Page 1: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth

Apply online at by 15 January 2013

Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth

For entry in 2013

Page 2: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth

If this information is difficult to understand we can provide it in another format. For example Braille, large print or audiotape. Please contact the Admissions Service on 01926 742047

If your first language is not English, you can contact our Interpreting and Translation Service on 01926 412698 or email [email protected]


The information in this booklet was correct at the time of publication (August 2012). Much of the information is based on the Admissions Code of Practice which came into effect on 01 February 2012. Please contact the Admissions Service or consult the Warwickshire County Council website for the most up to date information.

Warwickshire County Council accepts no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any reliance on information provided by third parties.

Please also note that Admission Authorities can change admissions policies if required, subject to relevant consultation.

Warwickshire Admissions Service

Saltisford Office Park, Ansell Way, Warwick, CV34 4UL

Or: School Admissions, FREEPOST NAT 4782, Warwick, CV34 4BR(The freepost address can take up to 5 working days)

Tel 01926 742047 or 742037

Fax 01926 742084 Website

Email [email protected]

Warwickshire Admissions Service

Saltisford Office Park, Ansell Way, Warwick, CV34 4UL

Page 3: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth



Apply online at by 15 January 2013

Warwickshire Admissions Service

Saltisford Office Park, Ansell Way, Warwick, CV34 4UL

Or: School Admissions, FREEPOST NAT 4782, Warwick, CV34 4BR(The freepost address can take up to 5 working days)

Tel 01926 742047 or 742037

Fax 01926 742084 Website

Email [email protected]

How to apply for a school place 5

Summary of the schools admissions process 6

Late applications 7 Moving house 7 Children living at more than one address 8 Applying for twins 8 Changing your school preferences 9 Supplementary forms 9

Applying Online: Advice and FAQs 10

How offers are made 12

Breakdown of offers made for 2012 admission 14

Offer day and what to do next 17

Special Educational Needs 18

School transport 21

Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth – contact details and open day information 23

More information on Warwickshire schools 41

Changing Schools (during an academic year) 41

In-Year Fair Access Protocol 41

Glossary 43

Useful contact details 44

Contact details for surrounding authorities 45

Page 4: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


This booklet is for parents and carers of Warwickshire children who are due to start school for the first time in September 2013. It is also for those children transferring to a junior school in 2013.

You will need to apply for a place if:• Your child was born between 1 September 2008 and 31 August 2009 - they are due to start school in September 2013

• Your child is in Year 2 in an infant school – they are due to transfer to junior / primary school in September 2013

• Your child is in Year 2 in a primary school and you wish to transfer them to a different school for Year 3 in September 2013


Apply online at by 15 January 2013

Page 5: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


How to apply for a school place

• Apply online at from 10 July 2012 onwards

• Call the Admissions Service and apply over the phone You will need your council tax reference number to hand as proof of your home address. This can be found on your council tax bill

• Request a paper application form to be sent to you

(Contact details for the Admissions Service can be found on the inside cover and at the back of the booklet)

The national closing date for on-time applications is15 January 2013 Benefits of applying online• Secure website (https)

• Automatic email to confirm Warwickshire has received your application

• Quick and easy process

• Option to request your offer via email – Emails will be sent from 8:30am on 15 April 2013

• Ability to accept your school place online

• Option to print a copy of your application before submitting it electronically

Important dates for admissions

Apply online at by 15 January 2013

15 January 2013 Closing date for on-time applications

15 February 2013 Final date for families moving into Warwickshire to provide proof of address

15 April 2013 offer day – emails sent from 8:30am and letters posted first class

29 April 2013 Closing date for parents to accept the place offered

Page 6: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Summary of the School Admissions ProcessAll parents and carers should apply for their child’s school place through the Local Authority where they live – we call this your ‘Home Authority’. This applies regardless of where the schools being applied for are located. All Local Authorities send admissions data to each other through a secure data transfer system. This method ensures that only one school is allocated per child.

You need to list the schools you are applying for on your application in order of preference. Put your preferred school first. Many schools receive more applicants than they have places to offer. This means they are oversubscribed. Every school has a set of rules known as oversubscription or admissions criteria. Schools that are oversubscribed will follow these rules when allocating places. Different types of schools use different oversubscription criteria. Information on where to find each Warwickshire school’s oversubscription criteria is included in the entry for each school towards the back of this booklet.

Choosing your school preferencesYou do not have the right to choose which school your child will go to. You only have a right to express a preference for a school.

Warwickshire residents can list up to six schools on their application. It is advisable to list more than one school. Only applying for one school does not improve your chances of gaining a place.

• Listing more than one school will not affect your chances of gaining a place at your first choice school

• If Warwickshire cannot offer any of the schools you have listed we will allocate a place at the next nearest community or voluntary controlled school maintained by Warwickshire with availability or the next nearest own admission authority school (voluntary aided, trust, foundation, or academy) with availability which is prepared to offer a place. The nearest school with spaces will be calculated using a straight line distance measurement. This is why we suggest you list more than one school on your application

What order should I list my preferences in?You should put your preferred school first, but the order of your preferences will only be looked at if we can offer you more than one of the schools you have listed. We would then offer a place at the school listed as the highest preference.

Securing a place at a school for one child does not guarantee their brother or sister will be offered a place at the same school. This is especially the case if it is not your priority area school.

I want to apply for schools that are not in WarwickshireYou must apply through the Local Authority in which you live - your ‘Home Authority’, regardless of where the schools you want to apply for are located.

For example, you live in Warwickshire and wish to apply for two Warwickshire schools and one Coventry school. You must apply to Warwickshire ensuring you list all of your school choices. Warwickshire will then communicate with Coventry on your behalf. You must adhere to the deadlines set by your Home Authority (see page 5 for Warwickshire’s deadlines).

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Late applicationsIf you apply after 15 January 2013 your application will be classed as ‘late’.

Late applications are considered after all on-time applications. This may have an impact on the school offer you receive.

Moving houseIf you are moving into Warwickshire you must provide proof of your new address by 15 February 2013. If the Admissions Service does not receive sufficient proof by this date your original address must be used for admissions purposes.

If you are intending to move home during the application/allocation period or wish the school offer to be based on a future house move (to take place prior to September 2013) you will need to provide proof of the new address by 15 February 2013 in order for it to be considered. If the move is related to a purchase, proof should be in the form of a letter from your solicitor confirming the exchange of contracts and completion date. For a rental, proof should be a copy of a tenancy agreement that terminates after the start of the Autumn term. This should be signed by both the tenant and the landlord.

Please note that unless the written evidence provided proves to the satisfaction of the Authority that you have moved or will move to the address that you indicate we will not be able to consider your application from your new address. Please talk with the Admissions Service about your specific case. Contact details can be found at the front and back of this booklet.

Apply online at by 15 January 2013

Page 8: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Definition of Home AddressWhere the child normally resides/sleeps when they attend school. Addresses involved in child minding arrangements, whether with professional child-minders, friends or relatives, cannot be used.

Separated Parents and Children Living at More Than One AddressWhere a child lives with each of their parents at separate addresses, the address used to allocate a place will be the one where the child spends (i.e. sleeps) the majority of the school week. If the child spends exactly equal amounts of time at the two addresses the parents themselves will be asked to nominate which address they wish to be the child’s main address for school admission purposes. Should they fail to do so by the published closing date the Council has the right to nominate the address that it considers appropriate.

In the case of disputes between parents, there is an expectation that parents will resolve these amongst themselves and make a single application which both are in agreement with.

Fraudulent AddressesEvery year, there are cases where it is alleged that parents/carers have given false information about their home address to get a place at a particular school. We do all we can to ensure this does not happen as this can prevent genuine applicants from getting a place at a school. The Admissions Service may ask for proof of your address at any time throughout the applications and allocation process. We may also ask for additional information after a place has been offered.

Where a school place is allocated on the basis of an address which is subsequently found to be different from the child’s home address then the place can be withdrawn.

Twins, Triplets or other multiple-birthsWhere the final place in a year group is offered to one of twins, triplets or another multiple-birth child, the Council will normally offer a place to the other multiple-birth child(ren) even if this means going above the school’s Published Admission Number (also see Infant Class Size).

Infant Class SizeInfant classes (those where the majority of children will reach the age of 5, 6 or 7 during the school year) must not contain more than 30 pupils with a single school teacher. Additional children may be admitted under very limited exceptional circumstances. These children will remain an ‘excepted pupil’ for the time they are in an infant class or until the class numbers fall back to the current infant class size limit. The excepted children are:

a) children with Statements of Special Educational Needs admitted outside the normal admission round b) looked after children and previously looked after children admitted outside the normal admission round

c) children admitted, after initial allocation of places, because of a procedural error made by the admission authority or local authority in the original application process d) children admitted after an independent appeals panel upholds an appeal e) children who move into the area outside the normal admission round for whom there is no other available school within reasonable distance f) children of UK service personnel admitted outside the normal admission round g) twins and children from multiple births when one of the siblings is the 30th child admitted h) children with SEN who are normally taught in an SEN unit attached to the school, or registered at a special school, who attend some infant classes within the mainstream school

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Changing your school preferencesIf you wish to change your school preferences you must request this by contacting the Admissions Service. After 15 January 2013 there is no guarantee that changes can be made unless you are moving house and can provide sufficient evidence (see ‘Moving House’ on page 7) or you have exceptional circumstances. Contact details for the Admissions Service are found at both the front and back of this booklet.

If your request to change your preferences is not agreed then changes can be made after the offers have been sent out (15 April 2013).

Supplementary forms Some own admission authority schools such as academies, aided and foundation schools, require you to fill out an additional form to apply for a place. The school’s oversubscription/admissions criteria should indicate whether you need to complete a supplementary form. Where to find the oversubscription/admissions criteria for each school is listed against their details towards the back of this booklet. If you do not complete a supplementary form (where required) the school will not have all the information they require to consider your application. All supplementary forms should be returned by the closing date for applications (15 January 2013). Contact details for the Admissions Service can be found at the front and back of this booklet.

Apply online at by 15 January 2013

Page 10: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Applying Online: Advice and FAQs

To apply online you will need:

• An email address • Your council tax reference number (found on your council tax bill)

I don’t have a computer, can I still apply online?You can use a computer at your local library. If you cannot gain access to a computer then you can apply by making a telephone application. You will need your council tax reference number to use as proof of your address. You can also call or email us to request that we send out a paper application form to you in the post. The contact details for the Admissions Service are at the front and back of this booklet.

I don’t have an email addressThe following link provides guidance on how you can create an email account: Will my offer be emailed to me?You will receive an offer email if:

1. You applied online 2. You requested an offer email when you created your account

Offer emails are sent from 8:30am on the 15 April 2013. If you opt for an offer email you will also receive an offer letter. Offer emails cannot be sent to parents who did not apply online.

I live in Warwickshire but I would like to apply for a place at a non-Warwickshire schoolIf you live in Warwickshire, you must apply through Warwickshire for a school place. You may list schools in any authority on your application and we communicate with the other Authorities electronically.

I can’t find the school I wish to apply for on the online formFirstly, check what the online form says at the top of the page. The first school you are asked to pick is your child’s CURRENT school.

If you are on the page where you are asked to pick the school you want to apply for, try using the ‘School Search’ button at the bottom of the page.


• Ensure ‘LA’ is set to the Authority that the school you are looking for is in This box defaults to Warwickshire

• In ‘School Name’ just type in a small part of the school name. E.g. if you are looking for St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School, just type in ‘august’

If you still cannot find the school you are looking for call School Admissions on 01926 742037

I already have a child that attends the school I am applying for (or the partner infant/junior school)You must indicate this by using the appropriate tick box. If you provide this information in any other way we cannot guarantee it will be taken into account.

Apply online at by 15 January 2013

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What does the ‘status’ of my online application mean? Not Submitted You have not submitted your application. You may make changes to it at this

stage. However, you need to submit your application for it to be received by the Admissions Service.

Submitted to LEA

You have submitted your application. School Admissions can now pull your application through to their system. Once you have submitted your application you must not make any further changes on-line. If changes are made on-line they will not be received by the Admissions Service. Please contact the Admissions Service directly to make changes once your application has been submitted.

LEA has received the application

School Admissions now has your application in their system. You must no longer amend any details. If you must change any details on your application, request this by contacting School Admissions. There is no guarantee your application can be changed after 15 January 2013.

I need to apply for a place for more than one childYou only need to create one account on the online system per year. You can add as many children as you need using this account. For each child you add, you must go through the stages of adding their details and listing the school preferences. You must submit each child’s application separately.

I have created an account for a previous yearAll accounts are removed from the system each year, so you must create a new account. If I apply online, how do I know you’ve received my application?Once your online application is complete and you submit it, you will receive an email to acknowledge receipt of your application. I’ve submitted my application online. Can I change it?No. Once your application has been submitted, details of any changes you wish to make can be made by emailing the Admissions Service using the following email address: [email protected]. Any amendments you make online after you have submitted your application will not be received by the Admissions Service.

Apply online at by 15 January 2013

Page 12: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


How offers are made

All schools must have a Published Admission Number (‘PAN’ or ‘admission number’). This is the maximum number of places that will normally be offered.

If you apply for a school that is oversubscribed (has more applicants than there are places available) places at the school will be offered based on the school’s oversubscription criteria. Each application is given a criteria for a place at the school. Places are then offered in criteria order to fill the school up to its Published Admission Number.

The criteria that is used depends upon the type of school that you have applied for. Some schools use their own criteria and consider factors such as faith. Other schools are controlled by the Local Authority or opt to use Warwickshire’s oversubscription criteria. Please refer to ‘Schools in North Warwickshire and Nuneaton and Bedworth’ on page 23 to see which criteria are used by each school.

Page 14 details the offers that were made on offer day for each school in this area for admission in September 2012. This shows which criteria each school was able to offer up to. Offers change each year depending on the amount of applicants and the areas they are applying from.

Priority areas

All addresses in Warwickshire are in the priority area of a particular school. You can see descriptions of priority areas at or call the Admissions Service with your address to confirm which priority area you live in.

Do not assume that the school closest to your address is your priority area school.

Warwickshire County Council’s (WCC) oversubscription criteria (Used by community and voluntary controlled schools)

For Primary/Infant Applications (Reception Class in September) 1. Children in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, a local authority and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order) 2. Children living inside the priority area who have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission 3. Children living inside the priority area who have a brother or sister at the partner junior school (or primary school) at the time of admission 4. Other children living inside the priority area 5. Children living outside the priority area who will have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission 6. Children living outside the priority area who have a brother or sister at the partner junior school at the time of admission 7. Other children living outside the priority area For Junior Applications (Year 3 in September) 1. Children in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, a local authority and children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order) 2. Children living in the priority area who have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission 3. Children living in the priority area who have a brother or sister at the partner infant school at the time of admission 4. Other children living in the priority area

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5. Children from outside the priority area who have a brother or sister at the school at the time of admission 6. Children living outside the priority area who attended the partner infant school immediately prior to transfer 7. Children living outside the priority area who have a brother or sister at the partner infant school at the time of admission 8. Other children living outside the priority area

Definitions that apply to all oversubscription criteria (Reception and Junior) Children with a Statement of Special Educational needs that names the school must be admitted.

This may reduce the number of places available to other appliants.

Within each criterion, priority is given in order of straight line distance between the home and school. The shortest distance has the highest priority.

For more information on how distances are measured, please see

All distances are subject to repositional accuracy changes.

Schools that use their own criteria For more details please see:, or contact the school directly to discuss their admissions criteria. Please refer to ‘Schools in Nuneaton & Bedworth’ on page 23 to see which criteria are used by each school.

Apply online at by 15 January 2013

Page 14: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Reception 2012

Austrey C of E Primary School 15 11 All applicants offered

Birchwood Primary School 60 60 On Time C2,C4 and C5. Offers made to C7 up to a distance of 1.860

Bournebrook C of E Primary School 19 19 On Time C2 and C4

Coleshill C of E Primary School 30 26 All applicants offered

Curdworth Primary School 17 15 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

Dordon Community Primary School 30 14 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

Gun Hill Infant School 45 35 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

High Meadow Infant School 30 30 All On Time applicants. Late C4 to a distance of 0.229

Hurley Primary School 25 27 On Time C2, C4 and C5

Kingsbury Primary School 45 41 All applicants offered

Newton Regis C of E Primary School 17 9 All applicants offered

Nursery Hill Primary School 25 25 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

Outwoods Primary School 60 47 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

Racemeadow Primary School 60 42 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

Shustoke C of E Primary School 27 21 All applicants offered

St Benedict's Catholic Primary School 25 19 All applicants offered

St Edward's Catholic Primary School 30 16 All applicants offered

The Nethersole C of E Primary School 45 41 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

Warton Nethersole's C of E Primary School 22 18 All applicants offered

Water Orton Primary School 55 52 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

Wood End Primary School 25 17 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

Woodside C of E Controlled Primary School 40 32 All applicants offered

north Warwickshire

Admission number

total offered


Apply online at by 15 January 2013

Breakdown of Places Allocated Children who have not received an offer at one of their preferred schools will be allocated a place at the next nearest Community/Controlled School with vacancies. This is called ‘unplaced’ on the table below.

Page 15: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Reception 2012

Abbey C of E Infant School 60 60 On Time C2,C3,C4 and C5. Offers made to C7 up to a distance of 1.459

All Saints C of E Infant School (Bedworth) 30 30 All applicants offered

All Saints C of E Primary School And Nursery (Nu-neaton) 30 30 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

Arden Forest Infant School 60 60 On Time C2,C3,C4 and C5. Offers made to C7 up to a distance of 2.082

Camp Hill Primary School & Early Years Centre 60 60 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

Canon Evans C of E Infant School 80 80All On Time offers made to high criteria. School able to offer in last criteria 'living outside priority area' up to a distance of 0.625

Chilvers Coton Community Infant School 75 56 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

Exhall Cedars Infant School 60 60 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

Galley Common Infant School 50 50 On Time C2,C4 and C5. Offers made to C6 up to a distance of 0.819

Glendale Infant School 90 90 On Time C2,C3,C4 and C5. Offers made to C7 up to a distance of 0.959

Goodyers End Primary School 60 56 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

Keresley Newland Primary School 30 30 On Time C2,C4 and C5. Offers made to C7 up to a distance of 0.181

Milby Primary School 60 60 On Time C2, C4 and C5. Offers made to C7 up to a distance of 2.037

Nathaniel Newton Infant School 60 60 On Time C2,C3,C4,C5 and C6. Offers made to C7 up to a distance of 0.420

Newdigate Primary School 30 45 On Time C2,C4 and C5. Offers made to C7 up to a distance of 0.317

Our Lady Of The Angels Catholic Infant School 70 70All On Time 'Catholic' criteria, non Catholic with siblings at OLA or St Joseph's Junior. Offers also made to 'other non Catholics' to a distance of 0.314

Park Lane Primary School Nursery and Parents' Centre 50 27 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

Race Leys Infant School 70 65 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

St Anne's Catholic Primary School 30 23 All applicants offered

St Francis Catholic Primary School 30 30All On Time Catholic criteria, non Catholic with siblings at the school. Offers also made to non Catholic up to a distance of 0.607

St Michael's C of E Primary School 45 38 All applicants offered

St Nicolas C of E (Voluntary Aided) Primary School (Nuneaton) 60 60

All On time applicants with siblings at the school, children living in the priority area and practising Christians. Offers also made to 'other ' applicants up to a distance 1.998

St Paul's C of E Primary School (Nuneaton) 60 60 On Time C2. Offers also made to C4 to a distance of 0.813

Stockingford Infant School 120 113 All applicants offered including 'unplaced'

Weddington Primary School 60 60 On Time C1,C2,C4 and C5. Offers also made to C7 up to a distance of 2.657

Wembrook Primary School 90 90 On Time C1,C2,C4 and C5. Offers also made to C7 up to a distance of 0.669

Wheelwright Lane Primary School 30 30 On Time C2,C4 and C5. Offers also made to C7 up to a distance of 1.021

Whitestone Infant School 90 90 On Time C1,C2,C3,C4,C5 and C6. Offers also made to C7 up to a distance of 0.503

Wolvey C of E Primary School 30 30 All On Time applicants offered

Wolvey C. of E. (Controlled) Primary School 30 24 Offers made to all applicants including unplaced

nuneaton and Bedworth

Admission number

total offered


Breakdown of Places Allocated Children who have not received an offer at one of their preferred schools will be allocated a place at the next nearest Community/Controlled School with vacancies. This is called ‘unplaced’ on the table below.

Page 16: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Junior 2012

Junior 2012

Coleshill C of E Primary School 30 24 All applicants offered

Herbert Fowler Junior School 45 28 Offers made to all applicants, including 'unplaced'

Canon Maggs C of E Junior School 85 85Places allocated according to schools criteria. Contact school for details

Chetwynd Junior School 90 83 All applicants offered

Croft Junior School 90 76 All applicants offered

Michael Drayton Junior School 127 126 All applicants offered

Middlemarch School 60 35 All applicants offered

Queen's C of E Junior School 90 38 Offers made to all applicants, including 'unplaced'

Race Leys Junior School 64 68 All applicants offered

St Giles' Junior School 60 52 Offers made to all applicants, including 'unplaced'

St James' C of E Junior School 60 60Offers made to all on time applicants and Late applicants J2 and 4 to a distance of 0.354

St Joseph's Catholic Junior School (Nuneaton) 68 68Places allocated according to schools criteria. Contact school for details

Stockingford Junior School 120 47 All applicants offered

northern Area

nuneaton and Bedworth Area

Admission number

Admission number

total offered

total offered



Apply online at by 15 January 2013

Breakdown of Places Allocated Children who have not received an offer at one of their preferred schools will be allocated a place at the next nearest Community/Controlled School with vacancies. This is called ‘unplaced’ on the table below.

Page 17: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Offer day and what to do next

Offers will be posted out first class on 15 April 2013. If you applied on-line and requested to receive your offer via email these will be sent from 8:30am on 15 April 2013.

The closing date for accepting a place at the school you have been offered is 29 April 2013.

What if I don’t want the place that I am offered?Your offer letter will include a ‘What to do next’ sheet. This will contain all the relevant deadlines you need to be aware of.

Waiting ListsIf you have not been offered your first preference you will automatically be placed onto the waiting list for any school that you listed higher than the school you have been offered. If you have been offered a school that you did not list (known as an ‘unplaced’ offer), then you will be on the waiting list for all the other schools you listed as a preference.

• Waiting lists are held in oversubscription criteria order

• Late applicants are not penalised on waiting lists and will be added in criteria order

• Your position on a waiting list can change: If other applicants are added to a waiting list, they will be added in criteria order. If their criterion is higher than yours, you will move down the waiting list

• Waiting lists are held until the end of the autumn term. At this point you will be sent a letter to confirm your continued interest in the waiting list

You can apply for up to six schools. You can add your child to waiting lists for other schools if you have not already used up your six preferences.

On a waiting list you are waiting for children who have been offered places to decline them. If places become available re-offers will commence from 29 April 2013. You will be notified of a re-offer by telephone.

If you wish to remove your child from a waiting list please contact the School Admissions Service. Contact details can be found at the front and back of this booklet. AppealsIf your child does not have a statement of Special Educational Needs and is not offered a place at one of your preferred schools you have the right to appeal against that decision to an independent appeal panel. However, you should be aware that the law strictly limits the powers of the appeal panel to uphold appeals at reception and key stage 1 (pupils aged between 4 and 7 years old) where there are already 30 children in an infant class. Full details can be found at

From 15 April 2013: You can submit your appeal on-line at

There will be a closing date to submit your appeal by. This will be found on your ‘What to do next’ sheet. You can appeal after this date but your appeal may not be heard with the other applicants appealing for places at the school. This may have an effect on the outcome of your appeal.

If you are successful at appeal the school will offer your child a place. This process is different to the waiting lists as you are not waiting for other children to decline places. A successful appeal will mean the school will offer a place over its admission number.

Page 18: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


In Warwickshire, we are committed to the needs of all children regardless of difficulty, within mainstream schools or sometimes in a Special School. Information on Special Schools in Warwickshire is available in a separate booklet, for a copy please contact ASRS (contact details are in the back of this booklet). We always aim to work as partners with parents and carers to make sure we achieve this.

Support and advice availableThe Parent Partnership Service can help to make sure that parents/carers of children who have special educational needs have impartial support and guidance regarding all issues that affect your child, particularly during admission to school, school placements and in relation to SEN procedures.

Staff are available to offer advice over the telephone or in person.

For information, telephone Warwickshire Parent Partnership Service on 024 7658 8464 or e-mail [email protected]

The Assessment, Statementing & Review Service (ASRS) can offer advice on special needs policy and practice with regard to pupils who have been referred for statutory assessment or who already have a statement of special educational needs. For enquiries of this nature, telephone 01926 742160.

Will my child be able to attend a mainstream infant, junior or primary school if a statement of special educational needs is in place?The Local Authority has a duty to name the school that you ask for unless:

• the school is unsuitable to the child’s ability, aptitude or special educational needs, or;

• the attendance at the school chosen would be incompatible with the efficient education of other children with whom the child would be educated or with the efficient use of resources.

You must still apply for your school place as outlined on page 5. It is very important if your child has a statement of special educational needs to write this clearly on the application for a school place. The ASRS will decide whether or not the school is appropriate to meet your child’s needs and will formally consult with your preferred school by sending them a copy of your child’s current statement and asking them if they feel that they can meet your child’s special educational needs.

Will my child who has special needs and a statement be guaranteed a place in the priority area school?For pupils with statements the Local Authority admission procedures relate to the child’s needs, the ability of the chosen school to meet those needs and the efficient education of others. Once a school is named on the statement, the school has to admit the child.

Will my child get preferential treatment regarding admission to school because of the statement?If the LA can agree to your choice of school and places are available, the preference for school will be treated in the same way as those made by parents of non-statemented children in accordance with the general admissions policy.

Special Education Needs

Page 19: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Apply online at by 15 January 2013

Are there any special procedures I need to follow, relating to change of school in order to secure a place for my child who has a statement?Parents of children with statements are asked to follow the admission procedures set down in this booklet. On the form, you must make sure that the fact that your child has a statement of special educational needs is clearly stated. The Admissions team work closely with the ASRS to ensure proper consideration is given to your preferred school. It will help both the Admissions team and ASRS if your preferences are registered as soon as possible in line with the admissions procedures.

I have been told that my child may need a place in a special schoolIf it is appropriate to meet your child’s needs in a Special School issues such as this are likely to have been raised through the statutory assessment process.

A form for admission to a mainstream school must still be completed. You may however express a preference for a special school by discussing it with ASRS. If it is clear that your child needs to attend a Special School, the ASRS team and the school will make the decision regarding placement according to the needs of the individual child and the availability of places.

Page 20: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Apply online at by 15 January 2013

What if my child’s needs can’t be met in Warwickshire?Warwickshire has a wide range of provisions available (a list can be found in this booklet) and therefore it is not considered appropriate to seek placements elsewhere. As far as is possible we seek to meet the needs of pupils in mainstream schools or in local Special Schools.

Only in very exceptional circumstances will placement outside the county be considered.

Will a place in a Catholic School be available?Pupils with a statement are dealt with in a similar way to those being admitted to any other school, apart from where the school’s governing body is responsible for admissions.

When a transfer of school takes place will the statement be changed?Yes, the statement will be amended to name the new school in Part Four. Unless the needs of the child have changed all other parts of the statement will stay the same. Only significant changes like the name of the school or SEN transport entitlement will be recorded on the amended statement. However, if a recent Annual Review has requested changes to the statement, these changes may be incorporated at the same time as naming the any new school. A new statement will be issued showing these changes – usually by 15 February of the year before the September that your child changes school.

Transport to school for children with special educational needsPlease see the ‘Transport for children with Special Educational Needs’ section under School Transport, page 22. Transport arrangements can be discussed with the SEN Transport Liaison Officer.

If I do not agree with the naming of a school on my child’s statement, can I appeal and who and where do I go to do this?Appeals can be made to the Special Educational Needs Tribunal (SENDIST).

The Parent Partnership Service is an independent source of advice and information to parents and carers of children with special educational needs. A regional independent mediation service is also available. Independent Parental supporters are also available to help parents and provide dedicated support and advice. These are trained volunteers who are not part of the LA.

For information and advice relating to disagreements, please contact the Parent Partnership Service, telephone 024 7658 8464 or email [email protected]

Questions relating to the change of schoolAny questions that cannot be answered through your child’s current school or new school can be addressed by contacting the Assessment, Statementing & Review Service at Saltisford on 01926 742160.

Page 21: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


School Transport

Free transport information

To qualify for free transport, the following criteria need to be met.

• You (and your child) are resident in Warwickshire

• Your child is attending the nearest qualifying school to their home address. This is normally the priority area school but can be another school if closer to home by the shortest available walking route

• The walking distance (using the shortest available walking route) from your home address to the nearest qualifying school is over:

i) Two miles for children under the age of 8 years ii) Three miles for children aged 8 –16

Free travel at the two-mile limit will only be provided up to the end of the academic year in which the child becomes eight years of age.

If a child is unable to attend the nearest qualifying school because no place is available, or because of a permanent exclusion, free travel will normally be provided to the next nearest school where a place is available. This will be subject to the usual distance criteria.

Extra help available for low-income families

If your child is entitled to free school meals, or your family is in receipt of the maximum level of Working Tax Credit, free transport will also be provided for:

• Children aged 8-11, attending the nearest qualifying school to home, provided it is more than two miles (by the shortest available walking route) from their home

Where transport is granted on low-income grounds, eligibility will be checked on a regular basis.

Should eligibility for free school meals cease, or if parents are no longer in receipt of their maximum level of Working Tax Credit, free transport will be withdrawn if places are available at a nearer school.

What if my child does not qualify for free transport?

Warwickshire County Council operates a Vacant Seats Scheme. This allows children not entitled to free transport to travel on Council services after entitled children have been accommodated. A parental contribution is required but there is no guarantee of a place. Details are available from the Education Transport Section. Definitions for school transport

‘Walking Distance’ and ‘Walking Route’ These are not necessarily the shortest distance by road, but are measured by the shortest route along which a child, accompanied as necessary, may walk with reasonable safety. As such, the route measured may include footpaths, bridleways, and other pathways, as well as recognised roads.

Walking Distance will be measured from the home boundary gate or the end of the property to the nearest school gate.

Page 22: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


‘Motorised Route’ These are those routes which are passable by using a suitable motorised vehicle. Paths and roads not passable by motorised transport will not therefore be considered. Measurements will be made by the Education Transport Office using the Travel Manager Software package, or other appropriate measurement system used by Warwickshire County Council at that time.

Transport to church aided schools (formerly known as denominational transport)

Traditionally, Warwickshire County Council provided discretionary free transport to the nearest Church Aided School to the home address (subject to the normal distance criteria). However, from September 2012, new applicants for transport are only eligible for free travel to a Church Aided school if they qualify under the eligibility criteria outlined above.

What if my child wishes to take part in an after school club?

Warwickshire County Council does not provide transport for children taking part in after school activities. Parents will be required to make alternative arrangements.

What if my child receives a school detention?

Children who are subject to a school detention will not qualify for any additional transport assistance. Parents will be required to make alternative arrangements.

Transport for children with Special Educational Needs

Staff within the Assessment, Statementing and Review Team will discuss any specific transport requirements with parents, either when the statement is being written or reviewed.

In some cases a student with a statement of Special Educational Needs may qualify for transport assistance regardless of the distance between home and school. This will be dependent on the nature of the child’s Special Educational Needs. However where a parent chooses to send his/her child to a school which is not the nearest qualifying school, the authority will not provide assistance unless specified in the child’s statement.

Transport will only be provided within the normal walking distance criteria if the student, accompanied by the parent if necessary, is considered unable to make the journey in any other way. Home to school transport is provided from the child’s home address (i.e. the main place of residence) to school and vice-versa. No variation to the journey can be accommodated without prior authorisation.

The Education Act 1996 and associated Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (para. 8.87-8.90) makes provision for the authority to name a preferred school, on the condition that the parent meets the transport costs.

The Local Authority will consider additional requests for transport on an individual basis but only where the parent has given a written undertaking to meet the full transport costs at the outset and for the duration of the child’s placement at the school.

Page 23: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Apply online at by 15 January 2013

Primary, Infant & Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth

The following schools are those in the North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth. Other area booklets are available upon request.

If you live in Warwickshire, you may apply for up to six schools, regardless of the county the schools are within.

Page 24: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth

Open Evening Information North Warwickshire

Open Evening Information Nuneaton and Bedworth

School Name Time Open Day/Evening

Austrey C of E Primary School Wednesday 10 October 2012

Birchwood Primary School Wednesday 03 October 9 2012.15am and 10.45am

Curdworth Primary SchoolVisits to the school can be made by prior arrangement

at any time during the year.

Newton Regis C.Of E. Primary School 9.30 - 11.30am Wednesday 10 October 2012

St Benedict's Catholic Primary School 9.30 - 12pm Tuesday 25 September 2012 9.30 - 12pm

Water Orton Primary SchoolWednesday 17 October 7pm - 8.30pm and

Friday 16 November 9.15 - 11.30am

Woodside C.Of E. Primary School 10.30am - 12pm Friday 19 October 2012

School Name Time Open Day/Evening

Croft Junior School Tuesday 01 October 2012 11am - 12.15pm and 6.30pm - 8pm

Goodyers End Primary School 9.30 or 1.30 Monday 01 October 2012 9.30 or 1.30 or Contact the school directly

Middlemarch SchoolWednesday 19 September 2012 5.30 - 7.30pm and

Wednesday 19 September 9.30 - 12.15pm and 1.30 - 3.10pm

Newdigate Primary School and NurseryThursday 11 October 2012 9.30 - 10.30am and 1.30 - 2.30pm.

Tours of the school may be arranged at other times by appointment.

St Nicolas C of E (Voluntary Aided) Primary School

9.30am and 7pm Monday 08 October 2012

Weddington Primary School Open Day details will be advertised in the local Newspapers

Whitestone Infant SchoolWednesday 03 October 9.30am and 5pm. Please contact the

school to indicate your attendance at one of the open sessions.


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For information about arranging to visit any other school, please contact the school directly. The contact details for all schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth can be found on the following pages.

You can request a different area booklet by contacting School Admissions. (Contact details can be found at the front and back of the booklet)

Page 25: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


School Contact Information - North Warwickshire

Austrey C of E Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Ann Parsons Admission Number 15

Address St. Nicholas Close, Austrey, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 3EQ

Tel (01827) 830248 2012 Admissions InformationFax First Preferences 10

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 21


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Birchwood Primary School

Head Teacher Mr Edward May Admission Number 60

Address Birchwood Avenue, Dordon, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B78 1QU

Tel (01827) 892913 2012 Admissions InformationFax (01827) 892678 First Preferences 63

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 73

Website N/A

Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Bournebrook C of E Primary School

Head Teacher Ms Carol Weller Admission Number 19

Address Coventry Road, Fillongley, Coventry, West Midlands, CV7 8ET

Tel (01676) 540390 2012 Admissions InformationFax (01676) 542732 First Preferences 32

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 46


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Voluntary Controlled

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Page 26: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Coleshill C of E Primary School

Head Teacher Mr Andrew Kershaw Admission Number (60 in Key Stage 2) 30

Address Wingfield Road, Coleshill, Birmingham, West Midlands, B46 3LL

Tel (01675) 463672 2012 Admissions InformationFax (01675) 465983 First Preferences 23

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 51


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Voluntary Aided

Admissions Criteria Used School's own, see

Curdworth Primary School

Head Teacher Mr Colin Ricketts Admission Number 17

Address Farthing Lane, Curdworth, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B76 9HF

Tel (01675) 470379 2012 Admissions InformationFax First Preferences 13

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 22


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Dordon Community Primary School

Head Teacher Mr E May Admission Number 30

Address Roman Way, Dordon, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B78 1PJ

Tel (01827) 892422 2012 Admissions InformationFax (01827) 892422 First Preferences 13

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 22


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Gun Hill Infant School (due to merge with Herbert Fowler Junior School in September 2013 to form a primary school)

Head Teacher Mrs Elizabeth Pipe Admission Number 45

Address Gun Hill, New Arley, Coventry, West Midlands, CV7 8HB

Tel (01676) 540347 2012 Admissions InformationFax First Preferences 22

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 39

Website N/A

Age Range 3-7

Type Infant, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Page 27: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Herbert Fowler Junior School (due to merge with Gun Hill Infant School in September 2013 to form a primary school)

Head Teacher Mrs Linda Weyman Admission Number 45

Address Ansley Lane, Arley, Coventry, West Midlands, CV7 8NU

Tel (01676) 540348 2012 Admissions InformationFax First Preferences 26

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 28


Age Range 7-11

Type Junior, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

High Meadow Infant School

Head Teacher Mrs Marilyn Farnell Admission Number 30

Address Norton Road, Coleshill, Birmingham, West Midlands, B46 1ES

Tel (01675) 462312 2012 Admissions InformationFax (01675) 430267 First Preferences 29

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 43


Age Range 4-7

Type Infant, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Hurley Primary School

Head Teacher Mr Glyn Morgans Admission Number 25

Address Heanley Lane, Hurley, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 2HY

Tel (01827) 872207 2012 Admissions InformationFax (01827) 872207 First Preferences 33

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 40


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Kingsbury Primary School

Head Teacher Ms Karen Hanson Admission Number 45

Address Bromage Avenue, Kingsbury, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B78 2HW

Tel (01827) 872275 2012 Admissions InformationFax (01827) 872275 First Preferences 37

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 48


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Page 28: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Newton Regis C of E Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Samantha Dennis Admission Number 17

Address Austrey Lane, Newton Regis, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 0NL

Tel (01827) 830220 2012 Admissions InformationFax (01827) 830937 First Preferences 6

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 17


Age Range 3-11

Type Primary, Voluntary Controlled

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Nursery Hill Primary School

Head Teacher Miss Becky Pebody Admission Number 25

Address Ansley Common, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 0PY

Tel (024) 7639 2318 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7639 2318 First Preferences 18

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 37


Age Range 3-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Outwoods Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Beverley Dandy Admission Number 60

Address Southlands, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 1DZ

Tel (01827) 712372 2012 Admissions InformationFax (01827) 712372 First Preferences 40

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 61

Website N/A

Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Racemeadow Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Deb Brook Admission Number 60

Address Ratcliffe Road, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 1LT

Tel (01827) 713284 2012 Admissions InformationFax (01827) 713284 First Preferences 42

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 51


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Page 29: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Shustoke C of E Primary School

Head Teacher Miss Michele Wall Admission Number 27

Address Forge Road, Shustoke, Coleshill, Birmingham, B46 2AU

Tel (01675) 481319 2012 Admissions InformationFax (01675) 481029 First Preferences 16

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 38


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Voluntary Controlled

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School

Head Teacher Mr Martin Hammond Admission Number 25

Address Church Walk, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 1PS

Tel (01827) 712320 2012 Admissions InformationFax (01827) 714078 First Preferences 18

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 26


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Voluntary Aided

Admissions Criteria Used School's own, see

St Edward’s Catholic Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Moira Davidson Admission Number 30

Address Packington Lane, Coleshill, Birmingham, West Midlands, B46 3EJ

Tel (01675) 463249 2012 Admissions InformationFax (01675) 463249 First Preferences 15

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 24


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Voluntary Aided

Admissions Criteria Used School's own, see

The Nethersole C of E Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Angela Parsons Admission Number 45

Address High Street, Polesworth, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B78 1DZ

Tel (01827) 892363 2012 Admissions InformationFax (01827) 899067 First Preferences 37

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 52


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Page 30: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Warton Nethersole’s C of E Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Susan Bostock Admission Number 22

Address Maypole Road, Warton, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 0HP

Tel (01827) 894182 2012 Admissions InformationFax First Preferences 18

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 23


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Voluntary Controlled

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Water Orton Primary School

Head Teacher Mr Carl Lewis Admission Number 55

Address Attleborough Lane, Water Orton, Birmingham, West Midlands, B46 1SB

Tel (0121) 747 2851 2012 Admissions InformationFax (0121) 748 3841 First Preferences 48

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 69


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Wood End Primary School

Head Teacher Miss Deena Moorey Admission Number 25

Address Wood Street, Wood End, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 2QL

Tel (01827) 872237 2012 Admissions InformationFax First Preferences 14

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 21


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Woodside C of E Primary School

Head Teacher Ms Awen Simpson Admission Number 40

Address Maypole Lane, Baddesley Ensor, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 2BS

Tel (08127) 715507 2012 Admissions InformationFax First Preferences 30

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 38


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Voluntary Controlled

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Page 31: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Abbey C of E Infant School

Head Teacher Mrs Sharon Thorpe Admission Number 60

Address Aston Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 5EL

Tel (024) 7638 6101 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7638 6101 First Preferences 56

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 109

Website N/A

Age Range 4-7

Type Infant, Voluntary Controlled

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

All Saints C of E Infant School & Nursery

Head Teacher Mrs Tina Keeling Admission Number 30

Address The Priors, Off Mitchell Road, Bedworth, CV12 9HP

Tel (024) 7631 3387 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7631 3387 First Preferences 26

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 73


Age Range 3-7

Type Infant, Voluntary Aided

Admissions Criteria Used School's own, see

All Saints C of E Primary School, Nuneaton

Head Teacher Mrs Sally Kaminski-Gaze Admission Number 30

Address Knebley Crescent, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 7AT

Tel (024) 7638 2123 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7632 0531 First Preferences 17

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 39


Age Range 3-11

Type Primary, Voluntary Controlled

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Arden Forest Infant School

Head Teacher Mrs Jeanette Hiatt Admission Number 60

Address Weston Lane, Bulkington, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV12 9RT

Tel (024) 7631 5913 2012 Admissions InformationFax First Preferences 63

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 93


Age Range 4-7

Type Infant, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

School Contact Information - Nuneaton and Bedworth

Page 32: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Camp Hill Primary School

Head Teacher Ms Pamela Harbot Admission Number 45

Address Holly Stitches Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 9QA

Tel (024) 7638 3230 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7637 2961 First Preferences 39

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 70

Website N/A

Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Canon Evans C of E Infant School

Head Teacher Mrs Felicity Hey Admission Number 80

Address Derwent Road, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 8RT

Tel (024) 7631 2154 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7631 2154 First Preferences 93

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 163


Age Range 4-7

Type Infant, Voluntary Aided

Admissions Criteria Used School's own, see

Canon Maggs C of E Junior School

Head Teacher Mr Ian Potter Admission Number 85

Address Derwent Road, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 8RT

Tel (024) 7631 2220 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7631 2923 First Preferences 100

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 122

Website N/A

Age Range 7-11

Type Junior, Voluntary Aided

Admissions Criteria Used School's own, see

Chetwynd Junior School

Head Teacher Mr Roy Garner Admission Number 90

Address Caroline Close, Gipsy Lane, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 4SE

Tel (024) 7634 0154 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7635 4762 First Preferences 83

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 91


Age Range 7-11

Type Junior, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Page 33: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Chilvers Coton Community Infant School

Head Teacher Mrs Joanne Rosegreen Admission Number 75

Address Fitton Street, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 5RB

Tel (024) 7638 7001 2012 Admissions InformationFax (02476) 388051 First Preferences 25

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 60


Age Range 3-7

Type Infant, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Croft Junior School

Head Teacher Mrs Belinda Bollans Admission Number 90

Address Northumberland Avenue, Stockingford, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 8ER

Tel (024) 7638 7319 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7638 7319 First Preferences 76

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 111


Age Range 7-11

Type Junior, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Exhall Cedars Infant School

Head Teacher Mrs Sharon Hillyard Admission Number 60

Address Trenance Road, Exhall, Coventry, West Midlands, CV7 9FJ

Tel (024) 7631 6034 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7631 6034 First Preferences 47

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 86


Age Range 4-7

Type Infant, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Galley Common Infant School

Head Teacher Mrs Kay Middleton Admission Number 50

Address Plough Hill Road, Galley Common, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 9NZ

Tel (024) 7639 2219 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7639 2219 First Preferences 67

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 105


Age Range 4-7

Type Infant, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Page 34: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Glendale Infant School

Head Teacher Mrs Stella Saje Admission Number 90

Address Skye Close, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 7LW

Tel (024) 7634 9672 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7634 3060 First Preferences 79

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 148


Age Range 4-7

Type Infant, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Goodyers End Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Rosemary Daniels Admission Number 60

Address Bowling Green Lane, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 0HP

Tel (024) 7636 4448 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7636 4198 First Preferences 38

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 93


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Keresley Newland Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Kaye Hunter Admission Number 30

Address Grove Lane, Keresley End, Coventry, West Midlands, CV7 8JZ

Tel (024) 7633 2434 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7633 1403 First Preferences 28

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 40


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Michael Drayton Junior School

Head Teacher Mr John Buxton Admission Number 127

Address The Woodlands, Hartshill, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 0SZ

Tel (024) 7639 2272 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7639 2281 First Preferences 125

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 130


Age Range 7-11

Type Junior, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Page 35: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Middlemarch School

Head Teacher Mrs Georgina Maudsley Admission Number 60

Address College Street, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 7BQ

Tel (024) 7632 8009 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7632 6293 First Preferences 34

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 67

Website N/A

Age Range 7-11

Type Junior, Foundation

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Milby Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Melanie Aley Admission Number 60

Address Milby Drive, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 6JS

Tel (024) 7638 2587 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7635 0012 First Preferences 69

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 152


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Nathaniel Newton Infant School

Head Teacher Mrs Pamela Griffin Admission Number 60

Address Victoria Road, Chapel End, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 0LS

Tel (024) 7639 2236 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7639 7073 First Preferences 74

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 112


Age Range 4-7

Type Infant, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Newdigate Primary School and Nursery

Head Teacher Mrs Siobhan Marrow Admission Number 45

Address Anderton Road, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 0HA

Tel (024) 7636 1662 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7636 3796 First Preferences 47

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 60


Age Range 3-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Page 36: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Our Lady Of The Angels Catholic Infant School

Head Teacher Mrs Caroline Pearson Admission Number 70

Address Riversley Park, Coton Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 5TY

Tel (024) 7632 6080 2012 Admissions InformationFax First Preferences 81

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 141


Age Range 4-7

Type Infant, Voluntary Aided

Admissions Criteria Used School's own, see

Park Lane Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Jennifer Fews Admission Number 50

Address Park Lane, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 8NL

Tel (024) 7638 2924 2012 Admissions InformationFax First Preferences 14

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 41

Website N/A

Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Queen’s C of E Junior School

Head Teacher Miss Manjit Kaur Admission Number 90

Address Bentley Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 5LR

Tel (024) 7638 2906 2012 Admissions InformationFax First Preferences 33

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 45


Age Range 7-11

Type Junior, Voluntary Controlled

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Race Leys Infant School

Head Teacher Mrs Judith Ward Admission Number 70

Address Hurst Road, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 8AD

Tel (024) 7631 2221 2012 Admissions InformationFax First Preferences 55

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 107


Age Range 4-7

Type Infant, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

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Race Leys Junior School

Head Teacher Mr David Harding Admission Number 64

Address Barton Road, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 8HG

Tel (024) 7649 0644 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7631 0749 First Preferences

Email [email protected] Total Preferences


Age Range 7-11

Type Junior, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

St Anne’s Catholic Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Mary Bourne Admission Number 30

Address Camp Hill Drive, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 0JX

Tel (024) 7639 2877 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7639 2877 First Preferences 64

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 81

Website N/A

Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Voluntary Aided

Admissions Criteria Used School's own, see

St Francis Catholic Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Debbie Huxtable Admission Number 30

Address Rye Piece Ringway, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 8JN

Tel (024) 7631 5279 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7631 3021 First Preferences 36

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 62


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Voluntary Aided

Admissions Criteria Used School's own, see

St Giles Junior School

Head Teacher Mrs Anne Perry Admission Number 60

Address Hayes Lane, Exhall, Coventry, West Midlands, CV7 9NS

Tel (024) 7631 3375 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7673 1041 First Preferences 43

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 62


Age Range 7-11

Type Junior, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

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St James C of E Junior School

Head Teacher Mr Paul Ison Admission Number 60

Address Barbridge Road, Bulkington, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV12 9PF

Tel (024) 7631 3227 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7631 2982 First Preferences 60

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 71


Age Range 7-11

Type Junior, Voluntary Controlled

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

St Joseph’s Catholic Junior School

Head Teacher Mr Richard Phillips Admission Number 68

Address Riversley Park, Coton Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 5TY

Tel (024) 7638 3807 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7637 1415 First Preferences 70

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 75

Website N/A

Age Range 7-11

Type Junior, Voluntary Aided

Admissions Criteria Used School's own, see

St Michael’s C of E Primary School

Head Teacher Mr Chris Errington Admission Number (34 in Key Stage 2) 45

Address Hazel Grove, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 9DA

Tel (024) 7631 3204 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7664 3193 First Preferences 37

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 59


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Voluntary Aided

Admissions Criteria Used School's own, see

St Nicolas C of E (Voluntary Aided) Primary School

Head Teacher Mr Christopher Edwards Admission Number 60

Address Windermere Avenue, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 6HJ

Tel (024) 7638 2583 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7634 4853 First Preferences 59

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 115


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Voluntary Aided

Admissions Criteria Used School's own, see

Page 39: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


St Paul’s C of E Primary School, Nuneaton

Head Teacher Mr Christopher Plant Admission Number 60

Address Wiclif Way, Stockingford, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 8NH

Tel (024) 7638 3323 2012 Admissions InformationFax First Preferences 94

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 179


Age Range 3-11

Type Primary, Voluntary Controlled

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Stockingford Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Gwyneth Evans Admission Number 120

Address Cross Street, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 8JH

Tel (024) 7638 2277 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7632 6185 First Preferences 75

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 147


Age Range 4-7

Type Infant, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Weddington Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Patricia Wheatley Admission Number 60

Address Winchester Avenue, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 0DR

Tel (024) 7634 0729 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7638 2478 First Preferences 55

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 114


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Wembrook Primary School

Head Teacher Mr Simon Pearson Admission Number 90

Address Avenue Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 4LU

Tel (024) 7638 2961 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7635 6317 First Preferences 93

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 177


Age Range 3-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

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Wheelwright Lane Primary School

Head Teacher Mrs Christine Browne – Acting Head Admission Number (33 in Key Stage 2) 30

Address Wheelwright Lane, Ash Green, Coventry, West Midlands, CV7 9HN

Tel (024) 7636 4505 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7636 4581 First Preferences 32

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 66


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Whitestone Infant School

Head Teacher Mrs Nicola Green Admission Number 90

Address Magyar Crescent, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 4SQ

Tel (024) 7634 7813 2012 Admissions InformationFax (024) 7638 8660 First Preferences 101

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 157


Age Range 4-7

Type Infant, Community

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

Wolvey C of E Primary School

Head Teacher Mr Richard Moore Admission Number 30

Address Bulkington Road, Wolvey, Hinckley, Leicestershire, LE10 3LA

Tel (01455) 220279 2012 Admissions InformationFax First Preferences 28

Email [email protected] Total Preferences 41


Age Range 4-11

Type Primary, Voluntary Controlled

Admissions Criteria Used WCC policy, See page 12

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More information on Warwickshire Schools

Information on school performance tables and Ofsted reports can be found on Each school may provide its own prospectus, so you may contact the individual school directly to request one if available.

Changing Schools If you wish to apply for your child to change schools during a school year, you must apply through your home authority. For Warwickshire residents, from the date your application is received, the transfer should take place within ten school days. However, for children in current year 10 or 11, or children applying for a grammar school, the process can take longer.

Please contact the Admissions Service to request an application form or leaflet on the change of school process.

Warwickshire’s ‘In Year Fair Access Protocol’ (IYFAP) Introduction

Admission authorities are required by law to ensure that no school, whether it has places available or not, is asked to admit a disproportionate number of pupils who have been excluded from other schools, have challenging behaviour, or who are believed likely for other reasons to present additional demands on the receiving school. The aim of the protocol is to ensure that such pupils are distributed between schools in an area of the county as fairly as possible. The protocol applies equally to all publically funded schools, including Community, Controlled, Aided, Academy, Trust, Foundation, and Free schools, and serves to promote the best interests of all children and all schools.

Definition of children who fall under the IYFAP

The criteria for eligibility under the terms of the Warwickshire IYFAP are those of compulsory school age identified as falling into at least one of the following categories (or any other relevant category as set out in the Admissions Code).

a) Children excluded from school who are eligible to be re-integrated back into mainstream education b) Children who have been out of education for two months or more c) Children whose parents have been unable to find them a place after moving in to the area, e.g. because of an absolute shortage of available places d) Children moving school during year 11 e) Children withdrawn from school by their family and unable to find another school place f) Children of refugees and asylum seekers g) Homeless children h) Children where the family have not sought a school place i) Children engaged with the Youth Justice system j) Children without a school place and with a significant history of persistent non-attendance (defined as below 85% for the relevant academic year) k) Children of Gypsies, Roma Travellers, refugees and asylum seekers l) Children who are recognised carers m) Children with special educational needs but without a statement (defined as at School Action Plus)

Apply online at by 15 January 2013

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n) Children with significant disabilities or serious diagnosed medical conditions o) Children who are recent arrivals in the UK and have little or no English p) Children of UK service personnel and other Crown Servants.

The full In-Year Fair Access Protocol can be found in Warwickshire County Council’s determined admission arrangements 2013/2014 on

Apply online at by 15 January 2013

Page 43: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth


Glossary Admissions / Oversubscription Criteria

Rules used when offering school places when there are more applicants for a school than there are places available. Different types of schools use different criteria. (See page 12)

Appeal A school appeal is a formal process where you appeal against the decision to refuse your child a place at a school you applied for. See page 17 for more information.

ASRS Assesment, Statementing and Review Service. This team deals with children with Statements of Special Educational Needs.

Home / Local Authority (LA) The council responsible for your council tax. If you are unsure of your Home/Local Authority, please refer to your council tax bill. Parents should apply for a school place through their home authority.

Oversubscription Criteria Rules used when offering school places when there are more applicants for a school than there are places available. Different types of schools use different criteria. (See page 12)

Preferences When you apply for a school place you can apply for up to six schools. This list is called your school preferences. The list should be in the order that you prefer for your child. E.g. Your first preference should be the school you most want your child to attend.

Priority Area Each school has an area of Warwickshire that is called their priority area. If you live within a school’s priority area you have more chance of gaining a place at that school. However, a place at that school is not guaranteed as more applicants may apply from inside the priority area than there are places available.

Descriptions of school’s priority areas can be found on our website

Sibling Brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission to include the sixth form (Y12 and Y13) living at the same home address as the child applying for the place. This includes a half-brother or half-sister, adopted, step brother or step sister.

Supplementary Form Extra information needed by the school. Please see page 9 for more information.

Unplaced A school offered because it was not possible to offer a place at any of the schools listed on the original application. This will be the next nearest community or voluntary controlled school maintained by Warwickshire with availability or the next nearest own admission authority school (voluntary aided, trust, foundation, or academy) with availability which is prepared to offer a place.

Waiting list If you are offered a school that is not your first preference, you will be placed onto the waiting list for any school you have listed as a higher preference than the one you have been offered. If you receive an unplaced offer you will be placed on the waiting list for all schools listed on your original application. Waiting lists are held in criteria order. See page 17 for more information.

WCC Warwickshire County Council

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Useful Contact Details

School Admissions, Saltisford Office Park, Ansell Way, Warwick, CV34 4UL

Or: School Admissions, FREEPOST NAT 4782, Warwick, CV34 4BR(The freepost address can take up to 5 working days)

Tel 01926 742047 or 742037

Fax 01926 742084 Website

Email [email protected]

Special Educational Needs

Assessment, Statementing & Review Service (ASRS)

For advice on special needs policy and practice

Tel 01926 742160

Email [email protected]

Warwickshire Parent Partnership Service

Impartial support and guidance regarding all issues that affect your child, particularly during admission to school, school placements and in relation to SEN procedures.

Tel 024 7658 8464

Email [email protected]

School Transport, Saltisford Office Park, Ansell Way, Warwick, CV34 4UL

Tel 01926 742059 or 742051 Website

Fax 01926 742067

EmailTo apply for school transport [email protected]

Enquiries on bus routes and services

[email protected]

School Appeals, PO Box 9, Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4RR

Tel 0845 155 1793 Website

Email [email protected]

Advisory Centre for Education (ACE)

Tel 0808 800 5793 Website

Department for Education

Tel 0370 000 2288 Website

School Performance Tables


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Useful Contact Details

Birmingham City Council

Tel 0121 675 0555 school-admissions

Gloucestershire County Council

Tel 01452 425407 admissions

Coventry City Council

Tel 024 7683 1622


Worcestershire County Council

Tel 01905 822700 admissions

Leicestershire County Council

Tel 0116 305 6684 admissions

Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council

Tel 0121 704 6693


Oxfordshire County Council

Tel 01865 815175


Northamptonshire County Council

Tel 0300 1261000 admissions

Staffordshire County Council

Tel 01785 278593

Surrounding Local Authority Contact Details

Apply online at by 15 January 2013

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If you require further details or hard copies of any information that can be found on the website, please do not hesitate to contact the Admissions Service.

Our office hours are: 8.30am - 5pm (Monday to Thursday) and 8.30am to 4.30pm (Friday).

Apply online at by 15 January 2013

Further Information

Page 47: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth

Warwickshire Admissions Service

Saltisford Office Park, Ansell Way, Warwick, CV34 4UL

Or: School Admissions, FREEPOST NAT 4782, Warwick, CV34 4BR(The freepost address can take up to 5 working days)

Tel 01926 742047 or 742037

Fax 01926 742084 Website

Email [email protected]

Warwickshire Admissions Service

Saltisford Office Park, Ansell Way, Warwick, CV34 4ULFurther Information

Page 48: Primary, Infant and Junior Schools in North Warwickshire, Nuneaton and Bedworth

Apply online at by 15 January 2013

Warwickshire Admissions Service

Saltisford Office Park, Ansell Way, Warwick, CV34 4UL

Or: School Admissions, FREEPOST NAT 4782, Warwick, CV34 4BR(The freepost address can take up to 5 working days)

Tel 01926 742047 or 742037

Fax 01926 742084 Website

Email [email protected]

Warwickshire Admissions Service

Saltisford Office Park, Ansell Way, Warwick, CV34 4UL
