Page 1: Product marketing  - the power of branding

Product marketing - the power of branding Lesson objective- to gain knowledge and understanding of the power of branding and its effect on different consumer groups

Page 2: Product marketing  - the power of branding


What are consumer groups?

Why do companies create a band?

A good brand identity sets a company apart from its competitors, what does this mean?

Market research can help companies identify their target market and shape their brand identity. Name several ways that market research is carried out?

Lesson objective- to gain knowledge and understanding of the power of branding and its effect on different consumer groups

Page 3: Product marketing  - the power of branding

Brand development

Creating and developing a strong product identity that will appeal to consumers, name some!

Page 4: Product marketing  - the power of branding

Digital media means what?A form of advertising on the computer

Lesson objective- to gain knowledge and understanding of the power of branding and its effect on different consumer groups

Page 5: Product marketing  - the power of branding

Point of sale – POS is where the product is often displayed for sale . A POS is often part of a product launch.

Lesson objective- to gain knowledge and understanding of the power of branding and its effect on different consumer groups

Page 6: Product marketing  - the power of branding

POS - ipod

Lesson objective- to gain knowledge and understanding of the power of branding and its effect on different consumer groups

Page 7: Product marketing  - the power of branding

Marketing - ipod

Lesson objective- to gain knowledge and understanding of the power of branding and its effect on different consumer groups

Page 8: Product marketing  - the power of branding

Task 1 – market research that tells you who your target group will be Copy the list of market research target

group data on page 39 Find out about how two top brands can

join together to promote an innovative idea for an effective campaign across different target markets. Nike has joined with MSN

Nike Scores a Runaway Success with User-Generated Advertisements on MSN

Page 9: Product marketing  - the power of branding

Awareness of Nike's brand slogan, “Just Do It,” has decreased among Japanese youth since its peak in the 1990s.

It wanted to enhance its brand image by connecting with a young audience. 

Partnering with Microsoft Advertising, Nike launched the “Just Do It” Kimewaza (“Killer move”) Battle contest campaign.

 This innovative promotion had an energizing effect on the public.

Nike Scores a Runaway Success with User-Generated Advertisements on MSN
