
It is a best recreational sports and played by the

people of all ages.

Injury is a part of every game and in tennis, you found

the cause is overuse injuries

What Are The Risk Factor That Enhances The

Chances Of Injuries

Likewise an incorrect swing action can cause strain in the arm rather than full body…

The proper play can be delivered through the coordination of proper timing of ball with timely

use of leg hips and trunk

The timely body warming up and cooling down can reduce the chances of muscle and joint injuries .

It also improves the performance


o Your body needs rest after some interval of practice and if you are not taking the right amount of rest, it also increases

the chances of overuse injury..

What type of injuries are very common in Tennis ?

Shoulder Injury

Muscles Strain



Tennis elbow

Tennis Elbow

This injury happens due to overuse of muscles and that leads to an extended wrist or bend to backward .

Prevention Of the Problem :

Take time for warming up before starting the game that will strengthen your muscle and the area around.

Also, focus on right playing technique like grip size etc. that will help to

prevent injuries..

Shoulder Injury

This injury happens due to poor strength or weak rotator cuff muscles

Prevention Of the Problem :

Muscles Strain

Prevention Of the Problem :

Stress Fractures

The increasing training affects the bone and this unusual

pressure lead to bone fracture or breaks..
