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WHY MY PRODUCT IS SUITED TO TIME WARNERo My product is suited to the Time Warner INC company, due to the range of other horror films that Warner Bros. pictures a subsidiary of Time Warner has produced.

oThis includes; The Conjuring, The Exorcist, Sweeney Todd and Friday the 13th.

oSince Time Warner has produced horror films in the past under the different sub-genres, this means that they would already have a following of dedicated fans that support their previous horror films.

oTime Warner is also suitable due to its position within the film industry as a member of the Big Six studios. This will ensure large scale promotion of the film to reach every possible member of my target audience. Also because Time Warner is a very successful company, and having a range of subsidiaries they could use synergy to promote the film on a range of different platforms.

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o With horror films there are many conventional camera shots that are used to build tension, and scare whilst not giving too much of the storyline away. These shots include; close-ups, a canted angle, handheld camera shots and both high and low angles. The use of a handheld camera offers a sense of realism to the storyline and makes the characters seem like more unsuspecting victims.

o The setting of the storyline is a haunted house which is conventional for the genre and will act as the main setting of all of the events.

o Conventional sounds such as ghostly sounds, creaking doors, creaking floor boards, ticking clocks and doors slamming will help the trailer and storyline to seem more real and will make the idea that the house is actually haunted believable.

oLow key lighting and visible editing such as fade outs will help to keep the audience unaware of what is going to happen next in the storyline or if something key to the conclusion will be revealed.

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o short takes and fast paced editing are conventional for horror film trailers because they work to build tension for the audience and create a montage sequence of events.

o Visible editing such as fade outs and fade to black is also conventional for trailers because it can link a range of scenes together even if they do not directly follow on from one another.

o A voiceover is also a key feature for a trailer, which can help to add to the storyline and the scenes that have been included in the trailer. If a specific soundtrack can be added to the backing of the trailer, this can make the film more memorable to the target audience.

o For a film trailer, important information such as the films release date, age certification, the film production logo, the films title, introductions director, famous actors/actresses that are in the film and links to social media websites surrounding the film in the time running up to its release.

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o The target audience for my trailer is both males and females, most notably between the age of 15-30 years old. This is because at this age, people are more likely to be interested in the scary storylines but can handle the possibly stressful scenes and can understand the more confusing storylines under the sub-genre of psychological particularly. At this age people may also get a thrill or an adrenaline rush from the scarier storylines.

o Males are more likely to enjoy horror films due to the aggressive and violent scenes that are conventional.

o My audience has a range of interests such as watching films, listening to music, reading books, playing sports, socialising with friends etc.

o All of this information will help me to ensure that my trailer meets my target audiences taste and make sure that they go and watch the film.

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o The idea that I have chosen to take forward to film, matches the conventions of a horror film and features elements that would be found in other horror films, specifically films such as The Conjuring and The Exorcist that Time Warner themselves have produced.

o My idea is based on a haunted house that a teenage girl lives in with her family. The teenage girl tells some of her friends that the house is haunted, so to prove it they set up cameras in the house to try and see if she is lying.

o As the storyline moves forward it shows different clues as to the house actually being haunted and what reaction the different characters will have to this discovery.

o I will consider the use of props, costumes, lighting and make-up fully to make certain that the storyline is portrayed effectively along with the choices of editing and camerawork used to show the ghostly actions in the house.

o By bearing all of these factors in mind when developing my product, I hope that the finished result is conventionally and of a high quality that would match that of previous Time Warner products.

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o I have research the conventions of form for a film trailer and the conventions of genre for a horror film heavily, so that I could aim all of the features of the trailer towards the most correct final product as possible.

o This can be seen through the choice of a normal family home as the main setting for the trailer where the audience will not expect what will happen when it starts to be revealed that the house is haunted.

o The sound choices for my trailer such as creaking floor boards, screams, ticking clocks, a voiceover or fast paced music will work with the events of the trailer to scare the audience and build apprehension for the audience. Both diegetic and non-diegetic sound will be used to benefit the audiences understanding of the storyline. Including dialogue between the characters will also help this.

o Camerawork and editing have both been heavily investigated, and I have decided to use fade outs heavily within my trailer and also possibly a handheld camera to give the trailer a sense of realism which is conventional for the genre.

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APPEALING TO THE TARGET AUDIENCEo I have made sure that my product appeals to the target audience due to the plot being conventional for the horror genre, which is what the target audience would expect and therefore will enjoy.

o The research I have completed and target audience surveys that I have carried out, have helped for me to be sure that all of the factors that I include in the trailer are conventional and are the most suited to the audiences age and interests.

o I have considered with my research the type of sub-genre I wanted my horror film to be under and what locations I should use first etc Most recently the survey I carried out about 2 of my most developed storylines led me to be able to see what the recipients found appealing or would to be improved.

oI also investigated which props, lighting, camera shots and types of editing is both conventional for the form of a trailer and the conventions of the genre. I will use low key lighting, low and high angle shots, close-ups, shot/reverse shot, fade outs and fast paced visible editing.