Page 1: PRIL Monthly Newsletter of Salem UMC, Morganton, …APRIL 2018 Monthly Newsletter of Salem UMC, Morganton, NC Salem Scoop 1206 Salem Road / Morganton, NC 28655 / / 828-433-6600 SPRC

APRIL 2018

Monthly Newsletter of Salem UMC, Morganton, NC

Salem Scoop

1206 Salem Road / Morganton, NC 28655 / / 828-433-6600

SPRC Reminders Pastor Norm will be on paternity leave April 2– 29. He will not be responsible for handling any meetings, visita-

tion, worship responsibilities, or pastoral emergencies during this time. Norm has worked with our DS to make arrange-ments for coverage during these four weeks. Our worship leadership April 8, 15, and 22 will be through Wake Forest University Divinity School. Divinity student John Ashley Monroe will be our guest preacher. Pastoral care emergencies will be handled and shared by other local United Methodist ministers as follows:

Apr 1-7: Butch Osborne (Bethel UMC) 828-437-7398 Apr 8-14: Paul McClure (Oak Hill UMC) 336-908-6002 Apr 15-21: Dana McKim (FUMC) 336-817-2676 Apr 22-28: Paul McClure (Oak Hill) 336-908-6002

As a reminder, you may reach our Office Administrator, Zachary Cagle, during church office hours Tuesday & Friday, 11am-6pm. Should you have additional questions regarding our April coverage feel free to contact me at 828-403-7785.

Many congratulations to the entire Jones family on the birth of Sophia Sommer and thank you for your help in honoring their time off.

Thomas Simmons, Staff Parish Relations Chair


After a frenzied last week and labor-filled weekend, I felt like I could empathize with a recent devotional post from my fellow Davidson County colleague in ministry. As I begin paternity leave on April 2, I share with you an ex-cerpt from his Easter devotion and pray you each experience the peace of our resurrected Savior in this season of Easter. He’s Alive! Resurrection joy, Pastor Norm


The last couple of weeks have been fractured, frenetic, and FULL. The combination of my family and ministry schedule has pulled me in many different directions while placing a good bit of demand on my time, creativity, mind, body, and spirit. If I had any more hair on my head, it would be standing straight out - or I would still be bald because I would have pulled it all out! I haven’t felt very much at peace… I’m looking forward to Easter. I’m ready for another resurrection, another re-boot, another transformation, and an-other reminder that God’s love is bigger and better than anything I know. I’m ready to celebrate God’s victory over my sin, my death, and my doubt as He casts them aside with the same ease that He ‘tossed’ the stone away from the en-trance to His tomb… Part of the gift of Easter is the kind of peace that only the risen Christ can bring. In spite of whatever chaos seems to rule your life, God is always offering to touch us with His love and grace and to soothe your heart with His peace. His forgiveness clears away our guilt and shame, His joy overwhelms our grief, and His love carves a new way for-ward – regardless of where we are, where we have been, or what we have done. The kind of peace Jesus brings is more than just an absence of conflict; it is the presence of a power that calms stormy seas with a simple word. This is same power that raised Jesus from the dead – the same power that is available to you and me. It is the power of His peace. It is a power that no schedule, no crisis, no death, no dog, no scream, no wall, no wail, no idiocy, no cry, or no hurt can overwhelm. It has already won. As Easter breaks into our lives again, may the God of Peace fill you with the kind of peace that only the Prince of Peace can offer. May He make you a vessel of peace that is peaceful and peace-filled. ~Rev. Rob Hutchinson

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Special Guest Worship Pastor: April 8, 15, 22 John Ashley Monroe attended Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida where he received a B.A. in Philosophy and Religion with a concentration in religion and a minor in youth ministry. This fall, John will begin his third year in the Master of Divinity program at Wake Forest University Divini-ty School. He currently interns in the Chaplain’s Office at WFU. John comes to us from the Baptist tradition but has experienced various denominational worship settings. He was licensed to ministry in August 2011 at Bethel Community Baptist Church in Florida which is part of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship. We look forward to the fresh ways John will enhance our worship during Pastor Norm’s leave (April 8, 15, 22).

Lay Servant/Speaker Training:

April (8,15, 22, 29) 3-5:30pm @ St Luke UMC, Hickory

Have you felt God nudging you to grow spiritually in servant ministry but not sure how to respond?

Take advantage of one of these 4-part courses to equip you offered through our district connection. Contact our church office to register by April 3!

Course offerings: Basic Servant Training, Preaching Preparation, Class Meeting Discipleship. (You must attend all 4 Sundays for certification. Materials cost $25).


Our United Methodist Women Mission focus for this month is OPTIONS (our lo-cal domestic abuse agency). Requested items are: cleaning supplies- liquid disinfectants & disinfectant wipes, paper items- paper towels, toilet paper, feminine hygiene items, personal care items- hair conditioner, body wash & hair spray. These items will be collect-ed in a plastic bin in the hall behind sanctuary until Sun-day May 13 (Mother's Day)

Free Ministry Workshop: Making Disciples April 14, 9am-12pm @ Boger City UMC Lincolnton

Do you struggle with sharing your faith with others or wrestle with how to reach out beyond the walls? If you want to develop a robust evangelistic mission sense and a desire to build your confidence in sharing your faith story, come and join our guest facilitator Reverend Dr. Heather Heinz-man Lear. Heather Lear is an elder in the NC Conference and the Director of Evangelism at Discipleship Ministries of the UMC in Nashville. Heather provides evangelism training and resources to local churches, districts, and annual conferences.

Call or email our church office ASAP to register!


We’ve seen first-hand the blessing of hosting an exchange student. In Au-gust, teens from Europe, Asia, and Latin America will once again be arriving in the U.S. to enroll in local high schools for a language and cultural immersion experience. Volunteer families are wanted, with or without children, to provide a caring environment for them to learn about American life. Students speak English, are covered by medical insurance, and have adequate spending money for personal expenses. To learn more about how you can help facilitate cultural awareness, please call Jennifer Bolt at 704-490-8517 or visit

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When you enjoy singing you are using a God given talent. Keep up that praise and join the choir. We have a great time and would love to have you. There is a seat waiting just for you. Come Wednesday night at 7:15pm and see!

All youth 6th-12th grade are in-vited to join us!

4/1 Easter, No Youth 4/8 No Youth 4/11 Confirm 6:30pm 4/15 Salem Youth 5pm 4/22 Salem Youth 5pm 4/25 Confirm, 6:30pm 4/29 Salem Youth

Family / Kids Movie


“Cars 3”

6 pm

April 27 (Dinner, pop-corn & movie)

New Bible Study Tools for ALL

RightNow Media has videos for everyone—kids, youth, parents, married couples, college students, sin-gle adults, working professionals—all aimed at help-ing you grow in Christ. If we don't have your email address please call or email the church office asap so you don't miss out on this FREE resource. Once you find the email, simply click the link, sign up for an account, and you’re all set to explore more than 18,000 videos. We pray that RightNow Media will be a blessing for you and your family and a step toward deeper formation at Salem!


A 3 night weekend event for any youth (6-12


grade) featuring morning and evening sessions with high energy worship, guest speakers, and mission components.

Any youth who want to attend please Let Pastor Norm know NO LATER than April 15 to submit a regis-

tration headcount. Lodging would be at the Jones cabin to reduce ex-pense. Program cost is $145 but our youth fund will pay $75 (So cost is only $70 each)


Summer camp scholarships are available for kids ages 7-14 to attend a week of camp at Tekoa Foothills or Camp Tekoa. Thanks to a trust estab-lished by the trustees of Camp McCall after McCall closed, any of our elementary kids or middle school youth may attend camp for only $150. (Normal camp weeks cost between $540-$695).

In addition, Salem UMC will pay an additional $75 for the first 3 kids who contact our church office to register. To view camp weeks and offerings visit & . Register ASAP. (828)-433-6600

A BIG thank you for all the ways you supported the Youth Chicken Pie Dinner. The proceeds will help support our summer youth trip! Thanks for all the ways you support the youth program here at SUMC!

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Weekly/Monthly Happenings at Salem

UMW meet first Thursdays of each month. April 5 at 7 pm Cora Ora in the home of Kay Pollard Sadie Rosemary in home of Doris Ingram Mary Alice in the home of Linda Wilson

Lois Velna– Meets 3rd Tuesdays in the FH at 10 am

Deeper Water Bible Study Meets Wed. at 10 :30am in youth room. All are welcome!

The Remnant

This Bible Study meets Wednesdays at 6

pm in the Parlor.

Everyone is welcome.

Prayer Shawls are tangible reminders of God's love, comfort, and peace. The group meets Monday from 10 - 11:30am All are welcome.

If you know who needs a shawl contact Barbara Harbour or Margaret Carswell

Grades 6th-12th

Sundays 5-7 pm

Christ Bread A monthly program for all retirees and older adults. Sheriff Steve Whisenant will be guest speaker for Christ Bread April 24th 11am in the fellowship hall. The Sheriff will discuss the growing problem of substance abuse in Burke County. Bring a covered dish and enjoy Christ-centered fellow-ship!

Burke United Christian Ministries

Join us 1st Tuesday of each month at 3:30pm as we serve dinner at BUCM. 1st Sundays of each

month we encourage you to bring food for their pantry. (305 West Union St.)

NO Mom's Coffee in the month of April

Our Financial Stewardship:

Thru March 31 2018

Budgeted Need: $59,466.17 Total Received for Budget: $56,640.00 Ministry Expenses to Date: $45,771.42

Other Ministry Gifts Received to Date: Backpack Ministry: $705.00 Building Fund: $2,785.00 Cemetery: $65.00 Youth Fund: $1,100.00

Mom’s Time

Apr 29 - 11am Join us for a special spirit-led worship by Riddle

Center residents and staff!

Looking for Church History

In trying to preserve our church history, we are looking for pictures or newspaper clippings of the church regardless of the date. If you have any pictures or clippings that you would be willing to do-nate to this effort, please date them and identify as much information as you have about them, in-

cluding the names of the people in the pictures. Anything that shows our history would be appreciat-ed. Please contact Edith Dale (437-5958) or Doris Ingram (433-7091)

Gifts given in Honor or Memory (March) Honor of L.P Dale and Family by David & Janette Dale Honor of Lisa Dale by Linda Duckworth

Missions Yard Sale

Our United Methodist Women will be sponsoring a breakfast/ yard sale.

April 7 from 7– 11 am. Please bring any donated items to the fellowship hall the Thursday or Fri-

day before. Come & join us Saturday for food and fellowship.

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Dear Lord, hear our prayers….

Servant Leaders for April

Acolytes: 1– Isabel Jones 8 – Conner Wellman 15– Ava Hensley 22– Brady Keller 29 - Ellie Shuping Usher Captains: 1 - Dylan Carswell 8 - Dobie Kelly 15- Bruce Pollard 22 - Tim Keller 29 - Kay Pollard Reader for 11 am 1 – Rita Bowman 8 - Jodi Brown 15 - Dobie Kelly 22 – Melissa Causby 29 - Gordon Ronk Nursery 1 - 10 am– Amanda Simmons & Courtney Hampton 11 am– Holly Keller & Tim Keller 8 - 10 am— Carrie Williams & Angie Dotson 11 am– Melissa Causby & Edith Dale 15- 10 am— Rachel Kelly & Kacey Hensley 11 am - Liz Smith & Joann Byrd 22- 10 am— Joyce Gibson & Marilyn Davis 11 am– Nikki Carswell & Eric Bowman 29 - 10 am - Joyanne Benfield & Doris M. Garrison 11 am - Sherry Senter & Rick Senter Early Elem 1 - Kacey Hensley 8 - Holly Keller 15 - Angie / Carrie 22 - Margaret Carswell 29 - Kacey Hensley

Prayers & Concerns: Thomas Ayers, Seth Loven, Victor Nogales, Alex

Austin, Scott Burnette , Tonya Brown, Joe Harbour, Sexton Dale,

Doris M. Garrison

Homebound: Millie Avery, Mildred Mull, Mary Wilson,

Jean Jarrell, Charles & Leota Garrison, Mary Ellen Nelson,

Nursing Home Residents:

~Grace Heights– Mable Hoke

~Autumn Care– Joe Carver

~College Pines– Elsie Roper, Avis Williams

~The Brian Center of Spruce Pine– Helen McGee

~Hope Ridge Family Care– Nell Causby

2 Mary Carswell 4 Millie Avery, Kay Pollard, Mark McGhinnis, Dakota Campbell 6 Morgan Garrison 8 Andrew Snyder 9 Joan Borden, Josh Autry 10 Jerry McCall 14 Margaret Carswell 15 Jeremy Simonetti 19 Elsie Roper, Garrett Hart 20 Neal Causby 21 Muriel McNeilly, Savannah Johnson 23 Paul Dale 26 Maverick Huffman 28 Jon Duckworth 30 Breanna Call, Cameron Whitener ANNIVERSARIES 9 Bob & Barbara Harbour 12 James & Nancy Clark 16 Richard & Margaret Duckworth

CHURCH STAFF Norm Jones, Jr.—Pastor ([email protected])

Virginia Robinson, Dir. of Music ([email protected]) Sue Bunch, Pianist ([email protected])

Zachary Cagle, Office Admin. ([email protected]) Kathryn Jones– Children & Youth ([email protected])

Many thanks to our Salem family for all the prayers, calls, cards and food following my back surgery. I am making slow but steady progress and your support has been a great source of strength for both Alan and me. Love to you all. - Barb Schneider To Everyone at Salem– Thank you for all of your pray-ers, calls, texts, and love during my recent hospitaliza-tion and recovery. I have been making steady progress. Thank you everyone! - Barbara Goines Thanks to all the Salem family for the calls, cards, and prayers during my recent medical difficulties. God Bless you. - Mary Ellen Nelson

Thanks you to Lisa Propst, Eric Carswell, Angie Dotson, Jer-ry Carroll, Gary Haynes, Mellissa Causby, Tori Cole, Sue Bunch, Robbie Hicks, & Bob Harbour for their tremendous leadership for a moving Holy Thursday service.

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April 2018 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19

20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30

10:30am Bible Study (Yth Rm) 6 pm Bible Study(Parlor) 6:30pm Confirm (Yth) 7 pm Prayer (Parlor) 7:15 pm Choir

10:30am Bible Study (Yth Rm) 6pm Bible Study (parlor) 7 pm Prayer (Parlor) 7:15 pm Choir

EASTER! Sunrise—7am @ St. Matt. UMC (no 9am) SS & 11am wor-ship @ SUMC

5 pm NO Youth

6pm Praise Team

10 am Louis Velna 6pm Praise Team

11 am Christ Bread (FH) 6pm Praise Team

10am Prayer Shawl (Ed Bldg)

10 am Prayer Shawl (Ed Bldg)

10 am Prayer Shawl (Ed Bldg)

10 am Prayer Shawl (Ed Bldg)

5 pm Youth

10:30 am Bible Study (Yth Rm) 6 pm Bible Study(Parlor) 6:30pm Confirm (Yth) 7 pm Prayer 7:15 pm Choir

5 pm Youth

7 am—11 am UMW Breakfast and Yard Sale

9-3pm Card Class (FH)

7 pm UMW Meetings (homes)

3:30pm BUCM meal 6pm Praise Team

10:30am Bible Study (Yth Rm) 6 pm Bible Study(Parlor) 7 pm Prayer (Parlor) 7:15 pm Choir

NO 9am worship 11am - Riddle Cen-ter Choir 3:30pm Leadership Team Study (Parlor) 5 pm Youth

6 pm Movie Night
