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SUB-PROGRAMME 3.1: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT This sub-programme is designed to ensure the regulation and management of the environment in the province. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2017/18

OUTCOME 10 : PROTECT AND ENHANCE OUR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Strategic Objectives Audited/Actual performance Estimated per-

formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.1.1

Ensure sus-tainable envi-ronmental management, utilisation and regulation

Issued 100% of due EAs Applications carried over = 200 New applications received = 182 Due applications = 204 682, 972.00 (R8.4 billion) Decisions issued = 204 of the 204 due (100%) Of the 204 applications finalized, 204 applications were

176 (99%) of 177 due EIA applications finalised within stipulated timeframe

99% (220 of 222) due EIA applications finalised within stipulated timeframe

100% EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes1

100% of completeEIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes

100% of completeEIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes

100% of completeEIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes

The timeframe for Basic Assessment is 107 days, while for Scoping and Environmental Impact Reporting is 300 days.

PERFORMANCE AND EXPENDITURE TRENDS Programme 2: Economic Development will use the allocated budget of R620 068 000 to speed up growth and to transform the economy to create decent

work and sustainable livelihoods.

The Economic Development Branch is responsible for the following sub-programmes:

• Economic Planning and Research

• Integrated Economic Development Services

• Trade and Sector Development

• Business Regulations and Governance

Given the fact that our targets are largely informed by the budget allocations, the programme does not anticipate any challenges in meeting its objectives during

the financial year. In ensuring that this happen, the allocated budget will only be used to promote the objectives attached to the sub-programmes above


The purpose of this program is to ensure the regulation and management of environment and natural resources including biodiversity and conservation matters

in a manner that facilitate sustainable economic growth and development in Limpopo province. The strategic objectives are:

- Ensure sustainable environmental management, utilisation and regulation

- Ensure protection and sustainable natural resource management and utilisation in the Province

- Provide environmental empowerment support services

SUB-PROGRAMME 3.1: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT This sub-programme is designed to ensure the regulation and management of the environment in the province. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2017/18

OUTCOME 10 : PROTECT AND ENHANCE OUR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Strategic Objectives Audited/Actual performance Estimated per-

formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.1.1

Ensure sus-tainable envi-ronmental management, utilisation and regulation

Issued 100% of due EAs Applications carried over = 200 New applications received = 182 Due applications = 204 682, 972.00 (R8.4 billion) Decisions issued = 204 of the 204 due (100%) Of the 204 applications finalized, 204 applications were

176 (99%) of 177 due EIA applications finalised within stipulated timeframe

99% (220 of 222) due EIA applications finalised within stipulated timeframe

100% EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes1

100% of completeEIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes

100% of completeEIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes

100% of completeEIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes

The timeframe for Basic Assessment is 107 days, while for Scoping and Environmental Impact Reporting is 300 days.

SUB-PROGRAMME 3.1: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT This sub-programme is designed to ensure the regulation and management of the environment in the province. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2017/18

OUTCOME 10 : PROTECT AND ENHANCE OUR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Strategic Objectives Audited/Actual performance Estimated per-

formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.1.1

Ensure sus-tainable envi-ronmental management, utilisation and regulation

Issued 100% of due EAs Applications carried over = 200 New applications received = 182 Due applications = 204 682, 972.00 (R8.4 billion) Decisions issued = 204 of the 204 due (100%) Of the 204 applications finalized, 204 applications were

176 (99%) of 177 due EIA applications finalised within stipulated timeframe

99% (220 of 222) due EIA applications finalised within stipulated timeframe

100% EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes1

100% of completeEIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes

100% of completeEIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes

100% of completeEIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes

The timeframe for Basic Assessment is 107 days, while for Scoping and Environmental Impact Reporting is 300 days.

SUB-PROGRAMME 3.1: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT This sub-programme is designed to ensure the regulation and management of the environment in the province. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2017/18

OUTCOME 10 : PROTECT AND ENHANCE OUR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Strategic Objectives Audited/Actual performance Estimated per-

formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.1.1

Ensure sus-tainable envi-ronmental management, utilisation and regulation

Issued 100% of due EAs Applications carried over = 200 New applications received = 182 Due applications = 204 682, 972.00 (R8.4 billion) Decisions issued = 204 of the 204 due (100%) Of the 204 applications finalized, 204 applications were

176 (99%) of 177 due EIA applications finalised within stipulated timeframe

99% (220 of 222) due EIA applications finalised within stipulated timeframe

100% EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes1

100% of completeEIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes

100% of completeEIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes

100% of completeEIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes

The timeframe for Basic Assessment is 107 days, while for Scoping and Environmental Impact Reporting is 300 days.

SUB-PROGRAMME 3.1: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT This sub-programme is designed to ensure the regulation and management of the environment in the province. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2017/18

OUTCOME 10 : PROTECT AND ENHANCE OUR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Strategic Objectives Audited/Actual performance Estimated per-

formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.1.1

Ensure sus-tainable envi-ronmental management, utilisation and regulation

Issued 100% of due EAs Applications carried over = 200 New applications received = 182 Due applications = 204 682, 972.00 (R8.4 billion) Decisions issued = 204 of the 204 due (100%) Of the 204 applications finalized, 204 applications were

176 (99%) of 177 due EIA applications finalised within stipulated timeframe

99% (220 of 222) due EIA applications finalised within stipulated timeframe

100% EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes1

100% of completeEIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes

100% of completeEIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes

100% of completeEIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) applications finalised within legislated timeframes

The timeframe for Basic Assessment is 107 days, while for Scoping and Environmental Impact Reporting is 300 days.

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OUTCOME 10 : PROTECT AND ENHANCE OUR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Strategic Objectives Audited/Actual performance Estimated per-

formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 finalized within timeframes = (100%) Value of development = R 8, 493,

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OUTCOME 10 : PROTECT AND ENHANCE OUR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Strategic Objectives Audited/Actual performance Estimated per-

formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.1.2 100% of

applications received finalized

Carried over applications = 43,

New applications received = 19,

Due applications = 14, finalized = 14

Revenue generated = R 324, 610.00

80 (100%) applications for rectification of unlawful developments finalised within stipulated timeframe

100% (23 of 23) of applications of unlawful developments finalised within 45 days

100% of S24G applications finalised within stipulated timeframes

Twelve (12) S24G applications finalised

Ten (10) S24G applications finalised

Eight (8) S24G applications finalised

3.1.3 - - 100% (47 of 47) administrative en-forcement actions taken

160 enforcement actions finalised for non-compliance with environmental management leg-islation

80 administrative enforcement no-tices issued for non-compliance with environmental management leg-islation

80 administrative enforcement no-tices issued for non-compliance with environmen-tal management legislation

80 administrative enforcement no-tices issued for non-compliance with environmen-tal management legislation

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OUTCOME 10 : PROTECT AND ENHANCE OUR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Strategic Objectives Audited/Actual performance Estimated per-

formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.1.4 - - - - Four (4) completed

criminal investiga-tions handed to the NPA for prose-cution

Four (4) complet-ed criminal inves-tigations handed to the NPA for prosecution

Four (4) com-pleted criminal investigations handed to the NPA for prosecu-tion


144 Patrols 3 Audits 62 Road-blocks 485 compli-ance inspec-tions

Special en-forcement operations (170 patrols, 5 audits, 100 road blocks and 200 compliance inspections)

340 compliance inspections con-ducted

200 compliance inspections con-ducted

800 compliance inspections con-ducted

1200 compliance inspections con-ducted

1600 compliance inspections con-ducted

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OUTCOME 10 : PROTECT AND ENHANCE OUR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Strategic Objectives Audited/Actual performance Estimated per-

formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.1.6 100%

(13321) of due appli-cations final-ized Permit appli-cations re-ceived = 15387 Due applica-tions = 13321 Total permits issued = 13321 Lack of ade-quate infor-mation on permit appli-cations, lack of payments and illegal permit appli-cations = 2066

15000 (100%) of due biodiver-sity permits applications finalised within stipulated timeframe

100% (14770 of 14770) biodiversity permits finalised within stipulated timeframe

10 500 permits issued within leg-islated timeframes

14 000 permits issued within legislated timeframes

14 050 permits issued within legislated timeframes

14 100 permits is-sued within legis-lated timeframes

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OUTCOME 10 : PROTECT AND ENHANCE OUR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Strategic Objectives Audited/Actual performance Estimated per-

formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.1.7 100% of due

atmospheric emission li-cense appli-cations final-ised

Received applications: 08

Due applica-tions: 19

Due applica-tions final-ised: 19

Closed file: 05

Active appli-cations: 04

Number of applications finalised: 07

5 (100%) of due atmos-pheric emis-sion license applications finalised

100% (12 of 12) of atmospheric emis-sion licenses final-ised

100% of Atmos-pheric Emission Licenses with complete applica-tions issued with-in legislated timeframes

100% of Atmos-pheric Emission Licenses issued within legislated timeframes

100% of Atmos-pheric Emission Licenses issued within legislated timeframes

100% of Atmos-pheric Emission Licenses issued within legislated timeframes

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OUTCOME 10 : PROTECT AND ENHANCE OUR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Strategic Objectives Audited/Actual performance Estimated per-

formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.1.8 100% of due

waste li-cense appli-cations final-ised Received applications: 11 Due applica-tions:13 Due applica-tions final-ised: 13 Closed file: 02 Active appli-cations: 17 Number of applications finalised: 15

5 (100%) of due waste license appli-cations final-ised

100% (4 of 4) of waste licenses fi-nalised

100% of Waste license applica-tions finalised within legislated time frames

100% of Waste license applica-tions finalised with-in legislated timeframes

100% of Waste license applica-tions finalised within legislated timeframes

100% of Waste license applica-tions finalised within legislated timeframes

3.1.9 - - - - One (1) municipal waste disposal sites’ status quo analysis survey conducted

One (1) municipal waste disposal sites’ status quo analysis survey conducted

One (1) munici-pal waste dis-posal sites’ sta-tus quo analysis survey conduct-ed

3.1.10 - - - - Fifty (50) waste recycling initiatives

Fifty (50) waste recycling initia-

Sixty (60) waste recycling initia-

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OUTCOME 10 : PROTECT AND ENHANCE OUR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Strategic Objectives Audited/Actual performance Estimated per-

formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 supported tives supported tives supported


Programme performance indicator

Audited/Actual performance Estimated performance


Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

3.1.1 Percentage ofcomplete EIA applications finalised within legislated timeframes

Issued 100% of due EIAs Applications carried over = 200 New applications received = 182 Due applications = 204 Decisions issued = 204 of the 204 due (100%) of the 204 applications finalized, 204 applications were finalized within timeframes =

176 (99%) of 177 due EIA applications finalised within stipulated timeframe

99% (220 of 222) due EIA applications finalised within stipulated timeframe

100% 100% 100% 100%

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Programme performance

indicator Audited/Actual performance Estimated

performance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

(100%) Value of development = R 8, 493, 682, 972.00 (R8.4 billion)

3.1.2 Number of S24G applications finalised

100% of applications received finalized Carried over applications = 43, New applications received = 19, Due applications = 14, finalized = 14 Revenue generated = R 324, 610.00

34 (100%) applications for rectification of unlawful developments finalised within stipulated timeframe

100% (23 of 23) applications of unlawful developments finalised within 45 days

100% 12 10 8

3.1.3 Number of ad-ministrative en-forcement notic-es issued for non-compliance with environ-mental man-agement legisla-tion

- - 100% (47 of 47) administrative enforcement actions resulting in compliance

160 80 80 80

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Programme performance

indicator Audited/Actual performance Estimated

performance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

3.1.4 Number of com-pleted criminal investigations handed to the NPA for prose-cution

- - - - 4 4 4

3.1.5 Number of com-pliance inspec-tions conducted

144 Patrols 3 Audits 62 Roadblocks 485 compliance inspections

953 Special enforcement operations as follows; Patrols=276 R-blocks=105 Compliance inspec-tions=572

340 compli-ance inspec-tions conduct-ed

200 800 1200 1600

3.1.6 Number of permits issued within legislated timeframes

100% (13321)of due applications finalized

Permit applications received = 15387

Due applications = 13321

Total permits issued = 13321

Lack of

16 039 of due biodiversity permits appli-cations final-ised within stipulated timeframe

100% (14770 of 14770) of due biodiversi-ty permits ap-plications final-ised within stipulated timeframe

10 500 14 000 14 050 14 100

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Programme performance

indicator Audited/Actual performance Estimated

performance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

adequate information on permit applications, lack of payments and illegal permit applications = 2066

3.1.7 Percentage of Atmospheric Emission Li-censes issued within legislated timeframes

Received appli-cations : 22 Due licenses : 04 Issued licenses : 04 Closed file : 1 Active applica-tions: 27

100% (14) of due atmos-pheric emis-sion license applications finalised

100% (12 of 12) of Atmos-pheric Emis-sion Licenses with complete applications issued within legislated timeframes

100% 100% 100% 100%

3.1.8 Percentage of waste license applications fi-nalised within legislated timeframes

Received appli-cations : 14 Due licenses : 04 Issued licenses : 04 Closed file : 00 Active applica-tions: 19

100% (11) of due waste li-cense applica-tions finalised

100% (4 of 4) of waste li-cense applica-tions finalised within legislat-ed timeframes

100% 100% 100% 100%

3.1.9 Number of mu-nicipal waste disposal sites’

- - - - 1 1 1

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Programme performance

indicator Audited/Actual performance Estimated

performance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

status quo anal-ysis survey con-ducted

3.1.10 Number of waste recycling initiatives sup-ported

- - - - 50 50 60


Programme Performance Indicators Reporting period

Annual target 2017/18

Quarterly targets Means of Verification Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4


3.1.1 Percentage of complete EIAapplications finalised within legislated timeframes

Quarterly 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Quarterly NEAS Reports or Electronic Spreadsheets

Copies of final decisions

3.1.2 Number of S24G applications finalised

Quarterly 12 3 3 3 3 Quarterly statistics submitted on register of applications finalised or on an excel spreadsheet

Proof of payment of fine (where applicable)

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Programme Performance Indicators Reporting

period Annual target

2017/18 Quarterly targets Means of

Verification Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

Copies of final decisions


3.1.3 Number of administrative en-forcement notices issued for non-compliance with envi-ronmental management legis-lation

Quarterly 80 20 20 20 20 Quarterly statistics submitted on a register of applications finalised or an excel spreadsheet Copies of pre-compliance notices and pre directives

3.1.4 Number of completed criminal investigations handed to the NPA for prosecution

Quarterly 4 1 1 1 1 Quarterly statistics submitted on a register of applications finalised or an excel spreadsheet.

Copies of referrals

3.1.5 Number of compliance inspections conducted

Quarterly 800 200 200 200 200 Quarterly statistics submitted on a register of applications finalised or an excel spreadsheet.

Compliance inspection reports

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Programme Performance Indicators Reporting

period Annual target

2017/18 Quarterly targets Means of

Verification Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4


3.1.6 Number of permits issued within legislated timeframes

Quarterly 14 000 3 500 3 500 3 500 3 500 Provincial finalised permits applications spreadsheet

Copies of permits


3.1.7 Percentage of Atmospheric Emission Licenses issued within legislated timeframes

Quarterly 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Provincial atmos-pheric emission li-cences’ register

Copies of Atmos-pheric Emission Li-censes

3.1.8 Percentage of waste license applications finalised within the legislated timeframes

Quarterly 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Waste licences’ reg-ister or NEAS Re-ports

Copies of Waste Management Li-censes

3.1.9 Number of municipal waste disposal sites’ status quo analysis survey conducted

Annually 1 - - - 1 Status quo analysis report

3.1.10 Number of waste recycling initiatives supported

Quarterly 50 10 10 15 15 Recycling registers and site visit reports

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SUB-PROGRAMME 3.2: BIODIVERSITY AND NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT This sub-programme is designed to ensure the development, promotion and management of environmental activities through protection, sustainable natural resource management and utilisation in the province. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETS FOR 2017/18 OUTCOME 10: PROTECT AND ENHANCE OUR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS AND NATURAL RESOURCES

Strategic Objectives Audited Actual performance Estimated per-formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.2.1

Ensure protection and sustainable natural resource management and utilisation in the Province

- - - - One (1) Biodiver-sity Economy ini-tiative implement-ed

One (1) Biodiver-sity Economy ini-tiative implement-ed

One (1) Biodiver-sity Economy ini-tiative imple-mented

3.2.2 Limpopo Systematic Conservation Plan (v2) completed and approved by EMM

1 Bio-regional/ Sector plan developed

1 biodiversity spatial plan developed

Spatial information into planning instruments for the environmental sector and business increased, improved and integration provided for

One (1) legislated tool developed

One (1) legislated tool developed

One (1) legislated tool developed

3.2.3 Valuation of Ecosystems rolled out and

4 Biodiversity Research Reports on;

- Integrated envi-ronmental management

One (1) environ-mental research project complet-

One (1) environ-mental research project complet-

One (1) environ-mental research project complet-

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Strategic Objectives Audited Actual performance Estimated per-formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

concluded across 7 re-serves

Leopard, Elephant, Euphobia and Clivicola and Woodbush granite grassland developed

enhanced through scien-tific research

ed ed ed

3.2.4 - - - One (1) func-tional environ-mental infor-mation man-agement sys-tems main-tained

One (1) functional environmental information man-agement system maintained

One (1) functional environmental information man-agement system maintained

One (1) functional environmental information man-agement system maintained

3.2.5 25 municipali-ties participat-ed in Greenest municipality competition 30 Municipali-ties (District & local) support-ed with align-ing environ-

ment content in their IDPs

25 municipal-ities partici-pate in Greenest municipality competition

2 Environment Municipal Support Pro-gram con-ducted

Number of in-ter-governmental sector tools reviewed

One (1) inter-governmental sector tool re-viewed

One (1) inter-governmental sector tool re-viewed

One (1) inter-governmental sector tool re-viewed

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Strategic Objectives Audited Actual performance Estimated per-formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.2.6

- - 1 climate change tool developed

Climate change response tools developed

One (1) climate change response intervention implemented

One (1) climate change response intervention implemented

One (1) climate change response intervention implemented

3.2.7 5 nature reserves have been declared (three private nature reserves and two provincial nature reserves

7 Protected area declara-tion process-es finalized, in terms of the Protected Area Act of 2003 to in-crease land mass under conservation

8407ha in the conservation estate

Protected area network in-creased

24648 hectares in the conservation estate

8000 hectares in the conservation estate

10000 hectares in the conservation estate

3.2.8 52% manage-ment effec-tiveness in all nature re-serves based on METT has been achieved

60% man-agement ef-fectiveness in 25 nature reserves achieved

17 prescribed management effectiveness compliance reports

State managed protected areas assessed in terms of METT

10% (26089 ha of 260890 ha) of area of state managed protected areas assessed with a METT score above 67%

18% (46960 ha of 260890 ha) of area of state managed protected areas assessed with a METT score above 67%

21% (54786 ha of 260890 ha) of area of state managed protected areas assessed with a METT score above 67%


- - - - Four (4) revenue enhancement pro-jects developed

Four (4) revenue enhancement pro-jects developed

Four (4) revenue enhancement projects devel-oped

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Strategic Objectives Audited Actual performance Estimated per-formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20


- - - - Eleven (11) re-sorts marketing initiatives con-ducted

Eleven (11) re-sorts marketing initiatives con-ducted

Eleven (11) re-sorts marketing initiatives con-ducted

3.2.11 - - - - Five (5) resorts

grading facilitated Six (6) resorts grading facilitated

Six (6) resorts grading facilitated

3.2.12 - - - - Seven (7) permit

operators perfor-mance monitored

Seven (7) permit operators perfor-mance monitored

Seven (7) permit operators perfor-mance monitored


- - - Seven (7) Infrastructure projects upgraded

Four (4) Infra-structure projects upgraded

Four (4) Infra-structure projects upgraded

Four (4) Infra-structure projects upgraded


Programme performance Indicator

Audited Actual performance Estimated perfor-mance 2016/2017

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

3.2.1 Number of Bio-diversity Econ-omy initiatives implemented

- - - - 1 1 1

3.2.2 Number of legis-lated tools de-veloped

1 Biodiversity Spatial plan developed –

1 bioregional plan developed

01 biodiversity spatial plan developed

03 1 1 1

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Programme performance

Indicator Audited Actual performance Estimated perfor-

mance 2016/2017 Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

Biodiversity Sector Plan for the Waterberg

3.2.3 Number of environmental research projects completed

- - 1 1 1 1 1

3.2.4 Number of functional environmental information management systems maintained

- - - 1 1 1 1

3.2.5 Number of inter-governmental sector tools re-viewed

25 municipalities participated in Greenest munici-pality competition 30 Municipalities (District & local) supported with aligning environ-ment content in their IDPs

25 municipali-ties participate in Greenest municipality competition

2 Environment Municipal Sup-port Program conducted

1 1 1 1

3.2.6 Number of climate change response interventions

Limpopo Green Economy Plan signed off, includ-ing provincial

2 climate change re-sponse tools developed

1 climate change tool de-veloped

1 1 1 1

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Programme performance

Indicator Audited Actual performance Estimated perfor-

mance 2016/2017 Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

implemented Climate Change Response Change champi-ons nominated for all district and local municipali-ties Report in the system

3.2.7 Number of hectares in the conservation estate

10 nature reserves declared in terms of the Protected Area Act of 2003 to increase land mass under con-servation

10 protected area declara-tion processes finalized

8407ha in the conservation estate

5136 (0.4%)

24648 hec-tares (0.4%)

8000 hec-tares (0.4%)

10000 hec-tares (0.4%)

3.2.8 Percentage of area of state managed protected areas assessed with a METT score above 67%

52% manage-ment effective-ness in all nature reserves based on METT has been achieved

44% manage-ment effec-tiveness in 28 nature re-serves achieved

17 prescribed management effectiveness compliance re-ports

12% (32520 ha of 260890 ha)

10% (26089 ha of 260890 ha)

18% (46960 ha of 260890 ha)

21% (54786 ha of 260890 ha)

3.2.9 Number of rev-enue enhance-ment projects developed

- - - - 4 4 4

3.2.10 Number of re-sorts marketing initiatives con-

- - - - 11 11 11

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Programme performance

Indicator Audited Actual performance Estimated perfor-

mance 2016/2017 Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

ducted 3.2.11 Number of re-

sorts grading facilitated

- - - - 5 6 6

3.2.12 Number of per-mit operators performance monitored

- - - - 7 7 7

3.2.13 Number of Infrastructure projects upgraded

- - - 7 4 4 4

QUARTERLY TARGETS FOR 2017/18 Programme Performance indicators Reporting

period Annual target

2017/18 Quarterly targets

Means of Veri-

fication Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4


3.2.1 Number of Biodiversity Economy initiatives implemented

Annually 1 - - - 1 Biodiversity economy initia-tive implemen-tation report


3.2.2 Number of legislated tools devel-oped

Annually 1 - - - 1 Bioregional Plan for Sekhukhune District

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Programme Performance indicators Reporting

period Annual target

2017/18 Quarterly targets

Means of Veri-

fication Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

3.2.3 Number of environmental research projects completed

Annually 1 - - - 1 Research re-port

3.2.4 Number of functional environmental information management systems maintained

Annually 1 - - - 1 Biodiversity Information Management System

3.2.5 Number of inter-governmental sec-tor tools reviewed

Annually 1 - - - 1 IDP review re-port approved and signed off by delegated authority

3.2.6 Number of climate change response interventions implemented

Annually 1 - - - 1 Biogas digester generator model devel-oped


3.2.7 Number of hectares in the conser-vation estate

Annually 24648 (0.4%) hectares in the conservation estate

- - - 24648 (0.4%) hectares in the conservation estate

Approved pro-tected area declaration document

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Programme Performance indicators Reporting

period Annual target

2017/18 Quarterly targets

Means of Veri-

fication Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

3.2.8 Percentage of area of state managed protected areas assessed with a METT score above 67%

Annually 10% (26089 ha of 260890 ha)

- - - 10% (26089 ha of 260890 ha) state managed protected areas assessed with a METT score above 67%

Approved METT report


3.2.9 Number of revenue enhancement projects developed

Quarterly 4 1 1 1 1 Approved Pro-ject reports

3.2.10 Number of resorts marketing initia-tives conducted

Quarterly 11 2 3 4 2 Approved Mar-keting reports

3.2.11 Number of resorts grading facili-tated

Quarterly 5 1 2 1 1 Assessment reports from Grading Coun-cil and grading certificates

3.2.12 Number of permit operators per-formance monitored

Quarterly 7 7 7 7 7 Approved per-mit operators performance monitoring re-ports


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Programme Performance indicators Reporting

period Annual target

2017/18 Quarterly targets

Means of Veri-

fication Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

3.2.13 Number of Infrastructure Projects Upgraded

Annually 4 - - - 4 Approved pro-ject upgrade report

SUB-PROGRAMME 3.3: ENVIRONMENTAL EMPOWERMENT SERVICES The purpose of this sub-programme to ensure the development, promotion and management of environmental activities in the Province through the provision of

environmental empowerment support services.


formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.3.1. Provide envi-

ronmental em-powerment support ser-vices

15 environment calendar awareness events con-ducted for wet-lands day, World Biodi-versity and En-vironment days

20 environ-mental aware-ness events conducted in the province

20 environmen-tal awareness activities con-ducted

20 Environmen-tal Awareness activities con-ducted

20 Environmen-tal awareness activities con-ducted

20 Environmental awareness activi-ties conducted

20 Environmen-tal awareness activities con-ducted

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OUTCOME 10: PROTECT AND ENHANCE OUR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS AND NATURAL RESOURCES Strategic Objectives Audited Actual performance Estimated per-

formance 2016/17

Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20


2 000 stake-holders attend-ed awareness activities

8 Capacity building activi-ties conducted

21 environment capacity build-ing activities conducted

20 environment capacity building activities con-ducted

30 environment capacity building activities con-ducted

40 environment capacity building activities con-ducted

50 environment capacity building activities con-ducted


- - 319 work op-portunities cre-ated through environmental programmes

815 work opportunities created through environmental programmes

360 work opportunities created through environmental programmes

360 work opportunities created through environ-mental programmes

360 work opportunities created through environ-mental programmes


Programme Perfor-mance Indicators

Audited Actual performance Estimated performance


Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.3.1 Number of Envi-

ronmental aware-ness activities conducted

15 environment calendar aware-ness events con-ducted for wet-lands day, World Biodiversity and Environment days

Conducted 23 environmental awareness events

20 environmental awareness activi-ties conducted

20 20 20 20

3.3.2 Number of envi-ronment capacity building activities conducted

2 000 stakehold-ers attended awareness activi-ties

Conducted 24 capacity building activities

21 environment capacity building activities con-ducted

20 30 40 50

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Programme Perfor-mance Indicators

Audited Actual performance Estimated performance


Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.3.3 Number of work

opportunities cre-ated through en-vironmental pro-grammes

- - 319 work oppor-tunities created through environ-mental pro-grammes

815 360 360 360


Performance indicator Reporting period

Annual target 2017/18

Quarterly targets

Means of Verification

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 3.3.1 Number of Environmental

awareness activities conducted Quarterly 20 5 5 5 5 Activity reports

and attendance registers

3.3.2 Number of environment capaci-ty building activities conducted

Quarterly 30 10 8 7 5 Activity reports and attendance registers

3.3.3 Number of work opportunities created through environmental programmes

Annually 360 - - - 360 Beneficiaries copy of ID, signed contract, and annual re-port of jobs cre-ated

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Expenditure estimates

Table 6.7(b) : Summary of payments and estimates by economic classification: Environmental AffairsOutcome Main


appropriation Revised estimate Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20Current payments 185 922 213 630 230 078 302 768 294 532 295 357 320 194 309 105 326 105

Compensation of employees 166 386 185 138 200 840 241 812 241 812 241 679 255 725 265 847 280 468

Goods and services 19 254 28 052 28 851 60 519 52 283 53 241 63 599 42 338 44 667

Interest and rent on land 282 440 387 437 437 437 870 920 970

Transfers and subsidies to: 2 841 2 985 4 302 4 122 3 506 3 639 4 329 4 580 4 832 Provinces and municipalities 1 020 1 071 1 073 1 279 600 1 279 1 363 1 454 1 534

Departmental agencies and accounts – – – – – – – – –

Higher education institutions – – – – – – – – –

Foreign governments and internation – – – – – – – – –

Public corporations and private ente – – 135 – – – – – –

Non-profit institutions – – – – 679 – – – –

Households 1 821 1 914 3 094 2 843 2 227 2 360 2 966 3 126 3 298

Payments for capital assets 2 564 562 317 64 389 61 339 54 605 50 297 1 528 1 612 Buildings and other fixed structures – – – 41 000 33 918 27 184 45 880 – –

Machinery and equipment 2 564 562 317 23 389 27 421 27 421 4 417 1 528 1 612

Heritage Assets – – – – – – – – –

Specialised military assets – – – – – – – – –

Biological assets – – – – – – – – –

Land and sub-soil assets – – – – – – – – –

Software and other intangible assets – – – – – – – – –

Payments for financial assets – – – – – – – – –

Total economic classification 191 327 217 177 234 697 371 279 359 377 353 601 374 820 315 213 332 549


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PERFORMANCE AND EXPENDITURE TRENDS Programme 3: Environmental Affairs will use the allocated budget of R374, 820 million to accelerate sustainable resource management and use in the


The unit is responsible for the following sub-programmes:

• Environmental Quality Management

• Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management

• Environmental Empowerment Services

Given the fact that our targets are largely informed by the budget allocations, the programme does not anticipate any challenges in meeting its objectives during

the financial year. In ensuring that this happen, the allocate budget will only be used to promote the objectives attached to the sub-programmes above.


The purpose of this programme is to ensure development, promotion and regulation of tourism in the province. The strategic objectives are:

- Create enabling environment through tourism planning, policy development and regulation

- Contribute towards sustainable tourism destination development, growth and transformation

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OUTCOME 4: Decent employment through inclusive growth OUTCOME 7: Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all OUTCOME 11: Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better world Strategic Objectives Audited Actual performance Estimated

performance 2016/17

Medium-term targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20


Create an enabling en-vironment through tour-ism planning, policy devel-opment and regulation

- - 4 Mass Tourism impact assess-ment conducted

State of Tourism report developed

Limpopo Tour-ism Growth Strategy re-viewed

- -

4.1.3 4 Mass Tourism impact assess-ment conducted

Annual State of Tourism report developed

Annual State of Tourism report developed

Annual State of Tourism report developed


Programme Performance


Audited Actual performance Estimated performance


Medium-term targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

4.1.1 Limpopo Tour-ism Growth Strategy re-viewed

- - - - Limpopo Tour-ism Growth Strategy re-viewed

- -

4.1.2 Annual State of Tourism re-port developed

- - - Annual State of Tourism Report developed

Annual State of Tourism report developed

Annual State of Tourism report de-veloped

Annual State of Tourism re-port developed

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Programme Performance Indicators Reporting period Annual target Quarterly targets Means of Verification

2017/18 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 TOURISM PLANNING AND REGULATION

4.1.1 Limpopo Tourism Growth Strategy reviewed


Limpopo Tour-ism Growth Strategy re-viewed

- - - Limpopo Tourism Growth Strategy reviewed

Approved Lim-popo Tourism Growth Strategy

4.1.2 Annual State of Tourism report devel-oped

Bi-annual Annual State of Tourism report developed

- - Draft Mid-year State of Tourism report

State of Tourism report de-veloped

Annual State of Tourism report

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OUTCOME 4: Decent employment through inclusive growth OUTCOME 7: Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all OUTCOME 11: Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better world Strategic Objectives Audited Actual performance Estimated

performance 2016/17

Medium-term targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

4.2.1 Contribute to-wards tourism destination development, growth and transformation

60 Tourism PDI’s and 50 SMME’s supported and capacitated through tourism skills and support programs Tourism programmes on municipal level supported and monitored 66 Councillors and LED Managers supported with capacity building on Tourism Policy

75 Tourism PDI’s and 60 SMME’s supported and capacitated through tourism skills and support programs Monitored and supported implemented tourism programs at municipal level

Facilitated capacity building of 136 Tourism PDIs through skills and support programs 36 tourism youth graduates placed in the tourism sector

3 Tourism capacity building programs implemented

4 Tourism capacity building pro-grams facili-tated

5 Tourism ca-pacity building programs facil-itated

6 Tourism capaci-ty building pro-grams facilitated

4.2.2 25 Targeted tourism awareness programs implemented

10 Targeted tourism awareness programs implemented

Implemented 6 targeted tourism awareness programs in 5

6 Tourism aware-ness programs implemented

6 targeted Tourism awareness programs implemented

5 targeted Tourism awareness programs im-plemented

4 targeted Tour-ism awareness programs imple-mented

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OUTCOME 4: Decent employment through inclusive growth OUTCOME 7: Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all OUTCOME 11: Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better world Strategic Objectives Audited Actual performance Estimated

performance 2016/17

Medium-term targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20

district municipalities

4.2.3 Development of 27 tourist products facilitated, supported and monitored (11 government, 9 community tourism products and 7 private sector products)

Facilitated and monitored development of government and private sector owned tourists products and destinations

The development of 20 tourist products monitored

20 tourism product development initia-tives supported and monitored

10 tourism product de-velopment initiatives supported

10 tourism product devel-opment initia-tives support-ed

10 tourism prod-uct development initiatives sup-ported



Performance Indicators Audited Actual performance Estimated

performance 2016/17 Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 4.2.1 Number of tour-

ism capacity building pro-grams facilitated

60 Tourism PDI’s and 50 SMME’s supported and capacitated through tourism skills

133 Tourism PDI’s participated in tourism capacity building program

Facilitated capacity building of 136 Tourism PDIs through skills and support programs

3 tourism capacity building programs implemented


5 6

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Performance Indicators Audited Actual performance Estimated

performance 2016/17 Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 and support programs Tourism programmes on municipal level supported and monitored 66 Councillors and LED Managers supported with capacity building on Tourism Policy

Monitored and supported implemented tourism programs at municipal level

36 tourism youth graduates placed in the tourism sector

4.2.2 Number of tar-geted tourism awareness pro-grams imple-mented

25 targeted tourism awareness programs implemented

12 targeted tourism awareness plans in 5 districts implemented

Implemented 6 targeted tourism awareness programs in 5 district municipalities

6 Tourism awareness programs implement-ed

6 5 4

4.2.3 Number of tour-ism destination development initiatives sup-ported

Development of 27 tourist products facilitated, supported and monitored

Facilitated and monitored development of government and private sector owned tourists products and

The development of 20 tourist products monitored

20 tourism product development initia-tives supported and monitored

10 10 10

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Performance Indicators Audited Actual performance Estimated

performance 2016/17 Medium-term targets

2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 (11 government, 9 community tourism products and 7 private sector products)



Programme Performance Indicators Reporting period

Annual target

Quarterly targets Means of Verification

2017/18 Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 4.2.1 Number of tourism capacity building

programs facilitated

Quarterly 4 1 1 1 1 Tourism capacity building program reports and/or attendance register

4.2.2 Number of targeted tourism aware-ness programs implemented

Quarterly 6 2 2 1 1 Tourism Awareness reports

4.2.3 Number of tourism destination development initiatives supported

Annually 10 - - - 10 Signed-off report

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Table 6.8(b) : Summary of payments and estimates by economic classification: TourismOutcome Main


appropriation Revised estimate Medium-term estimates

R thousand 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20Current payments 16,592 16,415 19,018 38,979 28,835 28,265 35,612 20,279 21,397

Compensation of employees 10,654 10,817 10,838 11,617 13,617 13,617 12,191 13,387 14,124

Goods and services 5,938 5,598 8,180 27,362 15,218 14,648 23,421 6,892 7,273

Interest and rent on land – – – – – – – – –

Transfers and subsidies to: 138,704 170,046 167,235 97,506 89,269 89,307 103,125 75,851 80,250 Provinces and municipalities – – – – – – – – –

Departmental agencies and accounts 138,700 168,373 167,011 97,506 89,262 89,262 103,125 75,851 80,250

Higher education institutions – – – – – – – – –

Foreign governments and internation – – – – – – – – –

Public corporations and private ente – 1,673 – – – – – – –

Non-profit institutions – – – – – – – – –

Households 4 – 224 – 7 45 – – –

Payments for capital assets – – – – – – 3,500 – – Buildings and other fixed structures – – – – – – 3,500 – –

Machinery and equipment – – – – – – – – –

Heritage Assets – – – – – – – – –

Specialised military assets – – – – – – – – –

Biological assets – – – – – – – – –

Land and sub-soil assets – – – – – – – – –

Software and other intangible assets – – – – – – – – –

Payments for financial assets – – – – – – – – –

Total economic classification 155,296 186,461 186,253 136,485 118,104 117,572 142,237 96,130 101,647


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An amount of R2, 567 million has been allocated to the EPWP incentive grant for general maintenance of infrastructure in Nature Reserves during 2017/18 FY. Name of the grant Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) from the National Department of Public Works

Purpose Alleviate poverty through temporary job creation

Performance indicator Number of temporary jobs created

Continuation The grant is allocated annually to the department based on the performance from the previous years

Motivation The grant to continue as it provide poverty and income relief through temporary jobs for the unemployed

7. PUBLIC ENTITIES Name of Public Entity Mandate Outputs Current Annual Budget

(R ‘000) Date of next evalu-

ation Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA)

Provide an integrated platform for the full implementation of economic activities emanating from the Pro-vincial Economic Development Strategies and Plans

Investment attraction, priori-ty sectors developed and industrialization of the economy

R445 447m

Quarterly and Annu-ally

Limpopo Gambling Board (LGB)

Regulate the Gambling Industry Gambling licensing, moni-toring and regulating

R67 502m

Quarterly and Annu-ally

Limpopo Tourism Agency (Limpopo Tourism Act No 2 of 2009)

Tourism marketing and Promotions Tourism Marketing Tourist product develop-ment on provincial nature reserves

R103 125m

Quarterly and Annu-ally



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PART A: STRATEGIC OVERVIEW Refer to the strategic plan


1 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION The purpose of this programme is to provide strategic direction, financial, administrative and information management support to the Department in line with

available prescripts to ensure efficient service delivery.


1.2 RESOURCE CONSIDERATIONS Refer to the strategic plan

Strategic Objective 1 Provide strategic and administrative support to 04 departmental programmes

Objective Statement To provide strategic direction, financial, administrative and information management support to the Department in line with available prescripts to ensure efficient service delivery by 2019

Baseline Policies, procedures and systems are in place

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Provide strategic and administra-tive support to 04 departmental programmes

Inability to appoint suitably qualified staff

Human resources risk Human resources plan in place

On-going engagements with the rele-vant stakeholders to enable the filling of prioritized posts

Compilation of non-credible Annual Performance Plans, Quarterly and Annual Reports

Operational risk On-going training on the compilation of Annual Performance Plans, Quarterly and Annual reports

Review of the Annual Performance Plans prior to approval to ensure com-pliance with the Framework on Manag-ing Programme Performance Infor-mation and alignment with the budget, Limpopo Development Plan and other mandates

Inadequate number of vehi-cles to discharge the depart-ment’s mandate

Operational risk On-going reprioritization of Depart-ment’s budget to align with priorities

Non-compliance to financial prescripts

Strategic risk On-going monitoring of compliance to regulations and enforcement of ac-countability

On-going awareness workshops for employees on their responsibilities to-wards responsible financial manage-ment

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Inability to maintain a skilled, resourced, empowered and motivated workforce

Strategic risk Review the organizational structure to align it with the MTEF priorities

Prioritize the filling of vacant posts

On-going monitoring of compliance to regulations and enforcement of ac-countability


The purpose of this programme is to promote economic growth and job creation through economic planning and research, enterprise development, investment

promotion and business regulations. These will be achieved through the following;

- Ensuring the promotion of economic planning, conducting research and implementation and monitoring of economic development programmes;

- Creating an enabling environment for SMMEs and Co-operatives to succeed in order to improve the quality of life of the people of Limpopo Province;

- Stimulating economic growth through industry development, trade and investment promotion;

- Ensuring that businesses in all sectors are regulated and an environment created whereby consumers are effectively protected; and

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Strategic Objective 2 Research and plan targeted interventions in identified sectors to inform policy imperatives

Objective Statement To facilitate economic research and development, develop strategies and plans to address growth and job creation for the Province by 2019

Baseline Industrial Development Master Plan, Limpopo Mining and Mineral Beneficiation Initiative Strategy and In-formal Sector study, Cooperative strategy developed


Strategic Objective 3 Develop sustainable SMMEs and Cooperatives in all sectors

Objective Statement To facilitate the establishment and growth of competitive job creating SMMEs and Co-operatives through business development information, skills development, access to resources and markets by the year 2019

Baseline Monitored and facilitated support to 2 867 SMMEs and 365 Co-operatives through business development information and access to market opportunities


Strategic Objective 4 Ensure industrial development, trade and investment promotion Objective Statement To increase the competitiveness of mining and mineral beneficiation, agro-processing, manufacturing, ICT

enabled industries and green economy through skills development, industrial development and attraction of investment valued at R1.6 billion by 2019

Baseline Attracted and tracked investment valued at R500m, facilitated the development of 3 sectors of the economy namely: manufacturing, mining and capital and allied services, and 4 industry support programmes imple-mented

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Refer to the strategic plan

Strategic Objective 5 Ensure a regulated, equitable and socially responsible business environment

Objective Statement To regulate businesses through licensing, registration, monitoring compliance, conduct education and awareness campaigns and protecting consumers by 2019

Baseline A list of 11 000 general trading businesses verified and compiled by 2014 7800 registered liquor businesses 552 Consumer rights interventions conducted 100% of received consumer complaints resolved

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2.4 Risk Management


Research and plan targeted interventions in identified sec-tors to inform policy imperatives

Inability to facilitate the creation of an enabling environment for investment attraction and de-velopment of industries

Strategic risk On-going implementation of the cur-rent programmes:

• Investor targeting strategy • Industrial Master Plan • Limpopo mining and minerals ben-

eficiation initiative • Agro-processing strategy • Artisan training • Small scale mining • Competitiveness and industrial

skills development • Investment promotion • Identification and support of dis-

tressed enterprises Develop sustainable SMMEs and Co-operatives in all sectors

Inability to facilitate economic development through sustaina-ble and thriving SMME’s and cooperatives

Strategic risk

Entrepreneurial development coordi-nated in partnership with LEDA and other stakeholders

On-going implementation of the cur-rent programmes:

• SMME strategy • Co-operatives strategy • Limpopo Targeted Investment and

Trade Recruitment strategy • Turnaround solution program • Support of mining communities • Training of artisans. • Facilitation of youth industrialisa-

tion programme Ensure industrial development, Inability to facilitate the creation Strategic risk On-going implementation of the cur-

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trade and investment promotion of an enabling environment for

industrial development, invest-ment competitiveness and job creation

rent programmes:

• Industrial Master Plan • Competitiveness and industrial

skills development • Investment promotion

Ensure a regulated, equitable and socially responsible busi-ness environment

Inability to ensure regulated, equitable and socially responsi-ble business environment

Strategic risk Legislative Framework to enable regulation in place

On-going inspections and aware-ness programmes in place

Consumer court and advisory in place


The purpose of this programme is to ensure the regulation and management of environment and natural resources including biodiversity and

conservation matters in a manner that facilitate sustainable economic growth and development in the province. This will be achieved through

the following:

- Ensuring sustainable environmental management, utilisation and regulation of natural resources.

- Ensuring protection and sustainable natural resource management and utilisation in the Province.

- Providing environmental empowerment support services.

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Strategic Objective 6 Ensure sustainable environmental management; utilisation and regulation of natural resources Objective Statement To ensure development and implementation of sustainable environmental management legislation;

systems and tools and by 2019 Baseline Existing environmental management legislations; systems and tools


Strategic Objective 7 Ensure protection and sustainable natural resource management and utilisation in the Province. Objective Statement To ensure biological diversity conservation of wildlife, environmental research and the sustainable

management of protected areas through the establishment of a representative protected area network and maintenance of the ecological infrastructure.

Baseline Existing environmental management systems and tools such as the Limpopo Environmental Outlook, the Mopani Bioregional plan, the hunting policy, donation policy and increasing the biodiversity conser-vation estate by 8281ha.


Strategic Objective 8 Provide environmental empowerment support services Objective Statement To implement programmes that enhance interaction with stakeholders and empower communities

To partner with relevant Government Sector Departments in implementing environmental and socio-economic programmes

Baseline Existing environmental management legislation; environmental resource materials and capacity build-ing reports

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3.2 RESOURCE CONSIDERATIONS Refer to the strategic plan



Ensure sustainable environmental management; utilisation and regulation of natural resources

Inability to enforce compliance with environmental legislation

Strategic risk On-going training of law and jus-tice system officers on environ-mental crime

On-going investigation and prose-cution of reported cases and com-plaints

Partnerships with non-governmental organizations, law and intelligence agencies on envi-ronment related issues

On-going awareness on the man-agement of the environment

Ensure protection and sustainable natural resource management and utilisation inthe Province

Degraded infrastructure in the provincial nature reserves

Strategic Risk Implementation of the Infrastruc-ture Development Plan

On-going maintenance of infra-structure at SONR’s

Provide environmental empowerment support services

Inability to manage biosphere reserves

Strategic Risk Facilitate the inclusion of bio-sphere management in the IDP’s of all the district municipalities

Continuous bilateral meeting with and provision of support to non-compliant Districts Municipalities.

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The purpose of this programme is to ensure development, promotion and regulation of tourism in the province.



Strategic Objective 9 Create enabling environment through tourism planning, policy development and regulation

Objective Statement To ensure the development of tourism policy and strategy, knowledge management services, tourism compliance monitoring and tourist guides registration

Baseline Existing national and provincial tourism legislation, national and provincial tourism sector strat-egies and the annual provincial state of tourism report


Strategic Objective 10 Contribute towards sustainable tourism destination development, growth and transformation

Objective Statement To facilitate and monitor the implementation of tourism sector strategies and transformation programs that contribute towards sustainable tourism development, economic growth and ca-pacity building within the tourism industry

Baseline Heritage and Culture Strategy, Rural Tourism Development Strategy, Tourism BEE Scorecard, National Tourism HRD Strategy, Tourism Sector Skills Plan and database of funded tourism social responsibility projects and trained PDI’s

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4.2 RESOURCE CONSIDERATIONS Refer to the strategic plan



Create enabling environment through tourism planning, pol-icy development and regula-tion

Inadequacy of resources (non-financial) to implement the re-quirements of the new Tourism Act

Strategic Risk Continuously monitoring of the LTA

Timeous filling of vacated posts

Approval and funding of the pro-posed staff establishment

Contribute towards sustaina-ble tourism destination devel-opment, growth and transfor-mation

Inability to effectively implement Tourism Marketing Strategy

Strategic risk Development of a revised structural arrangement to improve implemen-tation of Limpopo Tourism Agency functional obligations

Establishments of partnerships with the Tourism Industry


SO Number 1. Strategic Objective title Provide strategic and administrative support to 04 departmental programmes Short definition Provision of support services in line with legislative mandates and corporate governance principles Purpose/importance To ensure effective implementation of programs in compliance with relevant prescripts and service

standards Source/collection of data Reports Method of calculation Simply counting Data limitations None Type of Strategic Objective Impact

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Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New strategic objective No Desired performance Improved service delivery to communities and stakeholders through a skilled, accountable, career-

oriented and professional public servants Strategic Objective respon-sibility

Chief Directors: Corporate Services, Information Management and Chief Financial Officer


SO Number 2. Strategic Objective title Research and plan targeted interventions in identified sectors to inform policy imperatives Short definition Conduct research and develop plans that will assist in addressing economic development challenges of

poverty, unemployment and inequality in the Province. Purpose/importance To conduct research in order to develop targeted interventions/plans that will assist in improving provin-

cial economic growth. Source/collection of data The data will be sourced from both private and public sectors through interviews and review of docu-

ments such as, government reports, plans and policies. Method of calculation Simply counting Data limitations None Type of Strategic Objective Impact Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New strategic objective No Desired performance Researched plans that are aligned to the Limpopo Development Plan Strategic Objective respon-sibility

Directors: Economic Planning and Research

SO Number 3. Strategic Objective title Develop sustainable SMMEs and Cooperatives in all sectors Short definition Facilitate, coordinate and monitor the development and growth of SMMEs and Cooperatives through the

initiation of innovative entrepreneurship promotion programmes, supplier development programme, co-ordination of quality and standards system management; public and private sector procurement

Purpose/importance For SMMEs and Cooperatives to be profitable, sustainable and their growth through their increased par-ticipation in the mainstream economy and to contribute to inclusive and shared economic growth

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Source/collection of data Municipalities, provincial and national agencies, and other stakeholders Method of calculation Simply counting Data limitations None Type of Strategic Objective Impact Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New Strategic objective No Desired performance Increased culture of entrepreneurship aimed at increasing the number of new innovative and sustaina-

ble business venture that will contribute to job creation Developing a simplified policy and regulatory environment for SMMEs and Cooperatives development to eradicate poverty, inequality and unemployment Enhanced public and private sector procurement geared towards improving market access for SMMEs and Cooperatives Enhanced support to informal businesses, rural and township enterprises contributing towards their growth, sustainability, creation and retention of existing jobs

Strategic Objective respon-sibility

Chief Director: Integrated Economic Development Services

SO Number 4. Strategic Objective title Ensure industrial development, trade and investment promotion Short definition Facilitation of the development and implementation of targeted strategies for industrial development,

trade and investment promotion Purpose/importance Stimulation of economic growth and job creation through industry development, trade and investment

promotion Source/collection of data Trade and Investment missions, Project reports and Information and Feedback sessions Method of calculation Simply counting Data limitations Yes, we rely on other stakeholders on some data Type of Strategic Objective Impact Calculation type Cumulative and Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New Strategic objective No Desired performance A job creating annual economic growth of 3% Strategic Objective respon-sibility

Chief Director: Trade and Sector Development

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SO Number 5. Strategic Objective title Ensure a regulated, equitable and socially responsible business environment Short definition Business regulation and Consumer protection Purpose/importance To licence businesses, ensure compliance thereof and to protect consumers against unfair business

practices Source/collection of data Applications and complaints lodged at district offices and head office Method of calculation Simply counting Data limitations None Type of Strategic objective Output and Impact Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New strategic objective No Desired performance Harmonize business practices by effective regulation of business and resolution of consumer disputes Strategic Objective respon-sibility

Chief Director: Business Regulation and Governance


SO Number 6. Strategic Objective title Ensure sustainable environmental management; utilisation and regulation of natural resources Short definition To manage the sustainable use of natural resources through regulatory processes Purpose/importance To ensure compliance by regulated community Source/collection of data Reports, NEAS, EDMS Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations None Type of Strategic objective Output/Impact Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New strategic objective No Desired performance To have the environment protected through reasonable legislative measures. Strategic Objective respon-sibility

Chief Director: Environmental Quality Management

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SO Number 7. Strategic Objective title Ensure protection and sustainable natural resource management and utilisation in the Province Short definition Increasing land under conservation through declarations in terms of the NEM: Protected Areas of 2003

Act and the biodiversity stewardship programme. Sustainably managing protected areas at acceptable and nationally agreed effectiveness levels (currently 67%). Monitoring threatened species and facilitating implementation of adaptation measures for resilience of environmental assets to climate change. Manage and regulate sustainable utilisation of natural resources in terms of the NEM: Biodiversity Act 10 2004. Develop tourism products and services in the provincial nature reserves.

Purpose/importance To conserve biodiversity and establish a protected area network and a natural heritage for present and future generations of the province.

Source/collection of data Planning instruments such as scientific data, monitoring reports, surveyor general’s reports and com-ments from the public.

Method of calculation Simple counting, measuring and analyses. Data limitations Inaccurate and inadequate information in reports. Type of Strategic objective Impact Calculation type Cumulative annually Reporting cycle Annually New strategic objective No Desired performance Expansion of land under conservation; effective and sustainable management of a representative pro-

tected area network. Biodiversity monitoring data captured in geographical information systems to be used in biodiversity information tools to inform decision making.

Strategic Objective respon-sibility

Chief Director: Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management

SO Number 8. Strategic Objective title Provide Environmental Empowerment services Short definition To provide environmental empowerment services and increase environmental management knowledge

capacity and skills to all relevant stakeholders Purpose/importance To create an environmentally caring stakeholders Source/collection of data Environmental awareness activities and community based programmes conducted

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Method of calculation Simple calculation Data limitations None Type of Strategic objective Output Calculation type None cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New strategic objective New Desired performance Environmentally aware and caring society created Strategic Objective respon-sibility

Chief Director: Environmental Quality Management


SO Number 9. Strategic Objective title Create enabling environment through tourism planning, policy development and regulation

Short definition Facilitate development and creation of conducive provincial tourism strategic frameworks and legislations that encourages tourism development, growth and Industry compliance.

Purpose/importance To create an enabling environment for tourism growth through tourism planning, policy and strategy de-velopment, knowledge management and regulation.

Source/collection of data Tourism Act, 2014 Limpopo Tourism Act,2009 National Tourism Sector Strategy Limpopo Tourism Growth Strategy Tourism BEE and Scorecard Tourist Guides Registration Regulations

Method of calculation Analysis report of implementation strategies developed and regulatory compliance reports Data limitations Lack of stakeholder participation Type of Strategic objective Outcome and Impact Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New strategic objective No Desired performance A conducive environment created for enhanced tourism development and compliance monitoring. Strategic Objective respon-sibility

Chief Director – Tourism

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SO Number 10. Strategic Objective title Contribute to sustainable tourism destination development and transformation Short definition Implementation and monitoring of tourism sector strategies and initiatives supporting tourism destination

development and growth in the Province Purpose/importance To contribute to sustainable tourism destination development and transformation of the industry Source/collection of data Tourism Strategies (Rural Strategy, Heritage and Culture Strategy, Responsible Tourism Guideline,

Tourism HRD Strategy and Tourism Sector Skills Plan Method of calculation Analysis of reports, strategies and plans implemented Data limitations None Type of Strategic objective Outcome and Impact Calculation type Cumulative and Non-Cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New strategic objective No Desired performance Tourism destinations developed and capacitated, informed and transformed tourism industry. Strategic Objective respon-sibility

Chief Director - Tourism

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Indicator Number 1.1.1 Indicator title Number of funded vacant posts filled within twelve months Short definition Filling of all advertised funded vacant posts on the approved structure within twelve months Purpose/importance To reduce the vacancy rate in the department Source/collection of data Human resource management plan, appointment letters and placement reports Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations Unforeseen service termination Type of indicator Output Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Higher: Efficient and effective service delivery Indicator responsibility Director: HRM

Indicator Number 1.1.2 Indicator Title Number of Skills Development Programmes implemented. Short Definition Implementation of the four skills development programs (i.e. bursary scheme, ABET, intern-

ship/learnership and short courses) as part of the training and development of employees and non-employees (interns and other students on learnership and experiential learning programs) through courses, workshop and seminars.

Purpose To ensure continuous capacity building and development of employees and non-employees to bridge the gap between workplace competencies and those of the employees and or non-employees.

Source/collection of data Registers and quarterly monitoring reports Method of calculation Simple counting of number and percentages of employees who attended training courses or work-

shops/seminars and also the number of correctly done appointments of interns and learners Data Limitations Unforeseen death and or resignations

Unreliable systems

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Type of Indicator Output Calculation Non-cumulative Reporting Style Quarterly New Indicator No Desired performance Capable and professional public servants always ready to deliver on the mandate of the department Indicator Responsibility Director: HRD & PMDS

Indicator Number 1.1.3 Indicator title Percentage of received disciplinary cases adjudicated within 90 days Short definition All disciplinary cases investigated and concluded within the prescribed time-frame Purpose/importance To ensure efficiency on the adjudicated cases in the department in order to promote sound employ-

er-employee relations Source/collection of data Register, Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Reports Method of calculation Simple counting of the registered disciplinary cases Data limitations External factors such as non-availability of chairpersons or employer representatives and or one of

the parties during scheduled dates Type of indicator Output Calculation type Cumulative for the year Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance To ensure efficiency and compliance to applicable prescripts Indicator responsibility Director: Employee Relations

Indicator Number 1.1.4 Indicator title Percentage of female representation at SMS level increased Short definition This indicator refers to the desire to increase the representation of females at SMS level, which cur-

rently stands at 43% in the department, through recruitment and or promotion. Purpose/importance To ensure compliance with Employment Equity Act requirements in terms of gender equality and

gender mainstreaming issues. Source/collection of data Statistical data from the department, DPSA, Department of Labour. Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations Unforeseen ICT system failures Type of indicator Output

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Calculation type Non-Cumulative Reporting cycle Annual New indicator Yes Desired performance Compliance with applicable legal prescripts Indicator responsibility Director: Transformation

Indicator Number 1.1.5 Indicator title Percentage of persons with disabilities increased Short definition The indicator refers to the desire to increase the representation of persons with disability at all levels

of the organisation, which currently stands at 0.7% in the department, through recruitment processes. Purpose/importance To ensure compliance with Employment Equity Act requirements in terms of empowering persons

with disability and mainstreaming issues of disability. Source/collection of data Departmental statistical data Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations Unforeseen ICT system failures Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non- Cumulative Reporting cycle Annual New indicator Yes Desired performance Compliance with applicable legal prescripts Indicator responsibility Director: Transformation


Indicator Number 1.2.1 Indicator title Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days of receipt Short definition The number of invoices paid within 30 days of receipt by the institution against the total number of

invoices received by the institution. Purpose/importance To enable suppliers or service providers to have sufficient funding to operate their businesses and

comply with PFMA (S30) Source/collection of data Reports (BAS and Invoice tracking system) Method of calculation Simple counting

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Data limitations None Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Compliant institution with the PFMA Indicator responsibility Chief Financial Officer

Indicator Number 1.2.2 Indicator title Percentage of allocated budget spent Short definition Amount of the budget spent against the total budget allocation Purpose/importance To assess the institution’s capacity to spend adequately against the planned budget. Source/collection of data Cash flows as per the fund requisitions submitted to Provincial Treasury, Budget and Expenditure Re-

ports (BAS) Method of calculation % of expenditure against the budget projections Data limitations None Type of indicator Output Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance The institution’s actual expenditure is above 98% but limited to 100% Indicator responsibility Chief Financial Officer

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Indicator Number 1.3.1 Indicator title Number of business-IT alignment consultations conducted on CGICT implementation Short definition To conduct business-IT alignment consultations with all IT users based on CGICT policy framework Purpose/importance To create an IT environment that complies with sound governance principles Source/collection of data Consultation reports Method of calculation Count Data limitations None Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Provision of technology enablement and a compliant computing environment Indicator responsibility Director: Information Technology


Indicator Number 2.1.1 Indicator Title Number of economic development reports compiled on economic Indicators Short Definitions To compile economic development reports for the province on economic indicators which include Quar-

terly Labour Force Survey analysis (QLFS), economic growth, and sector performance within Limpopo provincial economy

Purpose/Importance To undertake quarterly and annual trend analysis of economic indicators to inform planning and policy making decision, as well as track the performance of the economy

Source/collection of data Stats SA, SA Reserve Bank and Information agencies Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations The current data from official source is lagging. Currently using disaggregated (Municipal level) data

sourced from information agencies due to unavailability of data from Official source (Stats SA). Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly

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New indicator No Desired performance Low unemployment level, high level of economic and sectorial performance Indicator responsibility Director: Economic Planning

Indicator Number 2.1.2 Indicator Title Number of provincial social dialogue hosted Short Definitions Annual social dialogue hosted with different stakeholders to deliberate and take resolutions on econom-

ic development issues affecting the Province Purpose/Importance To ensure collective decision making on strategic interventions to address identified economic chal-

lenges Source/collection of data Provincial and national strategies, policies and plans

SONA, SOPA, Budget speeches and stakeholder deliberations Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations None Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New indicator No Desired performance Increased stakeholder participation & collective decision making Indicator responsibility Director: Economic Planning

Indicator Number 2.1.3 Indicator Title Number of economic strategies developed Short Definitions The indicator is about developing various economic strategies by analysing the status, visioning, stake-

holder consultation and implementation plan on the Township Revitalisation strategy and BEE strategy, Incubation Strategy and Marula Processing Strategy

Purpose/Importance To give guidance on how to improve the township economy Source/collection of data Local municipality LED/IDP, Sector Departments Plans Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations None Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly

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New indicator Yes Desired performance Improved township economy Indicator responsibility Director: Policy and Planning

Indicator Number 2.1.4 Indicator Title Number of economic development research studies completed Short Definitions Complete economic development research studies on various research topics that address a particular

identified economic development problem. The final research report would consist of problem identifica-tion, theoretical framework, methodology, findings and analysis, as well as recommendations

Purpose/Importance To support and inform economic development decision making, planning and economic policy devel-opment through evidence-based research.

Source/collection of data Universities, research institutions, Stats SA, secondary data (desktop) and primary data (interviews, surveys with relevant stakeholders)

Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations None Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Credible and evidence-based research results provided to inform decision making and planning on eco-

nomic development matters Indicator responsibility Director: Economic Research


Indicator Number 2.2.1 Indicator title Number of supported SMMEs in the prioritised sectors monitoredShort definition To monitor number of SMMEs supported both financially and non-financially by the Department and LE-

DA as its implementing agency through the business development support programme. The business development support provided to SMMEs financially or non-financially focuses on new and existing SMMEs including incubated SMMEs.

Purpose/importance To improve SMMEs support programmes Source/collection of data Monitoring tools and LEDA database

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Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations None Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Increased support to SMMEs development is desirables Indicator responsibility Director: Enterprise Development

Indicator Number 2.2.2 Indicator title Number of supported Cooperatives in the prioritised sectors monitoredShort definition To monitor number of Cooperatives supported both financially and non-financially by the Department and

LEDA as its implementing agency through the business development support programme. The business development support provided to Cooperatives financially or non-financially focuses on new and existing Cooperatives including incubated Cooperatives. The prioritised sectors refer to sectors of the provincial economy as outlined in the Limpopo Development Plan.

Purpose/importance To improve Cooperatives support programmes Source/collection of data Monitoring tool and LEDA database Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations None Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Increased support to Cooperatives development is desirables Indicator responsibility Director: Integration and Coordination

Indicator Number 2.2.3 Indicator title Number of target-specific programmes implemented Short definition Implementation of the following targeted programmes for the: Youth, Women and People with disabilities

and Township Enterprises Purpose/importance To achieve socio-economic transformation goals of ensuring equitable participation by previously excluded

individuals from the mainstream economy Source/collection of data Sector Departments and Municipalities Database

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Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations None Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator Yes Desired performance Increased implementation of target-specific programmes is desirable Indicator responsibility Director: Economic Empowerment

Indicator Number 2.2.4 Indicator title Number of LED Capacity Building Interventions implemented in Municipalities Short definition Implementation of Capacity Building Interventions in municipalities include training of municipal LED Coun-

cillors and Officials Purpose/importance To build the capacity of municipalities to implement Local Economic Development projects at municipal

level Source/collection of data District and Local Municipalities Database Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations None Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator Yes Desired performance Improved LED performance in municipalities in the province Indicator responsibility Director: Integration and Co-ordination


Indicator Number 2.3.1 Indicator title Number of monitoring reports on trade and investment produced Short definition This indicator refers to reports produced on monitoring of the rand value of trade generated, enterprise

assisted through export readiness programme, domestic and foreign direct investment facilitated in the province

Purpose/importance To stimulate trade, domestic and foreign direct investments in Limpopo

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Source/collection of data LEDA and the dti reports Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations None Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator Yes Desired performance Increase in export and rate of investments attracted to the province Indicator responsibility Director: Trade and Investment

Indicator Number 2.3.2 Indicator title Number of productivity management programmes implemented Short definition Implementation of productivity management programs include application of turnaround solutions for dis-

tressed enterprises, workplace challenger groups and productivity promotional activities Purpose/importance To improve competitiveness and productivity of local enterprises Source/collection of data Municipal database Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations none Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Increased competitiveness and productive enterprises is desirable Indicator responsibility Director: Strategic Initiatives

Indicator Number 2.3.3 Indicator title Number of people trained on sector specific skills Short definition Training of people on sector specific skills (i.e. Energy Management Systems). Further entails placing them

‘On the Job Training’ (OJT). Purpose/importance To build the capacity of trainees to address the skills shortage in the economy of the province Source/collection of data Academic, public and private institutions and reports Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations none

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Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Well-trained and skilled trainees on sector specific skills Indicator responsibility Director: Sector Development

Indicator Number 2.3.4 Indicator title Number of skills development programmes facilitated Short definition Facilitation of skills development programme involves co-funding, coordination of stakeholders and

monitoring the delivery of the programme for the Biogas Digesters and Tool, Die and Mould Artisans Training Programmes

Purpose/importance To bridge the skills shortage in the economy of the province Source/collection of data Academic, public and private institutions and reports Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations none Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator Yes Desired performance Increased skills development programmes Indicator responsibility Director: Sector Development

Indicator Number 2.3.5 Indicator title Number of Industrial development interventions facilitated through various industry programmes Short definition Facilitation of industrial development interventions through various industry programs consists of

implementing Special Economic Zone activities, the Mining Roundtable Resolutions and the Green Economy focus areas

Purpose/importance To facilitate the realisation of industrialisation goal for the province Source/collection of data Work-stream facilitators reports, Industry workshops and one-on-one company visit reports Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations None

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Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Increased industrialisation interventions is desirable Indicator responsibility Director: Sector Development

Indicator Number 2.3.6 Indicator title Number of monitoring reports produced on high impact industrialisation projects packaged Short definition To produce monitoring reports on the high impact industrialisation projects packaged by the department

through LEDA Purpose/importance LEDET is able to improve on the level of industrialisation in the province Source/collection of data LEDA Project reports Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations None Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator Yes Desired performance Increased bankable industrialisation projects Indicator responsibility Chief Director: Trade and Sector Development


Indicator Number 2.4.1 Indicator title Number of reports produced on the implementation of the Limpopo Business Registration Act (LIBRA) in 25

local Municipalities Short definition Implementation status reports contain information on total number of businesses registered and operating in a

particular local municipality Purpose/importance To monitor the level of compliance on the implementation of the Limpopo Business Registration Act in all

municipalities in the province. The monitoring reports on implementation of LIBRA enable the department to know and understand whether all registered and operational businesses are complying with the legal prescripts and regulations.

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Source/collection of data LEDET and Municipalities database Method of calculation Simple counting Data limitations None Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Higher levels of registration and compliance is desired since it is indicative of an increase in business

activities and job creation opportunities Indicator responsibility Director: Business Regulations

Indicator Number 2.4.2 Indicator title Percentage of liquor applications finalised within 120 days of receipt Short definition To process and finalise all liquor applications within the stipulated timeframe of 120 days in line with the

departmental service standards. Finalisation of liquor application consist of various steps such as lodging the application at magistrate office, retrieving and conducting inspections/investigations by district police officer, the department uplifting the application at magistrate court, assessment it for compliance, and serving the application before the liquor Board for a decision.

Purpose/importance Finalise new and renewal liquor applications and updating registered liquor businesses in the Province for the purposes of regulating the liquor retail industry

Source/collection of data District offices, Magistrate and Head Offices Method of calculation Simple Counting Data limitations None Type of indicator Outputs Calculation type Non-Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Higher levels of registration is desired because it is indicative of an increase in regulated retail liquor

businesses and job creation opportunities Indicator responsibility Director: Business Regulations

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Indicator Number 2.4.3 Indicator title Number of liquor business regulated Short definition Liquor business regulation consist of periodical inspections for compliance of existing business with the legal

prescripts and regulations Purpose/importance To ensure regulated liquor business practices Source/collection of data Reports developed at District and Head Office Method of calculation Simple Counting Data limitations None Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Higher level of compliance with relevant legislation and regulations is desired because it is indicative of high

rate of inspections Indicator responsibility Director: Business Regulation

Indicator Number 2.4.4 Indicator title Percentage of complaints finalised within 120 days of receipt Short definition Finalisation of complaints include lodging and investigating all received consumer complaints, and referring

them to consumer court for adjudication within 120 days of receipt Purpose/importance To ensure all consumer complaints are resolved and also to raise awareness about consumer rights Source/collection of data District and Head Office reports Method of calculation Simple Counting Data limitations None Type of indicator Activities Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Reduced unfair business practises by informing consumers about their rights and responsibilities Indicator responsibility Director: Consumer Affairs

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PROGRAMME 3: ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS SUB-PROGRAMME 3.1: ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Indicator Number 3.1.1 Indicator Title Percentage of complete EIA applications finalized within legislated timeframes Short definition An application refers to when the Competent Authority has received an application form and com-

plete information. The indicator shows the percentage of environmental authorisation applications where final decisions (authorisations, closures, and withdrawals) are made in the reporting period within legislated timeframes.

Purpose/importance This indicator shows the efficiency of the consideration of EIA applications. The indicator also aims to ensure an efficient environmental legislative framework which supports sustainable develop-ment. For the reporting period, this indicator shows the efficiency of decision making on EIA appli-cations. It also indicates the level of capacity made available by the department in pursuit of sus-tainable development in the province.

Source/collection of data National Environmental Authorizations System (NEAS) or Electronic Spreadsheets and copies of final decisions.

Method of calculation Count every EIA authorisation issued, refused, closed or withdrawn, in the reporting period, within the legislated timeframe set for processing of an EIA application. In addition, for efficiency, express this as a percentage of the total number of applications finalised within legislated timeframe divided by total number of all finalised applications.

Data limitations Inadequate and inexpedient submission of information by the applicant Type of indicator Output Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance 100% of Environmental Impact Assessment applications finalised within the legislated timeframe Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

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Indicator Number 3.1.2 Indicator Title Number of S24G applications finalised Short definition The number of section 24G NEMA applications finalised, including the payment of the administrative fine

by the offending party and the issuing of a final decision as to whether or not to authorise the activity Purpose/importance Indicates the trend in the volume of S24G administrative applications that have been finalized (fines is-

sued and paid in full as well as a decision issued on whether or not to authorise the activity) in respect of illegal activities, i.e. with respect to environmental legislation dealing with EIAs and waste activities

Source/collection of data Quarterly statistics submitted on register of applications finalise or on an excel spreadsheet and copies of final decisions

Method of calculation Actual number of S24G administrative applications finalised Data limitations Inadequate information submitted by the applicant and/or non-payment of administrative fine Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative (per quarter) Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Improved compliance to environmental legislation, authorizations obtained prior to commencing with ac-

tivities; and fines issued to those offenders that commence unlawfully. Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.1.3 Indicator title Number of administrative enforcement notices issued for non-compliance with environmental manage-

ment legislation Short definition The number of administrative enforcement actions issued (including administrative notices issued, pre-

Directives, Directives, pre-Compliance notices and Compliance notices) in response to non-compliances with legislative and regulatory requirements for waste, air quality, impact assessment, protected areas and biodiversity. Note: A single case of non-compliance can have multiple enforcement notices issued against it.

Purpose/importance To indicate the comprehensiveness of the monitoring of compliance with environmental legislation in the green and brown sub-sectors and the issuing of administrative notices to bring offenders back into compliance where non-compliance/environmental harm is detected. Enforcement activity required to bring offenders into compliance, rehabilitate damage to the environment, apply the polluter-pays principle and deter would-be offenders.

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Source/collection of data Quarterly statistics submitted on a register of applications finalised or an excel spreadsheet and copies

of compliance notices Method of calculation Actual number of administrative actions issued. Data limitations Accuracy, reliability and validity of the findings of the site inspections conducted Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative (per quarter) Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Number of administrative enforcement actions sufficient to protect/remediate the environment, instil a

respect for environmental law in the regulated community and deter would-be offenders. Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.1.4 Indicator Title Number of completed criminal investigations handed to the NPA for prosecution Short definition The number of criminal enforcement actions completed for prosecution (finalised investigations in the

form of criminal dockets handed to the NPA) in response to non-compliances with legislative and regula-tory requirements for waste, air quality, impact assessment, protected areas, biodiversity.

Purpose/importance This indicator shows the number of criminal investigations completed by the Environmental Management Inspectorate and criminal dockets handed over for prosecution to the NPA. This is a reflection of the productivity of the Inspectorate in applying criminal sanctions to offenders in the green and brown subsectors. Enforcement activity required to punish offenders, apply the polluter-pays principle and deter would-be offenders.

Source/collection of data Quarterly statistics submitted on a register of applications finalised or an excel spreadsheet and copies of referrals

Method of calculation Actual number of criminal investigations undertaken i.e. finalized and submitted to NPA including criminal dockets OR finalized by the province authorised for prosecution by SPP.

Data limitations Accuracy, reliability and validity of the findings of the investigations conducted Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative (per quarter) Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator Yes Desired performance Number of criminal enforcement actions sufficient to protect/remediate the environment, instil a respect

for environmental law in the regulated community and deter would-be offenders. Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

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Indicator Number 3.1.5 Indicator Title Number of compliance inspections conducted Short definition Number of inspections conducted to ascertain compliance with authorisations/permits issued in

terms of the legislative and regulatory requirements for waste, air quality, impact assessment, pro-tected areas, and biodiversity. This includes inspections arising from complaints and reports of non-compliance

Purpose/importance To indicate the comprehensiveness of the monitoring of compliance with authorisations and permits issued in terms of the legislative and regulatory requirements for waste, air quality, impact assess-ment, protected areas, biodiversity; and of reacting to complaints and reports of non-compliance

Source/collection of data Quarterly Statistics on an Excel Spreadsheet, signed complete inspection forms and copies of compliance inspections reports

Method of calculation Actual number of inspections conducted following complaints and / or monitoring compliance with environmental legislative requirements and / or authorizations inspected

Data limitations Accuracy, reliability and validity of the findings of the site inspections conducted Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative (per quarter) Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Ascertain compliance with environmental legislative and regulatory requirements by the regulated

community Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.1.6 Indicator Title Number of permits issued within legislated timeframes Short definition Number of biodiversity permits issued for hunting, CITES, export and import of fauna and flora etc.

and registrations of TOPS facilities. It measures the turnaround time and level of adherence to pre-scribed timeframes for processing applications

Purpose/importance To ensure that legislative biodiversity permits are issued within the legislated or stipulated time-frames. It measures the efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery showing the number of bio-diversity permits issued or refused and communicated to the applicants within legislated time-frames

Source/collection of data Provincial finalised permits applications spreadsheet and copies of permits

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Method of calculation Actual number Data limitations Incomplete decentralisation of the permit system Type of indicator Efficiency Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance 100% ( to finalise and make decisions on all permits applications within timeframes) Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.1.7 Indicator Title Percentage of Atmospheric Emission Licenses issued within legislated timeframes Short definition It shows the percentage of complete air emission license applications where final decisions (au-

thorisations, closures, variation, and withdrawals) are made in the reporting period within legislated timeframe.

Purpose/importance This indicator shows the efficiency and effectiveness of the consideration and processing of com-plete atmospheric emission licence applications.

Source/collection of data Provincial atmospheric emission licences’ registers and copies of Atmospheric Emission Licenses Method of calculation Count every atmospheric emission licence issued, every atmospheric emission licence application

refused, every withdrawn atmospheric emission licence application, varied atmospheric emissions license and closed in the reporting period within the legislated timeframe. In addition, for efficiency, express this as a percentage of the total number of applications finalised within legislated timeframe divided by total number of all finalised applications.

Data limitations Inadequate and inexpedient submission of information by the applicant Type of indicator Output Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance 100% of AELs issued within legislated timeframes Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

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Indicator Number 3.1.8 Indicator Title Percentage of Waste License applications finalised within legislated timeframes Short definition The indicator shows the percentage of waste license applications where final decisions (authorisa-

tions, closures, and withdrawals) are made in the reporting period within legislated timeframes Purpose/importance This indicator shows the efficiency and effectiveness of the consideration and processing of com-

plete applications; and issuing of waste licences. Source/collection of data Waste licences’ register or NEAS Report and copies of Waste Management Licences Method of calculation Count every waste licence issued, refused, or withdrawn in the reporting period within the legislat-

ed timeframe. In addition, for effectiveness and efficiency, express this as a percentage of the total no of applications finalised within legislated timeframe divided by total number of applications final-ised.

Data limitations Inadequate and inexpedient submission of information by the applicant Type of indicator Output Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance 100% of WML finalised within legislated timeframe Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.1.9 Indicator Title Number of municipal waste disposal sites’ status quo analysis survey conducted Short definition To assess the size and characteristics of waste disposal sites. Purpose/importance Assess the state of waste disposal sites to determine compliance with environmental law Source/collection of data Municipal waste disposal sites’ status quo analysis survey report Method of calculation Count Municipal waste disposal sites’ status quo analysis survey report Data limitations Lack of data or access to it, hampers the survey report Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Annually

New indicator Yes Desired performance Improved waste management practices

Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

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Indicator Number 3.1.10 Indicator Title Number of waste recycling initiatives supported Short definition The number of waste recycling projects supported in terms of access to recyclable materials, e.g.

used office papers etc.; and technical support to waste recycling agencies Purpose/importance To facilitate processes that ensure waste disposal in designated areas Source/collection of data Recycling registers and site visit reports Method of calculation Count recycling initiatives Data limitations Accessibility and unreliability of data

Type of indicator Output Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly

New indicator Yes Desired performance Improved waste management

Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority SUB-PROGRAMME 3.2: BIODIVERSITY AND NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Indicator Number 3.2.1 Indicator Title Number of Biodiversity Economy initiatives implemented Short definition To measure the number of biodiversity economy initiatives implemented by provinces and/or the en-

tities in order to contribute to economic growth and transformation targets. Purpose/importance To ensure an inclusive, sustainable and responsive biodiversity economy while providing a founda-

tion for social well-being and maintaining ecological resource base Source/collection of data Approved project proposals and progress on implementation Method of calculation Actual number of initiatives implemented Data limitations The reliability of the number of initiatives depends on the accuracy of the information submitted Type of indicator Outputs Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New indicator Yes Desired performance Improved contribution to the economy and transformation targets

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Indicator responsibility Delegated authority

Indicator Number 3.2.2 Indicator Title Number of legislated tools developed Short definition Shows the number of environmental legislative tools; including regulations, norms and standards,

guidelines and environmental management plans developed to inform environmental decision making. Examples of such tools include EMF, SOER/Outlook, SEA, EIP, AQMP, IWMP, Biodiversity Plans, etc.

Purpose/importance To guide and inform environmental decision making at policy, programme and project level Source/collection of data Approved Tools (Signed off by the delegated authority) Method of calculation Actual number when approved by the delegated authority Data limitations Accuracy depends on the reliability and validity of data received that informs the development of the

legislative tools. Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non- cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New indicator No Desired performance If the target is met this will increase the number of decision making tools available leading to

improved environmental quality and sustainability. Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.2.3 Indicator title Number of environmental research projects completed Short definition The collective number of different types of research projects completed during the reporting period.

This includes reviews, scientific research projects, monitoring projects and collaborative projects. Purpose/importance To support environmental decision making, planning and policy development through credible data

and evidence generated through research programmes. Source/collection of data Final research and scientific project reports approved by delegated authority. Method of calculation A research project is counted when a project has been finalized and approved by the delegated

authority. A project is counted only once when finalised irrespective of the number of surveys done or reports compiled on the project during the reporting period.

Data limitations Inaccessibility and unavailability of data. Type of indicator Output

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Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New indicator No Desired performance Credible and relevant scientific research provided to inform decision making that contributes to the

sustainable management of natural resources. Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.2.4 Indicator title Number of functional environmental information management systems maintained Short definition It shows the number of relevant environmental knowledge and information management systems

(e.g. e-Permit, GIS, Air Quality, WIS, Biodiversity Sector Plans (GIS based tool), Environmental Authorizations Information Management Tools e.g. NEAS, State of the Environment Web Portals, NECER etc.) that are effectively maintained and reported on.

Purpose/importance Ensure the maintenance of environmental knowledge and information management systems/tools which provide critical and reliable information used to inform management decisions on policy development and interventions

Source/collection of data Reports approved by delegated authority with attached records of operational environmental information management systems that are maintained.

Method of calculation Count every environmental information management system that is maintained and reported on (Number)

Data limitations Data source limitations and regularity of updates. Lack of integration between databases. Lack of integration between national and provincial databases. Lack of stakeholder delivery of data (e.g. municipalities providing energy data).

Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-Cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New indicator No Desired performance Accurate and reliable information available for informed decision making. Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

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Indicator Number 3.2.5 Indicator Title Number of inter-governmental sector tools reviewed Short definition Review of sector provincial and municipal tools (e.g. EIP, IDPs, PDPs, SDFs, AQMPs, IWMP, etc.) to

facilitate integration of environmental content into tools. Purpose/importance To facilitate environmental cooperative governance and promote sustainable development across all

spheres of government Source/collection of data Review reports approved and signed off by delegated authority Method of calculation Actual number of tools reviewed as and when signed off by the delegated authority Data limitations The accuracy, reliability and validity of reviews depend on the information contained in the tools

subjected for review Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New indicator No Desired performance Improved integration of environment issues and content into sector provincial and municipal tools. Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.2.6 Indicator Title Number of climate change response interventions implemented. Short definition This refers to interventions implemented to respond to challenges and potential impacts of climate

change. These include provincial climate change programmes, green-house gas mitigation responses, vulnerability and adaptation responses.

Purpose/importance To mitigate against climate change and adapt to the impact of climate change in order to build climate change resilience.

Source/collection of data Implementation reports approved by delegated authority (as per target) Method of calculation Actual Annual progress reports per tool implemented Data limitations Accuracy of information captured depends on reliability and availability of resources for

implementation Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New indicator No

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Desired performance Development and implementation of tools to improve mitigation and resilience to climate change. Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.2.7 Indicator Title Number of hectares in the conservation estate Short definition Measure an increase in the size (number of hectares) of South Africa’s land coverage which has

been declared/proclaimed to be under formal protection Purpose/importance To ensure increase in land mass under formal conservation and ensure that South Africa’s protected

area network is of sufficient size to sustain and conserve biodiversity and ecological processes Source/collection of data Government gazettes on proclaimed protected areas Method of calculation Actual number of hectares Data limitations None Type of indicator Output Calculation type Cumulatively Reporting cycle Annually New indicator No Desired performance Achieve planned target Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.2.8 Indicator Title Percentage of area of state managed protected areas assessed with a METT score above 67% Short definition Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT) is a system designed to monitor and report on the

extent to protected areas are management effective to protect and conserve biodiversity. A METT score of 67% (and above) is the minimum required level of effective management

Purpose/importance To assesses the effectiveness of existing interventions which are being implemented and to use col-lected information to identify and implement appropriate interventions to improve the overall man-agement effectiveness of state managed protected areas

Source/collection of data METT assessment report (data collected from management authorities) Method of calculation Size/hectares of state managed protected area with a METT score above 67% / total area assessed

x 100 Data limitations The reliability and timeous submission of METT data from management authorities Type of indicator Outcome

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Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New indicator No Desired performance Achieve or exceed planned target Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.2.9 Indicator title Number of revenue enhancement projects developed Short definition Products established to boost the revenue generation Purpose/importance To increase tourism products and visitors in provincial nature reserves and resorts Source/collection of data Approved projects report Method of calculation One project is counted once (simple count) Data limitations Limited budget Type of indicator Outcome Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator Yes Desired performance Increase in number tourist to LWR products and venue Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.2.10 Indicator title Number of resorts marketing initiatives conducted Short definition Activities or events that are conducted to attract tourist to visit resorts Purpose/importance To channel tourist to the resorts Source/collection of data Approved Marketing report Method of calculation One activity is counted once (simple count) Data limitations Non-attendance to the activities/event Type of indicator Outcome Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly

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New indicator Yes Desired performance Increase in number tourist to LWR products and venue Indicator responsibility Group Sales and Marketing Manager

Indicator Number 3.2.11 Indicator title Number of resorts grading facilitated Short definition To classify resorts in categories specified by Grading Council of South Africa Purpose/importance To assist resort to operate on specified service level standards Source/collection of data Assessment report from Grading Council and grading certificates Method of calculation One resort is counted once (simple count) Data limitations Limited budget Type of indicator Outcome Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator Yes Desired performance Increased revenue Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.2.12 Indicator title Number of permit operators performance monitored Short definition Oversee and or contract manage the performance of permit operator Purpose/importance To make sure that permit operators perform as stipulated in their management contract Source/collection of data Approved permit operators performance monitoring report Method of calculation Each permit counted quarterly Data limitations Inadequate controls and resources Type of indicator Outcome Calculation type Non- Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator Yes Desired performance Revenue targets

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Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.2.13 Indicator title Number of infrastructure projects upgraded Short definition To develop and upgrade infrastructure project in State Owned Nature Reserves Purpose/importance To improve infrastructure in State Owned nature Reserve Source/collection of data Project progress reports Method of calculation Simple count Data limitations Non-cooperation of other stakeholders Type of indicator Output Calculation type Non-cumulative Reporting cycle Annually New indicator No Desired performance Improved infrastructure in the reserves Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

SUB-PROGRAMME 3.3: ENVIRONMENTAL EMPOWERMENT SERVICES Indicator Number 3.3.1 Indicator Title Number of environmental awareness activities conducted Short definition This indicator refers to the 1) environmental commemorative days celebrated, 2) participation in the

Greenest Municipality Competition, 3) schools in career programmes 4) communities in environmental programmes 5) environmental media campaigns

Purpose/importance To track environmental awareness efforts. Provide current environmental management information to stakeholders.

Source/collection of data Activity reports and/or attendance registers Method of calculation Manual Count Data limitations None Type of indicator Outputs Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No

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Desired performance To increase the level of environmental awareness and literacy Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.3.2 Indicator Title Number of environmental capacity building activities conducted Short definition Refers to the number of activities conducted in order to build stakeholder capacity to implement environ-

mental regulatory framework. Purpose/importance To build capacity of stakeholders on the environmental regulatory framework and/or work opportunities in

environmental programmes and/or related environmental issues to improve municipal and community envi-ronmental capacity.

Source/collection of data Activity reports and attendance registers Method of calculation Manual count Data limitations None Type of indicator Activity Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Improved sustainable utilization of natural resources and management. Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

Indicator Number 3.3.3 Indicator Title Number of work opportunities created through environmental programmes Short definition To facilitate creation of work opportunities through environmental programmes and may include internship,

learnerships, volunteer programmes, CBNRM, recycling and buy-back centres, nurseries, etc.) Purpose/importance To track job creation opportunities in the environment sector and to improve socio-economic benefits within

the environmental sector Source/collection of data Beneficiaries copy of ID, signed contract, and annual report of jobs created Method of calculation Actual number of work opportunities that can be traced, contract files, beneficiary data, time sheets Data limitations Inaccurate records Type of indicator Outputs Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Annually

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New indicator No Desired performance Improved socio-economic benefits within the environmental sector Indicator responsibility Delegated Authority

PROGRAMME 4: TOURISM SUB-PROGRAMME 4.1: TOURISM PLANNING AND REGULATION Indicator Number 4.1.1 Indicator Title Limpopo Tourism Growth Strategy reviewed Short definition A review of existing Limpopo Tourism Growth strategy informed by the review exercise at the national level

of the National Tourism Sector Strategies, tourism research, tourism information databases and policy di-rectives

Purpose/importance To inform tourism policy development, planning, decision-making and tourism stakeholder involvement Source/collection of data Current Limpopo Tourism Growth Strategy for Limpopo, the National Tourism Sector Strategy (NTSS),

STATS SA Reports, SA Tourism Reports, tourism impact assessments and stakeholder consultation sessions

Method of calculation Literature review, data analysis and narrative report writing Data limitations Lack of stakeholder participation, unavailability of primary data and credibility of secondary data Type of indicator Output Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Annual New indicator Yes Desired performance A revised tourism growth strategy for the province Indicator responsibility Director: Tourism

Indicator Number 4.1.2 Indicator Title Annual State of Tourism Report developed Short definition A report to determine the current status of tourism in terms of programs implemented in the financial year,

tourist visitor numbers, the length of stay, the geographical spread and tourism’s contribution to the econ-omy of Limpopo.

Purpose/importance To determine the tourism market share of Limpopo, the economic contribution of tourism to the provincial economy and the impact of tourism policy and programmes on the tourism industry in terms of job opportu-nities.

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Source/collection of data STATS SA Reports, SA Tourism Reports, stakeholder consultation reports and other tourism impact

assessment studies conducted Method of calculation Literature review and data analysis Data limitations Lack of stakeholder participation, unavailability of primary data and credibility of secondary data Type of indicator Output Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Bi-annually New indicator No Desired performance Enhanced understanding of the status of tourism in the province to guide policy formulation and

implementation. Indicator responsibility Director: Tourism

SUB-PROGRAMME 4.2: TOURISM DESTINATION DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFORMATION Indicator Number 4.2.1 Indicator Title Number of tourism capacity building programs facilitated Short definition The facilitation of tourism capacity building programmes that include implementation of tourism skills

development initiatives which aims to improve service delivery in the tourism sector and to enhance understanding of the value of tourism and its opportunities

Purpose/importance To contribute to the growth of the tourism industry through advancing tourism related skills development initiatives and the transformation in the tourism sector targeted at Previously Disadvantaged individuals (PDI’s), youth and local government officials

Source/collection of data Annual Tourism capacity building - and tourism sector skills plan Method of calculation Simple count of programmes implemented against the plans Data limitations Lack of extensive database of PDI’s and skills need in tourism Type of indicator Output Calculation type Cumulative and non-cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Enhanced knowledge and skills of PDI’s, youth and local government officials for improved service delivery

and transformation of the tourism industry Indicator responsibility Director: Tourism

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Indicator Number 4.2.2 Indicator Title Number of targeted tourism awareness programs implemented Short definition Implement tourism awareness on topical and strategic themes in the province Purpose/importance To create awareness on related tourism issues to targeted groups (e.g. youth, women, tourism businesses,

etc.) with the aim of enhancing their knowledge and awareness of key strategic tourism interventions/opportunities, create a tourism culture and contribute towards transformation of the industry

Source/collection of data Developed national and provincial tourism awareness and empowerment plans and stakeholder consultation

Method of calculation Simple count Data limitations Limited stakeholder participation and cooperation in tourism awareness programmes Type of indicator Output Calculation type Cumulative Reporting cycle Quarterly New indicator No Desired performance Increased awareness on tourism related themes and strategies Indicator responsibility Director: Tourism

Indicator Number 4.2.3 Indicator Title Number of tourism destination development initiatives supported

Short definition Prioritised tourist product development initiatives supported through visiting the projects on a quarterly basis to determine the status of development and management with the aim to identify challenges warranting interventions

Purpose/importance To monitor tourism product development initiatives that receive or received government supported incen-tive funding in order to grow and expand tourism businesses and/or investment opportunities.

Source/collection of data List of identified prioritised tourism development initiatives for the financial year Description of each project initiative Monitoring reports of projects as specified Recommendations on interventions required

Method of calculation Narrative descriptions and monitoring checklists Data limitations Not all required information declared by the project owners

The accuracy of the direct investment from private sector depends on the willingness to share information Type of indicator Outcome based Calculation type Non-cumulative

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Reporting cycle Annually New indicator No Desired performance Improved support to tourism product development initiatives Indicator responsibility Director: Tourism

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