
Problems of Well-being

Technological development brings drawbacks

By Zhengxu Zhang Georgian College

Introduction Human survival, compared to 20 million years ago and 10 million

years ago, will not change much. And compared to two thousand years ago, three thousand years ago, there will not be much change. However, most people have changed, even now, with more than a hundred years ago people contrast, has also been completely different. What makes humans began a new way of life? This is science and technology. Only promote the development of science and technology human process. it can to make human life better. All the technological advances of the discoveries and inventions to make human become stronger. People are enjoying the great benefits brought by the technology at the same time, also gradually realized that science and technology is a double-edged sword.

"Technological development more good than harm" .

If the "science and technology development is more good than harm" this sentence is in doubt, then we do not have this right, because of the disadvantages of the development of science and technology is real. The world science and technology development brings disadvantages throughout all aspects of our lives.

Technological development brings drawbacks

1. Modern science and technology for all-round human development caused a certain degree of distortion , which is manifested in social relations, spirituality and ethics in three dimensions.

Technological development brings drawbacks

First of all, the development trend of science and technology is potentially destroy the power of human social life.

Secondly, the destructive power of science and technology, but also in its constant attack and destruction of human life, which is concentrated in two points of mankind, the Internet and gene technology. Internet warriors already announced, to the network becomes a living, but , when the virtual real alternative, as a social human existence disappears. Look gene technology, life science cure diseases, but on the other hand it is the intervention of nature, produce more perfect human, but GM is perfect whether human or high-tech ? products Today, changes in gene technology inherent to human nature more direct impact on the human spirit home last line of defense - ethics, science and technology round distortion of human society, is to destroy the foundation of our society and the spiritual world.

Technological development brings drawbacks

2. Environmental pollution

Development of chemistry allows us to get an unprecedented ability to transform nature. Our chemical synthesis technique is that we made the nature of this stuff does not exist, but now we have been plagued by white trash, was poisoned by chemical contamination. Development of oil exploration technology is greatly accelerated the pace of human progress we have been able to exceed the speed of sound, but it also brings a lot of troubles too many wars, but also makes the Earth began with a fever.

Technological development brings drawbacks

3. Accelerate the extinction of species

This is caused by the killing of the pollution of the environment and human. It belongs to the development of science and technology.

Technological development brings drawbacks

4. Personal safety can not be guaranteed

There are tens of thousands of crime in a day on average. But the criminal means most of modern science and technology. Especially the gun crime, it is to let ordinary people impossible to guard against. And since the second world war we can see, with the development of science and technology, damage and loss caused by the war to now far more than before comparable. There may even cause human extinction.

Technological development brings drawbacks

5. Human physical watered down

With advances in technology , gas cars, trains, planes and other modes of transport emergence of mankind has undergone major changes in daily life , humans have not always rely on their own two legs, so now the human physique and before compared already can not be compared . And this situation is likely to continue to develop people's limbs atrophy, the emergence of a new form of humanity .

Technological development brings drawbacks

6. Biochemical hazard

Emerging pathogens emerging, many of the harmful bacteria have been far more than the previous destructive bacteria . This is due to the rapid development of medical technology to speed up the virus variants . The development of science and technology has not kept pace that virus variants speed. maybe one day mankind will perish certain a great plague.

Technological development brings drawbacks

7. Global Warming

Advent of the automobile greatly facilitated our trip . But at the same time more and more car exhaust amazing amount of exhaust , causing the greenhouse effect worse. When it comes to global warming , some people may ask, in the end true or false, I can only say that media coverage may be false , but the continuous melting icebergs is true, shrinking glaciers is true, the data is not can be deceiving .

Technological development brings drawbacks

From 1980 to 2010 , with the car in people's lives play an increasingly important role , CO2 emissions from transport increased year by year the proportion has reached a point where nearly one-third of.

Technological development brings drawbacks

8. Damage to the ozone layer

Air conditioning makes us cool in summer and warm in winter, to improve human comfort, but also bring us what -- indoor air quality, reduce the human body immunity, the ozone layer damage, we are comfortable and violates the rights of other living creatures.

Technological development brings drawbacks

The discharge of large quantities of freon in the ozone layer destruction. According to statistics, in twentieth Century at the end of the 50's to 70's found that ozone concentrations had a tendency to decrease. In 2007, the ozone hole area of only 25000000 square kilometers, in 2008 the formation of the Antarctic ozone hole area has reached 27000000 square kilometers. In 2009, covers an area of 28000000 square kilometers.

In conclusion In short, the rapid development of science and technology has two

sides of human life, there are both advantages and disadvantages, the key is to grasp the scale, make the beneficial aspects more prominent at the same time the drawbacks to a minimum, only in this way can the harmonious development of human beings. People don't do the masters of nature, but nature. When we are still indulge in elaborating on iPhone brings us the perfect experience, always enjoy it when we are in discussion of cloud computing, the concept of Internet of things, when we are happy, and the space shuttle missions to the moon, perhaps we should calm down, carefully examines the high new technology of explosive development may bring disaster to the human, perhaps this disaster is influence character by environment formation, pulsed crisis more pleasure may not be as the financial crisis, but it will probably come, perhaps it has come......



by Todd J Braje Nov.12.2010 (Human acceleration of animal and plant extinctions)

by Alina Bradford, Live Science Contributor December 15, 2014


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