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This article is almost exactly right. Maybe right for a lot of people or most but one

friend of mine in particular always procrastinated. He always got a good grade and

eventually always found time for the work. Although he was, just like the example

essay, forced to do the work if he wanted the grade and he lost the freedom of doing it

whenever works best for him. Although half the time that is how it worked out for him,

the other half of the time he just always had something else to do that seemed more

important than the current assignment. Which therefore led him to fall behind and lose

track of the assignments due date fairly quickly.

My friend never really seemed to feel guilty about procrastinating, or felt as if he

didn’t deserve the grade. I know he said at times how it was just sad how he and so

many others can get away with putting in so little effort to get such a good grade.

Although, that distinguishes what makes a good teacher from a bad teacher. But, he

never felt unhappy with his grade because he knew what kind of work he was capable

of, but because he knew he could get a good grade so easily the importance and

priority level of his assignments always fell below other things in his daily life. Which for

most people this is probably true; because people get away with what they can usually,

but only if they know they can because nobody really wants to work harder if the same

result can be achieved with any amount of effort.

In conclusion, I think overall most people procrastinate just because they feel

they can. If things were more important or had a higher motivation level to do it, then

they would make sure that whatever it is, it gets done perfectly. So therefore,

procrastination isn’t all bad in my mind, but if something doesn’t get done by its deadline

or doesn’t receive optimal credit. Then, the procrastinator has nobody to blame but

there self and they usually know the consequences and then they feel guilty for not

trying harder.
