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9 Secrets to a Long LifeMany of the early explorers spent great effort looking for the fabled “fountain of youth” but hundreds of years later, the results indicate, that sadly, no such place exists. This hasn’t tempered our desire for getting the most of our life, and if possible, extending it to its greatest potential.

The secrets to a long life have long been mysterious and largely anecdotal, but today, thanks to progress in science and technology, we have a greater understanding of the factors that increase lifespan. By mixing up some old proven methods, with some fresh data, you could be on your way to living to a hundred!

Family HistoryFinding out your family health history could help predict your own health future, as many conditions have a genetic link. Your genes play a part in whether you’re more likely to develop something such as heart disease or diabetes. By identifying conditions that run in your family you can be sure to look out for symptoms so problems are discovered early and can thus be properly treated. For example, if you tell your doctor that you have relatives who had heart disease, he or she may be more likely to prescribe medication to help deal with conditions such as high cholesterol rather than suggest that you just try managing it with exercise.

Being aware of your family history can increase your lifespan and also improve every aspect of your health. But genes alone do not explain all the secrets of longevity.

Herbal TeaAntioxidants are the body’s defense against the damaging molecules known as free radicals, and a great source of antioxidants can be found in various herbal teas. Much research suggests drinking tea can fight diseases and even lengthen life among other health benefits. This is due to tea's high concentration of antioxidants called polyphenols, which may contribute to the prevention of cancer, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular diseases. Some additional benefits include:

Keeping blood sugar at moderate levels Fighting food-borne bacteria Enhancing immune system function Promoting "friendly" bacteria in the intestines and encouraging bowel regularity Assisting in weight loss by blocking the breakdown of starch Maintaining the body's fluid balance Reducing stress

Tea is a much better option in the morning than loading up on coffee, which can lead to an unhealthy dependence on caffeine. Dandelion root tea is a good substitute for coffee because of its strong, rich flavor that tastes great with milk, sugar or honey. Dandelion tea benefits have been known for centuries, and it’s just one example of the many herbal teas available that can improve the quality of your life.

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Beans, Beans, the Magical FruitIn a 2004 study conducted on elderly people in Australia, Japan, Sweden, and Greece, researchers found that participants had a 7% to 8% reduction in death for every 20 grams of legumes they consumed daily. A diet rich in beans and legumes increases levels of the fatty acid butyrate, which can protect against cancer growth.

Have a Laugh a DayWhat do Bob Hope and George Burns have in common other than their status as comedy legends? They both lived to 100! Milton Berle lived to 93, Phyllis Diller lived to be 95 and none of these comedians led particularly vice-free lives.

The old saying, laughter is the best medicine, isn’t so far off. Laughter causes the release of special neurotransmitter substances in the brain, endorphins that help control pain. There are more direct physical effects of laughter, including increased breathing, more oxygen use and a higher heart rate. Some research suggests that laughter can boost the immune system. When researchers showed a 75-minute funny film to a group of men and women, they found that that blood levels of natural killer cells activity increased by 26.5 percent.

Laughing oxygenates the blood, stimulates the metabolism, enhances mood, releases stress, improves relationships and even increases your chances of career success. It’s a full mind and body workout.

Grains and SeedsGetting more fiber—specifically by switching from refined bread and pasta to whole grains—can reduce your risk of death from any cause by 22%, according to a 2011 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Experts say that fiber can protect against diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, and obesity, and can reduce cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure.

Get a PetPeople who own a pet are less stressed, less depressed and can live longer than those who don’t. The calming effect of owning an animal can even drop blood pressure and reduce your risk of a heart attack.

A study found owners who walk their dogs daily lived an average of seven years longer than otherwise similar non-dog owners.

Eat to 80 PercentThe Okinawans, who inhabit remote Japanese islands, have one of the world’s lowest rates of obesity, as well as the highest percentage of people living beyond 100. Their secret? At every meal, they stop eating when they feel about 80% satisfied, happily leaving any excess food on their plate.

American researchers have also found animals can live up to twice as long when their food intake is reduced by up to a third.

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As well as helping to maintain a healthier weight, it is thought that eating less means the metabolism has less work to do, putting less long-term stress on the body.

Let’s Talk About SexIf things in the bedroom have cooled between you and your partner, here’s a way to reignite the fire – “Honey, it’ll help us live longer.”

Regular sexual activity is so beneficial to our health it is amazing how seldom it is discussed within this context. It lowers blood pressure, improves cholesterol, and increases circulation. It raises the heartbeat from 70 to 150 beats per minute. Thirty minutes of sex can burn as many as 200 calories. There is substantial evidence it reduces food cravings, boosts immunity, increases cognition, reduces stress, and improves sleep.

British scientists interviewed nearly 1,000 men in six small villages about their sexual frequency, then arranged for all death records to be forwarded so the scientists could record their life spans. Ten years later they determined that men who had two or more orgasms a week had died at a rate half that of the men who had orgasms less than once a month. "Sexual activity seems to have a protective effect on men's health," the researchers concluded.

Positive ThinkingAlmost all of those who reach old age describe themselves as optimistic people and believe a positive attitude is critical throughout one’s life.

To make yourself healthier, the best thing you can do is to think about the kinds of people you spend time with. If you’re involved with the kind of people who help other people, you get more dependable yourself. One of the secrets of longevity is to join social groups and choose hobbies or jobs that lead you naturally to healthier patterns and activities. That’s a gradual but effective way to improve your lifespan.
