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THE IMPACT OF HIGH CONFLICT BEHAVIOURS IN THE WORKPLACE Professor Tania Sourdin Australian Centre for Justice Innovation (ACJI) Monash University, Melbourne

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Workplace Disputes and High Conflict Behaviour

  More Visible Impacts – OHS, Litigation, Workers comp, bullying, RTI and FOI, intervention orders

  Less Visible impacts - Loss of staff, impact on productivity and innovation

  Nature – direct and indirect behaviours that range from poor communication / lack of social skills to violent and threatening behaviour (including social media and other stalking)

  Increasing? – Changing social structures and dynamics, mental health issues, drug and substance abuse

  Increased mental stress claims? Increased impact

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Significance of Behaviour"in the workplace – Bill Eddy (High Conflict Institute)

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  Some people because of their mental health issues will be less likely to be able to negotiate

  Some people will need a lot of assistance – conflict coaching, careful third party interventions and support for staff

% involved in dispute resolution

% involved in Litigation

Family Disputes 20 50

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What % of people exhibit HCB’s?

“An enduring pattern of inner experience and behaviour that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual’s culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment”

(DSM-IV rev manual 1994).

 Estimated that 14.8% in US population (2002 Study) have Axis I or Axis II problems.

 Estimated that a further 10% have maladaptive personality traits

 Some DSM disorders may result in a less chance of a person taking Court action – depression, anxiety.

 Cluster B personality disorders include borderline, narcissistic, antisocial and histrionic. Those with these disorders or traits may be MORE likely be involved in intense, ongoing conflicts.

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High Conflict People

1.  Rigid, repeat failed strategies

2.  Unable to accept or heal from a loss

3.  Negative emotions dominate thinking

4.  Unable to reflect on own behavior

5.  Difficulty empathising with others

6.  Preoccupied with blaming others

7.  Avoid responsibility for the problem or the solution

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Flipping your lid…

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Inside your brain

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  Bodily regulation

  Emotional balance

  Attuned Communication

  Response Flexibility


  Fear Modulation


  Moral Awareness


9 Functions of the Mid Pre-Frontal Cortex"Siegel

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The role of hormones

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Cycle of high conflict thinking








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High Conflict Personality Types

  “Love you, Hate you” Personalities

Often Angry, Sudden Mood Swings

  “I’m Very Superior” Personalities

Demanding and Demeaning

  “Always Dramatic” Personalities

Superficial, Helpless, Exaggerates

  “Con Artists” Personalities

Deceptive, Manipulative, Hurtful

  “I’ll Never Trust you” Personalities Fearful, Resentful, Suspicious

Bill Eddy “It’s All YOUR Fault!” (2008)

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Process Explanation

Summary and reflection

‘EAR’ statements




Behavioural understandings



Clear process

Skills and supports

Process skills


Security and safety


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Impact of Legal Approaches

Impact on health – Dr Genevieve Grant (Monash University)

Impact on cost

Impact on long term prognosis

Impact on workplaces

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