Page 1: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

Program Looping

• Why we need loops in our code– Make code concise for repetitive processes

• When to use loops– Run a block of code repetitively– Process multiple data sets with same code

• C loop facilities– for– while– do (you are not responsible for “do” stmts)

Page 2: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

Example – Calculate Factorial

• Goal: computing factorial of N (N!)

F(N) = N! = 1 * 2 * 3 * …… N

• Fact

F(1) = 1;

F(2) = 1 * 2 = F(1) * 2;

F(3) = 1 * 2 * 3 = F(2) * 3; …

F(N) = F(N-1) * N;

Page 3: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

Example – Calc Factorial (cont.)

F(N) = F(N-1) * N;

F = F * M;

F = 1; M = 1;

M = M +1;When to stop?

When M equals N

Page 4: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

Calc Factorial – Data Flow

F(N) = F(N-1) * N;

• Initial variable settings:M = 1; F = 1;

• repeated calculation:F = F * M;

• completion criteriaM equals N

• Preparation for next iteration: increment M by 1

F = F * M;

F = 1; M = 1;

M = M +1;

Page 5: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

Flow Chart Components

• Aid in designing/documenting program logic:

* Not required.

Page 6: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

Calc Factorial – Flow chartF(N) = F(N-1) * N;

• Initial variable settings:M = 1; F = 1;

• repeated calculation:F = F * M;

• completion criteriaM equals N

• Preparation for next iteration: increment M by 1

Page 7: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

for loop• Syntax:

for( init_expression; loop_condition; iteration_expression )

{ program statement; }

• Flow Chart:

Condition True?


Initial Expression


Program statement

loop expressioniteration expression

Page 8: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

Calculate factorial

for( init_expression; loop_condition; iteration_expression )

{ program statement; }

• For factorial(N)init_expression:



program statement:

M = 1;

M <= N;

M = M + 1;

F = F * M;

Page 9: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

Calc Factorial – code#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

int F, N, M;

F = 1;N = 10;

for(M=1; M<=N; M=M +1){ F = F * M;}printf(“result is: %i \n”, F);return 0;


Page 10: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process


• Set initial values before the loop begins– Can be multiple valid C program statements,

separated by comma (,)for( i = 0, j = 0; i < 10; ++i )

– May be omitted if initial values have been set before

• Make sure to put an empty statement with only semicolon (;)

for(; i<10; i++)

Page 11: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process


• Change values after the program statements execute in the body of the for loop– Can be multiple valid C program statements,

separated by comma (,)

for(i = 0; i < 10; j++,++i )– May be omitted

• put nothing

for(; i<10; )• Make sure the value for i has been changed within the for


Page 12: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process


• Relational expression stating when loop continues

Operator Meaning Example

== Equal to Count == 10

!= Not equal to Count != 10

< Less than Count < 10

<= Less than or equal to Count <= 10

> Greater than Count > 10

>= Greater than or equal to Count >= 10

Page 13: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

loop_condition – examples

1. for(count = 1;count == 10; count++) { … }2. for(count = 1; count != 10; count++) { … }3. for(count = 1; count <10; count++) { … }4. for(count = 1; count <=10; count++) { … }5. for(count = 1; count >10; count++) { … }6. for(count = 1; count >=10; count++) { … }

What is the value of count after the for loop?

1 2 3 4 5 6


Page 14: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

Nested for Loops

• Insert a loop within a loopfor( i=1; i<10; i++){for(j=1; j<10; j++)




Page 15: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process


• If we want to print following pattern*









********** Print n stars at the nth line

Print 1 star at the 1st line

Print 2 stars at the 2nd line

Print 3 stars at the 3rd line

Page 16: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process


#include <stdio.h>int main(void) { int row, col;

for (row = 1; row <= 10; row++) { for (col = 1; col <= row; col++) { printf("*"); } }


Page 17: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

Code – cont.#include <stdio.h>int main(void){ int row, col, max_rows;

printf("How many rows do you want to print out? \n"); scanf("%i", &max_rows);

for (row = 1; row <= max_rows; row++) { for (col = 1; col <= row; col++) { printf("*"); } printf("\n"); }}

Page 18: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

Print Factorial F(1) … F(10)#include <stdio.h>

int main(void){ int F, N, M;

F = 1; N = 10;

printf("num \t factorial \n"); for(M=1; M<=N; M=M+1) { F = F * M; printf("%i \t %i \n", M, F); }

return 0;}

Page 19: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

Calculate Fibonacci Numbers

initial value:




program statement:

N = 2;

N <= M;

N = N + 1;

Fn = Fnm1 + Fnm2;

Fnm1 = 1; Fnm2 = 0;

What else? Fnm2 = Fnm1; Fnm1 = Fn;

Page 20: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) { int m = 0; int Fn = 0; int Fnm1 = 1; int Fnm2 = 0;

/* print out the first two numbers */ printf("F(%i) = %i\n", 0, 1); printf("F(%i) = %i\n", 1, 1); /* print out the next 38 numbers */ for (n = 2; n < 40; n++) { /* calculate the next number and print it */ Fn = Fnm1 + Fnm2; printf("F(%i) = %i\n", n, Fn); /* update the old two numbers for next iteration */ Fnm2 = Fnm1; Fnm1 = Fn; }

return 0; }

Page 21: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

while loop

• Format

while (loop_condition) { program statement; }

• Flow

Condition True?

Program statement



Page 22: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

for loop vs while loop

Condition true?


Initial Expression


Program statement

loop expressionloop expression

Condition true?

Program statement



for loop while loop

Page 23: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

for loop versus while loop

while (loop_condition){ program statement; }

for(init_expression;loop_condition;loop_expression) { program statement; }


program statement;


Page 24: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

Convert for to while – Example

F = 1;N = 10;

for(M=1; M<=N; M=M+1){ F = F * M;



program statements; loop_expression;


F = 1;N = 10;M = 1;while(M<=N){


F = F * M;M = M +1;

Page 25: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

do-while loop

• Formatdo {    program statement; } while (loop_condition);

Condition True?

program statement


Page 26: Program Looping Why we need loops in our code –Make code concise for repetitive processes When to use loops –Run a block of code repetitively –Process

while and do-while loop

• In while loop, program statement may never be executed. With a do-while loop, it is executed at least once

Condition True?

Program statement


while (loop_condition) { program statement; }

do {     program statement; } while (loop_condition);

Condition True?

Program statement


