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Programming Languages

Telefónica Digital DevCon 2013

Iván Montes - @drslump

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Disclaimer• Talk is focused on mainstream languages

• Many of the stuff we will talk about is already available

• I know your favourite language probably does something similar, or you know a hack to make it do it.

• Scripting languages do have a compiler, they just happen to include an evaluator too :-)

• C++ is purposely left out of any comparison (Guys you need to simplify the spec!)

• If you don’t understand some terminology, ask!

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What is the best?• Good news! You’re probably using it already

• Check list:

• You can focus on solving your business problem

• You are proficient with it

• You can deploy your product without fear

• You have tooling available (editors, testing, packaging…)

• You are not the only soul who knows how it works :-)

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Can it be improved?• Given:

• Expected functionality is ever growing

• Solutions complexity is ever growing

• When:

• We add layers and layers to keep it under control

• Those layers are usually libraries and frameworks

• Then:

• Your really nice language is not that important anymore

• You end up programming for the framework (does it pass the check list?)

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The problem• We can separate a language in:

• Specification, Compiler, Runtime and Libraries

• Of those we are only in control of the Libraries

• So we abuse them to solve our problems

• But we can end up creating others:

• Support

• Versioning

• Troubleshooting

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What’s wrong with Libraries?• They are meant for code reuse

• We (ab)use them as language customisation and extensibility tools

• The cycle of doom then begins:

• Our cool language toolchain breaks

• We expend time modifying editors, build tools, …

• The library gets updated or we want to support a new tool

• Cycle ends with lots of abandonware even if you don’t notice it:

• Check SourceForge, GitHub and similar sites

• The guy now maintaining your 2009 project has megabytes of legacy source code, with no expertise to hack it and nobody to offer support.

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Language design• Disclaimer: It’s a hard discipline, requiring lots of talent

and resources.

• Basically the current situation in the mainstream market sucks.

• It’s slowly changing though (guys at Microsoft Research and Universities)

• Designers are realising (again) that we are not totally stupid!

• What we need is a very old tech, we just need it refined.

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Taking control• Premise: Any non-tech-savvy person assumes

that a developer is someone intelligent.

• Think highly of yourself!

• We want/need more control over our primary tool.

• Make yourself this question:

What do you think has evolved more in the last 25 years: compilers or cad software?

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but I already can!• No, you don’t.

• Some compilers support writing add ons for them.

• The problem is neither being able to write an extension in C to be called from the host language.

• The Language itself must define how this extension mechanisms work. It must be part of its specification.

• This way we get extensibility without sacrificing portability and risking vendor lock-in.

• It helps with versioning, you extend a version of the language not a version of a given compiler.

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Extensibility• We should be able to extend pretty much anything in our


• Extending the syntax and semantics (specification) is doable but not very mature yet.

• Extending the runtime is expensive. You wan’t something tested and battle tested and then tested again.

• However extending the compiler is ready for prime time!

• Preprocessors and lispy macros are cool, don’t resent me.

• But we need something more refined, almost fool-proof.

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A Compiler• A compiler basically does three tasks:

• Parse (Ast construction)

• Resolve (name resolution, type binding)

• Emit (machine code, bytecode).

• Keep in mind that a bit is a measure for information!

Memory usage (Kb)



0 300 600 900 1200

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Info!• Compilers produce a lot of information because they need

to understand our code.

• Unfortunately this pretty cool information is trashed once the compilation is done.

• Some languages support reflection, at least not everything is lost (re Java fan boys, type erasure is not cool).

• Given that a lot of very clever people put a lot of effort over several years creating a compiler.

• It seems like a huge waste of resources to not use it more.



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Compiler Service• Almost a reality (llvm, mono mcs, roslyn, …).

• Note: You know that an IDE basically implements an incremental compiler nowadays, right? Wonder why they feel slow now?

• Use cases:

• Better editor support

• Optimised/Incremental builds

• Documentation generation

• Quality/Security audits

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Compiler Service (II)• But we want more!

• If only we could hook our logic into the compiler like we do with build systems…

• The following would be dirty cheap to have:

• Injection of cross-concerns (logging, aspects, …)

• Statically checked/expanded DSLs

• Quality, Security and Business specific enforcements

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Compiler Service (III)• All of the sudden, half our

libraries functionality is now managed by the compiler!

• Wait! won’t we suffer the “cycle of doom” too?

• No! :-)

• The logic is encapsulated under the compiler public interface.

• All the tooling using the compiler will automatically support our use cases!

• That means for example:

• Editors will autocomplete and report errors for expanded DSLs

• Build systems will notify errors generated by our custom enforcements

• Besides, we reduced some heavy weight from the runtime, pretty cool for restrained mobile apps for example.

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Macros• Extending the compiler is nice but could be made

more user friendly.

• When you have a pattern coming again and again in your code, it will probably be better solved with a macro.

• Macros are a pretty old concept but they mostly refer to “text macros”. What we need are AST Macros.

• Instead of replacing chunks of text we operate on the syntax tree of the compiler. Much safer and powerful!

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Examplemacro using(expr as Expression): yield [| try: $(using.Body) ensure: $(expr).close() |]

fp = open(‘path/to/file.ext’) using fp: fp.write(‘foobar') # Note that the file resource is closed automatically

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Quasi-Quotations• Normal language syntax constructs that are

somehow quoted (`[| .. |]` in the example).

• Their purpose is to make creating complex AST structures a breeze.

• The compiler generates a separate AST for them. It’s like a template.

• When we inject them somewhere the compiler will apply that template in that AST node.

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Splicing• Injection points in a quasi-quotation (`$(..)` in the


• Their purpose is to parametrize quasi-quotations to dynamically build arbitrary AST structures.

• Resolves to a syntax node, the compiler will insert that node in the template tree.

• They keep their lexical information once inserted.

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Why are they better?• Syntax is integrated and validated as normal code.

• Most of the lexical information is kept, thus reported errors after expansion contain valid information.

• Debuggable!

• Toolchain friendly. They are transparent to consuming tools.

• DSL friendly. Capture common patterns to solve your problems and offer a statically checked interface to fit your needs!

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Can’t libraries do this?• Yes, but they are not the right tool for the job.

• Lots of stuff can be done at compile time, no need to bloat the runtime with stuff that just makes developing easier.

• Unified error reporting. Find out incorrect usages at compile time instead of uncontrolled runtime exceptions.

• The `assert` example shows pretty well the difference:

#!/bin/env python !foo = 10 assert foo != 10 # AssertionError:

#!/bin/env booi !foo = 10 assert foo != 10 # AssertionError: foo != 10

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SyntaxA very quick overview

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Parsers• Disclaimer: Not saying it’s a good

idea for a general language

• The technology allows it and current systems have enough memory to pull it.

• Traditionally parsing involved a lexer generating tokens and a parser (either a hand-coded recursive descent or a generated table based).

• PEG style parsers (and other pattern matching techniques) operate the same on a stream of chars (source code in a file), a tree of XML nodes or any other object structure.

• They can be made to have constant parsing time using memoization.

• OMeta is an example of PEG parser with a built in extension model.

• Parsing rules (productions) can be inherited and modified at will using a pretty simple syntax.

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Making the language ours• Use cases:

• Any sort of DSL would benefit from having its specific syntax

• Units: delay = 10h + 30m, weight = 20Kg

• Reduce verbosity: for i in 1..10

• Short comings:

• Editors won’t know how to colorise the new syntax

• It’s tempting to abuse it

• Makes your code less portable

• Tightly coupled to the standard grammar

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User eXperienceHave you checked clang recently?

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Language design• Syntax of a language is the first and

most important point of interaction.

• Language design is still mainly driven by the target audience expectations (oh those curly braces everywhere).

• The syntax must be very carefully drafted to avoid ambiguities. Even if designers still care very much about the aesthetics.

• When asked if they performed user tests when designing C#, Hejlsberg answered "only for the integration in Visual Studio”. More generally, check how it integrates with the tools you’re going to use.

• Very terse syntaxes tend to be good for DSLs and small and targeted projects. Code is read and reasoned about much more often than written!

• Semantics are as important as the syntax, don’t overlook its implications.

• Stay away from languages that release new keywords and constructs every other minor version. A syntax either works or doesn’t but can target every use case.

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Reporting• The compiler is our main tool

but still, it’s generally speaking, a bitch reporting errors.

• Error reporting is the main interface, besides the language syntax, between the compiler and the developer.

• IDEs partially solve this by implementing their own heuristics on the code.

• But it should be the compiler! I don’t want my IDE bloated with these things.

• clang has done a great job with this. Other compilers should follow their lead.

• Compilers ought to be extensible in this aspect too, if we can extend them with our own logic we must have a clear way to give feedback to the user.

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Parsing errors• Language newcomers tend to have syntax errors until they get fluent.

• The common approach is to extend the grammar to include invalid productions with custom errors.

• Grammars tend to get out of hand and difficult to refactor.

• A pretty cool way to improve the errors is to use example snippets of incorrect syntax.

• The snippets are fed to the parser and the state of it when it errors is recorded.

• Recorded states are then used to build the final parser, so when hits an error that matches a custom message can be displayed.

class Foo: def foo() # Note: I forgot the colon pass !

Before: <stdin>(3,13): BCE0043: Unexpected token: <INDENT>. <stdin>(3,13): BCE0044: expecting "DEDENT", found '<EOL>'. <stdin>(3,13): BCE0044: expecting "EOF", found '<DEDENT>'.

After: <stdin>(3,13): BCE0043: Methods must use a ‘:’ for their body.

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Type SafetyWishing it could be extended

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Type Safety• Major families:

• Nominal (Java, C#, …)

• Structural (Go, TypeScript, …)

• Duck typing (Python, JavaScript, …)

• Some languages offer a mix of them (ie. Scala, ObjC, Boo, …)

• Many allow for runtime duck typing.

• Pattern matching solves a lot of type safety derived issues (bye bye Visitor)

• The problem with extending them is that the semantics of the language change.

• People can easily reason and adapt to syntax changes but for semantic ones…

• In the current state of the art is probably better switching languages completely if the problem at hand requires a different model of type safety.

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API Versioning• If your language uses nominal typing you actually have to embrace

it. Carefully plan your Interfaces to get the job done.

• C# does it right. If you want to be confident about exposing an API you can’t make every method virtual (*cough* Java *cough*).

• public, protected and private are visibility modifiers, not extension point indicators.

• Structural typing really shines in this regard. But it must allow it from the call site not only the definition site (Go vs Scala). The library author doesn’t have a clue if his API works as designed or not :-)

• Dynamic languages are flawed on this. Rapid prototyping but zero confidence when upgrading.

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Cool stuffOld tech sold as a bright future

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Live Coding• Imagine you could tap into the

runtime environment and modify the executing instructions on realtime.

• Many projects deploy nowadays into a Virtual Machine, which technically simplify it.

• Still, the VM expects byte code, we want to write in a higher level syntax.

• Extensible compilers would allow bringing Live Coding to languages that are not interpreted.

• We ask the compiler to regenerate the changes in our function, the result is a chunk of byte code to fed into the VMs.

• No need to run an interpreter and very few limitations.

• Still, this is the kind of thing that would flourish with an extensible compiler design. No big vendor is going to release something like this.

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Type Providers• Popularised recently by F#

• They are basically specialised macros, whose purpose is to generate new types in the program.

• Remember when you had to preprocess some XML schema files to generate Java classes? What if the compiler could do that for you automatically?

• Using Json? Just feed an example message file to the type provider macro and it will generate a typed interface for it.

• This is available in many languages at runtime via Reflection. What’s cool is that now you have it at compile time. Type checking and auto completion as obvious benefits.

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What now?

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Is your responsibility• To get better tools for our job

we have to earn it. Advocate these concepts to gain traction in the profession.

• Language designers do listen to its users even if for the mainstream languages they are slow reacting to it.

• If you have to choose between an extensible language and one that’s not, weight the former appropriately in the comparison.

• Don’t be afraid of moulding a language to your needs. Know your tool and help it help you!

• If deploying into a VM (JVM, CLR, JavaScript) there is little risk in mixing languages in a project that boost our productivity.

• Forget the idea that only functional languages are extensible. Imperative language can do it too!

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Conclusions• Languages should be

designed for extensibility.

• Anyone that can create a library should be also able to extend the compiler/language. Not everything must be done at runtime!

• We need better compilers in every aspect.

• Statically typed languages are closing the gap with dynamic ones in ease of use and user experience. We have to review our current stand points on this.

• If you have the chance to learn a new framework or a new language, chose the later, it’s much more rewarding.

• Extensible compilers will foster innovation, no need to wait for Oracle or Microsoft to come up with new ideas every 3 years. People will be able to shape the future trying new things and introducing those that work as part of the standard languages.

• Good drivers don’t need to know about the internals of the car, but it certainly doesn’t hurt :-)

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–Ludwig Wittgenstein

“The limits of my language are the limits of my world.”
