 7:30- Trans -Atlantic Quiz, KE('A

Outstanding Music 1 :0t- Musical Masterpieces,

K l'A(' 0:00- Masical Digest, KGF'J 7:00 -Great Momenta In Mioir.

KNX 8:11*- Evening Concert, KU \I

lo:0-1,ueky Lager Dance 'term.. KFAC

10:00- Newsieal, KIT II 10:1111- Eastside Club, KF'WB

Public if f airs 0:311 -Renders, Writers, KWKW

Spurts -- Continent 10:4s1-\lt, F. rat.'h Sheet,

K WNW 111 :Do-Raring. 1:t ;F'.I. 1: FEED 12:30- Bridge clods. KMI'(' 3:15-Santa Anita, KWKW 5:45-Race Results, KGFJ,

KRKD 0:30 -Santa Anita, KMP(' 0:15- Itr.adwny Bill. KWKW s:13- Itn.eltall. KMI'C

111:30 -Sam Bolter, Sports, KE(A

KECA- Mystery Chef. *KMI'C -News, Frank Hem-

ingway. *KMTR -News, Pant Scott,

KI:F.1 -Sweel and Low. Kl'.I('- Luncheon Concert, KFI'D- Enlltor of the Ale. '

KYAT: -Hel Ilnrt. KWKW-Item Room. KURD-Prairie Schooner.

*KGER -News, Dr. Springer. KFXM- Diagnostic Group.

*KGB, KI'OR -News. KI'KD -Human of America.

12:15 -KFI, KIFSD -Ma Perkins. *KNX- Howard Petrie. News. KE('A -The Gospel Singer. KM- Johnson Fancily. *KMI'l'- Norman Nesbitt. KWKW- llnwaiinn Echoes. K l'V11- I.unchcon Music.

*K PDX, It F'XM- News. KGB, KVOE- George Olson

Oro h. 12:30 -KF1, BUSH- Pepper Voting's

Fancily. KNX- Brigid Horizon.

*KE('A- .touret B. Kennedy. KH.I. KI'OE -Mild and

Mellow. KMI'('- Bridge Club, Robert

Lee Johnson. *KFW B -News.

Kl :F.1- Calling All Zones. KF'VD- piolet Schram.

*KWKW-News. Variety. Kt :EH -Juke Bon. KFXM -Farm Front. Mill-The Smoothies.

12:15 -KFI, KFSD -Right to Happl- ne.s,

KN \- Itnchelor's Children. Kt ?('A- ('nnstance Bennett. KILL Kilt, KI'\M, K10E-

t:rac' honing. KM PC-Memory Melodies. KFWI! -A1 Jarvis. * K FA('- News. KWKW- Singing Sweepstakes. KFOX- teuky Lady. KI:I:R- Garden School,

1 KF'1, KF'SD- Backstage Wife. KNN -I.. E. House Party.

*KE('A -Time Views the Newe. .SH.1 -Think Hard Now.

*KMI'C -New., Post Varade. *KMTR -News, \Ionic.

Kl'A(' -Dr. Helen Collier. KGFJ-Easy Rhythm.

*REVD, KGER -News. KPAS--Eleanor King. KFOX -Donee Time.

*K(.ii. KVOI': \l'aller Compton. KFXM -Songs of Hawaii.

1:75 -KF'1. K1'SO- Slelht Dallas. KF :('A -Radio Parade. KILL KGB. KFXM, KVOE -

Elsa Maxwell. KM 1'1 headline Bands. KF'AI'- Melody Matinee. KI :I'.)- Biennenidos Amigos. KIVll -Moods in Music.

1 ::.i *KNX, KWKW-News. 1:311 -KFI KIrD- Lorenzo Jones.

KNX- Feahtre Story. KE('A -This Moving World. KH.I, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Never Too Old. KM1Y' -Lady of ('harm, KMTR -Dist and Win.

*KRKD -News, Music. *KVAS -Newer. *KW'KW' -News, Memories.

hl: F'.1- lwtermissiito. RF'VD- Ilawaiie Mimic.

1:13 -KFI. KFSD- Vot*tg Widder Brown.

KN\ -Danny O'Neill. KECA-Roddy Twins. KILL Killt, KFXM, HV0V -

Ilandy Man. KMI'(' -.inan Rolando. KRKI- Singing Waiters. KVAS- Police hand, K F'O X- Concert Master.

1:Ml-K ECA- Resern e.

2-RF1, FLESH-When a Girl Marries.

KNX- Etelyn Winter. *1(11.1 -This Changing World.

KF :('A- What's Doing, Ladies? *KMI'l'- News, Sweet Leilanf. *KMTR -News, Dial and Win.

KFA('- Paradise Isle. Kill F.I -Town Crier. KWKW -('tub 00. RGER -long Beach Band. KI'I D- Timely Tunes. KERN- Safety First.

2:15 -KFI, KFSI)- Portia Faces Life.

KNX-Sert ice Time. MU-Today on the Coast, KM I'(' -Pan- American. KFA('- Memory Musicale. HG:lt, KFXM- Melody Time. K %'OF .-Meet a Friend. KI'SD- ('lassie Hour.

2:35*KNX- News. 2:30 -KFI, KESD -Just Plain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Mlssos. K11.1-The Smoothies. RIPA- Frances Scull RMI'(' -King Cole )'rio. KFWB -Berl Fiske. KRKD -Baseball Scores.

Page 17: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History


HFOX -Songs of the Rest. 2:15 -KFI, KFSD -Front Page

Farrell. RE('A- Memories in Melody. KHJ. KGB, KV0E- -Radio

Tour. AMP(' -Bing Crosby.


3 11-Road of Life. RNX -Housewives Protective

League. *KECA -Three o'clock News. *KHJ. KGER. KFSD-Newa. *KMP(' -News. Swing Shift.

KFWB -Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News, Music,

(MSC- Famous Musical Favorites.

KGFJ -Jackpot. KRKD- Victory Queen Contest KFV "D- Popular Favorites.

*KPAS- l.Jateners' Digest. KWHW -Studio Center. KFOX -Buddy Cole. KGB. H\'OE- Griftln Report-

ing. *KFXM-News, Religious News,

Brevities. 3:15 -KFI -Joyce Jordan. M.D.

HH.1 -Happy Homes, Norma Vnung.

KECA- Walkie Talkies. HMI'(' -Swing Shift. KPAS -Juke Box Matinee 'tit

5:15 p.m. KWHW- Reflections in Music. KFOX- Hawaii Calls. KGER -Food Makes Differ-

ence. KGB -Casa Loma Time. HV'OE -Of Chic Interest. HFSD -Road of Life.

3:30-KFI -Woman of America. KNX -Jimmy Carroll Sings. KE('A- Louise Massey S.

Westerners. *KFWB -News, Victorious

Living. KMTR- Pianos.

*KRKD -News Headlines. HGFJ- Orchestre du Jour.

*KWKW-Off the Press. KGB- Musical Matinee. KVOE- Newepix Melodies. KFOX- Hollywood Salon. KGER -Cheerful Chat.

3:15-KFI, KFSD -Aunt Mary. *KNX -The World Today.

RAJ -Bill Hay Reads the Bible.

KECA -Reserve. KMPC -Paramount Parade. KFW'B- Health Talk. KMTR -Hawaiian \ Illage.

*KFAC-News, KWKW -Santa Anita Handi-

AF\ D-Rhumba. KGB. KFXM, R\ "OE- .Inhn-

son Family. 3:55 *KNX -Bob Trout. 4 -KFI. KFSD -One Woman's

Secret. ANN-Potluck Party.

*HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV OE- Fulton Lewis, Jr.

*KECA- Headline Edition. *KMPC -News, Sweet Leilnni.

KFW'B- \Woman's World. *KMTR -News, Win Morro.


Gems of Melody +s P. KFac -gasa Ask

Je .dry Co.

Gems of Melody 4.5 P. M.., KFAC 1330

Ask for free procram at Slavick Jewelry Co.

KFAC -Musical Masterpieces. _

KGF.1- V "ariations. KFVD-Piano Selections.

*KGER, KEOS -News, 1:15 *KFI, KFSD -News of the

World. *KNX -News, Mnsir. *KALI, KGB. KFXM, K\ Ole

Rex Miller. KMPC- Garrett's \'ariettes.

*AFWB- Gospel and Song, News.

*KFV I) -News. KRKD- Movieland Quir. KWKW-Theater Guide.

Melody. I :30-KFI-Art Baker's Notebook.

KNX -Sansei Ranch. KHJ. KVOE -San Francisco

Sketches. KE('A -Gen. Pierce, Comment. KM1'C -Hit Parade Tunes. HGFJ -Air- o- torials, Stylings

in Blue. KFVD -Tea Time Melody.

HR'RW-('itizen (nmmitlee. B KG-Songs of Prnir.

KFXM -Dr. Philip M. Lovell. KFSD -Black 'ti White.

4:45-KHJ-Frolics. KNX-The Todd.. KECA -Hop Harrigan. KMI'('- Modern Romances. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. KWEW-Plano Reveries. KGB -Tommy Harris Time. KFX.M- Musical Cocktail. K\'OE -Music Matinee.

*KFSD -H. V. Kaltenborn.

5 *KFI -H. V. Raltenborn. KNX-Man Named Jordan. RHJ. KGB, Kl'XM. KVOE-

News, Sam Hayes. AE('A -Terry and the Pirates.

*HMI'(' -News, Teen and Twenty.

*KMTR -News, Music. KRKD -Songs of the Saddle KRKW- Speaking of Sports. KGFJ -Jive at 5. KIND- Evening S ade.

*KGER -News. 5:15 *KFI, KFSD, KFAC, KFVD-/

News. KNX- Through Woman's

Eyes. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, H\'OE-

Superman. KE('A -Dick Tracy. KMTR -Salute ta the Services.

*RI'AS -News. Sidney Roger. KWKW-Santa Anita.

5:30 *RFI -MaJ H. S. Turner. *RNX -Nelson Pringle.

KE('A -,lark Armstrong. HH.J, KGB. RYAN!. KVOE-

Adventures of Tom Mix. KMTR -lrwin Allen. KGFJ -Race Recap. RFA(' -Whoa Bill Club. HRRO -Race Results.) KPAS-Juke Box Matinee. KNEW- American Jewish

Hour. *KGER -News.

5:45*KFI, 'MD-Elmer Peterson. *RNX -News.

KE('A- Captain Midnight *KHJ. KGB. KFXM, K .-

Night News Wire. KM P( -Help Wanted.

*KMTR -K. Louis Flats. News..

Sketches. REVD- Evening Serena(

5:55 *KNX -Bill Henry.

6 KFI, KFSD-Eddie l'an KNX -Frank Sinatra Si: .

KECA -The Road Ahead. *RAJ. KGB, KFXM, K

C,abriel Heatter. *KM PC-News, Norman

Nesbitt. *KMTR -News, Tomasso.

Ensemble *KF%%II, KFVD, KGER, AFOX

-News. KF'A('- 5lusir for Everyone. KGF'.1- Musical Digest 'MI 0.

p.m. KI'AS- Pasadena Playhouse. KWHW- Italian Melodies.

6:15-11111.1. KFXM. KIOF -Real Life Stories).

KMI'( -Ozie Waters. *KFWB-John B. Hughes.

KFOX- Miracles of Science. 6:30 -KFI. KFSD-Mr. District

Attorney. KNX- Detect and Collect KECA- Spotlight Rands. KHJ. KGB. KVOE-Brown-

stone Theater. KSIPC -Santa Anita. KFM "It-America Dances. KMTR -Clawson Triplets. RFA(' -Erwin Sen, HFV'D- Vaudeville. KPAS- Church of Christ. RWKW- Readers. Writers. KEOX -Hal's Memory Room.

0:15- RMP('- Rhumba Time. KMTR -Treasure Chest. KRKD -Hollywood Tune -

smiths. KI'AS- Inside Facts. KWKW-Broadway Bill.

0:55- KE('A- Coronet Story Teller. REF. KFSD -Ray Kyser's Musical College. K X- -Greet Moments in

KHJ, KGB -Curt Massey. KECA -Niles and Prindle.

*KMPC -News, Dinner Dance. *KMTR -News, Music

KFAC- Concert in Miniature. *KRKD, KGER -News,

KPPC -Pasadena Civic Music Association.

KPAS -Help Wanted. KW'KW- Maurice Johnson. KVOE- \:nice of the Army.

7:13 *HH.1, KGB. KFXM, KV'OE- Jim Doyle, News.

KNX -Ozie Waters. s.m -rn -r. n. necorn. KI'AS -('1O Reporter. KPP(' -Organ Recital. KGER -Dr. Fagan.

7:311 -K\ X -Let Yourself Go. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, H \OE-

Lone Ranger. KECA- Trans -Atlantic Quiz

*KF WR -News. KMTR -Dr. ('lem Davies. KFA/'- Musical Jew el Box.

*KWKW-News. Variety. KI'PC -Let's Talk It Over.

7:45*KFWB. KFOX -MaJor Hubert Turner. Comment.

*RFA(' -News. AEI. AFSD- Supper (lob. 8 KNX -Jack Kirkwood Show. KE('A -Easy Ares. KHJ -Thu. Main Line.

*KMP(' -News, Frank Hemingway.

*KFWB- Renter's News Dispatch.

*KMTR. KGER -News. KFAC- Evening Concert. KGFJ -Of Words and \ erse.

*K PAS -News. KPP('- Midweek De%Minnal. WfiX1 "Z- Televfelon. Test -

Pattern. KG -t, KV OE The Shadow. KFXM -Soldiers of Press.


and King's Ambassador Quartet

KMTR -8:06.9:00 P. M.

Also 10:30 -10:45 A. 51.

Monday through Friday

5:115 -KMTR -Floyd B. .Johnson. S:15*KFI, KFSD- Fleetwood Law-

ton, Comment. KNX -Music That Satisfies. I(ECA and Abner. KM M'- Baseball. KFWB -Warner Bros. (lrrh. KGFJ -Show Time.

0:30 -HEIL KFSD-Gay Mrs. Featherstone.

KNX -Dr. Christian. Jean Hersholt.

RECA- Counterspy, KHJ M. KGB, KFX, KV'OE-

Fresh Up Time. *KFWB -News.

HGFJ- Dancing Rhythm. KI'AS- Western Melody. KI'P(- Pasadena City Schools. U'OXVZ- Television. News,

Scanning the Globe. .-K F W'B- Pan -A -Masi -Cana.

KliFJ -- Community Broadcasters.

KPP('- Occieental College. KGER-Grr,' n School.

11:55 *KNX -Ne-

9 HEI. KF ! -Mr. and Mrs. North. KNX -Ti' KECA -Dark Venture.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KFWB -Peter de Lima. *KMTR -News, Texas Jim

Lewis. KGFJ-Saludos Amigos. KPPC- Comments on

Classics. s WOXTZ- Telctravel. V ariettes.

. ":1S *KHJ, AG KFXM, KVOE- (eril P -.i .n, News.

KFWB -' olio' am. KECA -( larcmnat 'Orchestra. KPIY'-- Cvurtney. Moosen.

9:30 -KFI- Holl;wond Theater. RNS- Ellrry Queen.

*KE('A -Nens. KM. /. KGB. KFXM. KVOE-

Arch Oholer's Plays. *KFWB- Henry Charles.

KFOX- Midweek Meeting. KGER -Songs of Calvary. KFSD -For Adventure.

't7- KE('A -RcSby Flours. KHJ. KGB, KVOE -The

Feeling Is Mutual. KFW'B -Sam Baiter. KFXM -Music for Night. WCXV'Z -Hits and Bits,

Richard Lane. *KFZ, RFSD -Richfield

Reporter. *KNX -Ten O'clock MIre. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, K\'OE-

Futlton Lewis. jr. *KMPC -News. Dance Parade.

KFWB- Eastside Club. *KMTR -News, Bob Brooks.


eorge Fisher

with rveth Wells

KF.('A- Hollywood Spotlight; George Fisher.

KFAC -tuck Lager Danes Time.

*KFV-D- Newsical. 3 hours. *KGFJ -B. k R lowboys.

KPAS- Western Hits. 10:15-KFI- American Scene.

*KNX- Paeifir War Report, KE('A- teethe' Mears.

*HHl, K( ;B, KFXM, HVOE- News.

KMTR -What's Cps. 10:20- KFI-Carveth Wells. Inside

the No KE('A- Sports Rook. KNX- World's Most Honored

Music. K114.1- Jolln'on Family.

E11STS Club

10 to 12 . M. trsrr a1N tsss0t f-sbv

RF1AiB Awsrki . rkelf Hs4

KF'W'B- Eastside Club. KMTR -Wipgy Monone. K(iFJ- Western Music. KGB -Wings for Tomorrow. KFXM- Mystery Theater. KGER -Blue Stara and Gold.

10:45 -KFI -01 e Corral. KE('A- Freddie Martin Orch. KHJ -"So the Story Goes." KMTR -Danny Reckner Beck. HEX-VI-Ships of War.


J -News. m Wyatt.

KECA-Tuns. Tidings.

*KFRB- Eastside Club. *KMTR -Newe, Win Morro.

KGFJ -Open Album. KFAC- lucky Lager Dance

Time. Ki'AS- ('srter Wright.

11:15 -KFZ -Post Parade. *KNX -Names in News.

KH.1. KGB. KV0E --Jan Sarltt's Orel',

KMP('-.lud ('onlon's Orch. 11: ?0- KFI -It Happened Today,

KNX -Tommy Tucker. 11:30 -KFI, KFSD-Ray Herbeet

Orch. *KECA -News. Dixie Hos-

pitality. KHJ. KGB- Carlos Melissa's

Orchestra. KMPC- Rhythm 'till Midnight. KGFJ-Blue of Evening.

*KFVD- Newsical 'till 1 a.m. 11:15 -HFL --,Zoe Reichman Orch.

RNX -Charlie Barnett (tech. *KHJ, KGB, KFSD -News.

KGFJ- What'. l'p? 11:55*KFI, K1 'X, KFWB -News.

EATS ANYTHING "Elmer eats everything -

preferably t h e most expen- sive things," confided Ethel Barrymore to Director Martin Magner at a recent Blue net- work "Miss Hattie" rehears- al. Elmer is Miss Barrymore's Irish setter puppy. His phe- nomenal appetite is amus' ing, but has its serious side. To date he has devoured an album of Crosby recOrds, a pair of new bedroom slippers. two small rugs and 20 ration coupons.

Page 18: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

THURSDAY, JUNE 14 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

(7AM H1 K


Scotch Triple Action C /eenser

K I'1 -Fred Narine. HN X- Cnscheduled. KECA- Breakfast Club.

*KHJ, KGB, HFXM KVOE- Arthur Gaeth.

*KMPC -News, Norman Nesbitt. *KFWB- Pennell Reports. *HMTR -News, Western Stars.

K GFJ-Maaic Moderne. *KPAS, RGER -News.

KWKW -Morning Des Minos.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN Of REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Greco

HKKli. KFOX -Haven of Rest KFAC- Country Church. HFA It-Covered Wagon

.Jubilee. KFSD- Finders, Keepers.

8:05 -HEER -Soul Patrol. 8 :15*RFI- Between the Lines.

KNN- Valiant Lady. KHJ, KGB -Korn Kobblers.

KM l'('- Market Reports, sports.

HFR'B -Bande in Review. HWKW- Receille Revue. RGER- Mizpah. KFXM- Morning Melodies. HVUE -War Casualty Lit.

8:25 -K PAS- Minute Prayer. RMPC- Hattic Sports.

s:30- HFI- Mlrandy. KNX -Light of the Werts. HHJ, KGB, KVOE-Take It

Easy. RMPC -Song for You. KFR'B -Help Ranted. KMTR-Christ Church tatty. HPAS- Baptist Brothers.

*RRKD. KFSD, KFAC-News. *KWKW -News, Reveille.

KFXM--Sunshine Service. KFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid.

8:45 -KP7, KFSD -David Harum. K NX -Aunt Jenny's Stories.

*KFWB -News. KFAC -Show Time. KFVD -Voral Favorites. KVOE -Bieg Crosby. KGER -New Tribes Mission.

8:55 -KGB, K1'0F.- Charlotte Desble.

9 *10I, KGFJ, RGER -News. KNX-Rate Smith.

*HHJ, HGB, KFXM, HVOE- illiam Lang.

RE('A- Glamor Manor. HMPC -New,, Sweet Lellan',

Art Baker. KFWB -Dr. Reynolds.

*KMTR -News, Moments with

PPolly and Pat

ATTERSON Household Hints

KPAS-- '-9:00 a. m. Monday thru Friday

KPAS-Polly Patterson. KRAU -Sagebrush Serenade. KWKW -Rev. Thomas Beard. KFVD -Waltz Time.

t KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus. Oä16 -KGER -Çurtis H. Springer.

9:15 *HFI KFSaD- Larry. Smith. KNX -Rig Slater. KHJ, KGB. KFXM. HYDE-

Morton Downey. KSfPC- Hollywood Melodies. KFWB- Rhumba Time. KFAC -Voice of Health.

KWKW- Morning Song Parade.

KGFJ-Medical. KWKW- Variety. KGER -Rev, J. A. Losell.

9:30*KFI-From the Pacifie. KNX- Romance of Helen

Trent. 1811.1-Time Out. KECA- Breneman's Breakfast

in Hollywood. *KFWB, KFAC-News.

KMTR -Bible Treasury Rouir. SPAS- Harmony Homestead. *KWKW-Off the Press.

KGFJ-Swing Serenade. KGER -Radio Revisal. KFVD -Show Tines. KGB -Milt Berth', Orch. KFXM-Future Unlimited.

9:35-KFXM-Old Family Almanac. 9:40 -KFWB -Sweet Lellani Time. 9 :45-K FI-Ronny Mansfield, Songa.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KHJ -Tune Time. KFWB- Midmorning Melodies. KMTR -Treasury Salute.

*KRKD-News. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KWKW -Gospel Friends. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM-Design for Listening. KGER- Colonial Tabernacle. KFSD -Ann Gibson.

10- Reserve. KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful.

*KECA -Tony Morse. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV IlE-

Glenn Hardy. News. *HMPC -News, Post Parade.

KFWB -Chet Mitant. *KMTR-News, Marching to

Victory. KGFJ- Racing News. KFAC- Midmorning Serenade. KRHD -Tart Bulletins. KFVD- Morninz Serenade. KPAS-Mary Waterstreet, KWKW -Met. Scratch Sheet.

*KGER -News, Pan -American Fellowship.

*KFOX -News. 10:15 -KFI- Hollywood Fan

Magazine. KNX -Ma Perkins. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0F

Luncheon with Lopez. KECA -Ted Malone. KMPC-Hits for the Missi.. KMTR- King's Men. KGF.I- Upbeat Seesinn. RRKD -Dr, O. M. Richardson. HMPC -flits for the Millions. HWKW- Hawaiian Echoes.

*KPAS -News, Scott Newhall. KGER -Kingdom Within. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.

10:30 -KFI, KFSD -Allen Hour. *KNX -Bernadine Flynn. News.

KECA -My True Story. HILL Ku:lt, KFXM, KVOE-

Paula Stone, John Brito. KMPC-Stump l's.

SPAS- Woman's World. *KFWB -Henry Charles.

KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson. *KFAC -News, Rations. *KWKW- News. Symphonie

Strings. KFVD -Union Rescue Mission. KGER- Sunehlne Pastor.

10:43 *KFI, HFSD -Art Baker, News KNX -Young Dr. Malone. HHJ. KGB, KFXM, KV'0E-

John J. Anthony. RMPC -Home Chats. KFWB -Science of Mind. KFAC- Betnfeen the Lines. KWKW- Western Serenade. RRKD- Midnight Mission. KFOX -Dr. A. U. Michelson.

10:35 -KECA -Aunt Jemima. iHFI. HPSD- Gulding Light.

KNX -Two on a Clue. *KECA- Reuklsaee Talking. *KHJ, KGB, K%OE- Cedrie

Fester. *KMPC -News, Mail Bag

Requests. KFWB -AI Janis.

*KMTR-News, Dr. Louis Talbot.

KGFJ -Concert Pastelle. *KFVD, RGER -News.

KPAS- Thoughts in Poetry. KA %K W- Baseball, Fighting

Americans. HFXM -Voice of Experience.

11:15 -KFI, KFSD- Today's Children EN X- Rosemary. KECA -Ethel and Albert. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Jane Cowl. KPAS -J. Newton Vain. HFVU- Musical Revue. KFOX- Spotlight Bands.

11:30 -KFI. KFSD -Woman in White KNX -Perry Mason. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Queen for Today. *KECA -Blue World- Corre-

spponndents. KINTR -Songs to Remember.


*KWKW -New,, Spotlighting Peace.

RGER -Rev. Greenamyer. 11:45 -KFI -Hymns of all Churches.

KNX -Tens & Tim. *KECA -News.

KMPC -D'Artega. KFAC -Piano Briefs. K PAS-Western Melody. KFVD- Vlniet Schram. KGER -Bible Treasury Hour.

12-Farm Reporter. KNX- Neighbors, Irene

Beasley. KECA- Mystery Chef.

*K11.1- Broadway Newa. *KMPC-News, Frank Heming-

way. *KMTR -News, Paul Scott.

KWKW -Blue Room. Kl'AS -Hal Hart. KGFJ -Sweet and Low. KRAD- Pairie Schooner. KFAC -Luncheon Concert. KFVD- Editor of Air.

THURSDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety 8:00 -Fred Waring. KFi. 8:00 -Breakfast Club, KECA, 9:00 --Kate Smith, KNX. g:39-Breneman' Breakfast.

KECA. 10:30 -Paula Stone. KHJ. e 11:15 -Jane Cowl. KHJ. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook.

HFI. 5:00 -Kraft Mugic Hall, KM. 6:30 -1711b Burns, HFI. 5:30- Spotlight Bands, RECA. 7:00 -Abbott & Costello. KFI. 7:00 -The First Line, KNX. 7:30 -Rudy Vallee, BFI. 5:00 -Perry Como. HF'. 5:15 and Abner. RECA. 5:30- Phnnnchord Family Party,


Quit Programs

1:00 -Think Hard Now. KHJ. 9:30 -Noah Webster Bays, Kill.

Drama 5:30 -Tom Mis. KHJ. 6:30- ('orliss Archer. KNX. 5:00- Bulldog Drummond. HHJ. 8:30 -Death Valley Sheriff, E NX 5:30 -Hercule Poirot. HEU. 9:00 -Suspense, HN X. 9:10- Adventures of Topper. HFI.

War 8:311- Dispatch from Reuters'.

HFRB. 10:15- Pacifie War Analysis.


Outstanding Music 4:00- Musical Masterpieces.

KFAC. 6:00 -Musical Digest, KGFJ. A:00- Evening Concert, KFAC.

10:90 -Lucky Lager Dance Time. KFAC.

01:40- Newsical, KFVD. 10:O0-Eastside Club. KFWB.

Public 4ffairs 9:30 -Citizens Forum, KNX.

10:15 -Mayor Fletcher Bowron, HFI.

10:15- Chester Bowle., U.P.A., KECA.

Sports -Comment 10:00 -Met Scratch Sheet,

KWKW. 10:00- Racing, KGFJ. KRKD. 3:45 -Santa Anita, HWKW. 5:15 -Beile Martell. KMTR. 5:45 -Race Resulte, KGFJ,

K RK». 5:30 -Santa Anita. K.MP('. 5:45- Broadway Bill. KWKW. A:IS- Baseball, KMPC.

10:30 -Sam Hallier. RECA. 10:45 -Tom Hanlon.. KNX.

EFXM- Diagnostic Group. RFSD -Woman of America.

*KGB, KVOE, KGER -News. 12:15 -BFI, HFSD -Ma Perkins.

*K.NX- Howard Petrie, News. KECA- Gospel Singer. KHJ -Johnson Family. KMPC-Norman Nesbitt. KFVD -Luncheon Musical.

*KFOX, KFXM -News. KGB, KVOE- George Olsen, KWKW- Hawaiien Echoes.

12:30 -KFI, KFSD- Pepper Young's Family.

KNX- Bright Horizon. *KECA -John B, Kennedy.

HILE KVOE -Mild and Mel- low.

HMPC -Bridge Club. *RFW B -News.

RGFJ- Calling Ail Zones. *KWKW-News, Variety.

KFVD -Violet Schram. KGER -,Juke Bor. RFOX -March Time. KGB -The Smoothies. HFXM -Smoofy les. KGER-1390 Club.

12:45 -KFI, KFSD -Right to Happi- ness.

KNX- Bachelor'. Children. KHJ-Lee Shippey. KECA- Constance Bennett. KMPC-Memory Melodies. KFWB -Al Jarvis. KWKW-Singing Sweepstakes.


Music. RGER- Garden School. HFON -Lucky Lady.

iBFI, KFSD- Bacastage Wife. KNX -G. E. House Party.

Views the News. K11.1 -Think Hard Now.

*RACK -News. lost Parade.

KMTR edÑ,S %Thun ui /h -

570 KC "


*KMTR-News, Music. KFAC -FIRST. KGFJ-Easy Rhythm.

*KFVD, KGER -News, KPAS- Eleanor King. KFOX -Dame Time.

*KGR, KA 0E-Walter Compton HFXM -Songs of Hawaii.

1:15 -HFI. HFSD- Stella Dallas. RECA -Radio Parade. HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE--

Elsa' Party Line. HMPC -Headline Bands. KFAC- Melody Matinee. KGFJ- Bienvenidos Amigos. KFVD -Moods in Music. KPAS- American Chiropracties

1 t2ti*ENX -News. 1:30 -BFI, RFBD- Lorenzo Jones.

KNX- Feature Story. *KECA, HPAS -News.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE- Never Too Old.

KMPC -Lady of Charm. KMTE-Dial and Win.

*KWIEW -News, Musical Man- ades.

*KM/D-News, Music. HGFJ- Intermission, KFOX- Concert Master. KGER- American Challenge.

1:45 -HFI, HFSD -Young Widder Brown.

KNX-Danny O'Neil. *KECA -Biddy Twiss.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, EVOE- Handy Man.

KMPC -Juan Rolando. KPAS-Federated Women's

Clubs. KFVD -Vncal Varieties.

1:50 *KECA -Edward Jorgenson.

2 -HFI, KFSD -When a Girl Marries.

KNX- Evelyn Winter. *KHJ-This Changing World.

KECA- What's Doing, Ladies. *RMPC -News, Sweet Leilani. *KMTR-News Dial and Win. KFAC- Para,iise Isle.

KGFJ-Town Crier. KWKW -Club 80. KFVD- Timely Tune.. HOER -Long Beach Band.

x:15 -HF. KFSD -Portia Faces Lite KNX- Sersice Time.

*RH.1 -Today on the Coast. HMPC -Pan -Americana. KFAC -Memory Musicale. HFXM -Melody Time. KVOE -Meet a Friend. KFOX- Publie Bulletin.

2:25 *KNX -News. 2:30 -BFI, KFSD -Just Plain Bill

KNX -Meet the Misses. KECA -Frances Scully.

Page 19: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

RADIO LIFE KHJ -The Smoothies.

*KM PC-Youth Interprets News. KFWB -Bert Fiske. KHAD- Baseball Scores. *K W KW-News. Ilk-DX-Songs of the West. EGER- World Security

Conference. 1:45 -KFI, KFSD -Front Page Far-

rell. KE('A- Memories In Melody. KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Radio

Tour. HFI -Road of Life. HNX -Housewives Protective

League. *KECA -Three O'Clock News. *KHJ. HGER. KIND-News. *KMPC -News. Swing Shift.

I:FMB- Melody Matinee, *KMTR -News, Music.

}MSC- Famous Musical Favorites.

HGFJ-,Jack Pot. KFVD -Popular Favorites. KRKD- Matinee Melodies. HPAS- Listener's Digest. HWHW- Hollywood Melody

Time. KGB, HE OE- Griffin Report- iISng.

Devotions, Brevities.

3:15 -AFI -Joyce Jordan M. D. KECA -Walkte Talkies. KHJ-Happy Homes, Norma

Young. HMTR -Eugenia Clair.


MATINEE 3:15 -5:15 p.m.

KPAS Monday thru Saturday

SPAS -Juke Box Matinee 'tU 5:16 .m.

HWHW Reflections in Music. AFOX -Hawaii Calls. HGER -Ships of War. KFSD -Road of Life.

3:30 -AFT -Woman of America. KNX-The Todde. KECA- Footlight Favorites. HFW'B -Sweet Leilani,

Victorious Living. HMTR -Pianos.

*KRKD-News Headlines. *RWKW -Off the Press.

RGFJ -Variation, KFOX- Hollywood Salon. KGB, HVOE- Musical Matinee. HGER -Cheerful Chat.

3:45 -KFI, RFSD -Aunt Mary. KNX-The World Today. HH.1 -8111 Ray Reads tha

Bible. KE('A- Reserve, KFWB -Jazz. HMTR -Hawaiian Village.

*HFAC -News. KWKW-Santa Anita Handi-

cap. KGB, RFXM, HIVE-Johnson

Family. 3:55*KNX -Bob Trout.

4 -KFI, KFSD -One Woman's Secret,

KNX-Potluck Party. Edition.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Fulton Lewis, jr.

*KMPC -News, Sweet Lellanl. KFWB -Bert Fiske.

*HMTR -Win Morro.


Gems of Melody 4.5 P.M., KFAC -1330

Ask for free program at SI.AVICK JEWELRY CO,

KFAC- Musical Masterpieces. RGFJ- Variations. KFVD -Plano Selections. KWKW-Etpeaking of Sports.

*HFOX KGER -News. 4:15 *KFI KFSD-World News.

*KNX -News, Music, *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KY0E-

Rex Miller. *KECA- Raymond Gram Swing.

KMPC- Garret's Varieties. KFWB- Gospel and Song.

*REVD -News. KW KW-Theater Guide,

Melody. HRKD- Mol ieland Quiz.

4:30 -KFI, RFSD -Art Baker's Notebook.

KNX-Mr. Keene. KECA -Gen. Pierce, Comment KHJ, RVOE -San Francisco

Sketches. K111'í' -Our Fighting Heroes. FE FED-Tea Time Tunes. RGFJ- Air- o- toriaIs, Sty lines

In Blue. KRKD -Tunes of the Day. KWKW- Citizens' Committee. KGB -Songs of Praise. KFXM-Dr. Philip Lovell.

4:45 -KH,1- Froilcs. KECA -Hop Harrigan. KM PC-Twilight Tales. RFWB -Stuart Hamblen.

*KRKD -News. HWHW -Piano Reveries. KGB -Tommy Harris Time. KFXM- Musical Cocktail. KVOE- Afternoon Melodies, AEON-Art Dickinson.

S -KFI, KFSD- Edward Jorgen- son.

HNX -Man Named Jordan. KECA -Terry and the Pirates.

*KItJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Sam Hayes.

*KM P(' -News, Teen and Twenty.

*KMTR -News. Music. HGEJ -Jive at 5. HFVD- Es eoing Serenade. KRKD -Songs of the Saddle. HWHW- Speaking of Sports.

*KGER -News. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor.

5:15 *KFI. KFSD, KFVD, HFAC - News.

ANN- Through a Woman's Eyes.

RE('A -Dick Tracy. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

Superman, HMTR -Belle Martell, Sports.

*HPAS -News, Sidney Roger. KWKW -Santa Anita. KGER -The Whisperer.

5:30 *KFI -Major H. S. Turner. *RNX- Nelson Pringle.

KECA -Jack Armstrong. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Adventures of Tom Mix. KMTR- Irwin Allen. KGFJ-Race Recap. HFAC-Whoa Bill Club. HRKD -Race Results. KFVD -90 -90 Club. APAS -Juke Box Matinee. HWHW- American -,Jewish Hr. HGER -World Security

Conference. 5:45 *KFI, KFSD -Elmer Peterson.

*KNX-Truman Bradley. KECA- Captain Midnight.

*RHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- News Night Wire.

HMI'(' -Help Wanted. *HMTR -K. Louis Fistar,

News. *RGFJ- Notes, Sketches.

KFVD -Es coins Serenade. 5:55 *HNX -Bill Henry.

6 -KFI, HFSD -Kraft Music Hall.

HNX -Morton Gould's Oreb. KECA- Unscheduled.

* KHJ, KGB. RFXM, HVOE- Gabriel Heatter.

*KMP(' -News, Norman Nesbitt *HFWB, KFOX -News. *KMTR -News, Tema sso

Ensemble. HFAC -Music for Everyone. RGFJ -Musical Digest, till 8

p. m. KR/ID-Early Dancette, HPAS- Future Pianists. KWKW- Itnllan Melodies.

*HGER -News. Victorious Lhing.

8:15 *RE('A -Peter de Lima. KHJ. KGB, HVOE -Real Life

Stories. KMI'(' -(hie Waters. * KFW'B -John B. Hoehn.

*RFVD -News. HPAS- Calling All Americans. RFOX -Dick Rose. RFXM- Quartermaster Corps. RGER -Rev. Burp°.

8:30 -KF1, KFSD -Bub Burns. SNX- CorlIse Archer. KHJ. KGB, HVOE- Starfght

Serenade. KECA- Spotlight Bands. KMPC -There They Go. KFW'IR- America Dances. KMTR- Clawson Triplets. KFAC -Erwin Teo. Organ. AFT D- Vaudeville. KPAS-Church of Christ. REVIEW-Lyrics with Lucille. H FX M -OPA. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room.

8:45 -KMPC-Rhumba Time. KMTR- Treasure Chest. HRKD- Hollywood Tune -

smiths. KW KW-Broadway Bill. HPAS- Inside Facts.

8:55- -SECA- Coronet Story Teller.


tello, KNX -The First Line. KECA -R KHJ -Curt M

*KM PC-News, Dinner Dance. *KMTR -News, Music. *KRKD. HGER -News.

KFAC- Concert in Miniature. KFON -Jane Arden. KFXM-Trading Post. SPAS -Help Wanted. RUSK- Maurice Johnson.

9:15 *HHJ, KGB KFXM. HVOE - Jim Doyle, News.

HMTR -W. B. Record. SHED -Three Quarter Time. RIAS -CIO Reporter. KGER -Dr. Fagan.

7:30 -KFt. KFSD -Rutty Vallee. KNX- Romance, Rhythm.

Ripley. KE('A -March of Time. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

Red Ryder. *HFW'B -News.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. RFA^.- Musical Jewel Box. KWKW -News, Variety. SRKD -Do You Know. KGER -Mrs. Spencer.

:45 *KF'W'B, KFOX -Major Hubert KG ER-Mrs. Spencer

Turner, Comment, KM PC-Rhumba Time.

*KFAC -News. KGER-Rev. Thornbury.

-TEFL KFSD -Perry Como. HNX -Jack Kirkwood Show.

*KECA -Earl Godwin. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, VOE-

Bulldog Drummond. Frank Hem-

ingway. *KFWB- Reuters' News Dis-

patch. *HMTR -News, Gospel Herald.

HFAC- Evening Concert. KGFJ-Of Words & Verse.

*H l'AS -News. 5:15 *KFI, KFSD- Fleetwood Law-

ton. HNX -Music That Satisfies. KECA and Abner. KM PC-Baseball. KFWB- Warner Bros. Orch. RGFJ -Show Time. KFXM-Ships of War.

8 :30 -KF1, KFSD- Phonochord Family Party.

Death Valley Sheriff Thrill to another stirring episode in the career of Sheriff Mark Chase and his gossipy house- keeper Cousin Cassie.


ANN -Death Valley Sheriff. KECA- Reserve. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

A. Christie's Hercule Poirot. *KFWB, KGFJ-News.

KMTR -Evening Altar. KGFJ- Dancing Rhythm. KPAS- Western Hits.

S :45 -KFW B- Pan -A -Muai -Cana. KMTR -Property Owners. RGFJ- Community

Broadcasters, RGER -L. B. Youth Center.

S:55 *SNX- Wallace Sterling.

9 KFI. KFSD- Adventures of Topper. KN X.-Suspense.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

KECA- Adventures of Topper. KM PC-Baseball.

*K FWD- Peter de Lima. *HMTR -News, Texas Jim

Lewis. KGFJ- Saludos Amigos.

*HGER -News, Porter Barrington.

9:15 -HHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Rex Miller.

C I T I Z E N S F O R U M Spalding half hour discussion by lead- ing authorities on problems affecting everyone. A "muse, for good citizens.

PRESENTED BY C ][Ti Z EN S TAT l(1.1V LA( . zaa .% ® THURSDAYS KNX 9:30 F. M.

KFWB- Strollin' Tom.

9:30 -KFI, BEND-Noah Webster Says.

ANX- Citizens Forum. KHJ -The Shadow.

*KFWB -henry ('harles. *HE('A -News.

KFXM- Soldiers of the Presa. 8:45- KECA- Resery e.

-KFWB -Sam Baiter. KFXM -Munir for the Night. 10 *HF,. KFSD- Richfield Re-


Hollywood Spotligh with George Fisher

10:00 P. M. -KECA

Inside the News with

Mr. Carveth Wells


KECA- Hollywood Spotlight, George Fisher.

*SNX -Ten O'Clock Wire. *HHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Fulton Lewis, jr. *KMPC -News, Dance Parade,

HFWB- Eastside Club. *KMTR-News, Bob Brooks.

HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance Time,

*HFVD- Newsical, for 3 hrs. KGF.1 -B. A R. Cowboys. HPAS- Western Hits.

10:15 -KFI -Mayor Boss-ron. *EMI- Pacific R ar Report. *KHJ, KGB, KFX-vt, KVOE-

News. HMTR -What's Vp7

10:30 *KFI- Carveth Wells, Inside the News.

KNX- Sports. KHJ-Johnson Family. KECA -Sports Book. KMTR-Wingy Honore, RGFJ- Western Music. RPAS -Night Melodies. KGB -Eddie Orcutt. KFXM- Mystery Theater.

10:45 -KFI -Ole Corral KNX -Gayle and Charles. KECA- Chester Bowles, KHJ-Johnny Neblett. HMTR -Denny Beckner

*KFI, KHJ-News. *KNX -Jim Wyatt.

KECA- Tunes, Tidings. *KMPC -News, Music.

11 Orch.


10 to 12 P. M. rv,y alt, 6eept Seed.y

KFwB Aa,rke', /Neest tesis

HFWB- Eastside Club. *KMTR-News, Win Morro.

KGFJ -Open Album, KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance

Time. HPAS- Shep's Playhouse. HFOX -Merl Lindsay Band,

11:15 -KFI -Post Parade. WEN X -Nernes in News.

HMI, KGB, KVOE -Chet Stewart's Orch.

KMI'(' -Jud Conlon's Orch. 11:20 -KFI -It Happened Today.

HNX -Tommy Tucker. 11:30 -KFI, KFSD -Ray Herbecks'

Orchestra. *HF:('A -News, Dixie Hospi-

tality. KHJ, KGB, KVOF t arios

Molina's ()reheat re. HMI'C- Rhythm 'till Midnight. KGFJ -Blue of Es cuing.

*REVD- Newsiest. 'till 1 a. m. 11:45 -SNX -Charles Barnett Orch.

*HHJ, KGB, KFSD-News. KGFJ- What's í'p7

11 :55*KFI, HNX -News.

BLUE RIBBON Walter Tetley's Irish setter,

"Timme," won a blue ribbon at the Encino dog show.

Page 20: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

FRIDAY JUNE 15 I Indicates News Broadcasts. -RFI -Fred Waring.

K N X- Cnseheduled. RE('A- Breakfast Club.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, RVO Arthur Gaeth.

*KMPC-News, Norman Nesbitt. *KERB- Pennell Reports. *KMTR -News, Western Stars.

KGFJ -Music Moderne. *KPAS, KGER -News.

HRRD. KFOX -Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

KFAC- Conntry Church. EWEW- Morning Devotions. KF1it- Covered Wagon

Jubilee. KIND-Cinders, Keepers.

8:05 -EGER -Soul Patrol. 8:15 *RFI- Between the Lines.

KNX-Valiant Lady. RHJ. KGB -Korn Hobblers. KMPC- Market Report, Sports. H FW B-- Review. KWKW- Hasten the Day. KGER- Mizpah, KFXM- Morning Melodies. KVOE-War Casualty List.

8:25- KPAS- Minute Prayer. KMPC- Hattie Sports.

8:30- RFI- Mirandy. KNX-Light of the World. KH.1. KGB. KFXM, 111:01E--

Take It Easy. KMPC-Don Otis. KFWB-Help wanted. KMTR -Christ ('lurch Unity.


KPAS, 8:30 A. M.


Mon., Wed., Fri. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

KI'AS- Ilasen of Rest. KW KW elite: Revue. KRIM-Sews Headlines. KFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid.

8:45 -RFI, KFSD -David Harum. KNX-Aunt Jenny's Stories.

*KFti1 It -Sews. KFAC -Show Time. KFVD -Vocal Favorites. KFXM- Sunshine Service. KVOE -Bane Crosby. KGER -New Tribes Mission.

8 :5:r -HHJ, KGB, KFX11, KVOE- Lanny and Ginger.

9 *KFT, KGFJ -News. KNX-Kate Smith.

*KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE- William Lang.

KECA -Glamor Manor. *KMPC -News, Sweet Letlanl,

Art Baker. KFWB- Health Talk. KMTR -News, Church Views

News. It-PAS-Polly Patterson. KRKO- Sagebrush Serenade. KWKW-Rev. Thomas Beard. HFVD -Walt, Time. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

*KGER -News. 9:05*KFI- Edward Jorgenson,

Comment. 9:15 *KFI, KFSD -Larry Smith.





L McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G., A.D., F.R.S.A. ( London )

for the

MCCOY HEALTH SYSTEM Evers morning-Mon. torn Fri.

KFAC at 9:15

KFAC-Voice of Health. KNX -tiig Slater. KW, KGB, KFXM, K1'OE- lortu Downey. KMPC- Lollywood Melodies. KFWB -Rhumba Time. KGFJ -M ed i cal.

*K FV l)- Setts. KWKW -Treasury Salute. KGER - Rev. J. A. Lovell. KGB -Serenading Yon.

. 9:30 *K l'1 -Front the Pacific. KNX-Romance of Helen

Trent. KH.1 -Time Out. KECA- Brenemans Breakfast

in Hollywood. *KFWB, KFAC, EWEW -News.

KMTR -Bible Treasury Hour. KGF.1 -Swing Serenade. REVD -Show Tunes. KPAS-Harmony Homestead. KGB -Serenading You. KFXM -Future Cnlimited. RGER -Radio Revival.

9:35 -KFXM -Old Family Almanac. 9:40- KFWB- Midmorning Melodies. 9:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs.

KNX-Our Gal Sunday. KHJ -Tune Time. KMPC, KMTR- Treasury

Salute. *KRKD -New,.

KWKW-Res. Grates. REVD-Here Comes Parade. RGER- Colonial Tabernacle. KGB -Mollie Morse. KFXM- Design for Listening.

10-Line Can Be Beautiful. *KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

News, Glenn Hardy. *KECA -Tony Morse. *KM re -News, Post Parade.

KFWB-Chef Milani. *KMTR -News, Marching to

Victory. KGFJ- Raring News. KFAC- Midmorning Serenade. KRKD -Turf Bulletins. Kl'AS -Mary Waterstreet. KWKW -Met. Scratch Sheet. KFVD- Morning Serenade.

*KFOX, KGER -News. 10:15 -RFI- Hollywood Fan Maga-

sine. KNX -Ma Perkins. RECA -Ted Malone. HHJ, KGB. KVOE- Something

Tn Talk About. KMPC -Hits for the Missus. KMTR- Ktog's Men. KGFJ- Upbeat Session.

*KPAS -News. Scott Newhall. KWKW- Hawalian Echoes. KRKD -Dr. O. M. Richardson. KFXM -Seven Last Words of Jesus. KFOX -Rey. Emma Taylor. HOER -Kingdom Within.

10:30 --11FI. KFSD -Albers' Hour. *KNX-Bernadine Flynn, News.

KECA -My True Story. KMPC -Stump Cs.

*KFWB -Henry Charles. KPAS-Woman's World. KMTR -Floyd B. Johnson.

*KFAC -News. Rations. KFVD -Cnion Rescue Mission. HWRW-News, Symphonic

Strings. KFXM -Meet the People. KGB, KVOE- Luncheon With

Lopez. EGER- Sunshine Pastor.

10:45 *RFI. KFSD -Art Baker, News. KNX-Voung Dr. Malone. HIM KGB, HVOE -John .1.

Anthony. KMPC -Home Chats. KENT(- Science of )land. RMTR -('are of the Body. Kr.'('- Between tNe Lines.

ERKD- Midnight Mission. KWKW- Gaucho Serenade. RFN51 -Meet the People. KFOX -Dr. A. U. Michelson.

10:55 -KECA -Aunt Jemima.



1 KFI. F1)-GUlding Light. KNX-KTw90 on

*KK('A- Bnukhage Talking. *KH./. KGB, K1'OE- Cedric

Foslt r. *KMPC' -News, Mall Bag

Request. KEW tt-Al .lanas.

*KMTR-News, Dr. Louis Talbot.

KGF,l- Concert Pastelle. *KFVD. RGER -Newt,

KWKW-Baseball, Fighting Americans.

KFXM-Voice of Experience. :15 -HFI, KFSD- Today's Children.

KNX-Rosemary. KECA -Ethel and Albert.

*KHJ. KGB. KFNM, KVOE- .Inne ('owl.

K FVD- Musiral Revue. KPAS-J. Newton Yates. KFOX -Spotlight Bands.

:30 -KFI, KIND -Woman in 11'hiie. KNX -ferry Mason.

*KHJ. KGB. KFX.1I, KV0E- Queen for Today.

*KECA -Bice World- Correspondents.

KMTR -Songs to Remember. *KFAC, HRRD, KPAS-News. *KWKW -News, Spotlighting

Peace. KGER -Rev. Charles

Greenamyer. 11:45 -KFI -Betty Crocker.

KNX -Tana and Tim. *KECA -Sews.

KMPC-Lud Gluskin. KFAC-Piano Briefs. ETAS- Western Melody. KFVI)- Violet Schram. KGER -Bible Treasury Hour.

12-Farm ttepnrter. KNX- Neighbors. Irene

Beasley. KECA- Mystery Chef.

*KHJ- Broadusy News. KMPC -News, Frank

Hemingway. *KMTR -News, Paul Scott.

KFAC- Luncheon Concert. KFVD- Editor of Air. KPAS-Hal liner. KWKW -Blue !loom. KRKD- Prairie Schooner. K F',1 -Sweet .d Low. KFXM- Grou )iegnostle.

*KGB. HVOE, ";ER -News. KIND-Womru of America.

12:15 -HET, KFSD- s Perkins. *KNX-Howar 'etrie, News.

KECA- Gosp :l singer. KHJ-Johnson Family.

*KMPC- Norman Nesbitt. KF1'D- Lstochenn Musical. KWKW- Hawaiian Echoes.

*KFOX. KFXM -News. KGB. KVOE- George Olsen's

Orch. 12 :30 -KFI, KFSD - Pepper Young's

Family. KNX- Bright Horizon.

tRECA -John B. Kennedy.

FRIDAY Program Highlights Morning Pro,cratns Appear in Light to: s Type; Afternoon sntl

Evening Programs Boldface. S:30- Cerrectton Please, HFI

Variety 8:00-Fred Waring. KF!. 8:00- Breakfast Club. REC.... 9:00-Kats Smith, KNX. g:30-Breneman's Breakfast.

KECA. 10:00- --Chef Milani. TCEWB. 11 :1 * -.lane Cowl. EHJ.

1:3t -Elsa Maxwell. KRJ. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook,

KM. 8:30 - People Are Funky. HFI. 8:30 -Spotlight Bands. KECA. 7:011 -Durante -Moore Show. HNX. 7:00 -Amos & Andy, REI. 7:00 -Sammy Raye, KECA. 7:30 -Harry James Show. ENE. 7:M) -Tom Rreneman. Rlsl'A. 9:00 -Supper Club, KIT. 9:30 -Joan Oasis -Jack Haley,

H F7.

¡Far 5:00- Renters' News

KFWB. 8:00 -Television, Test

WBXYZ. 8:30 -Television, News,

Teletravel. W6XYZ. 8:08- Teiesision, (il in Uniform,

W6XYZ. 9:45 -Television, Sports, W6XYZ.

Quiz Programs 8:00 -Money on the Line, ENE. 8:30 -Double or Nothing, KHJ.



S:: 'e- Ignorance Pays, K. Drama

-Those Webster,. KNX. ; ::;n -Lone Ranger, KHJ. 3:1.>- Erskine Johnson. KNX. 5:30 -Weird Circle. KECA. 9:00 -Aldrich Family, ENE. 9:30 -The Thin Man. KNX.

Outstanding Music 4 :00-Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 6:00 -Musical Digest, KGFJ. 5:00 -Evening Concert. KFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Time, KEA('. 10:dí- Newscal. REVD. 10:00- Eastside Club. KFWB.

Public A fairs 7 :30 -Boy Smarts Awards. K3111' 8:00 -Your F.H.L. KECA.

10 :15 -Matt Weinstock. KFI. Sports -Comment

10: .10 -Jlet. Scratch Sheet. KWKW.

1n:01-Racing. KGFJ. KRKD. 3:45-Santa Anita. KWKW. 5:45 -Race Results, KGFJ,

KRRU. 8:30 -Santa Anita, KMPC. 6:45- Broadway Bill, KWKW. 7:30 -Bill Stern, RFI. 8:00 -Boxing Bouts, KHJ. 5:15 -Baseball. KMPC.

10:00 -Legion Fights, KMPC.

KHJ, KVOE -Mild and Mellow.

KMPC -Bridge Club, Johnson. *KFWB -News.

KGFJ- Calling All Eanes. *KWKW-News. Variety.

KFIIX -March 'Dime. RGER -Juke Bos. KGB-The Smoothies. KFXM -Farm Front.

12:15 -RI-1. KFSD -Right to Happiness.

KNX-Bachelor's Children. Kt' ('A- Constance Bennett.

*KH.1, KGB, KI.XJI, K1'0E- Gracious Lasing.

RJMP('- Memory Melodies. RF11B -:11 Jasas. AVID-Violet Schram,

*KFAC -News. KPAS -Tesas Tyler. KWKW- Singing Sweepstakes. K FOX -Lucky Lady. RGER- Garden School. RFI. KFSD- Backstage Wife.

1 KNX-G. E. House Party. *KECA-Time Views the News.

K ILL -Think liard Now. *K3IPC -News, Post Parade. *KMTR -News, Music.

RGF.1 -Easy Rhythm. *RFVI) -News,

KPAS- Eleanor King. *KGB, KVOE- Walter Compton.

KFX.I -Songs of Hawaii. *KGER -Sews, Music.

1:13 -KFI, KIND- Stella Dallas. KF.('A -Radio Parade. RH.I. KGB, KFXM, MOP,-

Elsa Mass'ell's Party Line. KMPC- Headline Bands. RFA(' -Melody Matinee. KGFJ- Bienvenidos Amigos. KFVD -Moods in Music.

1 :15 *HNX -News. 1:30 -REI, KFSD- Lorenzo Jones.

KNX-Feature Story, KECA -This Mmang World.

*KH.I. KGB, KEEM, HVOE- Never Ton Old.

EMI'(' -Lady of Charm. KMTR -Dial and Win.

*KRKD -News. Music. *KPAS-Nee

MuMcal Memories.

KGFJ- Intermission MID-Hawaiian Music. EGER -Lest We Forget.

1:15 -KFI, RIND -Young Widder Brown.

KEN -Danny O'Neil. K ECA -Ruddy Twiss.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, ATOE- Handy Man.

KMPC -Juan Rolando. KRED- Singing Waiters. KPAS- Beyond Victory. RFOX- Concert Master,

1.50 *RECA -Reserve. 2 -HFI. KFSD -When s Girl Marries.

RNX- Evelyn Winter. *KHJ -This Changing World.

KECA -What's Dois, Ladles] *KMPC -News, Sweet l.eilani. *KMTR-News. Dial and Win.

KFAC- l'aradise Isle. KGFJ -Town Crier. KRRU -Concert Matinee. KWKW-Club 6n. KFOX -Organ Treasures. KF1'D- Timely Tunes. RGER- Rolf's Band. KFXM- Redlands Nazarene.

2:15 -AFT. KFSD- Portia Faces Life.

KNX- Senate Time. KHJ-Today on the Coast. KMPC-San Francisco

Conference. KFAC-Memory Musicale. RV0E -E1 Toro Marines. KFOX- Public Bulletin.

2:25*KNX -News. 2:30 -KFI, KFSD -Just Plain BIB.

KNX-Meet the Misses, KECA- Frances Scully. KHJ, KGB. HFX.M -The

Smoothies. KMPC -Kin` Cole Trio. KFW9t -Hal Styles. KRKD- Baseball Scores.

*KWKW. EGER -News. KYOR -Radio Tour. KFIIX -Sangs of the West. HGEE -World Security

Conference. HVOE -Radio Tour.

2:15 -HFI, KFSD -Front Page Farrell.

KECA- Memories in Melody. HMI. KGB -Radio Tour. KMPC -Bing Crosby.

*KF1 D -News EVOE -Meet A Friend.

3 HFI -Road of Life. KNX-Housewives Protective

League. *KECA-Three o'Clock News. *KHJ, RGER. KFSD -News. *KMPC-News, 3winShift.

B- yMt

Page 21: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

Hollywood Spotligh with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside the News with

Mr. Carveth Wells

10:30 P. M. - !CFI


IN ECA-Holly wood Spotlight, George Fisher.


P. 12 10 to 12 P. 10 to M. livery eite t.<et s.dr

KFWB Ansrls'. FI..N seeds

KFWB- Eastside Club. 10:15 -KFI -Matt Weinstock. *KNX- Pacific War Analyst

KECA- Martha .Mean. *KH.1. KVIIE -News.

KMTR- What's Up? REAM-Music for Night.

10:30 -KFI- ('arveth Wells, Iasi& the News.

ANN- World's Most Monte Music.

KECA- Sports Book. KH.I- .Johnson Family. KMTR-Wingy Mnnone, KG F.\- Western Music. KFXM- Mystery Theater.

10 :45-K 11-01r Corral. KF:I'A- Doctor Talks It O KIll, KGB-- .Johnny Neblet KMTR -Denny Beckner



i *KFI, KHJ -News. *KNX -News, Jim Wyatt. KI:('A- Tunes, Tidings. *KM P(' -News. Music.

KFWIS- Eastside Club. *KMTR -News. Win Morro,

HFAC -lucky lager Dans Time.

HGF.I -Open Aihufi. KI'AS- Shep's Playhouse. HEIIX -Alert Lindsay

Oklahomans. II :15-1111-Post l'n rude,

*RNX -Name in the News, HH.I, KGB, KIOh -Jan

Mavltt's Grell. RMPC -Jud ('nnlon's Orch

11: °0- KFI -Reserve. KNX -Tommy Tucker.

11:30 -K11. KF$D -Ray Herbeck's Orch.

ANN- Chiries Barnett Orth. KECA- News, Dixie

flnspitiality. KH.1. KIill, KVOE- Carlos

Molina's Orch. KM PC- Rhythm 'oil Midnight. KGFJ -Blue of Evening. KFV'D- Newsical, tit 1 a.m.

11:45 *KH.I. KGB, KFSD -News, RGF.1- What's Up?

11:55 *KFI, ANN. KFNB -News.

ver. t,


GOES TO HEAD Even Hedda herself thinks

that her latest Easter bonnet, is the most unusual in her vast collection of headgear. The creation, designed and given to Hedda Hopper by Martha Sleeper, is topped by a real egg which has a pixie - face painted on it and wears a hat that's a duplicate of the one beneath it.

GUEST SPEAKER Due to his work on the

Frank Sinatra program, Bill Goodwin was a recent guest speaker at the radio depart- ment of t h e University of Southern California.

RA.DIO LIFE PAGE 1 FRIDAY LOGS KMTR'- News, Music. KFA('- Fnmous Musical

Favorites. KGFJ -.lack Pot.

*KI'AS -- Listeners' Digest. KRKI)- Victory Quern Contest. RWKW -St olio ('enter. K FTD- Popular Favorites. KFl)\ -Buddy ('ale. AI:K, KTOE-Griffin

Reporting, K FXM -News, Devotions,

Brevities. 3:15- KFI- .loyee Jordan, M.D.

KH.1 -Happy Humes, Norma Young.

KF:('A- walkie Talkies. KI'AS -Jake Kox Matinee 'Ill

5:15 p.m. RW'K VV- ltefleclinns in Music. RFOX- Hawaii Calls. K r :Eft- Merchant Marine. KVOE -Of (hie Interest. KFSD -Road of Life.

3:30 -KFI -Woman of America. ANN -Jimmy Carroll Sings. AF('A- LouIse Massey

Westerners. KEITH-Sweet t ellani,

%ictoriots Lit iig. KMTR -Pianos.

*KWKW-Off the Press. *KRRD -News Headlines.

RGEJ- Orchestre du .Jour. KFOX7Hollywood Salon: K(:FIR- Cheerful Chat. KGB-Art Baker. KV'OE- Newsplx Melodies.

3:45 -KFI, KFSD -Aunt Mary. *KNX -The World Today,

Bob Trout. KH.1 -Bill Hay. Kl (A -FOsy I.Istenin.' KMPC- Pa remmmt Parade. KFW It- .laze. KMTR -Hawaiian Village. *RFA('- News. KWKW-Santa Anita Mandi-


Johnson Family. 4 -RFI, KFSD -One Woman's Secret.

RNX- l'olluck Party. *KECA- Headline Edition. *KHJ. KGB, KFNM, KVOE-

Felton Lewis, 1.r. *KM PC-News, S.ceet l.ellani.

KFW'It- Woman's World. *KMTR ¡News, Win Morro.

RGF.1- Va Hat ions. RRKD -Toast to the Town.


Gems of Melody 4. 5 P. M.. KFAC.7330

Gems of Melody 4. 5 P. M., KFAC -1330

S Ìvi<k free

Co. 4sk for free procram at

Slavick Jewelry Co.

HFAC- Musical Masterpieces. *K FOX-News.

REVD -Piano Selections. RGER -News, Helene Smith.

4:13 KFI, KFSD -News of the World.

*KILL KGB, KENM, KV'11E -- Rex Miller.

*KECA- Raymond Gram Swing. KM PC-Ga rrett's Varieties. RFWB- Gospel and Song.

*REVD-- Newa. KWKW -Theater Guide,

Manie. KRRD- Moieland Quiz.

4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. K,NN -Randy Brooks' Orch. 1111.1-Stan Francisco

Sketches. *RECA -Gen. fierce, Comment.

KMP(J -Hit Parade Tunes. KGFJ- Air-o- torlals, Stylings

in Blue. KWKW- ('itfrees' (' mittee. KGB -Songs of Praise KFXM -Dr. Phillip M Lovell. KVOF .-Treasury Salute,

4 : 45- K ECA-Hop Harrigan. KM-Frolics. KM PC -Modern Romanres. KF'WR- Stuart Hamblen.

*111041D-News. KWKW-Piano Reveries. KGB -Tommy Harris Time. RF:XM- Musical Cocktail. KVOE- Service Salute.

*KFSD -H. V. Rattenborn, KGER- Colonial Vespers.

M *KFI -H. V. Kaltenhorn.

KNX -Man Named Jordan. RF:('A -Terry and the Pirates.

*KHJ, KGB, KFNM, KVOI - Sam Hayes.

*KMP(' -News, Teen & Twenty. *KMTR -News, Music.

KGFJ -Jive at 5.

KWKW- Speaking of Sports. *A(iER -News.

5:13 *KFL REM), REVD, KFA('- News.

KNX- Through a Woman's Eyes.

R EI'A -Dick Tracy. KHJ. KGB, AFXM, Kl'/tE-

Stupennan. KMTR- Salute to the Services.

*K P.1- -N ens, Sidney Roger. KWKW -Santa Anita. KGER- Laura Kay Sings.

5:30- RI'I -Malor i:. S. Turner, *KNX -Nelson Priengle.

KECA -.lack Arntt:ong. KH.1. KGB, KFXM, K%1)E-

Adventnres of Tors Mix. *KAITR- Irwin Allen.

RFA(' -1V -hog (till Club. KRKI)- Raring News. KE%D -ltO-se Club. KPAS -,Juke Boa Matinee. KW KW- American Jewish Hr. KGF.\ -Rare Recap. KEIIX -1 ariettes. KGl :It -World Security

Conference. 5:43 *KF'L KI'SI -Elmer Peterson.

*KNN-News, Truman Bradley. KECA -('n tain Midnight.

*KHJ, KGR, KFXM, HIVE- Night News Wire.

KMPC -Help Wanted. *KMTR -K. (.nuis Flatuu, News. *KGFJ- Notes, Sketches.

KF'l'l) -Fl ruing Serenade. KFOX -Bnl Taberin.

5:5 *KNX -Bill Henry.

6 RFI, KFSD -Waltz Time. KNX -Money on the Line.



*K11.1, KGB. KFXM, KS0E- (:abrirl Wetter.

*KI:('.t, KI W'B, RGER, KFOX -Sews.

*KAl tit' -News, Norman Nesbitt. *KAITR -News, Tomasso

Ensemble. Kt: F.1- Musical Digest 'all s

p.m. KF'A/' -Music for Everyone. KRKD -Early Dancelte. KPAS- l'ilgrinm Inspirational

Hone. RWKW- Italian Melodies.

0:15- KS X -hiders of Purple Sage. *Klil'A- Peter de Lima.

KHJ, KGB, KVON Renl Life Stories.

RAIT'(' -Ozie Waters. *KFWR -John It. Hughes.

K PAS- W'.('.T. U. KGB-Inside Story. KFXAI -Sert the Horse. KFOX- Miracles of Science.

6:30 -K FL KFSD- People are Funny.

KNX -Those Websters. AIWA-Spotlight Bands. KHJ, KGB, KEXM, [(TOE-

" Double or Nothing. RMPC -There They Go. KI'W'H- "America Dances." KMTR- t'Iawson Triplets. KI'AS- ('hunch of Christ.

*KWKW -News. Serenade. REVD-Vallee. AEON-Harm M.uory Room. RGER -Church of Na

0:45- R5tl'('- Rhumba Time. K AIT It- Treamere Chest. KItKD- Hollywood Tune-

smiths. KI'AS- Inside l'arts. KWKW- Broadway Bill.

0:55- KI(A- (oronet Story Teller. 7 -RFI, KFSD- Danninger, Men-

talist. RN \- Durante -Moore. KECA- Richest Man In

Duluth. KHJ, KI OE -Curt Massey.

*KS I'(;- News, Dinner Dance. *KMTR -News, Music.

RFA(' -Concert in Miniature. *KRRD -News.

KI'AS -help Wanted. KWKW- Alaurice .Johnson. KF'O \-Jane Arden. KGB -Eddie Orcutt. KENS- Trading lost. KGER -News, Music.

1:15- KNX -OZIe Waters. *KM, KGB, KE \A1, KT OE-

Jim Doyle. News. KMTR -W. B. Record. RRKD -Three Quarter Time. HI'AS- ('.l.O, Reporter.

KFOX- Salute to Services, KGER -Dr. Fagan.

:30 *KFI, KFSD -Bill Stern, Sports. KNN-Harry James. RF:1'A -Tom Breneman. KH.1, KGB. KFXM, AVOE-

lame Ranger. *KEW it -News.

KAITR -Dr. Clem Denies. RFA('- Musical Jewel jtos. KRRD -Do Tou Know. RWKW -News. Variety. Kt:ER -FT, Wayne Gospel.

1:45 -KFI- Cabbages and Kings. *KEITH. KFl)X -MaJo Hubert

Turner, Comment. *KF'A(' -News.

KRKD- Father Vaughan. KFSD -Roy Campbell.

8 RFI, KFSD -Perry Como. RNX -Jack Kirkwood. KECA-This Is lour KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOLf --

Boving Bouts. *KAMI'C -News, Frank

Hemingway. *RFWH- Dispatch from

Reuters, *KMTR -News.

HFAC- Evening Concert. KGFJ -Of Words and Verse. KRAD -South Seas Serenade. WON%Z- Teledsion, Test

Pattern. *Kl'AS, KGER -News.

6:05 -RGER- Aubrey Lee.


and King's Ambassador Quartet

KMTR- 8:05.9:00 P. M. Also le:30 -10:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

KMTR -Floyd tat. Johnson. 11 :15 *K El, RISD- Fleetwood

Lawton, Comment. RNX- F:rskini. Johnson. KM l'('- Baseball, Kl WB- W'anier Bros.' Orch. KI:F,1 -Show Time.

II :50-K11. KFSD- (brrection Please.

RNX -It Pays to Be Ignorant. KECA -Weird Circle. .

*KFWIt -News. KGF.\- Dancing Rhythm. Kl'AS- Western Music. K FIL\ -l'. E. Gardner. K R K D -Merry -Cio -' Round. W'6 XV7 Tele, isioa,

United Nattons Conference. :15--KM IT-Something for the

Girls. K F W It- l'un -A -A1 usi -Cana. AGFJ -Community

Broadcasters. *W6 XV7 News, T. B.


9 KFI, AFSD -Night Editor. KNX -Aldrich Family. KECA -Spade Cooley & Band.

*K11.1, KGB, K1'NM, KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

KMP( -Baseball. *KEITH-Peter de lima. *KMTR -News, Texas Jim

Lewis. KGFJ- Sallidos Amigos. KRKD- Western Hit Parade W'O \l'7.- Television, Revue in

(:1 Uniform. REIIX- Samuel M. Polin.

*KGER -News, Aubrey Lee. 9:i5 -KFI-Pleasure Parade.

*KHJ, KGB. KFNM, KVOE- (ecil Brown. News.

KFW II-St roll in' Tom. *K FO X -News.

WON I'7. -Tele, isiun Amateur Sports.

9:30 -KF'I Dai Is -Jack Haley. KNX -Thin Men.


Freedom of Opportunity. Tt *KFW- Ilenry Charles.

KGER- Stmshine Pastor. 8:45 -Kl ('A -Hanby Hours.

*KEW B -Sam Baiter. 9 :55 -KNX -Tobe Reed.

in *KFI, KFSD- Richfield Reporter.

ANN -Ten ó ('lowk Wire. *KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Fultoon Lewis, Jr. *1131TR- News. Bob Brooks.

KEA('- 1.ucky Lager Dance Time.

*KF'VIi- Newsical, 3 Hrs. AGF.1 -B. and R. lowboys. KPAS-Western Hit Parade.

Page 22: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

SATURDAY, JUNE 16 * Indicates News Broadcasts.

pT1 rr


Johl triple leibe Meow

8 HFI, KI'SD -K -C Jamboree. *KNX -Let's Pretend.

KEC'A- Mc'N fill' s Breakfast Club.

*KHJ, KGB, AF: \M, KVOE- Henry Gladstone.

*KM PC-News Commentary. KFW II-Rands in Review.

*KMTR -News. Nestern Stars. KFAC- (uuntre l'Imrch. K(.F.1 -Music Moderne. KWKW- Re%elite Benin. KI'.)S- Quartermaster'. Corp. KIND- Catered Wagon

Jubilee. *KNX, HG ER- Newe.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KRKD. HF(lN -Ha ven of Rest. $:15 -HHJ, KGB, H OE- Rainbow House.

KMPC- Market Report, Sports. KREM- Unseen Enemy. HGER- Mtzpah. KFXM- Morning Melodies.

$:30 -HFL KFSD- Smilin' Ed McConnell.

KNX -Billie Burke. KM PC-101r1 Scouts. KMTR -- Christ Church Unity.

*KFAC, KItED -News. *KPAS -Newe. Music. *KWKW -News. Azusa Mission. *KRKD -News Headliner.

KFOX- Children's Bible Hour. KFl.M- Sunshine Service. $:43- KILL -Wax Shop.

KM PC-Jr. Army on March. *K FAA B -Newe.

KF'A(' -Shnw Time. K FAD -Vocal Varieties. K WK W- Reveille, KGER -House of Don.


KNX- Theater of Today. ;ECA- What'e Cookin?' KHJ, KGB, HFXM, KVOE-

Hello Mom. ' *KMPC-News, Swing Out the

Old. *KEW'S -Henry Charles. *EMTR -News, Children's

Religious Hour. KFOX- Firebrands for .Jesuit.

KRAD -Sagebrush Serenade. KWHW- Paster Wall.

KFVD -Waltz Time. '}:lá -KFi- Consumer Time.

KFWB-Diet and Health. KGFJ- Melody Interlude. KWKW- Kettles and Calico.

*REVD -News KFSD -Boy Scouts.

ile.39*K7I -Alex Drier. INK-Stars Over Hollywood. EECA -Lois Long, Three

Suns Trio. KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE-

Virginia Spencer. AMP tudlo Party. KMTR --Glad Tidings.

*HFAC, HWAW -Newa. AGFJ -Swing Serenade. KFVD -Show Tune.. KGER -Radio Revival. USD- Atlantic Spotlight.

/:46 -HF-I -Bonny Mansfield. KF..CA-,- Collins Calling, AFWIt- Midmorning Melodies. FIFA C- Pan -Americana .

*KRKD -Newe. Clifton. KWKW -Gospel Friends. HP/VD-Here Comes Parade. KGB -Red Cross Reporter.

10 ENS -Grand Central Station. *EHJ, AGI. HFXM. KV'0E-

News, Glenn Hardy.

*KECA -Newe. *KMPC-News, Terry Sears.

KFWB- ,Salvation Army. *KMTR -News, Marching to

Victory. 1E1%4(2-Midmorning Matinee. KGFJ- Racing News. ARAB-Turf Bulletins. KWKW-Met. Scratch Sheet. EFVD- Morning Serenade. KFSD -House of Make Believe.

*KFOX. KGER -News. 18:15 -KFi- 11ollvwood Fan.

Magazine. AMA- Popular Profile.. KHJ, KGB, KFXM,

Al Williams. AMI'C -Naomi Reynolds. KFWIS -l'SO Grams. HMTR -King's Men. KGFJ- I!pbenl Session.

FAC-L. A. Medical Ase'n. *SPAS -News.

K ASK W- Hawaiian Echoes. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor. KG ER-Grace Testimony.

10:25 *KNX- .revs. 111:3a -KFI. KteD. -The Baxter..

ENX -Report to the Nation. KHJ. KGB. EVOB- Clinic

Forum. KECA- Mirandy. KM Pt'- Pan -Americans.

*AFWB -Henry Charles. New.. KMTR- American Story Book.

*KWKW -New., Symphonic Strings.

KFAC -News, Rations. KPAS -Help Wanted. KFXM -Barbara Brent Presents. KGKR- Sunshine Pastor.

1,:45 *KFI. RECA -New.. KMPC -Home Chats. KEW B- Better Speech. KMTR -Tabernacle Choir. KWKW- Western Serenade. KFAC- Between the lines. KFOX-Firebrands' Children's

Hour. KFX,M -4Amerie.n Mercury

Theater. KFSD -James Ahbe.

18:55 *KECA -News.

11 KFI. KFSD- Musicane. HNX -Mary Taylor.

Economist. KECA- Musirel Toe et. KM- Doorway to Melody.

*KMPC -Newa. Hollywood Melodies.

AF W B-Al .Jarvis. *HMTR -News. Music.

HFAC- Norman Parade. KWKW- Baseball, Variety. KGFJ- Concert Paslette.

*EFVD. KGER -News. REVD- Musical Revue.



110 710 870 980 1171 1111 It)l 1810 1360 14311410

KFXM- Rancho Rnundep. KG ER-Gospel Story Hour.

11:15- KMPI'- Sanu,el B. McKee. KWHW -W.P.B.

11:30 -KF7 -Sky High. *KNX, KF:('A -News.

KHJ. KFXM- Hollywood Open House.

KM PC-Crisis in Wartime. KMTR -Song Showcase.

*KF'A('. KP AS- News. *KRKD- News. Music. *K KW-New.. Spotlighting

Peace. KGB -Fairy Tales. f(% 0E -Feire of the Army.

11:45- KE('A- Treasury Salute. *KNX -News.

KMI'(7 -This Day of War. KFAt' -Piano Briefs. KFVD- Violet Schram. KGER -Cal tary Tab le.

12 12-Noon 7-arm Reporter. KNX -The Land le Bright. KM- .Johnny Richards Orch. KECA- Tailor -Made Melodies.

*KMl'C -Newe. Frank Hemingway.

*HMTR -Nrws, Paul Senti. *KPAS- Newe,

AFA(', FAD-Luncheon Concert.

KGFJ -Sweet and Low. KRKD- Prairie Schooner. A WNW-RI ne Room. KGB. KVOE, KGER -News. KFSD- Orchestra of Nation.

12:15 -KFI -War Telescope. KHJ -Mutual Musicale.

*KM P('- Automotive News. Rl'AS -Help Wanted. KWKW- Hawaiian F:clmee. KGB -Ryan Swing Club.

*KFOX. KFXM-News. KVY)E. -This le Halbran. KGER -Police Broadcast.

11:30 -KFl. KFSD -Home What You Make It.

KNX -Public Affairs. K11.J, KGB. KFXM -Art

Mooney'. Orch. HMPC -Bridge Club.

*KFWB -News. KWHW- News. Variety. KGFJ- Calling All Zones. HFVD -Violet Schram.

11:45 -KNX- Builders of Victory. KMPC-Memory Melodies. KEW It- AI Janis.

*HFAC -New.. KFOX -Meet the Band.

1 HFI, KFSD -Horse Races. KNX-Report front

We shingtnn.

SATURDAY Program Highlights .Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type. Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface.

Variety t:00- KC 'lamboree, KFi. 8:00 -Break fear Club. KECA. 0:00 -- "Hello, Mom." KHJ.

10:00 -Grand Central Station, KNX.

11:30 -Hollywood's Open House, KHJ, KFXM.

5:5e- National Barn Dance. EFL, Coo-Four Hit Parade, KNX. 5:30- Spotlight Bande. RECA. 8:38 -Can You Top This? KFI, 7:eb -Judy Canon a. HFL. 1:15 -Mayor of the Town, ANN. 1:30-Grand Ole Opry, HFL.

10:15 -Hollywood Barn Dance, ENX.

Drama 9:00- Theater of Today. KNX. 9 :30-Stars Over Hollywood.

KNX. 2:98 -Grand Hotel, APT. 5:00 -1t Players. RN 7:38 -Green Hornet, KECA. 9:00- Hollywood Theater. KPI. 5:00 -This is My Story, KNX.

10:30 -Speare Showcase. KMPC.

Quiz Programs 7 :98 -Qule of Two Cities. KHJ. 3:00 -Truth or Consequences,


War 3:en- Welcome Home. ANN.

4 :00 -Ender Big Ren, KHI. 9:30 -Fighting AAF, KECA.

11:00 -Yanks in Orient, KECA.

Outstanding Music 4 :00-Mnsical Masterpieces.

HFAC. 1:30- Boston Pop. Orch.. RECA. COO-Musical Digest, KGFJ. 8:00 -Evening Concert. HFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, $HFAC.

10 ;00- Eastside Club, HFWB.

Public Affairs 1:15 -Book of the Month, HOER. 3:15 -People's Platform, ENX. 4:ttO -Our Foreign Policy. KFl 5:00- Words, Verse. KGFJ. 8:30 -In Peace and War, KNX. 5 :30 -The American W'ay, KFI.

Sports -Comment 10:0(1 -Met Scratch Sheet,

KWKW, 10:00 -Racing. K l'.1. KRKD.

1:00 -- Races. BFI. 1:50-Sports Parade. KHJ. 3:O11-On Scouting Trail, RECA. 8:00 -- Sports, KNX, 5:5tí -Sports. KFI.. 5:15 -Belle Martell, KMTR. 5:45 -Race Results, KGFJ,

ARAD. 8:30 -Santa Anita. AMPC. 8:45 -Broadway Bill. KWKW. 5:15 -Baseball. AMIS:,

11:15 -Rube Samuelson. KFI.

*EWA -News, Saturday Concert.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KA OE- Memo for Tomorrow.

*KMPC-News, Flying Feet. KFWB -Can Tou Tie That?

*HMTR -News, Dick Roes. KGFJ -Easy Rhythm.

*KFVD. KGER -News. KPAS- Eleanor King. AWHW- Western Roundup. , KFOX-Dance Time.

1:15 -EHJ -Feli de Cola. KFAC.- Melody Mat u tee. AWHW- $ymponium of Swing. HFVD -Moods in Music. HGER -Ronk of the Month.

1:30- -HFI. KFSD- Dnetors Look Ahead.

KNX -Assignment Home. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE --

Masie for a Half Hour. KECA-Reserve. KM PC -Mary Alice Collins. KMI'R -Dial and Win. KGFJ -Texas Jim Lewin. KFVD- Hawailan Music.

*K PAS-News. KWHW -Symposium of Swing. KFOX- Concert Master. KRKD- Singing Walters.

1:45 -KMPf -Tour Traffic Cop. *KRKD -News.

KFVD -Vagal Iarieties. KGER-Vet era ns Employment. KO. KFSD -Grand Hotel. 2 KNX-We Deliver the Goods.


Sports Parade. *KMPC-News, Harry James. *KMTR -News. Dial and Win.

HFAC- Paradise Isle. K(iM,I -Town ('rier Presents. KRKD.- Concert Melodies. KW KW-Symposium of

Swing. HFVD -Timely Tupes. HGER -Long Beach Band. KFOX-Organ Treasures.

2:15-.KECA- Spotlighting the War. HFAC -Memory Musicale.

2:35 -KFI -John W. Vanderenok. ANN -Vita America! AHJ -Coke . Scab. KECA -Date with the nuke. KM PC-Baseball 'tit b p. m. KFWB- Better Speech. KRKD- Baseball Scores.

*KWKW' -News. Baugham Quartette.

KGB, KFXM-Lommi Prima's Orch.

*KVOE -News, Newspia Melodies.

*HGER -News, Music.

-*KFSD-Jo W.

2:45K11-T ni Pa Alley.ercook. EHJ -Sully Mason's Orrh.

*HFVD -News. KFSD -Songe by Zorova.

FI -on Scouting Trail. 3 -HANS- Welcome Hone.

KILL KGB, KFXM, EVOE- Halls of Montezuma.

KECA-Munir Room. KMPC- Baseball.

KFWB -"Sara." *KMTR -Newa. Moere.

HFAC- Famomms Musical Favorites.

SPAS- Ibtener's Digest. KR AD- Matinee Melodies. KFOX- Varieties. KGFJ -Swan`t Ciuh. HFVD- Popular Favorites.

*KFSD, TIGER-News. p :15 KNX- Peuplés Platform.

KFWB -Vocal Varieties. KWHW- Western Sweetheart. IAP.AS -Juke Roy Matinee. KFOX -Hawali Calls.

3:3S -KFI. KFSD -kapert Hughes. AHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Hawaii Call.. KMTR- Pianos.

*KRKD -Newe. *K VAR W-Off the Press.

HGER -Life's Highway. KFOX- Hollywood Salon.

3:45 -KFI READ -Art of Living. KNX -The World Today. RECA -CIO Labor Show. K1 W B-V arletiea. KMTR- Hawallaa Village.

*HFAC -News. KFVD -Rhum ha Music. KWKW -Santa Anita

Handicap. 3:55 *HNX -Bah Trout.

4 HFI--.Our Foreign Policy. -ANX- Afternoon Dance.

KILL ROB, REAM. HVOE- American Eagle ln Britain.

*KECA -News. KMPC-Baseball.

Page 23: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

RADIO LIFE t 11 ö-Gospel aud Sung.

*611'I K-News. Witt Morro.


Gems of Melody 4 - 5 P. M., KFAC -1330

Ask for free program at Slavick Jewelry Co.

IL/AC-Musical Masterpieces. K4,FJ- Variations. *K(.ER £FOX -News. £F%1)- Plano,

KFSD- World's Great Novels. 4:15 -KFI -Mush for Millions.

KECA- What's New ou Blue. *KIND-News. KRKD- Movieland Qniz. £WKW- 2'heater Guide,

Melody. £FOX- Christ Ian Science.

4:30 -KFI- Traffic Thibunal, KNX-The Todds. KECA -Land of the Lost. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, mV(tE-

Opinion Requested. HMS -Blind Artists' Guild. HGFJ -Stylings in Blue. KRKD -Tunes of the Day. HFVI) -Tea Time Tunes.

*KWKW -News, Songs. £FSD- Person to Parson.

4:45 -KFI -Music for Millions KFWB- Stuart Hamblen.

*KRKD -News. SEFT-Sports.

K S X -Tweha Players. *KECA KGB, Hl'OE, KGER-

News. *KHJ -News. *KMPC -News, American Music. * MTR -News, Music.

KRH,D -Songs uf the Saddle. KFAC- Musictsl Comedy. KIND- Evening S de. KGFJ -Jive at Five. KWKW- Speaking of Sports. KFXM -Word of Life. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor,

6:16 *KFI, KFSD -News. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOBr-

Canary Pet Shop. KECA -Freddie Martin's Ord). KMTR -Belle Martell, Sports.

KFYD -News. HW'£W -Santa Anita.

5:30 -KFI- Everybody's Favorite. *KNX-Nelson Pringle.

KECA -Boston Pops Orch. KHJ, KGB, KVOE-

Symphony of America. KMPC -Louise Vallon, KMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAU- American Legion Aux. KGF'J -Race Recap. '

HRKD -Race Results. KWHW- Caity. KGER- Sister Despaioe. KFOX -On the Band Wawa. KFVD -9O -90 Club. KFSD -Blue in Afternoon,

5 :45*KFI, KFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KNN- Truman Bradley, News.

K.%l Ii -Bishop Stevens.

KMTR -Editor's Notebook, *KGFJ- Notes, Sketches,

KRKD- Hollywood Tunesmiths,

KW'KW -Jazz Concert, KFOX -Bal Taberin. 1LGER -Light for Today.

5:55 *KNX -Ned Calmer.

6 -KFI, KFSD -National Barn V Dance. KNX -Hit Parade. KHJ -Jean Guldkette's Orch.

*KMPC -News. *HFWIS. Kt. Elt, KFOX -News. *KMTR -News, Petite Musicale, HF'A(' -Music for Everyone.

KRKD -Early Dancette. KGFJ- llasical Digest 'tit R

p. m. SPAS -Sunset Hour,

6:15 -KM PC -Casa Loma Tune. *KM'S-Henry Charles.

KRKD -South Sea Serenade. *KF VD- News.

6:36 -KFI. KFSD -Can You Top This?

KECA- Spot light Bands. KHJ. KFXM, KV0E- Paging

Mike McNally. KM PC-Santa Anita Races. KIWIS- American Dances. KFV'D- Yaudesilie. £PAS- Sweet Chariot Hour. KWKW -('otter's Saturday

Night. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room.

6:45 -KN) -Saturday Night Serenade.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE- Mutual Musicale.

KKK D--Hollywood Tunesmiths. KWKW- Broadway Bill.

6:65- KECA -Coronet Quick Quis. 7 -KFI, KFSD -Judy Canoes

Shaw. KECA -Hayloft Hoedown. KHJ -Quiz of Two Cities.

*KMPC -News, Hay Bloch. *KMTR -News, Music.

KFAC -Dr. James F'ifield, Jr. K PAS -Nazarene Church. KW'KW- Missiou Covenant

Church. *KRKD, KVOE -News.

KFX.M- Trading lost. KFON -Leroy Anderson.

*KGER- News, G. L. O'Brien. 7:15 -KNN -Mayor of the Town.

KMPC- American Legion. KMTR-W. B. Record. IL MID-Three-Quarter Time.

:30 -KFI, KFSII -Grand Ole Opry. ELF:('A -Green Hornet. KHJ, KGB, KENM, KVOF-

Red Ryder. KMPC -Challenge lo youth.

*KFWB -News. KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC -Dr. F. B. Fugerburg. KRKD -Uo You Know?

*KWKW -News, Dr. Dodd. SEER- Wings of Healing.

:45-KNX-The Story 'feller. KECA -Jimmy Dorsey's Orch.

*KFW B -Henry Charles. *KFAC -News.

8 KFI, KFSD -'Truth or

Consequences. KNN-America in the Air. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOBe-

Chicago Theater of Air.


Dance Music. *KM PC-News, Frank

Hemingway. KFW It-American Sketches. *KMTR -News. Porter

Barrington. KF'AC- Evening Concert. KGFJ-Of Words sad Verse. KI'AIS- Church of God.

*KGER- News. Sister Sylvia. $:15 -KMPC- Philippine Chamber

Of Commerce. KFWB -Story of Israel. HGFJ -Show Time.

$t3S-KFI, KFSD -Teel Variety Hall.

KNX-In Peace and War. *KECA -Leland Stowe,

KM PC-Life Speaks. *KFWB -News.

KMTR -Word of Life. K OFJ- Dancing Rhythm. K FY)X- County Barn (lance. KPAS- Western Melody. KGER- Suusbine Pastor.

6:4.5- KFW'P.- Palestine Speaks. *KECA- News.

HGFJ -Community Broadcasters,

6 :56 *HNX -News.

9 *KFI -News. KNX -Thee Is My Story.

9:00 P.M. KNX Ali., with the hro ond tornonce u of stones written by naluol pet -

2 g sons! The drama of teal humans. a o Presented by


KECA -Meet Your Navy. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'0E-

News. *KMPC -News. Dance Parade.

KFWR -- Victory. Service Club. *KMTR -News, Texas Jim

Lewis, KGF'J- Saludos Amigos. KPAS -County Barn Dame. KFOX -Bev. C. T. James. *KGER -News, Lucy West.

9:15 -KFI -This Is My Country. KHJ -Dreamboat, Poems.

0:30 -KFl -Tite American Way. KNX-That's a Good Idea, KECA -Fighting AAF'. KHJ -Lawrence Welk Oreb.

*KFWB -Henry Charles. KMTR- Miracle of Words. KGER- Voice of Calvary,

9:4:. -KNX -Don't You Believe It, KHJ -Songs of Good Cheer. KFWB -Desert Battalion. SFXM -Musts for Night. SFrSD -GL regal Aid.

10 *KFI, KFSD- Sick's Star Final. *KNX -Ten o'Clock Wire.

KHJ, KFXM, KVOE -Ted !Streeter.

KECA -Mau from 04. *KMPC -News, Da vs Matthews.

KFWB- Eastside Club. KFAC -Lucky Lager Oases

*KMTR -News, Bob Brooks.

HFO \- County Baru Dante. Time.

*KFVD- Newsical, 3 flours. KGFJ -B. and R. Cowboys. KI'.AS- Western lilts. II: 15- KFI-Cited for Valor. KNX- Hollywood Barn Dance. KECA- Resene, KMTR -V. hat's UV

It 3U *KFI- }'r..ri Loudon. KHJ, Ktat, KFXM, HVOK-

Jan Satitt's Orch. Kt:('.4- Freddy Martin's Orel.

Have You a Radio Yoice7 Men :nd Women

with Good .Speaking Volces The West' Outstandin Kadi,, School will train you in rudi, acting, announcing, etc., anJ give you rertitied air ezprn- once .ai tl:,. Spear, Shoed

Saturday, to :p0 to 1I :uu p. "' KMPC

Frederic k H. Speare 6671 Sunset. stil . 1.07. Iln, ':325

HMI'C-Frederick H. Speare, Showcase.

KMTR-W ingy °none. KGF'J-W'rslrrn Music.

*KF'V D-New'siral. KGER-Res. Larson.

10:45*KFI-News. *KNX-Put lle Affairs.

KUJ-Chet Stewart's OroY. KMTR-Denny Beckner's

Orch. 11KFr-So1di

*KNX-Jim ers of the Press.

Wyatt K HJ. KGB, KVOF.. -Chuy

Pensita's Orch. KECA -1 anks in Orient.

*KM PC- Nett, Stogie.


10 to 12 P. M. try Mb. [su,t Sundy

KFWB t,..rk., ei.. .l s.d. .,

KFWB- Eastside Club. *KMTR -News, Win .Morel,

KGFJ -Open Album. KFAC -Lucky Lager Dann

Time. KPAS -Shep's Playhouse.

11:15 -KFI -Rube Samuelson. *K.NIX-Name in News,

Tummy Turkey. KMPC -Jud ('onion's Orch.

11:30 -KFI, KI"SD- Taylured Tunes. KNX--Charlie Barnett.

*KECA -News, Dixie Hospitality.

KHJ, KGB, KV'OE- ltenny Carter's Orch.

KMPC- Rhythm 'till midnight. H GFJ -Blue of Evening.

*KFVD -Newsical, Ill 1 a. tn. 11 :35 -KHJ- Concert.

KFI -1.ate Date. ít:55 *KFI, KNX. KFW It -News.

RADIO WEST (Continued front Page ':)

that singer Larry Stevens would be replaced when NBC's Jack Benny Show returns to the airianes this fall, but Larry definitely looks set to stay.

According to Benny, Dennis Day, who left the program to enter the Navy, is the only one who could nose Larry out of the job.

Guess Who Songwriter Johnny Mercer was din-

ing at the Brown Derby the other day when he got a brilliant idea for a song and quickly scribbled it on the back of a menu. Later, a waiter un- knowingly carried it off. The next person who got it, looked It over, wrote a note under the lyrics and sent it back to Mercer. The note said:

vv g1CR you ve IFnlsnea trim, Drinv lt

around. I bet we can use it." Signed: "Dad."

"Dad" turned out to be Bing Crosby!

Harlem Bounce The studio audience at a recent

NBC "Amos 'n' Andy" broadcast got an additional guffaw at a very nec- essary bit of "effect" created by the show's stars. In the script, Amos 'n' Andy were supposed to be driving in a rattletrap 1926 Overland. In order

. to give the Illusion of a clattering old jalopy, the comedians read their lines while bouncing rapidly up and down on their heels. The visyal effect .

was just as hilarious as the auditory one.

Nice Story When Mickey Gillette was honor-

ably discharged from the Army Air Coros some fourteen month/4 asp

Ivan Dittmar handed him the orches- tra-conducting duties on CBS' Al Pearce program (not heard locally) as Dittmar took leave of the airlanes to enlist in the Marines.

Now Ivan Dittmar radio row, and Gille aside for Ivan once over the Pierce baton to re-establish himse circle in the way that sible for Mickey to d

has returned to tte has stepped again to take '

eer assignment, If in the ether he made it pos-


Rabbits from a Norma Young, KHJ

expert, who figurati bits out of hats," did

There was an urgen instruments for a r overseas; namely, a set of drums, an ac electric guitar. A ca unit of the Red Cr

Hat home economics

rely "pulls rab- it again!

t need of several adar unit going` Bflat clarinet, a cordion, and an

m p and hospital ass again asked

/P pes,.,. Ttler. in An/.e OR

Page 24: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History


ALPHABETICAL PROGRAM FINDER ,Vote: Programs marked with an astertsk I) are of the contest. quiz, or offer type.

*Indicates programs et news and commentation. 12:15 Chapel Quartet (fierce Bros.) Abbott A Costello ............._..._ ..... KFI, 7 p.m. Th

3 Abbott Mysteries KHJ, .30 p.m. Su Adventures of Bill Lance....KNX, 9:10 p.m. Su Adventures of Coma Mix ..... ».KHJ. 5:30 p.m. M -I' Adirnturrs of Topper K11, 9 p.m. Th Ad.rottires of the Thin Man KNX, 9:311 p.m. F Albers Hour KFI 10::30 a.m. M -N Allmon of Familiar Music IÇFL 6::30 p.m. Su Aldrich Family KNX, 9 p.m. F Allen. Irwin KMTR. 5:30 P.m III-Sa America In the Air KNX, 8 p.m. Sa America I nited KFI, 11 p.m. Su Amrrieun Engle in London KHJ, 4 p.m. Sa

. American Forum KHJ. 6:30 p.m. Tu American Melody Hour .... KNX, 4:30 P.m. Tu American Story Book KMTK, 10:30 a.m. Sa *Andersen, Bub KNX, 7.311 M -F' Andrews Sisters ._.... RECA, 1:30 p.m. Su Art Raker KMPC, 9:10 a.m. 31 -11.'

KNX, 5 :30 p.m. Su *Art Baker, News _..KFI, 10:45 a.m. M-F Art (taker's Notebook _...KFI, 4 :30 p.m. 31 -F Armstrong, Jack, _...KECA, 5::30 p.m. M -F Army Hour KFI 12:3u Su Assignment Hume...... KNX. 1:341 p.m. Su Aunt Jemima ..... _..._._.KFCA, 10:35 .m. SI -I' Aunt Jenny ._....._.___ KNX, 8:45 a.m. M -F Aunt Mary KFI. 3:45 p. nr. M -F Bachelor's ('hilares is s c, 12:45 p.m. M -F Backstage Wife.. .. KF1, 1 p.m. M-F *halter, Sant K FN It. 9:43 p.m. M -F

KECA,. 10:30 p.m. M -F Baptist Brothers KI'AS. 8::311 a.m. T. Th Barn Dance..........._ KF1, 6 Sa Barrymore, Ethel._ .KECA 12:311 p.m. Su Barrymore, Lionel..._.._ KNX, 7:15 p.m. Sa Baseball KMPC. 8:15 p.m. T -F

1:30 p.m. Su, 2:30 p.m. Sa KWKW. 11 a.m. M -Sa

Baseball Scorer KItKD, 1:35 p.m. M -F *Baukhage Talking .KECA, 11 aim. M -F Bennett, Constance KECA, 12:45 p.m.M -F Better Half KILL 6:30 M Better Speech KF'WB, 10:43 a.m., 2:30 Sr Bible Treasury Huur. KMTR, 3:30 p.m. Su;

9:30 a.nt., M -F KGER, 11:45 a.m.. M -F

Big Sister KNX, 9:15 a.m. M -F Big Town KNX, 9 p.m. Tu Bigsby, I.:Irlyn KECA, 9:15 p.m. Su Bill Hay Rends the it.hic KIIJ. 3:45 p.m Su Bishop Stevens I: MI'('. 5:45 p.m. Sit *Blakiston, T. B. \ 6NT' %, 8:45 p.m. F Blind Date KE('A, 9 p.m. 51 Blind Artists Guild K I'WII, 4::30 p.m. Sa Blondie KNX, 8:30 p.m. Su Blue Jacket ('hoir KNX, 8:05 a.m. Su *Blue World- Currerponaents

............... .. KECA, 11:341 a.m. M -F Book of the Month.......... KI:EK, I:15 p.m. Sa Books __ KV()E, 412:43 p.m. Tu Huston Itlaeki .. KIIJ, 9:341 11.111. Su Boston l'apis Orcb .... KECA, 5:30 p.m. Sa Bowlers Sparts Cast KFAC, S p.m. Su Bowron, Fletcher ........ _...... 1:1'1. 10:15 p.m. Th

..- h\11), 6:45 Su Boxing (touts _.. KILL 8 p.m. F *Bradley, Truncan _...... h's X, 2::11 plu. 51 -Th

5:45 p.m. M -F Breakfast ('hub.... h I X1 It, 8 a.m. W Itreneman' Breakfast _ ..... ».._.._..

h1.4 5, it ::0, M -Sw Breneman, 'l'ont KIA's, 7::30 p.m. F Bridge Club KMI(:, 12:30 p.m. SI -F' Bridge to Dreamland _. KECA, 11:30 p.m. Su Bright Horizon . KN X. 12:311 P.m. M -F 1',...uhvay Bill KWKW. 10 a.m. NI-Sa *Broadway Ne... Isil.l. l': N SI -F; 5 p.m. Sl -K * I:rown, Cecil _ hill. 9:IS p.m. M, W, F Cnon, Dirk K11J, 3:45 p.m. Si, I:, ,n. nstone Theater KHJ, 6:341 p.m. W *I:ndy 7'w-iss I: I. t X. 1:45 p.m. M- T -Th -F' 14,11,1..114 of lictory KNX, 12 :43 pm., Sa i:olbdog I)rmmmond...__- KIl.1, 1)1.55, 8 p.m. Th *I:arke, .1. l'rnnk..._ __...KI'AS, 8 M-F Rorke, Billie KFI, 8:30 p.m. W

.. ...... __..__..._ KNX, 8:341 a.m. Sa Burns. Bob __..... KFI, 6:311 p.m. 'l'i. (tarns and Allen .KNX, 8:30 p.m. M

I .:I.buges & Kings..___. ... ..MI, 7:45 p.m. F ...Hine All Zones KGF'J. 12:31) p.m., M -F

( :,(ling All Detectives KHJ. 4 p.m. Su *t :diner, Ned KNX, 5:53 P.m. Su. Sa 1 an Von Tap Thiel' KFL 6:30 p.m. Sa Canary l'et Shop KHJ. 5:15 p.m. Sa

KECA. 9:45 a. ni Su.; 3:30 p. m. Sa ('orna, Judy... ....._... »__.._.._ -- ._.KFi', 7 p.m. Sa Cantor, Eddie _.._ K1'1, 6 p.m. W Captain Midnight Ell A 5:45 p.m., l'are of the 1:0,1, h ti I i :. 10:45 a.m. M. W. F Carmichael, Iloag. KIl, if p.m. SI Iarnatlor Hour .. .......... KFI, 7 p.m. M Carnegie, Dale....... KIIJ, 11:45 a.m. Su Carter, Nark .... _ ... _...._._

KHJ, KGB, KF \ %I. Is \ OE. ':a0 p.m. Su Catholic Answers hIWB, 7:43 p.m. Su C :Intolie Hour .KNl. 3 p.m. Sa Challenge ta Youth KMPC. 7:311 p.m. Sa

SPAS, 2:30 p.m. Su KFI, 1:30 a. w. Su

KFI, 10.15 p.m. Su ra 1 KNX, 10 a.m. Sa

Chicago Roundtable r

KFI. 9 a.m. Su Chicago Theater KHJ, KGB, KF'XM, 8 p.m. Sa Children's Bible Hour KFYIX. 8:31) a.m. Sa Christian Science KFAC, 5:30 p.m. Su


a.m. 1st, 3d, 5th So: KFYIX, 4 :15 p.nt. Sa

Chuckwagnn Jamboree KFI, 5:30 a.m. 51 -Sa Chuck Collins, Songs .. KNX, 7:25 a.m. Sa ('hunch of the Air KNX. 7 a.m., 10 a.m. Su Churchman Views K N I'(', 3:43 p.m. sin (7.1.11. Labor Show KNX, 3:45 p.m. Sa Citizens' (' 'nee KW KW , 4 :30 p.m. SI -F Citizens' Forum KNX, 9: :30 p.m. Th Churn Group

- ........ KFYIX, 2:15 p.m. Su

*Close, Upton KHJ, Kt.It, hi' XSI. KVOE, 3:30 p.m. Su

Coffee Chub .. _ -.. _..KNX, 5:011 a.m. M -F' Collina Calling KFI, 10:15 a.m. Su

µ SPCA, 9:45 pan. Sa

Comedy Theater ._ KFI, 7:30 p.m. Su Commander Scott..._ KHJ. 10:15 a.m. At ('nntented Hour. K1,1, 7 p.m. M Correction ('lease .._.. KFI. 8:30 p.m F' Curtis Archer KNX. 0:30 p.m. l'h Corwin, Norman KNX, 4 p.m. Su Coronet Story Teller........KECA. 6:33 p.m S1 -F' ('ounterapy KECA. 8::11 W Country Church of Hollywood

KFAC, 8 a.m. Tu -Su County Medical Accu - - - -- ...KFAC. 10:13 a.m. Sa Count of Monte Cristo KHJ, 8 p.m. Tu Cowl, Jane ..... _....» ». ..... .KHJ, 11:15 a.m. S1 -1' ('rime Doctor _ KNX, 8 p.m. Su Crosby, Bing KF'). 6 p.m. 'l'h *Cunningham. Rill KHJ, 11:30 a.m. Su Dance Time (Lucky Lager)

KFAC; 10 p.m. M -Sa; I0 :30 p.m. Su Dance Tonile (Eastside Beer) .- ........... ....... -

KFW'11. le p.m. SI -Sa Dark Tenture KR('A, 9 W Dario for Dough KF:CA, l p.m. Su Dale With Judy KFI, 5:30 p.m. Tu David Heroin .........._._...KF1, 8:45 a.m. S1 -1'

,((alles, Dr. ('lent ......_...KMTR, 7:30 p.m. SI -Sa .KF'WB, 9 a.m. 31 -Sa

Davis- Ilale7 _ »__...KFI, 9:30 p.m. F Death Valley Sheriff_ _...KNX, 8:30 p.m. Th Detect and Collect . KNX. 11 :34), W Detroit Bible ('lass KGB, KS OE, 9 a.m. Sm Dial and Win KM'l'R. 1:3e p.m. SI -F (lick '('racy KI:1'.S. 3:13 M -F Doctors look Ahead Is 11, I:30 p.m. Sa Don't Vou Believe It' Is x \, 9:13 p.m. Sa Double or Nothing KI1.1,

KGB, 1441 \ H, Is \ t 11 :, 6:30 p.m. F Downey, Murton K11.1, 9:15 a.m. M -F Downes. Olin K N X, 14.35 Su Doll nstage ('ruler ....... _.._ KI7, 9:311 p.m. Iii I /rennil/oat .... _......_....» Kll.l, 9:15 p.m. Sa I)r. Christian KNX, 8:30 p.m. W

Dr. A. U. Michelson KSITR, 9 11.m. SI -Sn KFYIX, 10:43 p.m. S1 -l'

ppr. I. Q. KF'1. - :30 p.m. M DT. Stewart Macl.ennon KFW'R, 4:15 p.m. Su Ilunninger, Slentalist KFI, 7 p.m., I' Durant« & Shore KN X, 7 p.m.. F Easy Aces .. ..... . ..:.-__.KECA, 8 p.m. SI -F

l'.Iidie Bracken Show.... KI'1, 5:30 p.m. Su Eddy, Nelson K]\, 1:3a p.m. Su Editor of the Air Ki Ill, 12 N, S1 -F F3lery Queen ......_...._._ 1: \ \, 9:30 p.m. W Elsa Slaxwell hit I. 1:Ii lu.uu. WE' Eternal Light ...... ----- 1:11. 8 a.m. Su Ethel and Albert..._.._ K i t 5, 11:13 a.m. SI -F' E5ening Concert KI \I 8 p.m. M -Sa Everybody's Favorite KI I. i :30 p.m. Sa Everything for the Boys kill, 9 p.m. 'rut Family Circle Kl'N It. 7:30 a.m. Su Family Ilnur h N X, 2 p.m. Su Farm Reporter hii. 12 o. SI -Sa Father It r," 'a KILL 2 p.m. Su Feature St,,,. KNX, 1::11 p.m. M -F' Fibber M.4. A Dell. KFI, 6:341 111.111. l'u *Fidl.r, . Inmn, to t. K1'MB, 6 :45 p.m. Su

... __ .... KIIJ, 6:15 p.m. Tu lifirld. J. 55. KEA(', 7 p.m. Sa First line ._.._.. KN X, 7 p.m. Tit Fisher, George__... _.. h l'4' .l 111 p.m. M -F' Fitch Bandwagon _ KIl, 4:30 p.m. Su *Flatani K. Louis.._...... IS MTR,5 :45 p.m SI -F' *Fielciek. Gemme K1'1, 7 Tu -1'h Flight to l'acifir . KK('.%, 7 p.m. F' *Flynn, Bernadine K N X, 10::30 a.m. Sl -F Foreman Phillips' /' r. (tarn Danes

..K111 \. it I. tel. Su: 8:30 p.m. Sui; *Footer. Cedric KILL 6:30 p.m. Su

K11.1. DIMS. 11 a.m. 31 -Ft Frank und Ernest KM! R. 11 :43 a.m. Su Fred Waring KFI. a M -F Fresh l'p Time KIIJ. 8:30 p. m. W Front Page Farrell.._ ....... KI'L 2:45 p.m. M -1 Funnier ....t KFW B. 8 a.m. Su Funny Paper Land K F.5l', 7:30 a.m. Sn *Gael h. Arthur K11.1. 8 S1 -N' (.aiy Mrs. Featlherstoor KFI, 8:30 p.m. W General Electric 11011,. l' rt. IsS \, I M -N Gilbert 8 Sulliven..._. 1st \t . 9::30 n. ni. Su :humor Manor.. h 1. t 5. U a.m. M -F

*Godwin. Earl..........._... ht.(' A. 8 p.m. l'h Gulden Hoar __ K 51 1'1 , ;:05 p. an. Su Gospel Herald KM i t :, I:116 p.m. '1'b

Grand l'entra Station :rand Hotel - KFl, 2 p.nt. Sa Graped Ille Opry __KIEL 7:30 p.m. Sa Great Gildersleeve _.._..._.. KFIr ö, Su Great Moments in Slrsie .. ....'.. KN X, 7 p.m. ll Green Hornet KECA, 7:30 p. ni. Sa. Greenfield Village ('huir_.. .KECA. 8 p.m. Su Greemv 1, Charlotte KNa'A, 2:30 p.m. Su Guiding Light KFI, 11 a.m: M-F Hal's Memory Room_ .KF1)\, 6;30 p.m. M-Su

Hamblen, Stuart .......... .... KI'SVI3, 4 :45 p.m. 11

KF41), 7:45 a.m. M-F *Hardy, Glenn.. ..................... _KHJ, KGS,

KFXM, KVI1F:, 10 a.m.; 9 p.m. D Happy Humra....._......... I(11.1, 3:15 Pm M-F Harrigan, Hop KFa'A, ' 4:45 p.m. M-F Harold Lloyd KFI, 7:'341 p.m. Si) Haunting Hour KFI, 9::311 p.m. Su Havens, Rev. .5. \. ....... ....KI'AS, 9:30 a.m. Su

Haven of Rest .. KIAS, 8:30 a.m. M. W. F

KFII\, KRKD, 8 a.m. Tu, Th. Sa Hawaii Calls... KIIJ, 101.58, 3:30 p.m. Sa Hawk, Bob...... _.. ........ _.....KNX, 7:30 p.m. M

Hawthorne Housr KN:CA, 8:30 p.m. M

Hay, Bill KHJ. 3:43 p.m. M-F *Hayes, Sam, KF1, 7:45 a.m. M-Sa, 9 p.m. Su

. KH.1. :i p.m. M-F *Heatlleringto0, Keith_......N'0\l'Z, 8::30 p.m. F

*Walter GabrieL.._...KHJ, D1.115, 6 p.m. W-V. 5:45 p.m. Su

Helen Hayes ...»..__.._......:..._...KH L 7:15 p.m, Su Hello, Mom ..._......._..._..___ KHJ, 9 a.m. Sa *Hemingway, Fran%

KMPC, 12 N. and 8 pm., Su-Sa KHJ. 7 a.m., M-F

*Henry. Bill_....._...__ KNX, 5:55 p.m. M I

Hercule Poirot . _...KHJ, 8:30 D m. l'h Highlights uf Bible KF'L 7 a.m. Su *11111, Kdwin C' KNX, 9:30 p.m. Tu Hit Parade . . KNX, 9 p.m. So Hobby Hears ...._. ... .....KF:('A. 9:45 p.m. M. W. F Hollywood Barn Dance _.KNX, 10:15 pn4. Ss Hollywood Fan Migazlne.....

KF'L 10:15 a.m. M. 'l'u, W, F. Sa Hollywood Melodies ........KMI'l', 9:13 a. i M-F Hollywood Mystery Time..Kß('A, 11:20 p.m. Su Hollywood Spotlight KFA'A, 10 p.m. M-I Hollywood Open House

KIIJ. KF'XM, 11::01 a.m. Sa Hollywood Preview KNX, 7:311 p.m. Tu llollywvaal Radio Life KE('A, 9:13 p.m. Su Hollywood Story KFW'H, 8:10 a.m. M-F Hollywood Theater KF'1, 9:30 W Ilonie Chats. ..... .... .. ...... KMI'(', 10:43 M-F Home What l'ou Make It KFI, 12:30 p.m. Su llookey Hall 1)I.ISS, 12::01 noun. Si, Hopper, Iledda__... ..... __._- KNX, 8:15 p.m. M

Il..rir of l'Barm...._..._...._ ............. KFI, 7 p.m. Su Hour of Faith KF.C'A, 14:30 a.m. Si' Ilnusewivea' Protective KNX, 3 p.m. xi 1

*IIm¢, Jahn B...KFWIt, 6:15 p.m.. 1"m, 51-1 Hughes, Rupert KF'1, 3:30 p.m. Sa *Huntley, Chet KNX. 3:33 p.m. F, Sa

7 :43 Sa 10 p.m. S1-I Hymns of All l'hurches....KFI. 11:43 .m. M-Th Informed Democracy...-____...


KKF1 D6, :2 0 .

SM u Infnrnurtiun Please Inglewood larlr, Concert I:NX, 5 p.m, Su Inner Sanctum Slyrotery h\\, 6 p.m. Tu Institute for Blind K\Icc, 8:15 p.m. Su

International Sunray School 1,11 VII, 8:15 a.m. Sr

Invitation to Learning .. KS. 8:30 a.m. SU *It Pay Pf To Re Ignorant K\, 8::30 p.m. F

I Was There Ks. X, 7:30 p.nL Su Jack Kirkwood Show K\X, 8 p.m. M-F .lames Abbe Observes. KI( A, ; ::n, a.m. M-F Jan is. ad KI'S5it. II a.m. M-Sa Johnny Presents ._..... _.. hl'I, x::t,t p.m. Tu Johnson, Erskine .__ .. K \, 8:13 p, m. F Julmscm Fanrily

KGB, Kl'\SI, K5O1:, 3:1:1 p.m. M-F KIIJ, 12:13 p.m, M-F

Johnson, Floyd B KMTR, 8:03 p.m. Su. M, W, F

........... ...._. 10:30 a.m. M-F *Jorgenson, Edward._ KFL 9 a-F

Kß('.l, 1:311 p.m. Tu. 7'h Joyce Jordan, MD......._ _ KI'1, 3:15 p.m. Sl-F Just Plain Bill ... ..... _».._...KFI, 2:30 p.m. M-F *Kallenburn, H. V., KI1, 5 p.m. 51.N.I

KF\D. 4:43 p.m. SI, W. I. Kaye, Suntncy KE('.l, 10:30 a.m. Su

..............................._..._.......... ..KII.J, 8 p.m. Tb *Kennedy, John KECA, 10 a.m. Su.

12:30 KFI-Hollywood Bowl Audition, KI'i, 9::11 p.m,'ru King, Eleanor KI'AS, 1 M-F Kraft Music Hall KFI, 6 p.m. lh Kyser's Kollege KI1, 7 p.m. W Lane, 1ave KNX. 7:25 a.m. M-Su *Lang, William _ KHJ, 9 M-F *Lawton, Fleetwood

.. KI'I, 7:13 *I.ayruin's l lea's of Legion Fights Lest N'e Forget ..__.__ Let's Pretend Let l'orrself Go..___

KN:CA, 6:43 M-Sa: M-Sa and 11:15 p.m. M-F News K1'1 10 a.m. Su

KSIIY' 10 p.m. 1

.._...KFWS. 3:15 p.m. Su . KN\. :; U

........_..KN X. 7:30 55

Page 25: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

JUNE 10, 1945

.4.4r.os.: s ...-.1-1-t**4111.11,2111.11t. - -


*Lewis, Fulton Jr KHJ, KGB KFX34, KVOE, 4 31-.F 10 p.m M-F

Liberal Catholic Hour KFAC, 9 a.m. SU Life Can Be Beautiful KNX, 10 a.m. M-11, Life of Riley KECA, KF31B. 7 p.m. MI Lind lahr, %ictor KHJ, 7:30 hl-k' *Listener's Digest KPAS, 3 p.m. M-Sa Listening Post .. . ..... ......_ KECA, 7:45 a.m. Tu-F Listen Washinztoo KI Mt. 6:30 p. in..

11:30 lu. ni. Su Lombardo, Guy IL( A. U p.m. Tu Lone Ranger . KHJ,

KGB. hi X3I, ILVOE. 7:30 p.m. M. F Lorenzo Jones KFI, 1:30 p.m. M-F Lucky Lady. KFOX, 12:45 p.m. M-F Lucky I.ager Dance Time KFAC, 10 p.m. U Lum and Abner...KECA. KFMB, 8:15 p.m. M-Th Luncheon with Lopez.. .KHJ, KGB,

KFXM, KVOE, 10:15 a.m. M-F Lutheran Hour .KHJ, 9:30 a.m. Su Lutheran Gospel Huur ..... ....SPAS, 3:30 p.m. Su Lux Radio Theater.. ......... ......KNX, 0 p.m. M Major North, M. I. KECA, lu p.m. Sit Make Believe Ballroom KFWB, 11 a.m. M-Sa Ma Perkins KFI. 12:15 p.m. M-F

KNX. 10:15 a. in. M-F *Malone, 'fell KECA, 10:15 a.m. M-F Manhattan Merr) I... Icolaid Kn. 6 p.m. Su Man Culled N KC1. 7 p.m. To Man Named Jsro.(a EN N. 5 p.m. M-F Mau from ti- 11 ( %, lo p.m. MI March of Time. Is I t, 11:30 p.m. 111 Market Report 1,o13 , , .15 um. M-Sa *Martyn, Gil 10 I ',.. i :341 p.m., Mary Small Reiie ILECA, f p.m. Su Mason. Ferry... ...... _..___...h \ N. 11:311 a.m. M-F Massey, Curt Mill, 7 p.m. M-1, Master Radio Canaries KECA, 9:45 a.m. Su:

:1:30 p.m. Sa Mayor of the Town .KNX, 7:15 p.m. Sa McNeill's Breakfast Club

KECA, 14 a.m. M-Sn Mears, Murtha____KECA, 10:15 p.m. up W. F Mediation Board..._... .......KHJ. ULBS. 5 p.m. Su Meet Your Naty____ KECA, 9 p.m. Sa Meet the Missus KNX, 2:30 p.m. M-1, Memory NIusle. (Ted Bacon) ...... _........ ......... ...._

KHJ. 12:3U p.m. Su Met. Scratch Sheet KWKW, 10 a.m. 3I-sa Message of 1sntel. .KECA, 7 a.m. Su Michael Shayne KHJ. 8 p.m. M Mild and Mellow KH.1. 12:30 p.m. M-1, *Miller, Rex KM, KGB, 9:15 p.m. Su, T. Th

KHJ. 4:15 p.m. M-F Mirandy KECA. 10:30 a.m. Mt

KFI. 8:30 ant.. M-F Miracles uf Science... KFUX, 6:15 p.m. M. W. F -Miss Hattie" KECA, 12:30 p.m. Su °Stoney on the Line KNX, 6 p. to. 1, *Morse. Tony _ KECA, JO a.m. M-1, Mother's Album KMPC, 6:30 p.m., Su Mr. and Mrs. North ____ KFI, 9 p.m. W Mr. District Attorney KFI. 6 :30 p.m. W Mr. Keene KNX, 4:M) p.m. NI. Munson, Una KNX, 4:43 p.m. Su Murder Is My Hobby KHJ, 8:39 p.m.. SG Murder Will Out._..--KECA, 9:30 p.m. Tu *Marrow, Edward _KNX. 10:45 a.m. Su Musical Masterpieces KFAC, 4 p.m. M-F Musical Milestones Kil, 10:30 a.m. Su; Musical Digest KGFJ, 6 p.m. M-Sa Mystery Chef_ SK(. KF5111. 12 N M-F Mystery Theater Kil, 6 p.m. lu My True Story KECA. 10:30 a.m. M-F *Name That Song KHJ.1:30 p.m. Su National Barn Dance -. ILFI, 6 p.m. Sa National Vespers .KECA, 4:30 p.m. Su Navy In Review...----.KFWB, 8 p.m. Sa NBC Symphony......... KFI. 2 p.m. Su Nebiett, Johnny _ KHJ, 10:45 a.m. M-1, Neighbors NKX. it N., M-1, *Nesbitt, Norman KMPC, 6 p.m. M-F

8 a.m. M-F: 12:15 p.m. M-F Never Too Old KHJ, 1:30 p.m., M-F New Adventures of Perry Mason

KNX. 11:30 u. ni. M-F *Newhall. Scott KPAS, 10:15 New tork Philharmonic__ ....... KNX, 12 N Su *Newsiest.... ......... ...KFVD,_10 p.m.-1 a.m. Su-Sa Nichols, Bob KECA, 1:15 p.m. 81-1. *Night News Wire .KHJ, 5:45 p.m. M-F Noah Webster Says KFI, 9:30 p. ni. Th Oboler Plays KIM 9-311 p.m. W Olympic Fights __KMTR. 10 p.m. Tu (In mit lug 'rrail KFI, 3 p.m. Sa Clue %lutes Family KECA, 7 :30 p.m. Tu Une %Somali's Opinion.- ..... KECA, 7:45 a.m., M One Woman's Secret KFI, 4 p.m. M-F One Foot in Heinen KECA, 7:30 p.m. Su O'Neill, Danny... ........ .... ....106X, 8:05 a.m. Su

1:4.. p.m. M-k Open Forum KFAC. 7 p.m. Su Our Gal Sunday. KNX, 9:45 a.m. M-1, Owl Programs KILL 11:25 p.m. M-F

°',3 p.m. M-Th Owens. Tom KFI. 6:15 II-1- Pacific Lutheran Hour....KFWB, 9:30 p.m. su Pacific Story KFI, 11:15 p.m., Su Palestine Speaks KFWB. 14:43 p.m. Sa Pasadena Playhouse /WAS, 6 p.m. W Patterson. Polly MEAS. 9 a.m. M-F Paula Stone. John Brito_KHJ. 10:30 a.m. Tu, Th Pay Day Quiz _ KMPC, 8:30 p.m. M *Pearson, Drew

KECA. KFMB. 4 p.m. Su *Pennell. Bill _ ...... ___KFWB, 8 a.m. M-F People Are Funny - ..... -...11F1, 6;30 p.m. k

Pepper Young's Famity_KFI 12-30 p.m. M-F *Peter de Lima KECA. 8:15 I) m Tu Th 2' _ . p.m. Tu, Th.

9 p.m. M-F *Peterson, Elmer KFI. 5:45 p.m. W-Sa Phonochord Family Party KFI, 8:30 p.m. Th *Pierce, Gen. Junius .. - .. - ...... ____ ...........

KECA, 4:30 p. m.-hl-F; 5 p. m. Su Pilgrims Hour. .K11,1, 9 a.m. Su *Polk, George.. __ KFI, 10:15 p.m. Tu Popular Profiles___-_KECA, 10:15 a. m. Sr Portia Faces Life KFI, 2:15 p.m. M-F' Potluck Party_ liNI, 4 p.m. M-F Potter. Peter. KFWB, 9:30, 10:15, 11:15 a.m..

........12:15 p.m. Su; KMPC, 3:45 p.m. M.W.F Prayer -.DLBS, 3 p.m. D *Pringle, Nelson ILNX, 5:30 p.m. M-Sa

:45 a.m. M-Sa Property Owners_.-.-KMTR, 8:45 p.m. Tit Queen for Today.. _KHJ, 11:30 a.m. M-1, tItil: Kids

Today.._ KFMB, 8:30 p.m. Sn

Quiz of Two Cities ..KHJ, 7 p.m. Se Races KliFJ, 10 .m. to 6 p.m. 11

KFI. 1 Sa Race Results KRKD, 5:30 p.m. M-Sa Radio Parade... ..........._.KECA .KECA, 1:15 p.m. M-F Radio Readers' KNX, 6 p.m. Su Radio Tour_.KILL KGB. KVOE, 2:45 p.m. M-F Rainbow House ..---..-._ . _ . KM, 8:15 a.m. Sa Readers & Writers KWKW, 6:30 p.m. W Real Life Stories KHJ, 6:15 p.m. M, W-k' Red I:yder KHJ. 7:30 p.m. Tu. Sa Remember Hour KECA. 11:30 a.m. Su *Reports from the Battlefront

-111F1, 3:45 p.m. Su Report From Washington ____KNX, 1 p.m. Sa Report to the Nation JOIX,10:30 a. m. Sa *Reuters News Dispatches, KFWB, 8 p.m. M-E Rev. K. G. Egerton____ KMTR, 9:15 a.m. Su Reunion, C.S.A KECA, 7:36 p.m. M Ke%iewing Stand_-_-.DLBS, 12:311 p.m. Su Reynolds, QuentLn____-_-._KNX, 8 p.m. tits *Richfield Reporter. 11FL 10 p.m. Su-i' Right lo Happiness .. __ . K11, 12:45 p.m. M-F Rke & Shine ..... .....KHJ. it a.m. 7:15 a.m. M-F Rom. Ahead KECA, g p.m. W Road of Life ...... ______-_ KFI, 3 p.m. M-F Rockiair Horse Rhylhms, 13 -1lookey- - _.-

DLISS. 12:30 p.m. Su *huger. Sidney KPAS, 5:15 p.m., M-t, 11 mice .KNX. 8:30 p.m. Tu Rona:nee of Helen Trent.-.KNX, 9:30 a.m. M-F Romance of Highways.. KHJ,

..._ ....... _KGB. KFX31. KVOE, 10:15 a.m. Su Romance of the Ranchos_._KNX, 9:30 p.m. Su It ance. Rhythm, Ripley.. ... KNX, 7:30 p.m. Th Romberg, Sigmund KM 7:30 p.m.

' Tu

Rosemary KNX, 11:15 a. m. M-F' Salt Lake Tabernacle_ KNX, 9 a.m. Su Salute tu Services____KhITIL 5:15 p.m. M-F saludos Amigos _______ K4IFJ, 9 p.m. M-F Salvation Army ___KFWB, 9:15 a.m. ela Samuelson. Rube KFI, 11:15 p.m. Sa

tutu Anita Races KMPC, 6:30 p.m. M-Sa KWKW, 3:45 p.m.: 5:15 p.m. M-Sa

saturday Night Serenada....._11.74X, 6:45 p.m. Sa say It With Music KGFJ, 12 N. Su Science of Mind_ .-.--KFWB, 10:45 a.m. M-F' Screen; Guild Plaihrs .KNX, 7 p.m. M Scully, Frances KECA, 2:30 p.m. M-F' service to the Front

- __ILNX, 7 p.m. Tu

Seising School KHJ, 10:30 a.m. W *slieldon Shepard KFAC. 1 p.m. Tit Shippey. Lee KHJ, 12:45 p.m. Tu, Th *Shires.. William.-----KNX, 2:45 p.m. Su Silver Theater . KNX, 3 p.m. Su Simms, Ginny .K FI, 8:30 p.m. Tu Sinatra Show KNX, 6 p.m. W Suspense - ..... - ...KNX, 9 p.m. Th Smilin' Ed McConnell.--KFI, 8:30 a.m. Sa Smith, Kate, KNX, 9 a.m. M-1, *Smith. I.arry. -.KFL 9:15 a.m. M-F So the Story Goes KHJ. 10:45 p.m. M-F' Soldiers of the Preto-- KECA. 10 p.m. Su Soldiers With Wings.-KECA, 8:30 p.m. Sa Something New ..... .......___KFL ft p.m. M Songs of Faith.......---..KFAC, 6 p.m. M Songs of Good Cheer KHJ 9.45 p.m. Sa Song of the Week.....--.KNX, 8:25 p.m. Su Spanish Hour _ KMTR, 6 a.m. 1/ Speaking ut Spurts KWKW, 5 p.m., M-Sa Speere Showcase KMPC. 10:30 p.m. Sa Sports, Belle Martell_.KMTR, 5:15 p.m. T.Th, Sa Sports NewsreeL_________KFI, 7 :30 p.m. F Sports Parade______. KW. 2 p.m. Sa Sports Review _______-___KNX, 10:30 p.m. Tu Spotlight Bands....KECA, KFMB, 6:30 p.m. M-Sa Stage Door Canteen_____-KNX, 7:30 p.m. le Standard Symphony.. Kil, 8:30 p.m. Su Stars Over Hollywood___.KNX, 11:30 a.m. Sr Stars of Future. ..... KFI, 11 a.m. Su Start Day Singing KMPC, 11:39 a.m. M-Sa St. Brendan's Boys' Cholr_KIIIITR, 12:05 p.m. Su Steel Horizons._ .. .... ..KHJ, 6 p.m. Su Stella Dallas... KF1, 1:15 p.m. h1-1? Story uf Israel .KFN% B. 8:15 p.m. Ss *Stowe, Leland._ .- . KECA, 10:55 a.m. Su

8:30 p.m. Sa Stradivari Orchestra --KNX, 11 a.m. Su Strange As It Seems . _ .. ....KECA, 9:30 a.m. Su Strollin' Tom........KFW1 9 p.m. T-F, 7 p.m. Su

Stump Us. KMPC, 10:30 a.m. M-F KFAC. 8:38 a.m. Su

Styles, Hal JIFWIL 2:30 p.m. M-1 3:15 p.m. Su

Summer Hour KECA, 3 p.m., Su Sunrise Salute..--.KNX, 8:15 a.m. M-Sa Supper Club _ KM 8:00 p.m. M-1, Superman.--- ---KHJ, 6:15 p.m, M-F

Sweet Chariot Hour...--.KPAS, 6:30 p.m. M. Sweetheart Time ..KHJ. 10 :30 a.m. ...,,

*Swing, Raymond Gram. HECA, 4:13 p.m. M-1, Symphony.. ..-_.1111.1. KGB 10:30 p.m. M-F * Take It or Leave It. KNX. 7 p.m. So Take It Easy --ifillJ. 8:341 a.m. M-F Tapestries of Life..-_.KNX. 9:43 p.m. T Taylor, Mary Lee --_. KNX. 11 a.m. Sa. Teel Variety Hall KFI, 8:30 p.m. Sa Telephone Hour.- HET, 9 p.m. M Television_-__ '4V6XYZ, 8. 8:30. 9 p.m. W

8, 8:30, 9 p.m.F .KFSD, 10:15 p.m. M-W

Teats a Tien.' _ - .-_.KNX, 11:45 a.m. M-2 Terry and the Firares_. KECA, 5 p.m. M-F Texaco Theater. ILNX. 6:30 p. m. Su o Thanks to the Vanks.____KNX, 7:30 p.m. M That's a Good Idea 'KNX. 0:30 p.m. Sa Theater of the Air.....- KECA, 9:30 p.m. Th Theater of Today._____ KNX, 9 a.m. Sit The Doctor Fights KNX, 6:30 p.m., Tu The Land Is Bright._ _ _ KNX 12 N. sa The Saint KNX, S p.m. W The Shadow ... .......... --__ KHJ, 3. J, 9:31 p.m. 9 The Story Teiler______KNX, :l5 p.m. sa Think Hard Now.. KHJ, 1 p.m. 31-1 *This Changing World-_-.KHJ, 2 p.m. M-I

7:45 p.m. Su This Moving World....KECA, 1:30 p.m. NI, W, F This le My Country This Is My Story

1111,1, 9:1: p.m. Sa KNX, 9 p.m. Sa

This Is the Army _._._.KFI, 12:30 p.m. So *Thompson. Dorothy KHJ, 6:45 p.m. Su Those Webster. Thoughts in Poetry

KNX, 6:30 p.m. F KPAS, 11 n.m. Tit

Through a Woman's Eyes_KNX, 5:15 p.m. M-F *Time Views the News___ILECA, 1 p.m. M-F' Tin l'an Alley KFI, 2:15 p.m. Sa Today's Children__-----KFL 11:15 n.m. M-1, Trading Post._ KNX, 6:30 p.m. Su

Traffic Tribunal ... 'WI, 4:30 p.m. Sa Transatlantic Call..--...liNX, 9:30 a.m. Su Trans-Atlantic Quiz KECA, 3:30 p.m. W *Trout. Bob ............. _____KNX, 3:55 p.m. II-F *Truth or Consequences__ . ____KFI, I p.m. ria

Ti Tunes. dings.___--...RECA. 11 p.m. M-F Turf Bulletins HERD. lu a .m. M-Sa *Turner, Major H. S.

_-..-_-_-XFWIL-KFOX, ;15 M-F

Twelve Plarers AFL, 5:30 p.m. II -Th-F

KNX, 5 p.m. Sa Twilight Tales._ KMPC, 4:45 p.m. 'l'o, Th Two on a Clue KNX. 11 a.m. M-k Union Rescue Mission.

.KFWB, 8:30 a.m.: ti P.m. Nu _ ..... ......... .._. KIND. 10:30 m.m. 51-sa

l' Enemy KFI. IU:1i p.m. NI

Valiant Lady-_---.----ILNX, 8:15 a.m. 31- t

Vallee, Rudy KFI 7.30 p.m. 'Ili *Vandercook, Jobs W.---.KFI, 4:13 p.m. Sa Vets Talk It Over ........... _...........KFWit, p.m. Su Victory Players._ ... - KFAC, I p.m. so Voice of Calvary ______.KPAS, 10 p.m. sm ii, Voice of Firestone...--__KFI, 5:;:0 p.m. ,I Voles of Health.....--iLFAC. 9:13 ant. So -I Vole* of Prophecy _____KMTR, 11:30 p.m. ... Spanish version.._.-.KMTR, 7 :30 a.m. su --MU, KGB, KVOE, 8:30 Voz Pop.._.-. _. ___KNX, 9:30 "an.mi.. ''''Mu

Walkie Talkie KECA. 3:15 M-F' Waltz TIme ... . . .. . ...---_..KFI. u p.m. F Want to Be in-Itadio? IFVVII, 3:30 p.m. Su War Casualty lists KVOE, 8:15 f .M. 111-1, Waring, Fred KM S a.m.. M-1, Wartime Nutrition, Milani._KFWB, 10 a.m. M-F Washington Inside Out--KECA, 11:43 p.m. Su

..KMPC. 5:43 p.m. So Washington Story Wayne King

KECKAii .1 14 Su p.m. Su

Wayne, Jerry _KECA, 5:30 p.m. Su W. C. T. U KPAS, G:15 p.m. V We Deliver the Goods.. KNX, 2 p.m. Sa Weird Circle KECA. 8:30 p.m. F Welcome Home__ KNX, :t p.m. Sa *Wells, Carveth.-....KFI. 10:3u p.m. WE

WeSte, ........ 11 a MPC, 9:30pan.Su, .m. M Welles, Sumner KECA, 7 p.m. Tu Wesley Radio League KMPC. 8:30 a.m. Sii

KGB. KVOE, 8 a.m. S. W Hit -Parade KPAS. lu p.m. 51-1 What's Doing, Ladies, KECA. REVILE p.m. M-F What's Cookin'_____ RECA, 9 n.m. Sa What's Up? KliFJ. 11:45 p.m. 511-Sa

Whistler When A Girl Marrtes____KF4k.2

9 S1-4

Whoa Bill Club-.-__.KFAC, 5:30 p.m. M-E *Wilder. Alvin.-___ - Williams, Al.. 10:15

a.m. NU

m Wilson, Earl ..... - - ........-..--_....KILL p.m. N Su *Winchell, Walter._ ...KECA, .(1 p.m. Su Wings Over Jordan. ..... __KMPO. :30 n.m. Su Winter, Evelyn_ _.KNX, 2 p.m. II-1, Woellner, Dr. Frederic P.....KPPC 9:3C a.m. Su Woman of America____.KF1. 3:43 p.m. II-1. Woman in White-

FI. 11 :30 :7. I" E Women's World :FWI. 4 IF' SPAS. 10:30 t .m. Ii-F

Words & Verse.-.... _KtiFJ, 8 p.m. M-Sa World...16....!..nt....!

p.m. Su *Wyatt, James *World Today.

Tour America..

K.KNNXi.3:1415 pg..m.. hIll.-SSa

Your Home, Garden._____KECA, 5:31 n.m. M Your Hit Parade. - KNX. 6 a.m. Sts Young. Alan.-- -.-.KECA. 8:30 p.m. To Young, Dr. Marone--.KNX, 10:45 a ni. 31-1-

Page 26: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

pA(:F. 9R D e r1 I n I I LC TT TNT' in 1 CIA ,

1 RADIO WEST (Continued from Page 23)

Mrs. Young's help with their problem. Mrs. Young's complete sincerity met with a usual warm response, and her first request on her weekday program brought forth all the instruments asked for, with the exception of the accordion. Although the accordion is still missing from the list, other in- struments not mentioned as needed were offered by listeners eager to help in the good cause.

An d No Dark Glasses? The other morning when Chet Lauck

and Norris Goff visited "Breakfast in Hollywood," they entered quietly, sat down at a table, and were ignored by all the ladies until Tom Breneman introduced them as Lum and Abner. Then, the place went wild.

De ductions Marlin Hurt, "Beulah" of NBC's

"Fibber McGee and Molly," groans that he had to replant his garden some four times. The birds and the rabbits keep eating it up. "I'm going to count them as dependents on my income tax return," grins Marlin.

Precedent Shatterer Before every airing of CBS' "Dr.

Christian," announcer Bob Andersen requests the studio audience to ap- plaud only at the program's comple- tion, but at the early broadcast of last week's show, his plea went for naught. Jo Gilbert, in the role of a hammy Broadway actress, delivered such an entertaining performance that the studio onlookers started to applaud her in the middle of the drama.

"Ham," giggled Jo, after the show was over, "It's wonderful!"

Tune in


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It Shouldn't Happen Gags of the Week Here!

(Continued from Page 6)

Frank De Vol was conducting his "Music Depreciation" program over Mutual, a pistol shot rang out right in the middle of a tender love song.

Commented De Vol quickly: "I thought they always frisked the cri- tics before they let them in!"

On a broadcast of MBS' "Sherlock Holmes," the script called for the fir- ing of a shot followed by the sound of a body falling to the floor. In- stead, as Basil "Sherlock" Rathbone reached the sound man's cue, there came the tinkling of a glass shat- tering followed by a heavy thud. Nigel Bruce, "Dr. Watson" of the series, stepped to the microphone promptly, saved the situation (and made the sponsor happy) by spout- ing: "I say, Holmes, the poor man has fainted and spilt his Petri Wine!"

George Burns and Gracie Allen were driving along in a car during one of their CBS programs. The script called for them to bring the car to a stop and after alighting, walk across the sidewalk to their house. The sound man safely con- veyed them from the car, but in- stead of following the slamming of the car door with the steady patter of feet, there came a sudden "squishy" sound, which George Burns cut into with: "Look out, Gracie, the cement is still wet!"

One time, when Ed "Archie" Gard- ner had just completed one of his famous 'phone conversations with the mythical "Duffy" of NBC's "Duf- fy's Tavern," there came a loud bang from backstage and the 'phone was pulled from Gardner's hand. "Archie" looked about and saw that the sound man had tripped over the wire and was sprawled across the stage. As the studio audience became engulfed in laughter, "Archie" made it a plausible comedy situation for the listeners by yelling: "Duffy don't tear the 'phone out just because you

(Please turn to Page 31)

ON THE AIR Members of the Radio Lite fam-

ily will be interested in the fact that Editor Evelyn may now be heard with an air edition of the magazine. She broadcasts every Sunday night at 9:15.9:30 over the Blue Network and is heard in the Los Angeles area over station KECA. Evelyn gives the latest radio news, a feature on a star or show, and interviews some well -known radio personality. Confined strictly to radio, her program, like the magazine, stresses behind - scenes reporting appealing to all kilocycle fans. Her guest on June 10 is Bill Goodwin.

For the best Gags of the Week. heard over Radio and sent Radio Life, tickets will be sent winners for admission to radio broadcasts. Send goat best gag se- lection to 1029 West Washington Boule- vard, Los Angeles. *

Mrs. Evelyn W. Holmes, 1800 Silva Street, Long Beach 5, Calif.

Heard on the "G.E. Houseparty ": Art Linkletter, interviewing ten -

year -old school .children: What is a diplomat?

Little Girl: A diplomat is something you put in front of the door to wipe your feet on.

Naomi Brown, 1722 East 127th Street, Comp- ton, Calif. Heard on "It Pays to Be Ignorant ": McNaughten: Mr. Howard, you know

I was in the navy during the last war. One day a fellow said to me, "They've just dropped the anchor." I said, "I'm not surprised, it's been hanging over the side ever since we left port." * Mrs. Hannah R. Rice, 757 So. Berendo Street,

Los Angeles 5, Calif. Heard on "It Pays to Be Ignorant ": Shelton: Mr. Howard, you know I

was a lawyer in a liquor store once. Howard: What did you do? Shelton: I used to take care of

cases. * Mrs. Leon Campbell, 500 N. Hill Street, Los

Angeles 12, Calif. Heard on the Niles and Prindle

show: Niles: Where were you born? Prindle: I don't know. Niles: Well, ask your mother. Prindle: She wouldn't know. I was

traveling with my uncle at the time. *

Anne M. Kirkeberg, 920 Ronan Avenus, Wilmington, Calif. Heard on the Jack Carson show: Lady, to Jack Carson in florist shop:

Where are the blooming jasmine? Jack: Right next to the blinking

violets, *

Marie Toombs, 8131 Bell Avenue, Los An- geles I, Calif. Heard on "Money on the Line ": Jack Bailey: What do you intend to

do after you get out of the air force? Contestant: Be a civilian.

The Best Shows are on KECA

Thursday irifht STAY HOME -STAY WITH

Station KECA 790 on your dial

Page 27: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

By Shirley Gordon

Thursday. 6:50 p.m.. CBS-A NX

E PRACTICED on the dogs," laughed Irene Tedrow. "Last year, we were raising our Irish setter 'Sally's' family.

This year, we're raising our own." For the past two years on the air -

lanes, charming Irene Tedrow has been mothering CBS' "Corliss Archer ", but last January 14, she acquired a daughter of her own- brown -eyed, auburn -haired Enid Lavinia Kent, who is, to quote her doting mother, "a wonderful child!"

Describing little Enid, Irene, who is tall, brown -eyed, red- haired, insists that her daughter doesn't resemble anyone in particular. "She looks like herself," smiled Irene. "She is very serious- minded, but has a grand sense of humor. She likes to flirt with her father."

Enid's father is William Kent, an

FOR TWO YEARS.. charming red- haired Irene Tedrow has

mothered CBS' incorrigible "Corliss Archer" (portrayed by

Janet Waldo, at phone, above). Now, Irene is beaming over her very own six- months -old "blessed event" (inset, at left).

insurance man whom Miss Tedrow met one evening while visiting at actress Margaret Hamilton's home. "When he walked in the door," re- lated Irene, "that was it!" They were married in August of 1939.

Irene Tedrow was born in Denver, Colorado. She appeared in stock companies as a child, later attended Carnegie -Tech in Pittsburgh and graduated with a B.A. degree in drama and the Otto Kahn prize of five hundred dollars for being the best actress in the school.

Was Tragedy Queen In those days, she was the "tragedy

queen" of the campus, but in 1930, when she joined the acting staff of the Cleveland Playhouse, her flair for comedy was revealed. She re- mained with the Playhouse for five years, then joined the Globe Theater Shakespearean company, appeared at the Chicago World's Fair, and

came to California with the group for the San Diego Exposition in 1934 and 1935. The next year, she went to New York where she appeared with Maurice Evans for three sea- sons, and also made her debut in professional radio.

In 1939, she came back to Califor- nia for a vacation, met the afore- mentioned Mr. Kent and didn't go back to New York. She continued her acting career, however, and credits Arch Oboler with giving her her first West coast radio break.

Many Other Roles Now, besides being heard weekly

as "Mrs. Archer" and as "Jessie" on "Aunt Mary" ( "I've tried since last night to remember 'Jessie's' last name," grinned Irene in an aside. "I can't ever remember last names "). The actress appears often on such

(Please Turn to Page 31)

First Came "Corliss Archer "; Next, Eight.Irish Setter Puppies; Then, Little Auburn- Haired Enid Lavinia

Page Twenty -seven

Page 28: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History


gill! AR rsawa As vs* lorgp dyreretritterstrefi

/ Or ,: F

VISITING THE CRIMINAL LABORATORY of the Los Angeles Police Department, radio sleuths Carleton

Young and Gloria Blondell learn how science does it. Here they are inspecting the instrument which is used to test the normalcy of blood.

, . ) t . . . f i .. 0

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.} a 41:+0.1.0 5,00,

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Dean) and Carleton Young (Jim Lawton). Here fair Gloria does a little private sleuth- ing on her own. i LIEUTENANT DETECTIVE LELAND

JONES is explaining to Gloria and Carleton how a recent case was. closed when. marks from the washer on a spotlight matched marks on the car in question.



is 'tail!

IOW "Hollywood Mystery Time" Leads Visit L. A. Police Department to Gather First -Hand Crime Material

Sunday. 6 :20 p.m.. - Blue -KECA

ARLETON YOUNG, who as Jim Lawton, amateur sleuth a n d independent producer of mystery films in "Hollywood Mystery Time," and Gloria Blon-

dell, as his pretty secretary, Gloria Dean, for many months have been solving murder cases, decided the other day to visit the Criminal Lab- oratory of the Los Angeles Police Department and get some first -hand information about crime deduction from the experts. What they found is shown in these pictures.

Jim and Gloria each week, how- ever, are faced with a problem that would stump even the highly- trained police experts. They must find and

Page 29: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

"IT IS MARIJUANA." expostulates ills Gloria, as she discovers hairs which

identify the weed.

solve all their crimes in a half hour's time!

One week they have to discover who shot a prize fighter in the middle of a bout at the Hollywood Legion Stadium, as in "The Case of the Punctured Pug "; the next Sunday they pull a clue from a flower's

LIEUTENANT JONES TAKES the couple into the Mapmaking De-

partment where the precincts of every murder scene are mapped out.

petals, as in "The Case of the Omi- nous Orchid "; the following week they start shooting a picture and wind up shooting the leading lady, as in "The Case of the Sabotaged Soprano."

It takes a lot of imagination and even more luck to put the finger on

Alp"THIS MAY BE THE SHOT heard 'round the world," quips Gloria, "so hold your ears.' Lieutenant Joncs looks on

as Gloria shoots a bullet into the Ballistics Recovery Box, used for the purpose of ballistics compa rison.

"THAT'S MY GIRL," jealously de- clares Carleton, as Ray Pinker, chem-

ist at the laboratory, in attaching the Lie Detector, adjusts the instrument to Gloria's hand.

the right criminal in thirty minutes, less time out for commercials. Jim and Gloria go at top speed all the time, usually nail the low characters on a hunch. They wish they had more time to bring science into the picture, but they've got something the Police Department can't boast. . . .

"A good writer!"

"NOW WE HAVE EACH OTHER'S NUMBER," quips Carle- ton, as H. C. Gibbs, the police photographer, snaps the couple.

Page 30: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

MARION'S DARK FLASHING EYES AND BLACK HAIR make her a "natural" for festive sombreros and Mexican blouses. At home she relaxes in play clothes.

Pretty Marion Mann, Star of "Sweetheart Time ", Can Do More Than Sing; She's a Whiz With a Cook Book, Pots and Skillets

S lay, 10:30 a.m., .ttutual -thin Lee -hllJ

WEETHEART Marion Mann of Mutual's "Sweet- heart Time" is one of many radio headliners

who got their start by performing for "free' on the local station. It's' an old story for any pretty girl to have suitors contending for her at- tention, but it's news that Marion Mann was once the object of a scramble by four of the top band- leaders to sign her vocal talents on the dotted line.

Soon after her graduation from Page Thirty

high school, she was s i g n e d by Emerson Gill. Jan Garber offered a better opportunity just a week later, and Gill then countered with a two - year contract that made the young lady's head spin. Later, she joined Richard Himber's b a n d, and was shortly after won away on still more attractive terms by Bob Crosby.

It was Mr. Crosby who was in- directly responsible for her entry into radio. While singing with Crosby in Chicago, her romance story had its beginning.

Man At Table Marion had a table next to the

bandstand at the Blackhawk, ana she sat there each night when she wasn't singing. One night she went down to her table to find a man already seated there. "This is my table," she told him, still standing, waiting for him to leave.

"But there is no other table," the man answered. "Can't I sit here with you ?"

"If you sit still," Marion answered, and took her place opposite him. Naturally the two couldn't help talk- ing, especially when the man seemed to know so much about the band and its members. (He was a well -known tennis pro and an old friend of Bob Crosby.) Soon they were chatting away like old friends. "And before long, I was in love," Marion said, and then identified "the man" as Jack Macy, her husband.

Listeners to "Sweetheart Time" (Marion was formerly with Don Mc- Neill's "Breakfast Club") can thank her Chicago wedding to Macy for her welcome air appearances each week. Marion turned to radio singing in order to double as a housewife and perfect cook. Her formula for the latter occupation is a simple one -buy a good cook book and follow its directions.

Marion's mother was a singer and her father a musician. It was only natural that she became part of a trio while in high school. She got her first job with Emerson Gill's band, then appearing in Cleveland, when an employe of the Columbus radio station where she was singing recommended her. Gill gave her a raise and signed her up for two years after she received an offer from Jan Garber.

Serious Accident While singing with Gill, Marion

met with a very serious accident which threatened her career almost before it was started. With Gill's orchestra she was on the way to fulfill an engagement in Pennsyl- vania City when the car in which she was riding skidded on an ice - covered hill and crashed into a tele- phone pole. Marion was the only passenger injured, and she was told she would never walk again by the doctors who were called in to set her broken collar bone, broken ankle and a double fracture of her pelvis.

In four months Marion was back with the orchestra. She weighed only ninety -seven pounds and had spent weeks learning how to walk all over again.

One of her most embarrassing ex- periences was fainting in the middle of her song during a broadcast, when she returned to work too soon after a "strep throat" infection. Others in the cast covered up for her, but never let her hear the end of the incident.

As the singing star of "Sweetheart Time," small, black - haired Marion tries to comply with the many re- quests from servicemen for their fa- vorite songs. Marion explains, "The main idea is fdr me to sing numbers

(Please Turn to Pape 31)

Page 31: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History

She's a Sweetheart (Continues! from Pape 30)

that best tie in with the letters that have been chosen for dramatization on that day's program."

She attributes the "understanding quality" in her voice to the feeling she received when singing to the boys at the Great Lakes Naval Train- ing Station or at Hines Hospital.

Her personal enthusiasm runs ram- pant for home cooking (especially barbecued ribs at midnight), golf, swimming, cave exploring, (ever since she was seven she can't resist exploring any and all caves), and for personally answering all mail from her servicemen fans. -But, above all, she likes to re-

member she's s t i 11 Jack Macy's sweetheart, chief bottlewasher -and cook. Her first purchase when she left the Crosby orchestra was a plane ticket back to Chicago, her husband ... and a cook book.

Mother "McCoy!" (Continued front Pape 27)

shows as "Screen Guild ", "Doctor Christian ", "Cavalcade of America" and "The Whistler."

In addition, she spends a good deal of her time working on "Actor's Lab- oratory" projects, reading scripts, ap- pearing in the plays presented by the group (including a year's tour of Army camps in the "Actor's Labora- tory" presentation of "Kiss and Tell "), and fulfilling her divergent duties as a member of the organiza- tion's Board of Directors.

She considers a theatrical back- ground of infinite value to a radio actress, particularly in view of the coming era of television production.

Her marriage, her baby, and her career keep Irene Tedrow too busy for hobbies, but she once started a collection of pictures of Eleanor Roosevelt and still has several scrap- books of them. She once met the late President's wife and found her to be "such a handsome woman, with lovely blue eyes and such warmth and charm" that the pic- tures published of her seemed "ridi- culous caricatures" of the real per- son. Irene was fascinated with them and started saving them just for fun.

The actress loves to cook. "I don't bake or anything like that," she de- murred. "I just like to make inter- esting dishes -some of them a little too interesting to suit my husband."

The Kents live in "a house with a big back yard. I hesitate to call it a garden," Irene added, although she was wearing a large, fragrant red rose picked from her own "yard."

He Picks Hats Irene likes "colors that go with

red hair ", and feels most comforta-

ble in black. She "detests" shopping, likes to be "all bought uo" for a year at a time. She never buys a hat without having her husband along, because she did once and that was enough.

Her husband almost always ac- companies her when she shops, and she considers his taste "excellent ". He is also her severest critic of her acting performances.

He listens to her broadcasts and sometimes attends them "but not so often any more," Irene smiled. "Now he'd rather stay home with the baby."

He Caught Gold Ring (Continued from Page 3)

"can turn around," the actor would like a show of his own. "It will be crazy," he explained. "The jokes will be crazy, the cast will be crazy and the guest stars will be crazy to ap- pear on it. But we'll have fun."

Jack, whose mother was a full - blooded Crow Indian, is even- temper- ed, quick -witted, an avid mystery reader and a pretty good cook. He doesn't care a hoot about clothes and leaves the tiresome task to his tailor. But, on the other hand, he likes to pick out suits and jewelry for his wife.

"Life at this point," Jack pointed out, "is a mad rush. Sort of like a merry -go- round. Each morning I just stand at my closet door, look in at my clothes and say, 'I'm going, if you want to come along, hang on.' "

It Shouldn't Happen Here!

(Continued front Page 26) can't get your nickel back!"

No Bells The orchestra swung into the

opening strains of Dinah Shore's song during a recent broadcast of "Dinah's Open House." Announcer Harry von Zell stepped to the micro- phone and said: "And now we hear lovely Dinah Shore singing, 'Sleigh Ride in July.' " That was the sound man's cue to begin the tinkling of sleigh bells, but instead came the deep heavy tone of a train bell. With a grin, Harry announced: "There will be a slight delay in the sleigh ride until the train clears the cross- ing!"

During NBC's Eddie Cantor show,' the timing once went for naught when Billy Gray, who plays the in- fant Eddie Cantor, von Zell Jr., failed to be at the microphone for his cue. Without hesitation, Cantor turned to the audience and said: "Sorry, folks, but after all a baby is a baby. There will be a slight pause for an unexpected change in the script."

Of course, slips of the tongue (called "fluffs "), are more frequent

than any other radio "blunders" and many times, they are amusing.

Once, announcer Wen Noble in- troduced Charlie Spivak as Charlie Feedback. Another time, when Mu- tual's Stu Wilson was devoting one of his "Time Out" programs to a WAC recruiting drive, the little WAC who was his guest on the show be- came nerious and instead of saying: "Every girl who possibly can should join the WACs," she blurted out: "Every WAC who possibly can sh o iId join the WAVES!"

CBS producer, Gordon Hughes shud- ders over this incident which oc- curred when he was producing the "Tom Mix" program from Chicago. The script called for loud peals of thunder and the only space large enough in the small studio for the thundersheet (a long sheet of tin which, when rattled, sounds like thunder) was in front of the broad double doors leading into the studio. So there, the sound man set up his equipment.

During the broadcast, the actors were acting, the producer producing and everything was progressing very smoothly, when suddenly the double doors were vigorously thrown open, causing a terrific peal of thunder, followed by a ringing crash as the sound effects bounced about the room. In the midst of this walked singing star, Johnnie Johnston, his guitar strung over his shoulder. The entire cast was stunned. Unbeliev- ing, they stopped acting to look and Johnnie, even more stunned, walked over to the still -open microphone, peered toward the glassed -in control booth and asked Producer Hughes politely: "Whatsamatta, you still on the air ?"

Said It, Was Sorry Pierre Andre, familiar announcer

to all radio -dialers, still remembers the early days when, as staff an- nouncer in Chicago, he was working for both WEAR and WMAQ. Both were owned by the same company and run from the same building with the same staff. Pierre's job was to cut in at station -break time with the call-letters of whatever station he was working for at the moment. One day, he pushed the button that put him on the air and said: "This is W E A R, Chicago. Oh, h -1 no! This is W M A O. Isn't it ?"

Once, NBC's Bing Crosby did not know that the program had started while he was still introducing the show's crew to the studio audience. Listeners at home were startled to hear him open the program. with these words: ... "and now I would like you to meet Mr. McIntosh."

Bing's buddy, Bob Hope -on the other hand -thought his program was off the air one time when his microphone was still transmitting his words to his radio public. What he said was meant for his visual soldier audience alone, when after the show had supposedly gone off the, air, he grinned at them and asked: "Didn't it stink ?"

Page Thirty -one

Page 32: PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING JUNE - World Radio History


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