  • Slide 1

Problems of the New United States Slide 2 Debt!! America was in tremendous debt, both to other countries and to individual citizens, and the situation was getting worse. Slide 3 Debt!! America was in tremendous debt, both to other countries and to individual citizens, and the situation was getting worse. Slide 4 Southerners Didnt Like the Ham Plan Many people opposed the plan, because they thought that some people would lose too much money. Southerners also didnt like this because they didnt have as much debt as the North. Slide 5 Southerners Didnt Like the Ham Plan Many people opposed the plan, because they thought that some people would lose too much money. Southerners also didnt like this because they didnt have as much debt as the North. Slide 6 France!! France sent Edmond Genet to get Americans to help fight against the British. Bon Jour! Slide 7 France!! France sent Edmond Genet to get Americans to help fight against the British. Slide 8 The Whiskey Rebellion The Whiskey Rebellion farmers revolted when forced to pay a tax in cash on whiskey because they rarely had cash. Slide 9 The Whiskey Rebellion The Whiskey Rebellion farmers revolted when forced to pay a tax in cash on whiskey because they rarely had cash. Slide 10 Native American Trouble Native Americans claimed land north of the Ohio River. Slide 11 Native American Trouble Native Americans claimed land north of the Ohio River. Slide 12 The British (again)!! The British were capturing American ships that were trading with France. Slide 13 The British (again)!! The British were capturing American ships that were trading with France. Slide 14 The XYZ Affair!! In the XYZ Affair, French foreign minister Charles de Talleyrand tried to bribe American diplomats who were trying to meet and avoid war. The three French diplomats were known as X, Y, and Z. Anyone care for a bribe? Slide 15 The XYZ Affair!! In the XYZ Affair, French foreign minister Charles de Talleyrand tried to bribe American diplomats who were trying to meet and avoid war. The three French diplomats were known as X, Y, and Z. Slide 16 Foreigners!! Americans were suspicious of foreigners due to the above problems with both France and England. Slide 17 Foreigners!! Americans were suspicious of foreigners due to the above problems with both France and England. Slide 18 And now States that almost existedbut didnt. Slide 19 Slide 20 'TEXLAHOMA' URGED AS THE 49TH STATE; Border Section of Texas and Oklahoma Considers Itself Forgotten Land. E-MAIL By DALE MILLER. May 26, 1935, Sunday Section: REVIEW OF THE WEEK EDITORIALS, Page E6, 466 words GALVESTON, Texas, May 23. -- Texlahoma, a forty-ninth State in the Union, comprised of counties in Western Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle, with a combined population exceeding a million, would be created if a proposal being placed before citizens of both States were approved. [ This is from the New York Times. Slide 21 American pioneer Daniel Boone also had a thing for the "sylvania" suffix. If he'd had his way, Kentucky would have been called Transylvania and we'd be placing bets on horses at the Transylvania Derby. Boone hoped to call the colony's capital Boonesborough, but much to the explorer's chagrin, North Carolina and Virginia voted against Transylvania's existence. From Slide 22 North Carolina buffs might recall the Lost State of Franklin, when several disgruntled western counties tried to secede from the Tar Heel State and form their own, shortly after the American Revolution. (Benjamin Franklin was actually still living at the time; he didnt like the idea.) Franklin eventually became the pointy tip of east Tennessee and the mountaineers were generally as disgruntled with the Volunteer State as they were with the Tar Heels. From Slide 23 Brigham Young, Mormon leader decided to move the Mormons west to a place that had no white settlements. Thus began the Mormon exodus to the Salt Lake basin in the mid-1840s. It wasn't long before Young petitioned Congress to create a new state for his people. Although the Mormon leader wanted a giant property, he skillfully drew boundaries to avoid conflicts with established outposts such as the California gold fields or Oregon's newly popular Willamette Valley. And he made sure to grab a bit of coastline in southern California. At this point in history, southern California was pretty empty. Hard to imagine. Young's super-sized state never came to be, mostly because of an anti-Mormon bias then pervasive in American culture.
