Page 1: Products That Help Even Skin Tone

Products That Help Even Skin Tone

What happens during the shampooing process is that the Ph of the hair becomes alkaline.When the hair becomes alkaline, the hair swells up, causing the cuticle layer to open. It takes up to seven hours for the natural Ph of 4.5 to return to the hair. During this time the hair is still swollen and although you've applied a conditioner that helps to close the cuticle, there is still swelling in the hair and the cuticle remains slightly open. As a result the hair does not shine and there is a gradual loss of moisture from the hair.

The hair's elasticity is due to a helical coil that runs the entire strand of hair. This springy strand is responsible for the hair pulling up when it dries and contributes to the bounce or 'life' in the hair. If the moisture level is too low, the helical coil becomes like old elastic and lays quite limp. Imagine a large fresh green leaf in the palm of your hand. If you were to close your hand gently and crush the leaf, when you opened your hand, the green leaf would simply unfold and resume its supple shape again. This is what we are trying to achieve with your hair. And if the helical coil is fresh and supple the hair will move and bend easily, and resume its 'styled' shape again, after you've slept on it, or been in the wind.

Page 2: Products That Help Even Skin Tone

Most shampoos are alkaline. There are some that are acidic, and have a genuine Ph of 4.5 to 5.5. These shampoos enable you to shampoo your hair without changing the Ph. But they are more expensive than your average shampoo, available in shopping marts, and supermarkets. While one should strive to spend the extra dollars on the acidic shampoos, usually purchased from hair salons, there is an 'old fashioned' way to help restore the acidic Ph of the hair and that is to add some lemon juice or vinegar to your final rinsing water. Blonde and lighter colour hair would benefit from about a tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar, to a regular sized hand wash basin of water, and the same amount of brown vinegar would be good for the brunette, red heads and darker colours.

The final rinse would be after you have rinsed out your conditioner. Just fill the hand basin, add the lemon juice or vinegar, swirl the water a little to mix it up and dunk your head at least five or six times in the water. Towel dry and style as usual. You may not see a 'miraculous' difference immediately, although it usually makes the hair quite shiny. Just continue to do this each time you wash your hair and within a matter of three to four weeks you will notice the improvement in the elasticity of the hair. The ends should improve too. Hopefully, this increase of elasticity in the hair will improve your hair styling problems.

Page 3: Products That Help Even Skin Tone

Many women wish to enlarge their breasts' size. Breast augmentation surgery is costly and in spite of technological advances - such as transumbilical breast augmentation, a technique used to insert saline breast implants through an incision near belly button to avoid scarring near breasts - has many risks. In most cases, breast augmentation is still performed under general anesthesia. The recovery process after the surgery is painful and lengthy: the patient is usually able to return to work in one to two weeks, but a full recovery requires at least a month.

Considering the demand for breast enlargement if there was a safer and less invasive option many more women would have their bust lines enlarged. The newly introduced, natural breast augmentation is such a method: it is safe, minimally invasive and it actually costs less. It is becoming popular under several names: natural breast augmentation and/or stem cell breast augmentation. (Don't worry about the stem cell controversy: the procedure uses the patient's own stem cells!) The bottom line: it is the first, safe breast enlargement procedure. Why is it safe? The main challenge of breast augmentation has always been the choice of implants.

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Silicone implants which provide the more natural effect have been investigated for a number of years for their long Primal Beauty Secrets Review term impact on women's health. (The most recent concern links them to lymphatic cancer.) Saline implants are safer and yet, fewer patients feel comfortable with them. Both types of currently used implants introduce foreign substances into the woman's body. The natural breast enlargement doesn't: it uses the woman's own fatty tissue (from a different area of her body) to augment her breasts.

It is - of course - a simplified explanation of a process which is much more involved. In reality natural breast augmentation relies on the stem cell technology. The fat is being liposuctioned from one area; the stem cells are then separated from the fat's tissue, concentrated and then injected back into the fat which is then ready to be introduced into the patient's breasts. Because the implanted material is the patient's own there is no risk of rejection, adverse reaction, or allergy which can occur when the implants are made of a foreign substance.
