
You can do this at any time during the day.�Practice counting using your duck hands, �or by drawing the lines and saying the sounds.

Children MUST have these skills �to read and spell with confidence.

Speech Sound Harry Speech Sound Detective

Some can do this without much help, many children�need A LOT of help, ideally in K-2, before motivation decreases

Interested in volunteering at a local school, �and leading small group SSP sessions?�

Ask about the SpeedySSP Volunteer Program�

Practice with Duck Hands�and also by drawing lines as you�

say the speech sounds

Choose any word, find out�how it’s pronounced and then�

work out the speech sound �to sound pic links, and find �

in the Speech Sound Clouds�

SpeedySSP Volunteer Program�

Wiring Brains for Reading and Spelling

SpeedySSP can be used with children of ALL ages, including high school, for FREE. Resources may change, according to the age range, however the underlying skills are the same. 15 minutes of ‘reading and spelling brain training’ is needed every day, that includes; �Phonemic Awareness Development (Speech Sound Harry) - no print. �Linking Speech Sounds with Sound Pics (PA, Phonics and Fluency) using familiar and meaningful objects, books, street signs etc Speech Sound Clouds used.�SpeedySSP Skills (Alphabet Code Knowledge, Speech Sounds and Sound Pic Blending, Segmentation, Manipulation) plus Speedy Sentence Structure.�Close Your Eyes and Visualise (developing symbol imagery and visual imagery) Being able to visual scenes/ stories and also to visualise letters and words.

You MUST have levelled readers that allow children to practice these skills.�Miss Emma urges you to recognise the reality of ‘PM Readers’ which do not follow an order of teaching the �phonemes and can therefore be detrimental to the majority of children, with regards to helping them learn �to read quickly, for fluency and comprehension. For many children, PM readers contribute to �damaged self-confidence, and they reduce the child’s desire to read independently, for enjoyment.
