Page 1: Profiling Suspicious Code Tom Bascom White Star Software

Profiling Suspicious Code

Tom Bascom

White Star Software

Page 2: Profiling Suspicious Code Tom Bascom White Star Software

A Few Words about the Speaker

Tom Bascom; Progress 4gl coder & roaming DBA since 1987

President, DBAppraise, LLC Remote database management service for OpenEdge. Simplifying the job of managing and monitoring the world’s

best business applications. [email protected]

VP, White Star Software, LLC Expert consulting services related to all aspects of Progress

and OpenEdge. [email protected] 2

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Users want the right answer, with the best response time at the

lowest cost.

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The performance enhancement possible with a given improvement

is limited by the fraction of the execution time that the improved

feature is used.

-- Amdahl’s Law

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Performance is not just about the database.

The most bang for the performance tuning buck is

often in the application code.

But figuring out where to look is often hard.

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Target the largest response time component of the most important Business process


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Some Tools

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Finding “Likely Suspects”

User Complaints Compile with XREF

compile “program.p” xref “tmp/program.xrf” debug-list “tmp/program.dbg”.

“I/O By User” Data CRUD Data Testing – Add Performance Criteria to Test

Plans for New Releases

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c:\examples\t5.p 1 COMPILE c:/profiler/examples/t5.pc:\examples\t5.p 1 CPINTERNAL ISO8859-1c:\examples\t5.p 1 CPSTREAM ISO8859-1c:\examples\t5.p 7 STRING "i" 1 NONE UNTRANSLATABLE c:\examples\t5.p 13 STRING "Customer" 8 NONE UNTRANSLATABLE c:\examples\t5.p 13 ACCESS sports2000.Customer Phone c:\examples\t5.p 13 STRING "603 547 9574" 12 NONE TRANSLATABLE c:\examples\t5.p 13 SEARCH sports2000.Customer CustNum WHOLE-INDEXc:\examples\t5.p 15 STRING "->,>>>,>>9" 10 NONE TRANSLATABLE FORMAT c:\examples\t5.p 15 STRING "->,>>>,>>9" 10 NONE TRANSLATABLE FORMAT c:\examples\t5.p 17 STRING "t5" 2 NONE TRANSLATABLE c:\examples\t5.p 17 STRING "x(2)" 4 NONE TRANSLATABLE FORMAT c:\examples\t5.p 22 STRING "i" 1 LEFT TRANSLATABLE c:\examples\t5.p 22 STRING "----------" 10 NONE UNTRANSLATABLE c:\examples\t5.p 22 STRING "CustNum" 7 NONE UNTRANSLATABLE

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PROMON – IO By Process04/08/04 I/O Operations by Process11:00:00 -------- Database ----- ---- BI ----- ---- AI -----Usr Name Access Read Write Read Write Read Write 0 lakewood 103183 3650 249 827 2999 1 3013 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 5214 0 0 7 1 0 0 0 5235 0 5244 8 1 0 22174 0 0 0 0 9 1 0 13935 0 0 0 0 10 lakewood 5443 7 0 0 0 0 0 11 lakewood 641020 635 0 0 0 0 0 12 lakewood 9441 30 0 0 0 0 0 13 smcnulty 1434853 22840 0 0 0 0 0 14 eratclif 366293 475 0 0 0 0 0 15 7326 108 0 0 0 0 0 16 sstout 21351699 7709 1 3 4 0 1 17 lakewood 42841 77 0 0 0 0 0 18 lakewood 138850 1262 0 0 0 0 0 19 aracey 788646 1171 0 0 0 0 0 20 lakewood 263693 422 0 1 0 0 0

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ProTop – IO By User09:37:10 ProTop -- Progress Database Monitor (release xv) 09/19/04Sample sports2000 [/data/s2k/sports2000] RateHit Ratio: 16:1 15:1 Commits: 65 20 Local: 51 Miss% : 6.448% 6.708% Latch Waits: 37 13 Remote: 0 Hit% : 93.552% 93.292% Tot/Mod Bufs: 1002 370 Batch: 50Log Reads: 20067 13999 Evict Bufs: 10625 330 Server: 0 OS Reads: 1294 939 Lock Table: 8192 11 Other: 1 Chkpts: 0 0 Lock Tbl HWM: 138 TRX: 1 Flushed: 0 0 Old/Curr BI: 6140 6140 Blocked: 1Area Full: 1 100.00% After Image: DISABLED Total: 52 UIO Usr Name Flags PID DB Access OS Reads OS Writes Hit%----- --------------- ----- ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- 31 julia SB 2776 4109 244 5 94.07% 30 jami SB 2772 2171 131 7 93.99% 34 tucker SB 2788 2003 126 3 93.72% 9 tucker SB* 2656 1315 106 28 91.94% 6 julia SB 2644 984 60 0 93.90% 32 peter SB 2780 900 62 2 93.13% 16 julia SB 2684 452 4 0 99.12%

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ProTop – CRUD Data09:38:33 ProTop -- Progress Database Monitor (release xv) 09/19/04Sample sports2000 [/data/s2k/sports2000] RateHit Ratio: 14:1 14:1 Commits: 62 65 Local: 51 Miss% : 7.239% 7.140% Latch Waits: 45 46 Remote: 0 Hit% : 92.761% 92.860% Tot/Mod Bufs: 1002 370 Batch: 50Log Reads: 22960 26486 Evict Bufs: 26602 6225 Server: 0 OS Reads: 1662 1891 Lock Table: 8192 11 Other: 1 Chkpts: 1 0 Lock Tbl HWM: 138 TRX: 1 Flushed: 0 0 Old/Curr BI: 6141 6141 Blocked: 5Area Full: 1 100.00% After Image: DISABLED Total: 52 Table StatisticsTbl# Table Name Create Read Update Delete---- -------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 4 OrderLine 0 5937 152 0 24 POLine 0 2641 56 0 23 PurchaseOrder 0 1699 36 0 18 Order 0 1608 37 0 21 Bin 0 286 14 0 2 Customer 0 206 16 0 12 Vacation 0 111 5 0

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Why “Logical I/O” ???

Consistent and Repeatable Measurement The same query against any given dataset will

always return the same result. Not subject to external factors such as CPU

speed, disk throughput, user activity or the buffer cache hit ratio.

Shows Hidden Problems even with small datasets.

Shows Impact on Other Users. “Chokepoint” on rate of Logical IO ops.

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Why NOT etime() ???

Non-Repeatable Subject to a host of external factors

CPU speed, disk throughput, other user activity, buffer cache efficiency, phase of the moon

Granularity is too gross (millisecond) Does measure non-db activity…

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LRTEST.pdefine variable i as integer no-undo.define variable lr as integer no-undo.

find _myconnection no-lock.find _userio no-lock where _userio-usr = _myconn-userid = _userio._userio-dbaccess.etime( yes ).

find <table> no-lock where <whatever> no-error.

find _userio no-lock where _userio-usr = _myconn-userid no-error.display i ( _userio-dbaccess - lr ) etime().

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for each loanfile no-lock where loan-amount > 500000:

Records Log I/O Ratio etime()

Production 383 335,597 876:1 6,685ms2,788ms

Development 41 28,517 695:1 647ms394ms

QA 365 327,284 896:1 4,880ms2,965ms

for each loanfile no-lock where price-locked >= 9/01/2011 and price-locked <= 9/30/2011:

Production 1,498 3,001 2:1 64ms52ms

Development 0 3 N/A 19ms0ms

QA 1,501 3,010 2:1 64ms52ms

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The performance enhancement possible with a given improvement

is limited by the fraction of the execution time that the improved

feature is used.

-- Amdahl’s Law

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Target the largest response time component of the most important Business process


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Wouldn’t it be nice if…Description: XYZZY Date: 10/04/11Top Total Time Lines

Program Line Avg Time Time Calls------------------------------ ----- ----------- ---------- -------xtabsms2.p 19281 93.256652 186.513304 2getdocprep2.p 939 63.346967 126.693934 2proc_create_sitm xtabsms2.p 11926 12.611345 50.445380 4xtcountry_x2_x3.p 359 0.000013 0.459658 34,967proc_read-database sysval.p 536 0.000117 0.336606 2,879xtcountry_x2_x3.p 360 0.000009 0.324163 34,894getdocprep2.p 741 0.067411 0.269642 4proc_upd_nref xtmfintb2.p 3582 0.003438 0.233802 68proc_upd_nref xtmfintb2.p 3298 0.003137 0.213345 68proc_process_tasks xttskscn.r 3091 0.012560 0.200956 16findClient sysval.p 328 0.000094 0.165167 1,763

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The Profiler

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First introduced with version 8.2 (-zprofile) “Unsupported” (meaning the analysis tool) Improved with version 9.0 (session:profiler

handle, no more -zecret) Microsecond timings Does not include “think time”

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Using the Profiler

-profile Non-intrusive Non-selective

profiler: handle Selective But requires code insertion or “wrappering”

Analysis tools $DLC/src/samples/profiler

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PROFILER Attributes

DESCRIPTION – optional text describing this session

LISTINGS – whether or not to create debug listings

DIRECTORY – where to create debug listings (default to –T)

FILE-NAME – name of output file (default profile.out)

ENABLED – yes/no; initializes listings and so forth PROFILING – turn profiling on or off

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Other PROFILER Attributes

TRACE-FILTER – CSV list of “matches” criteria for procedure tracing

TRACING – line level tracing COVERAGE - % coverage support

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Write-Data() – flush accumulated data to output file.

User-Data(char) – write user defined data, such as VST statistics, to the output file.

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Minimal Embedded Usage

assign profiler:enabled = yes profiler:profiling = yes.

do i = 1 to 1000000: /* do something */end.

assign profiler:enabled = no profiler:profiling = no.


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Targeted Profiling

Embedded in Code Being Investigateddefine variable i as integer no-undo.

run profiler/on.p ( “batch001” ).

do i = 1 to 10: find customer no-lock where customer.cust-num = 1 i = 1 to 10: find customer no-lock where = "(702) 272-9264" no-error.end.

run profiler/off.p ( “batch001” ).

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Unsupported Profiling Utility

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Profiling a Session

Create file called profiler.cfg with 3 lines:-OUTFILE /tmp/profiler.out-LISTINGS /tmp-DESCRIBE someDescription

Add –profile to session startup:mpro dbName –p start.p –profile profiler.cfg

Run normally. Terminate cleanly & analyze the output.

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Sample Profiling OutputDescription: XYZZY Date: 10/04/11Top Total Time Lines

Program Line Avg Time Time Calls------------------------------ ----- ----------- ---------- -------xtabsms2.p 19281 93.256652 186.513304 2getdocprep2.p 939 63.346967 126.693934 2proc_create_sitm xtabsms2.p 11926 12.611345 50.445380 4xtcountry_x2_x3.p 359 0.000013 0.459658 34,967proc_read-database sysval.p 536 0.000117 0.336606 2,879xtcountry_x2_x3.p 360 0.000009 0.324163 34,894getdocprep2.p 741 0.067411 0.269642 4proc_upd_nref xtmfintb2.p 3582 0.003438 0.233802 68proc_upd_nref xtmfintb2.p 3298 0.003137 0.213345 68proc_process_tasks xttskscn.r 3091 0.012560 0.200956 16findClient sysval.p 328 0.000094 0.165167 1,763

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Profiler ExampleA Calculation Bottleneck?

1 1 1 1 p = 4 * ( 1 - --- + --- - --- + --- ... ) 3 5 7 9

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Profiler ExampleA Calculation Bottleneck?0009 function piterm returns decimal ( input n as integer ).

0010 return ( 1.0 / (( n * 2 ) + 1 )).

0011 end.


0013 do while abs( newpi - oldpi ) > precision:

0014 oldpi = newpi.

0015 if i modulo 2 = 0 then

0016 pi = pi + piterm( i ).

0017 else

0018 pi = pi - piterm( i ).

0019 newpi = ( 4.0 * pi ).

0020 display i newpi oldpi.

0021 i = i + 1.

0022 end.

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Sample Profiling OutputDescription: pi Date: 10/07/11Top Total Time Lines

Program Line Avg Time Time Calls------------------------------ ----- ----------- ---------- -------./pi.p 20 0.000159 3.183243 20,001piterm ./pi.p 10 0.000010 0.197060 20,001./pi.p 13 0.000006 0.114640 20,002./pi.p 18 0.000010 0.097591 10,000./pi.p 16 0.000009 0.094585 10,001./pi.p 15 0.000004 0.082780 20,001./pi.p 19 0.000004 0.080964 20,001./pi.p 21 0.000004 0.076913 20,001./pi.p 14 0.000002 0.036911 20,001/home/tom/p26226_Untitled1.ped 1 0.009446 0.018891 2piterm ./pi.p 11 0.000001 0.017755 20,001./pi.p 22 0.000001 0.013877 20,001

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Profiler ExampleA Calculation Bottleneck?0009 function piterm returns decimal ( input n as integer ).

0010 return ( 1.0 / (( n * 2 ) + 1 )).

0011 end.


0013 do while abs( newpi - oldpi ) > precision:

0014 oldpi = newpi.

0015 if i modulo 2 = 0 then

0016 pi = pi + piterm( i ).

0017 else

0018 pi = pi - piterm( i ).

0019 newpi = ( 4.0 * pi ).

0020 if i modulo 100 = 0 then display i newpi oldpi.

0021 i = i + 1.

0022 end.

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Sample Profiling OutputDescription: pi Date: 10/07/11Top Total Time Lines

Program Line Avg Time Time Calls------------------------------ ----- ----------- ---------- -------piterm ./pi.p 10 0.000010 0.193776 20,001./pi.p 13 0.000005 0.106857 20,002./pi.p 18 0.000009 0.087636 10,000./pi.p 16 0.000009 0.087096 10,001./pi.p 20 0.000004 0.083103 20,001./pi.p 19 0.000004 0.079651 20,001./pi.p 15 0.000004 0.078491 20,001./pi.p 21 0.000003 0.058005 20,001./pi.p 14 0.000002 0.036486 20,001piterm ./pi.p 11 0.000001 0.016168 20,001./pi.p 22 0.000001 0.011794 20,001

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Caveat!define variable i as integer no-undo.

assign profiler:enabled = yes profiler:profiling = yes.

do i = 1 to 1000000:end.

i = while i < 1000000: i = i + 1.end.

i = 0. do while i < 1000000: i = i + 1. end.

assign profiler:enabled = no profiler:profiling = no.


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Caveat!1 02/28/2007 "Generic" 07:55:03 "tom".2 "profile.p" "" 63126.0 0 2 1.0 0 1 0.000000 30.9358282 11 1 0.000002 0.0000022 8 1000001 4.607678 4.6076782 9 1000000 1.719586 1.7195862 14 1000000 1.501487 1.5014872 12 1000001 3.013981 3.0139812 13 1000000 3.032433 3.0324332 16 1 0.000003 0.000003....

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Reminders & Hints

Line numbers are DEBUG LISTING line numbers You need to have .DBG files They need to be created with the same source

and PROPATH as your .r files Session profiling must terminate cleanly – no

“kill” & no crash. Temp files can become very, very large.

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Things to be suspicious of. Tools to narrow your search. A better way to gauge query effectiveness. An introduction to Profiling. Strategies for attacking code performance


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Target the largest response time component of the most important Business process


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There is no silver bullet.

-- Fred Brooks

You just have to be persistent.

-- Tom Bascom

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Thank you for your time!

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