Page 1: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship

Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance

Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011

Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship

Page 2: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship

Presentation Points

• The legislative structure in place.

• Professional Reliance to me means that….

• What is a professional quality rationale?

Page 3: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


Foresters Act (2003)

Creates 1. the practice of professional forestry

2. the forest professionals

3. the ABCFP

Charges the ABCFP with serving and protecting the public interest

Page 4: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


Foresters Act (2003) Practice of Professional Forestry

1. Verbs: advising, performing, directing services

2. Scope and implications respecting forests

3. Require the specialized education, knowledge and experience of a registered member

4. Non inclusive list of examples

Page 5: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


Forest and Range Practices Act Forest practice


“forest practice” means a prescribed activity that is carried out by

a) the government

b) tenure holder

Page 6: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


FRPA Framework

Tenure holder is steward of the forest in partnership with the government

Utilize professional service founded on principles of stewardship

Page 7: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


How does Professional Reliance fit in?

“the practice of accepting and relying upon the decisions and advice of professionals who accept responsibility and can be held accountable for the decisions they make and the advice they give.” (Guideline: Definition of Professional Reliance. September 2004)

Page 8: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


Professional Reliance to me means ….

1. PR = Accountability = Discipline2. Free at Last.3. Change prescriptive to Results4. Changing the steward5. Knowledge6. Denial

Page 9: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


Lets talk about aprofessional quality rationale

What are they? When are they needed? Who prepares rationales? What’s the content of a good

rationale? Submitter and Reviewer

Page 10: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


What is a professional rationale?

A professional rationale is the reasoning behind the “advising, performing work, services or undertaking…”

Page 11: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


When is a professional rationalerequired?

Test Question: _____

Think of more than the written rationale (eg verbal, diary, informal).

Whenever you do professional work.

Page 12: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


Who prepares the rationale?

Test Question: _____

Think of more than the FRPA regime. Think of the professional legislation.

The professional rationale is an instrument or tool of professional service.

Page 13: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


What is the content of a professional rationale?

Sufficient core to meet requirements

1. Controlling principles

2. Options and logic for the selected path

3. Description of the expected outcome

4. Professional opinion

Sufficiency without excess

Page 14: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


What is the content of a professional rationale?

Properly communicated• Clear and concise

i) understandable, avoid jargon, specific

• Objective i) 3rd person, independent, without bias, reasonable

• Identify compelling components i) science, paramountcy, experience

• Risk assess

Page 15: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


What is the content of aprofessional rationale?

Sufficient core +

Properly communicated =

Professional rationale improves understanding and the success of professional work.

Page 16: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship

Understanding Roles

Teamwork approach to forestry

Forest professional responsibilities

Standards of professional practice Due diligence; peer review; professional

quality work Be an advocate for change

good forest stewardshippublic interest


Page 17: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship

Understanding Roles

Teamwork approach to forestry

Submitting professional responsibilities

Owns professional work - product Ensure work meets law Responsible to collect and assess the

reasonableness of information Use qualified people Have a rationale to support the

professional submission 17

Page 18: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship

Understanding Roles

Teamwork approach to forestry

Reviewing professional responsibilities

Own the strength of the review Objective assessment (reasonableness) Meets the legal tests of employer Strengthen the professional submission Provide information and advice Have a rationale in support of the review


Page 19: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


PR Scenario #1CWH vm or CWH xm?

Page 20: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


PR Scenario #1CWH xm in FSP

Understanding PR

Roles and Responsibilities



Field Review


Page 21: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


PR Scenario #1FSP Stocking Standard Amd

Understanding PR

Roles and Responsibilities



Field Review


Page 22: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship

Enabling Professional Innovation Innovation = a new idea applied successfully

f (specialized knowledge + experience + purpose + creativity + experiment + risk assessment + analysis +


Page 23: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship


How do we hold each other Accountable?

1. Informal questions

2. Verbal Incorporation

3. Written Incorporation

4. An independent opinion

5. Peer Review

6. An arbiter

7. ABCFP Complaint Process

Page 24: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship

How can we get there?

The onus is on the employers to understand the practice of professional forestry and use professional service.

The onus is on the ABCFP to enforce competence and conduct; to confirm and report on good professional work.

The onus is on the professional to undertake their practice consistent with the Foresters Act, ABCFP bylaws and other legislation.

24-Feb-10 24

Page 25: Professional Rationales in Professional Reliance Chilliwack Workshop March 2, 2011 Mike Larock RPF Director of Professional Practice and Forest Stewardship

330 - 321 Water Street

Vancouver BC, V6B 1B8

Ph: 604-687-8027

Fax: 604-687-3264

E-mail: [email protected]


330 - 321 Water Street

Vancouver BC, V6B 1B8

Ph: 604-687-8027

Fax: 604-687-3264

E-mail: [email protected]
