

Ulllted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,735,935 McAnalley [45] Date of Patent: Apr. 5, 1988

[54] PROCESS FOR PREPARATION OF ALOE 3,920,816 11/1975 Seegall ......... .. 424/ 195.1 PRODUCI‘S PRODUCTS, PRODUCED 3,973,008 8/1976 Sugiyama et a1 .. 424/ 195.1

P THE 4,143,162 3/1979 Tanaka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 426/89 THEREBY AND COM OSITIONS REOF 4,178,372 12/1979 Coats ........ .. 424/195.1

[75] Inventor: Bill H. McAnalley, Grand Prairie, 4,369,180 1/1983 Mihalovits . . . . . . . . .. 514/2

Tex, 4,395,942 2/1983 Thompson 100/37 _ _ _ 4,408,364 10/1983 Thompson 15/21 D

[73] Ass1gr1ee= Camngton Laboratorles, 1119-, Dallas, 4,446,131 5/1984 Maughan 424/195.1 Tex. 4,465,629 8/ 1984 Maughan 424/ 195.1

4,474,763 10/1984 Lubowe . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 514/2

[21] APPI' N°" 869,261 4,481,185 11/1984 Grollier et al. ..... .. 424/54

[22] Filed: Jun_ 5, 1986 4,488,482 12/1984 Cottrell . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 180/37

4,500,510 2/1985 Goldstein ..... .. 424/80 . . 4,505,902 3/1985 Millard ..... .. .. 424/ 195.1

Related U-s- APPhcamn Data 4,555,987 12/1985 Tumlinson . . . . . . . . . .. 100/118

[63] Continuation-impart of Ser. No. 810,025, Dec. 17, 1 1985, abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Ser- NO- 754,859, Jul- 12, 1985, abandoned, which is a 45589 3/1985 Japan .................................. .. 536/1.1 continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 750,321, Jun. 28, 1985, abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. OTHER PUBLICATIONS 649,967, Sep. 12, 1984, abandoned, which is a continua

- - Chem. Abst. 87:28898u, 1977. 23222-1331’! of Ser. No. 375,720, May 7, 1982, aban- Chem. Abst. 891103727’ 1978'

Chem. Abst. 100:35998s, 1984. Int. Cl.4 .......................................... -. Brouse’ “Aloe Vera Council Defends Its Practices,

[52] US. Cl. ...................................... .. 514/53; 514/54; Product”, FDA Consumer, pp_ 2940, Nov_ 1931_ _ 514/847; 424/DIG. 13; 536/53; 536/ 123 Crewe, “The External Use of Aloes”, Minnesota Medi

[58] Field Of Search 5;, 8417; cine’ pp_ 1937_ _ I _ / ' ’ ’ ’ /D G' 3 (List continued on next page.)

[56] References Cited Primary Examiner-J. R. Brown U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Assistant Examiner-John W. Rollins

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153,683 8/1874 Saalfeldt . [57] ABSTRACT

153,957 8/1374 H°b$°n_ - ‘ Process for producing aloe extracts including the sepa l}; ga‘gam - ration of the leaves of the aloe plant into distinct por

, reen . - - - - _

301,385 7/1884 Mitchell I tions. In particular, a ?rst process is described for pro 327 847 10/1885 Willis ducmg an aloe extract wh1ch 1s substantially free of 336496 “A885 Kyte ' anthraquinone-rich yellow sap and a second process is 361:536 4/1837 Laclakrie _ described for extracting the active chemical substance

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