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Page 1: Print glossary


Masthead – Part of a page devoted to the official heading of the publication

Cover lines – the articles in the magazine listed on the cover

Main Artist image/ Picture boost – the picture

Direct/Indirect mode of address – how the image communicates with the reader.

Main Artist credit – the name of the artist featured on the cover

Centre of visual interest – the part of the page that catches your eye

Left third – the left hand side of the page that is seen on the shelf

Cover mount – a free gift mounted to the page

Font – style of the text

Colour - colour

Barcode/Issue/Price/Date – information used in the sale of item

Representation – how your cover constructs meaning and makes people, genres, places etc. look.

Awards and nominations – usually recognition of success used on the promotion of films, music, food etc.

Brand identity – the name and aspects of style associated with a particular food, clothing, film, food, music or other product.

Tagline/slogan – catchy phrase to promote

Age rating – age rating of a film; classification; the minimum age for viewers/listeners

Director credit – the name of the director on the product.

Page 2: Print glossary

Actor credit – the name of the actor(s) on the product

Teaser poster – gives some information about the release of a film, usually ‘coming soon’ and eventually a date.

Main poster – is the main set of posters to promote a film. This would include the date, actor and director credits, production company, age classification etc.

DVD release poster – promotes the release of the DVD, usually a few months after the release of the film in cinema.

Price – the cost of the product being sold.

Billboard - Large format advertising displays intended for viewing from extended distances

Banner Advertising Ads that runs horizontally on the bottom of a page of a publication.

Footer – the bottom margin of the page, usually contains copyright information etc.
