Page 1: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

Procedures and Guidelines

Page 2: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

Enter one at a time quietly

ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the teacher will ask you to step outside and re-enter the classroom respectfully

Homework will be collected at the bell, unless special circumstances are announced/on the board

Look over the day’s agenda, on the board

Get out pen/pencil, your physics section in notebook/binder, text, and calculator

Procedure: Entering the Classroom

Page 3: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

Have your planner out before entering class

Go IMMEDIATELY to your seat, do not walk up to teacher, interrupt, or disrupt the class

Have your planner out on your desk; get to work

Mrs. B will pass by your desk to check your planner, to collect homework, etc.


Procedure: Tardies

Page 4: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

Homework quizzes at least 1x per week.

Homework will be written on the board, under the daily agenda

Some homework will be collected, some won’t.

Homework turned in any time after I collect it is considered late

No-name papers will be marked “0”, or “F”.

Procedure: Homework

Page 5: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

Wait for a pause or break in lecture before asking me to sign your planner

If you need a tissue, get up quietly and get one without drawing attention to yourself

You will NOT be allowed to use the restroom/get water/etc. during the first or last 5 minutes of class

You will not be allowed to leave the class – unless extreme circumstances – while taking a quiz or test.

Procedure:Hall Passes

Page 6: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

Assigned seating for the first two weeks (or until I learn your names!)

YOU choose your lab partner; it must be someone you can rely on, who you will support, and who will support you

If there are ANY discipline problems with the person you choose to work/sit with, AUTOMATIC REFERRAL, and Mrs. B will choose your seat AND partner for rest of school year

Procedure:Seating/Lab Partners

Page 7: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

Raise your hand

Only ask questions on the topic being discussed (clarification, expanding, etc.)

If your question is off-topic, write it down and ask it later

You have the RIGHT TO KNOW WHY!!! Feel free to ask why the topic is important (politely); I will either:

-answer it to the best of my ability

-do more research, and answer the next day

-tell you to hold that though, because I will be addressing the answer shortly

Procedure:Class Discussions/Lectures

Page 8: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

Homework and classwork will be graded and passed back within 3 days of due-date.

Tests, lab reports, and projects will be graded and passed back within 5-7 days of test date.

Late work will be graded last, after the current assignments have been graded

Any missing work is YOUR responsibility: assignments are posted on JMC. Check JMC for assignments you missed while absent before talking to the teacher.


Page 9: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

You have the right to know your grade; you do NOT have the right to interrupt my teaching to ask me your grade.

It is your responsibility to discuss your grade with me on your own time, before or after class

It is your responsibility to keep track of YOUR grade, and to set up a meeting with me BEFORE THE END OF QUARTER to discuss

Always do your homework, and always listen to teachers’ instructions. Test questions will come not just from homework, but from class instruction/discussion, and experiments

Procedures:Checking grades

Page 10: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the


Clean up all materials; mess at desk = detention

Double check the homework assignment

Mrs. Buettner dismisses you, NOT the bell

Procedures:Class Dismissal

Page 11: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

The following procedures will be discussed as the come up, for example:

-Lab Experiments

-Collecting passed-back work

-Study Hall Days

-Planned absences

-Mass – Period 3 only

-Tornado + Fire drills

Other Procedures:

Page 12: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

I do not tolerate cheating of any kind. I consider it a serious offense against integrity and honesty.

Cheating includes, but not limited to:•Discussing answers to tests with other students • Copying / sharing answers with another student (in-class or outside of school)• Illegal “Cheat Sheets”• Electronic devices – texting or photographing info to other students, programming info into calculators, phones, or other devices and sharing


Page 13: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

Consequences are as follows:• First time = “0”; no chance to make up; I will make a copy of the work and give to Mr. Ries

• Second time = “0”, 2nd referral + Saturday School

• If you are caught cheating on a test or project:• You will receive automatic referral, plus a zero, with no chance to make up the exam

PLAGIARISM from any source is CHEATING (Wiki, online website, etc.


Page 14: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

3 tardies per semester

4th = detention served that day or next

5+ = Saturday School

**Official tardy rules in your student handbook


Page 15: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

Late penalties are as follows:• If handed in during class, but after I collected it, it counts as 1 day late• 1 – 5 days late = -50%•> 5 days late = 0

This means that if you want credit for an assignment, turn it in NO LATER than 5 days after it is due.

Absences: you have the same amount of days you were absent to hand in homework without late penalties. HOWEVER, homework you were assigned BEFORE absent is due immediately upon returning


Page 16: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

CELL PHONE OR OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICE IS VISIBLE- You will be asked to put it away the first time- Second time, it will be confiscated and brought up to Front Office, with referral

USING CELL PHONE IN CLASSROOM:- Automatic referral, and phone will be confiscated

CONSEQUENCES – Electronic Devices

Page 17: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

1st Infraction• Verbal warning

2nd Infraction•Detention

3rd Infraction• Referral

• The more severe/disrespectful the infraction, the teacher may skip directly to the 2nd infraction consequence

During lab experiments, 1st discipline problem DOES NOT GET WARNING; you will receive automatic referral

CONSEQUENCES: Rude behavior

Page 18: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

Respect the teacher, respect other students

• I am the adult in the room, I have policies in place that protect every students’ right to a safe, respectful, academic learning environment

• Arguing/refusal to follow intstructions = automatic referral

Guideline # 1

Page 19: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

Leave your excess baggage at the door!

(Don’t take out anger on teacher or others…but talk to me if something’s “eating” at you

Guideline # 2

Page 20: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

Come to class prepared!• Textbook• 3-ring binder w/ loose leaf• Lab notebook• Pen/pencil• Scientific Calculator

• *Failure to have these items could result in a tardy if you have to leave class to retrieve these items after the 2nd bell• *Failure to have these items could result in an unsatisfactory grade, if lack of these materials causes you to miss an assignment, notes, or homework

Guideline # 3

Page 21: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the


• You have these procedures and guidelines to refer to; AND STUDENT HANBOOK

• Accept the consequences, and move on

• Get done what you have to get done


Guideline # 4

Page 22: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

Follow instructions the first time

Guideline # 5

Page 23: Procedures and Guidelines. Enter one at a time quietly ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES OUT upon entering the classroom If you are noisy when you walk in, the

Find reliable professional sources to support your opinions, respectfully question

(This is a science class; facts and conclusions are only valid if they can withstand scrutiny, questioning, and tests)

Guideline # 6