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Pressure Perturbations and Upslope Flow over a Heated, Isolated Mountain


University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming

(Manuscript received 29 January 2008, in final form 14 April 2008)


Surface and upper-air data, collected as part of the Cumulus Photogrammetric, In Situ, and DopplerObservations (CuPIDO) experiment during the 2006 monsoon season around the Santa Catalina Mountainsin southeast Arizona, are used to study the diurnal variation of the mountain-scale surface convergence andits thermal forcing. The thermal forcing is examined in terms of a horizontal pressure gradient force, whichis derived assuming hydrostatic balance. The mountain is �30 km in diameter, �2 km high, and relativelyisolated. The environment is characterized by weak winds, a deep convective boundary layer in the after-noon, and sufficient low-level moisture for orographic cumulus convection on most days.

The katabatic, divergent surface flow at night and anabatic, convergent flow during the day are in phasewith the diurnal variation of the horizontal pressure gradient force, which points toward the mountainduring the day and away from the mountain at night. The daytime pressure deficit over the mountain of0.5–1.0 mb is hydrostatically consistent with the observed 1–2-K virtual potential temperature excess overthe mountain. The interplay between surface convergence and orographic thunderstorms is examined, andthe consequence of deep convection (outflow spreading) is more apparent than its possible trigger (en-hanced convergence).

1. Introduction

Significant research has been conducted on flow andpressure variations around an isolated mountain instratified flow. In such flow a mostly hydrostatic highpressure anomaly is found on the upwind side of themountain, and a low on the downwind side (e.g., Baines1979; Smith 1980; Hunt and Snyder 1980; Mass andFerber 1990; Vosper 2000). Relatively little is knownabout pressure variations around an isolated, heatedmountain in summer under weak flow, when a deepconvective boundary layer (CBL) develops around andover the mountain during the daytime. Most of thework on this topic has addressed large-scale mountainsor plateaus, such as the Rocky Mountains (e.g., Reiter1982; Reiter and Tang 1984; Tucker 1999). Pressurevariations over heated mountains are important be-cause they drive horizontal convergence and upslopeflow over the mountain, and this in turn sustains oro-graphic convection and precipitation.

Our interest is in mountains large enough to sustain

mountain-scale convergence in the CBL and, undersuitable stability and cumulus development, but smallenough that the solenoidal flow response to elevatedheating is quasi-instantaneous. It is generally acceptedthat under weak stratification (N → 0 and Fr → �,where N is the Brunt–Väisälä frequency and Fr is theFroude number) and weak wind, a thermally direct so-lenoidal or “heat island” circulation develops over amountain as the surface net radiation increases, withanabatic flow converging over the mountain. This hasbeen established mainly using numerical simulationswith idealized terrain profiles (e.g., Thyer 1966; Mc-Nider and Pielke 1981; Bader and Mckee 1983; Banta1986; de Wekker et al. 1998). A vertical cross section ofthis circulation is shown schematically in Fig. 1. Flowaloft is expected to have some impact on surface pres-sure and flow patterns if the CBL domes above themountain.

Few observational studies document pressure varia-tions and anabatic flow development around a heatedmountain. One challenge remains the altitude differ-ences of station observations. Fujita et al. (1962) usedsurface pressure departures from the daily mean todocument lower pressure values over the mountainduring the day, especially on the sun-facing side of themountain. The onset and peak times of the pressure

Corresponding author address: Bart Geerts, Department of At-mospheric Sciences, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071.E-mail: [email protected]

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DOI: 10.1175/2008MWR2546.1

© 2008 American Meteorological Society


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deficit over the mountain and of the thermally drivenupslope flow are important, since they drive orographicconvection and serve as a powerful validation tool forsurface flux and boundary layer parameterizations innumerical models, yet they are not well documented.Upslope flow develops rather early for relatively smallmountains (e.g., Banta 1984), while for larger moun-tains, at least 100 km wide, it appears to peak some-times after local solar noon, and the flow becomesmodulated by the Coriolis force (e.g., McNider andPielke 1981; Reiter and Tang 1984).

Pressure perturbations over an isolated mountain canbe affected by stratified flow impinging on a barrier, bythe height of the CBL top and its spatial variations, bytemperature variations within the CBL, and by pen-etrating moist convection. To a first order these effectsare hydrostatic. For instance, when dry convection overa mountain punches into a strong cap over the CBL, acold anomaly in the upper part of the convective coresresults (Raymond and Wilkening 1980). The hydro-static effect of the doming of the stable cap (Fig. 1) is toweaken the mountain heat low and slow the solenoidalcirculation. There are nonhydrostatic orographic ef-fects, for example, the formation of a low over themountain due to the buoyancy of orographic cumulioverhead (Houze 1993, p. 225), pressure perturbationsassociated with mountain waves, or a kinematically in-duced low within a lee vortex or in a rotor circulation(e.g., Grubišic and Billings 2007). Dynamic pressureperturbations become more pronounced near steeperterrain and under stronger winds. Any nonhydrostaticeffects are ignored here.

The purpose of this study is to describe the develop-ment and evolution of a mountain heat low and result-ing anabatic flow over an isolated, heated mountain.We mainly use observations from 10 stations around amountain and two on top of the mountain. These datawere collected as part of the Cumulus Photogrammet-ric, In Situ, and Doppler Observations (CuPIDO) cam-paign during the 2006 monsoon season around theSanta Catalina Mountains in southeast Arizona (Dami-ani et al. 2008). This mountain range has a horizontalscale of �30 km and a vertical scale of �2000 m abovethe surrounding plains (Fig. 2).

Section 2 describes how the station data are used todeduce pressure perturbations and to estimate the so-lenoidal circulation. Typical pressure, temperature, andmountain-scale convergence patterns, based on nearlytwo months of data, are described in section 3. Thediurnal variation of pressure and convergence is furtherinterpreted in section 4.

2. Data and analysis method

a. Data sources

Ten Integrated Surface Flux Facility (ISFF) surfacemeteorological stations were positioned in the foothillsaround the Santa Catalina Mountains (Fig. 2). Thesestations measured temperature, humidity, and pressureat 2 m AGL and wind at 10 m AGL, between 22 Juneand 31 August 2006. Four of the stations were on suf-ficiently level and uniformly vegetated terrain to esti-mate surface sensible and latent heat fluxes, so theywere equipped with high-frequency temperature and

FIG. 1. Schematic depiction of the thermally forced (toroidal) circulation over a heatedmountain under quiescent conditions. This depiction includes some isentropes (red lines), oneisobar (purple line; Z850 is the height of the 850-mb surface), the CBL top (thick gray line), anda positive surface SH flux.

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humidity sensors and 3D sonic anemometers (Table 1).The vegetation around the ISFF stations was typical forthe upper Sonoran Desert: broadly separated pal-overde and ocotillo trees dominated, interspersed withsaguaro cacti. Thus, the land surface was largely baresoil, for which significant rainfall can dramatically alterthe surface energy balance. The ISFF pressure sensorwas a Vaisala PTB220B, a highly stable instrument withan accuracy of 0.25 hPa at the temperature range en-countered during CuPIDO. (More information aboutthe sensors and the siting of the ISFF stations can beonline found at

We also use meteorological data from two mountainstations: one is a continuously operating 30-m fluxtower located on Mt. Bigelow and the other is an as-tronomical observatory on the Santa Catalina Moun-tains’ highest point, Mt. Lemmon. [The tower at Mt.

Bigelow is operated by the Sustainability of semi-AridHydrology and Riparian Areas (SAHRA) at the Uni-versity of Arizona; its instruments are described onlineat]The meteorological data acquisition system at Mt.Lemmon was struck by lightning on 19 August 2006,resulting in a lack of Mt. Lemmon data between 19 and31 August. All data were collected at 5-min intervals orbetter, except for the Mt. Lemmon data, which werehourly. Therefore, in any comparison that includes all12 stations, all data are reduced to a 60-min resolutionby centered averaging.

The altitude of the 12 stations ranges from 840 m onthe southwestern side to 2779 m (the Mt. Lemmon as-tronomical observatory), a difference of 1939 m. Wealso use data from the National Lightning DetectionNetwork (NLDN) and radiosonde data, both from theNational Weather Service (NWS) Tucson office (TUS)located on the University of Arizona campus, and fromthe Mobile Global Positioning System (GPS) Ad-vanced Upper-Air Sounding System (MGAUS), de-ployed as part of CuPIDO.

Surface measurements at the 10 ISFF stations, at theMt. Bigelow flux tower, and at the Mt. Lemmon obser-vatory were available for an overlapping period of 58days in the summer of 2006 (22 June–18 August). Thus,the present analysis is focused on that period. This pe-riod can be subdivided in two parts: the first period (22June–25 July) witnessed several orographic afternoonthunderstorms but the soil remained rather dry and thesurface latent heat fluxes for the four ISFF flux stations

TABLE 1. Summary of ISFF stations deployed in CuPIDO.

Site No. Flux? Elev (m)

Pusch Ridge Archery SW 1 No 840Catalina Water Tower W 2 No 853Golder Ranch WNW 3 No 961Rancho Solano NNW 4 Yes 1044Campo Bonito N 8 No 1305Stratton Canyon NE 9 Yes 1365Davis Mesa ENE 6 Yes 1234Lone Hill E 5 No 1141Bellota Ranch SSE 7 Yes 1270Bug Springs S 10 No 1500

FIG. 2. Location of the surface stations around the Catalina Mountains. The ISFF stationsare labeled with numbers from 1 to 10, ranked and colored by elevation: the Mt. Lemmonstation (L), the Mt. Bigelow flux tower (B), and Windy Point (x). The distribution of stationelevations is shown on the right of the elevation key. The green polygon connects the mid-points between the 10 ISFF stations.

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remained small. We refer to it as the premonsoon dryperiod, even though the daily mean dewpoint exceededthe NWS’s threshold for monsoon conditions in Tucson(12.2°C) on several days (Fig. 3b). The average rainfallat the 10 ISFF stations between 26 July and 5 August2006 amounted to 274 mm (Fig. 3b), much of it fromnocturnal organized convection (Damiani et al. 2008).This exceptionally heavy rainfall resulted in near-saturated soils, local flooding, and a latent heat flux thatfar exceeded the sensible heat flux at any time of theday. We refer to the period of 26 July–18 August as themonsoon wet period.

High temperatures and a deep CBL prevailed duringthe premonsoon dry period (Fig. 3a). To establish the

CBL depth, we use the operational 0000 UTC sound-ings, released at TUS about 3.8 h after local solar noon(LSN). The CBL depth is defined as the midpoint be-tween two consecutive levels in a sounding where thepotential temperature increases by at least 1 K, and thatincrease is sustained. The midpoint (rather than thebase) is chosen because of the coarse vertical resolutionof the soundings. Sometimes this method yields an un-realistically shallow CBL, especially on some days withthunderstorms, but Fig. 3a demonstrates that generallythe CBL exceeded the height of the mountain duringthe premonsoon dry period, and that the CBL topabove TUS was often near the mountaintop level dur-ing the wet period.

FIG. 3. Time–height plots of (a) potential temperature and (c) wind speed for the 58-dayanalysis period in 2006. The data are based on the 0000 UTC TUS (Tucson, AZ) radiosondes.The stars in (a) indicate the depth of the well-mixed boundary layer. The horizontal line showsthe elevation of Mt. Lemmon. (b) The 24-h mean dewpoint and the average daily precipitationfor the 10 ISFF stations.

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Winds were generally weak (�5 ms�1) below the el-evation of Mt. Lemmon, especially during the wet pe-riod (Fig. 3c). On some days stronger winds (�10 ms�1)penetrated down to 1–2 km above Mt. Lemmon. Onsuch days the interaction between large-scale meanflow and the mountain may have impacted the pres-sure, temperature, and flow distribution around themountain. Yet on those days (except on 27–28 July) theCBL depth exceeded the mountain top height, and theobserved circular asymmetry of surface flow at theISFF stations was weak, so the interaction with thelarge-scale flow is ignored.

b. Pressure perturbations and the horizontalpressure gradient force

A pressure perturbation is a departure from a“mean” or “basic-state” value. The mean pressure isusually defined as the value that is hydrostatically con-sistent with the mean density profile. Pressure pertur-bations near mountains can be both hydrostatic andnonhydrostatic.

According to hydrostatic balance, a higher tempera-ture over some depth in the atmosphere implies a lowerpressure below this layer. During the summer the ma-ture CBL is usually deeper than the altitude of Mt.Lemmon (Fig. 3a), thus, the CBL top is sketched abovethe mountain top in Fig. 1. To estimate the impact of atemperature anomaly within the CBL over the moun-tain (as shown in Fig. 1) on the air pressure below, weassume a constant virtual potential temperature (��)profile. Then the anomalous pressure (p�ref) at the ref-erence level (zref) due to a �� anomaly (���) is linearlyproportional to the �� anomaly and (to a good approxi-mation) linearly proportional to its depth :

p�ref ��



��2 gpo

K�ptopK �


cp����1�K �K

. �1

This relationship is derived from hydrostatic balanceand the ideal gas law, assuming that ��� is height inde-pendent over the layer depth , that the perturbationsare small compared to the mean values, and that thepressure on top of the CBL is uniform (p ptop atztop zref � ). In (1), Rd is the ideal gas constant fordry air, cp is the specific heat under constant pressure,g is the gravitational acceleration, K is a constant (K (Rd /cp) 0.286), and po � 1000 mb.

The average height difference between the twomountain stations and the 10 ISFF stations is 1.6 km.Thus, setting the reference level at the average altitudeof the ISFF stations in the foothills and 1.6 km, thena �� excess of 2 K over the mountain yields a pressuredeficit of 1.0 mb, according to (1). Clearly this lower

pressure would occur under the mountain bedrock (Fig.1), but the horizontal pressure gradient force is never-theless real.

Station pressure values are normally reduced to acommon height above mean sea level (MSL) in order toevaluate the horizontal pressure gradient forcing (e.g.,Reiter and Tang 1984; Tucker 1999). This is not feasiblein the present study because of the large variations inthe altitude of the stations on and around the SantaCatalina Mountains. The hydrostatic reduction to acommon height would be too sensitive to the assumedtemperature profile. Rather, we define a pressure per-turbation from a temporal and spatial mean, and relatethe horizontal gradient of this perturbation to that ofthe actual pressure. This only yields a pressure gradient(not a pressure), but that is sufficient for our purpose(i.e., to infer the forcing of anabatic wind). The onlyassumptions are hydrostatic balance, and a relativelysmall horizontal scale, specified below.

First, station pressure perturbations p� are defined asdepartures from their 24-h station mean value, pt. Weassume that over the scale of the mountain, at any level,the horizontal variation of pt and thus the mean geo-strophic wind are insignificant; that is, �pt /�r � 0, wherer is the radial direction from the mountain, using cylin-drical coordinates. (This applies to the azimuthal direc-tion as well, but we assume circular symmetry, for sim-plicity.) But clearly pt varies significantly with height.Next we remove ps, the mean of pt for all stations at anygiven time. This removes (semi) diurnal pressure varia-tions, at least if the spatial structure of these variationsis large compared to the network of stations used. Notethat ps is a function of time only, not any spatial dimen-sion. Thus,

p� � p � pt � ps. �2

Wind is forced by a horizontal pressure gradient, thusthe question is whether we can treat the observed dif-ference in p� between stations (�p�) as a measure ofhorizontal pressure gradient �p/�r. Treating the finitedifference as a differential, we obtain the followingfrom (2):

�p� ��p � pt � ps

�r�r �

��p � pt � ps



�r�r �

��p � pt

�z�z. �3

Assuming that both p and pt are in hydrostatic balance,(3) can be expressed as




�r� � � t g


�r. �4

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Here � is the air density, and �t is its 24-h mean value.The term �z /�r is the average slope S of the terrain.Using the ideal gas law, and assuming that the pertur-bation � � �t is small enough that differential calculusapplies, (4) becomes




�r� �p � pt g

pS � �T� � T�,t g







�r� �p � pt g

pS � �T� � T�,t g


S. �5

Here T� � T�, t is the virtual temperature departurefrom the 24-h mean, for any station. Fujita et al. (1962)argued, without giving details, that observed pressureperturbation gradients between stations (�p�/�x) canbe treated as horizontal pressure gradients [the term onthe left in (5)], in other words, that the last two terms in(5) can be ignored. These two terms depend on themagnitude of the diurnal cycles of pressure and tem-perature, respectively. To address whether they can beignored, we scale (5) for the differences between amountain station and a foothill station in the Santa Cat-alina Mountains, and at times that the diurnal cycleterms in (5) reach their maximum value. It will beshown in section 3 that �p� peaks at 1.0 mb, over adistance �r of 15 km on average, and that the maximumpressure departures from the 24 h mean [largely due to(semi) diurnal tides] at stations around the mountain,p � pt, average at 1.4 mb. The average slope betweenthe mountain top and the ISFF stations is S 0.10.Thus, the first term on the right in (5) scales as 7 � 10�3

Pa m�1, and the second term scales as 2 � 10�3 Pa m�1.The maximum values for (T� � T�,t) average at 3.8 K,thus the last term on the right in (5) scales as 13 � 10�3

Pa m�1. This scale analysis indicates that the observedspatial difference in p� is not just due to a horizontalpressure gradient, but also due to the diurnal tempera-ture cycle. Thus, we use (5) to estimate the diurnalvariation of the (hydrostatic) horizontal pressure gradi-ent �p/�r between the mountain and the 10 foothill sta-tions. Because the temperature sensor at the Mt. Lem-mon astronomical observatory was biased by exposureto sunshine during part of the day (see section 3), weuse the Mt. Bigelow tower as the reference mountainsite. To evaluate the virtual temperature and pressuredepartures from their 24-h mean values in (5), we useaverage values of the two sources for which the pres-sure difference is computed (i.e., Mt. Bigelow and theselect ISFF station).

c. Thermally forced orographic circulation

Mahrt (1982) developed the momentum equationsfor katabatic flow in terrain-following coordinates. Theequations can be applied to upslope flow. Thus, ana-batic wind can be driven by two terms: a buoyancy termand a hydrostatic thermal wind term. The buoyancyterm is due to local excess in �� and vanishes when theslope disappears. The thermal wind term drives a seabreeze over flat terrain, for instance. It yields upslopeflow when the CBL contains a higher �� over the moun-tain. Unfortunately, we cannot estimate the thermalwind term because we do not know the horizontalvariations of the CBL depth. Because the CBL wastypically weakly capped in CuPIDO, we cannot assumethat its top is flat. There is some evidence from simul-taneous MGAUS soundings that the CBL top domedover the mountain, as sketched in Fig. 1. This is attrib-uted to local surface heating over the mountain.

A sufficient way to quantify the forcing of anabaticflow is to consider the horizontal vorticity equation(e.g., Miao and Geerts 2007):






�r. �6

Here D/Dt is the total derivative, � (�u/�z) � (1/r)(�rw/�r) is the horizontal vorticity around the moun-tain, and (u, w) the velocity vector in a radial crosssection. A toroidal circulation, or ring vortex aroundthe mountain, is driven by a radial gradient in ��. Ac-cording to Eq. (1), this gradient is proportional to thehydrostatic horizontal pressure gradient force, dis-cussed in section 2b.

The toroidal circulation includes low-level, conver-gent, anabatic flow, and divergent flow at some levelaloft. We cannot estimate the divergent flow aloft, butthe location of the ISFF stations allows an estimation ofthe low-level convergent component (called the meananabatic wind �n) as follows:

�n 1C � �n ds, �7

where C � ds is the circumference of a polygon ob-tained by connecting the 10 midpoints between the 10adjacent ISFF stations (Fig. 2), ds is the incrementaldistance along this irregular decagon, and �n is the hori-zontal wind component normal to vector ds. The reasonfor the use of midpoints is that it positions the stationscentrally near the decagon sides, and thus the stationwinds yield the best available estimate for �n along cor-responding decagon sides. By definition, �n � 0 forwinds blowing into the decagon. The mountain-scaleconvergence �� • v is linearly proportional to �n, ac-

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cording to the divergence theorem (e.g., Holton 2004)and (7):

�� � v 1A � �n ds


A. �8

Here A is the area contained within the decagon, A 576 km2.

3. Diurnal trend of mountain-scale convergenceand its forcing

a. Surface pressure and temperature variationsaround the mountain

The diurnal pattern of the “single” pressure pertur-bation (p � pt) is dominated by the diurnal and semi-diurnal tides, each with an amplitude of about 1.0 mb(Fig. 4a). These oscillations appear very similar for eachsite, but both frequencies, especially the diurnal com-ponent, have a smaller amplitude at the two mountainstations. The differences in diurnal variation of p� (p �pt � ps; Fig. 4b) between stations should almost entirelybe due to boundary layer processes, since the upper-atmospheric (semi) diurnal tidal variations have a

large-scale structure that is essentially uniform for ourcluster of 12 stations (e.g., Hagan et al. 2002).

The difference in p� between the mountain and thefoothill stations is roughly periodic, with an amplitudeof nearly 1.0 mb: the pressure is anomalously low overthe mountain near midnight and peaks �2 h after sun-rise. It is anomalously high at the mountain sitesthroughout the afternoon, peaking 4–5 h after LSN. Acloser examination of Fig. 4b shows that pressure per-turbations are largely controlled by station altitude(color coded and shown on the right side in Fig. 2). Thehighest of all ISFF stations (i.e., station 10), is closest tothe Mt. Lemmon curve, while the perturbation pres-sure trend of the low-elevation west-side stations(i.e., stations 1, 2, and 3) is most dissimilar to Mt. Lem-mon’s.

The dependence of �p� on station elevation differ-ences appears to be the result of differences in the di-urnal virtual temperature variation integrated over thedepth of the local boundary layer. We do not havetemperature profile data, but within the well-mixedCBL, surface �� is a sufficient surrogate. Mt. Bigelowhas the smallest diurnal temperature variation (Fig. 4c),mainly because the nighttime cooling is less, thus, it is

FIG. 4. Diurnal variation of pressure and temperature perturbations based on surface station data. In this and thefollowing figures, the time is shown relative to local midnight (0729 UTC), so 12 h corresponds with local solar noonLSN (1929 UTC). The single perturbation has the 24-h mean value removed, for any station; the double pertur-bation also has the 12-station mean removed, at any time. The line colors match station label colors in Fig. 2. Thesolid black line is for Mt. Lemmon, and the dashed black line applies to Mt. Bigelow.

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anomalously warm in the second half of the night andanomalously cool in the afternoon. The temperaturevariation at the Mt. Lemmon astronomical observatoryis not as reliable, the probe apparently was exposed tothe sun, thus the daytime heating is exaggerated (Fig.4c), and therefore also the negative T � at night. Station2 has the largest diurnal temperature range, because ofits low elevation, and because it is located in a localvalley (Fig. 2): cold air drains, thus this station recordsthe strongest cool anomaly near sunrise. Local terrainconcavity matters (Geerts 2003): a station such as sta-tion 9 on a slight local ridge on the piedmont east of theSanta Catalina Mountains is relatively warm near sun-rise (Fig. 4d).

As discussed in section 2b, the observed differencesin p� (Fig. 4b) cannot be interpreted as horizontal pres-

sure differences. The hydrostatic horizontal pressuredifference (�p/�r)�r between Mt. Bigelow and the sur-rounding stations is estimated using (5), and its diurnalvariation is shown in Fig. 5a. A clear diurnal cycle ispresent, with about the same magnitude as that for dif-ferences in p�, but the phase has shifted: the lowestpressure occurs over the mountain (relative to the sur-rounding stations) close to LSN, about 5 h later thanthe maximum p� deficit over the mountain (Fig. 4b).The period when the horizontal pressure difference isnegative (lower pressure at Mt. Bigelow) is referred toas the anabatic forcing period. This period starts 2 hafter sunrise, peaks close to LSN, and ends shortly be-fore sunset (Fig. 5a). Its counterpart, the “katabaticforcing period,” peaks between midnight and sunrise;the katabatic forcing period has a flatter peak than its

FIG. 5. Analysis of diurnal variation for the 58-day period. (a) Horizontal pressure differ-ence between Mt. Bigelow and the 10 surrounding ISFF stations. The line colors match stationlabel colors in Fig. 2. (b) The mean anabatic wind based on the 10 ISFF stations. (c) Thesurface sensible and latent heat (LH) fluxes, based on four ISFF flux stations. In (b) and (c),the solid lines are the averages, the dashed lines are the averages �1 std dev. The dashedvertical lines across (a)–(c) mark the start and end times of the mean anabatic wind period.

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anabatic counterpart and lasts some 3 h longer than thenighttime.

The surface heat fluxes in Fig. 5c are an average forthe four ISFF stations with flux capability, and for the58-day period. None of these four stations is located onthe mountain. Time series of fluxes derived from theMt. Bigelow flux tower contained some unrealisticallyhigh values even for 30-min averages and thus were notincluded. It is assumed that the average surface fluxfrom the four foothill stations is representative of theoverall mountain area encompassed by the decagon inFig. 2.

We now examine three details of the diurnal varia-tion of horizontal pressure differences (Fig. 5a). First,the anabatic forcing period seems nearly coincidentwith the positive surface sensible heat (SH) flux cycle(Fig. 5c), and thus the cycle of net incoming solar ra-diation at the surface. This seems rather early; in fact itspeak occurs a few hours before LSN for stations on theeast side of the mountain. Thus, the anabatic forcingperiod for a mountain the width of the Santa CatalinaMountains appears to peak earlier than the sea-breezeforcing, which is proportional to the temperature dif-ference between the marine BL and the CBL over theadjacent landmass, and that difference peaks a fewhours after LSN (Abbs and Physick 1992). This obser-vation will be revisited.

Second, the slight depression in the composite ana-batic forcing period at �1500 local time (LT;2200–2300UTC) may be related to thunderstorm activity. Light-ning data from the NLDN suggest a strong diurnalmodulation of monsoonal thunderstorms in the Tucson,Arizona, area: they almost all occur between 2200 and0300 UTC (Watson et al. 1994). Orographic thunder-storms may generate a cold pool and pressure rise overthe mountain. We revisit this later as well.

And third, we question the validity of one of thefindings of Fujita et al. (1962). They studied summer-time pressure variations around the San FranciscoPeaks, a mountain of similar size near Flagstaff, Ari-zona. The abstract of Fujita et al. (1962) states that “. . .a very small low-pressure area formed over the heatedside of the mountain slope . . .” They attribute the lowerpressure on the southeastern slopes in the morning tothe higher net radiation and thus a higher surface heatflux at that time. Our data do not confirm this pressureresponse. The stations on the east side of the SantaCatalina Mountains tend to have the highest pressurerelative to Mt. Bigelow 2–3 h before LSN (mostly bluestations in Fig. 5a), while those on the western flanks ofthe mountain (mostly colored red in Fig. 5a) experiencethe strongest anabatic wind forcing just after LSN. In

other words, the six eastside stations have a rather highpressure in the morning [�0.2 mb compared to the fourwestside stations, at 1000 LT, and a lower pressure justafter LSN (�0.4 mb at 1300 LT)]. Further evidencecomes from the contrast between two stations: 5 (east)and 4 (northwest). They are located at roughly the sameelevation on opposite foothills of the Santa CatalinaMountains. In the morning the horizontal pressure dif-ference is negligible (Fig. 6a), while in the evening theeastern station (i.e., 5) actually has a slightly lower pres-sure, even though, as expected, its temperature pertur-bation is lower than at the NW station (i.e., 4) at thattime (Fig. 6b). The key factor appears to be the smallaltitude difference between stations 4 and 5 (Fig. 2).Since the prevailing winds were southeasterly duringthe 58-day period, and the stratification is strongestaround dawn (Fig. 7), it is possible that the anomalouslyhigh pressure at station 5 (and the other eastside sta-tions) around dawn, compared to that at station 4, isdue to some upstream blocking and flow splitting. Inshort, the horizontal pressure variations are controllednot by slope orientation but mainly by station altitude.

b. Solenoidal forcing

Three different data sources are used to examine thesolenoidal forcing [the rhs (6)] over the Santa CatalinaMountains. First, we explore the diurnal variation of ��

based on station data (Fig. 7). Only 11 stations areshown in Fig. 7; Mt. Lemmon was excluded since itsrecord lacked humidity measurements and its tempera-ture data are of poor quality (section 3a). The diurnal ��

variation is plotted against altitude; when the CBL iswell developed, the x axis in Fig. 7 can be considered tobe distance from a (bell shaped) mountain; the lowerstations are farther to the right. The nocturnal devel-opment of a low-level cold pool is obvious. Little noc-turnal cooling occurs at Mt. Bigelow, which was in theresidual mixed layer on most days. Of particular inter-est is the increase of �� toward the mountain (towardthe left in Fig. 7a) between about 1200–1700 LT, whenthe CBL is well developed. This provides clear evi-dence of solenoidal forcing. The mean �� differencebetween Bigelow and the 10 foothill stations during theafternoon (1200–1700 LT) is 1.5 K. Clearly the daytimeCBL did not reach above the elevation of Mt. Bigelowon some days in the 58-day period examined here, ac-cording to the 0000 UTC TUS soundings (Fig. 3a), thusthe excess �� at Bigelow could be attributable to verticalstratification. The �� anomaly (i.e., the departure fromthe 11-station mean) for just those days with a deepCBL is shown in Fig. 7b. Mt. Bigelow still is warmer inthe afternoon: the mean �� difference between Bigelow

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and the 10 foothill stations between 1200 and 1700 LTis 1.2 K for the deep CBL days.

A second piece of evidence for the solenoidal forcingcomes from an analysis of the T� difference between theMt. Bigelow tower and the corresponding (linearly in-terpolated) pressure level in the 0000 UTC TUS sound-ing. The TUS radiosondes are launched from a sitelocated 27 km to the SSE of Mt. Bigelow. The NationalWeather Service soundings typically are released 55min before the nominal time, and the ascent rate is 3–4m s�1, thus we used the 2315 UTC data from Mt. Big-elow in this comparison. At 2315 UTC (3 h and 45 minafter LSN) the CBL normally is well developed, andorographic cumulus convection is likely. A total of 55days of the 58-day period had sounding data at the levelof Mt. Bigelow, and for those days T� was on average

1.40 � 1.53 K warmer at Mt. Bigelow than at the ra-diosondes. In comparison, the air was 0.68 � 1.03 Kcooler over Mt. Bigelow than aboard the radiosonde at1115 UTC (�1 h before sunrise) for 56 of the 58 dayswith 1200 UTC sounding data. The afternoon sound-ing–Mt. Bigelow T� difference corresponds well withthe station data �� difference mentioned above.

A third piece of evidence for the solenoidal forcingcomes from the one day in the CuPIDO campaign thata series of MGAUS radiosonde pairs was released si-multaneously from an upwind corner of the Santa Cat-alina Mountains and from its peak. On this day, 17August 2006, the mean wind below 5 km MSL was just1.9 m s�1 from 168°, thus the Windy Point release sitewas generally upwind of Mt Lemmon (Fig. 2). Thesoundings were released hourly from 4 h before LSN

FIG. 6. Diurnal cycle of (a) horizontal pressure difference relative to Mt. Bigelow and (b)double temperature perturbation, for two stations at nearly the same elevation, but on op-posite sides of the mountain.

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until LSN (Fig. 8). The average CBL top was below theelevation of Mt. Lemmon for the Windy Point sound-ings, but a shallow CBL did develop above Mt. Lem-mon, suggesting a doming CBL top as sketched in Fig.1. The air was unusually moist for Tucson on this day,with a cumulus cloud base just �250 m above Mt. Lem-mon. All Mt. Lemmon soundings ascended through cu-muli (explaining the large �� variability between sound-ings), while none of the Windy point soundings pen-

etrated cumuli. Below the cloud base, the Windy Point�� was lower than that at Mt. Lemmon in some sound-ing pairs, and higher in other sounding pairs (Fig. 8a).On average, the low-level �� difference was of the ex-pected sign, but insubstantial (�0.4 K, Fig. 8b). Abovethe Cu cloud base, larger �� excesses over Mt. Lemmonwere present at some levels in the composite soundings,reflecting net cumulus buoyancy. The lack of low-level�� difference even in the last sounding pair (when the

FIG. 7. (a) Diurnal variation of �� as a function of station elevation. The tick marks on topindicate the station elevation. (b) As in (a), but showing the �� anomaly from the 11-stationmean at any one time, and for just those days on which the CBL depth is at least 3 km MSL,according to the 0000 UTC TUS sounding (Fig. 3a).

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CBL top reaches above Mt. Lemmon) suggest thatWindy Point is essentially within the mountain warmcore.

These three pieces of evidence confirm the presenceof solenoidal forcing with a magnitude of 1–2 K overthe width of the mountain. This corresponds witha pressure deficit of 0.5–1.0 mb over the mountain,according to (1). This magnitude chimes with the ob-served peak horizontal pressure deficit over Mt.Bigelow (Fig. 5a). The pressure difference of 0.5–1.0 mb over a distance of �15 km (the characteris-tic width of the Santa Catalina Mountains) is compa-rable to that of solenoidal circulations of matchingscales over flat terrain. Florida sea breezes, for in-stance, are marked by a surface pressure gradient of0.2–0.5 mb (10 km)�1 (Atkins and Wakimoto 1997;Kingsmill and Crook 2003). For gust fronts this figureranges between 1–2 mb (10 km)�1 (Mueller and Car-bone 1987; Atkins and Wakimoto 1997; Kingsmill andCrook 2003).

c. Anabatic wind

Daytime upslope winds over a heated mountain arehighly variable, due to turbulence driven by thermals inthe CBL. Also, even the slightest mean advective windin the mountain environment will yield wind toward themountain on the upwind side of the mountain and viceversa on the opposite side. Thus upslope flow estima-tion requires data from around the mountain and sometemporal averaging. The 10 ISFF stations were gener-ally well positioned around the mountain (Fig. 2) tocompute the mean anabatic wind �n and mountain-scaleconvergence, as defined in Eqs. (7) and (8).

The diurnal variation of the mean anabatic wind inthe foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains is shownin Fig. 5b. The average surface (10 m AGL) flow iskatabatic (negative) all night long, starting 1.5 h beforesunset and ending 2 h after sunrise, averaging 0.3 m s�1

during this period. Anabatic flow picks up swiftly dur-ing the morning, peaks 2 h before LSN, and remainsrather steady until �1300 LT. At its peak the meananabatic wind is 0.5 m s�1, which corresponds with amountain-scale convergence of 0.9 10�4 s�1.

It is interesting to note that most mass convergenceoccurs before LSN, while solar radiation and surfaceheat fluxes peak at LSN (Fig. 5c) and the surface andBL temperatures typically peak a few hours after LSN.In fact the maximum �� difference between Mt. Bigelowand the foothills stations occurs at 1430 LT (Figs. 4c and7). Thus, one would expect that the solenoidal forcing(essentially the horizontal temperature differences inthe CBL) for a toroidal heat island circulation aroundthe mountain and the resulting surface anabatic flowand mountain-scale convergence also peak a few hoursafter LSN. The early development of anabatic wind(Fig. 5b) is roughly consistent with its pressure forcing(Fig. 5a). Apparently mass convergence in the bound-ary layer over an isolated mountain is not entirelydriven by local surface heating.

The anomalously early peaking of the anabatic wind(and its pressure forcing) may be related to cumulusdevelopment over the mountain. One can argue thatorographic cumulus development causes net deep-column heating and thus low-level hydrostatic pres-sure decrease and enhanced convergence. Yet threeCuPIDO case studies presented in Demko et al. (2009)do not reveal this. By comparing orographic cumulusgrowth rate with mountain-scale convergence, theyshow that the only measurable impact of cumulus evo-lution on mountain-scale near-surface convergence isthe divergence following the collapse of a cumulustower. The 58-day composite seems to confirm this.Near 1500 LT the mean flow briefly becomes slightly

FIG. 8. (a) Profiles of �� above Mt. Lemmon and Windy Pointbased on hourly MGAUS radiosondes released between 1530 and1930 UTC (LSN is at 1929 UTC) 17 Aug 2006. Windy Point(shown as an “x” in Fig. 2) is on Santa Catalina’s southeasternridge, at a distance of 10.6 km from Mt. Lemmon. (b) The averageof the five soundings shown in (a), for both release sites.

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katabatic (Fig. 5b). A separation of the 58-day periodbetween days with/without afternoon thunderstormsproves that this divergent flow is a feature of thunder-storm days only (Fig. 9a); the divergence probably isdue to the spreading of cold pools from thunderstorms,which usually form in the early afternoon (Fig. 10). It isconsistent with the weakened anabatic forcing at thistime (Fig. 5a), in particular on thunderstorm days (Fig.9b), but the effect of thunderstorms is more apparent inthe wind field than the pressure difference field, be-cause the cold pool may spread over the foothill sta-tions as well, thus removing the pressure difference ef-fect.

d. Impact of the surface sensible heat flux onsolenoidal forcing and anabatic wind

Surface heat fluxes were dramatically different be-tween the 2006 premonsoon dry period and the mon-soon wet period. This allows us to study their impact onthe solenoidal forcing and the resulting circulation (Fig.11). The peak daytime sensible heat flux halved from�200 to �100 W m�2 following the heavy rains early in

the wet period (Figs. 11e,j). The latent heat flux in-creased, but while this may affect moist convection, itdoes not directly affect the solenoidal forcing. The am-plitude of the diurnal surface temperature cycle de-creased by about 40% in the wet period (Figs. 11b,g),because of increased cloudiness and soil moisture. Theamplitude of p� differences between stations decreasedaccordingly, except for Mt. Bigelow (Figs. 11a,f). Thiscomparison yields strong evidence that the observeddiurnal pressure variations are driven by surface heat-ing.

The amplitude of the diurnal cycle of the horizontalpressure difference between the foothill stations andMt. Bigelow also decreased by about 40% from the dryperiod to the wet period (Figs. 11c,h), and its phaseremained essentially unchanged. The nocturnal kata-batic wind was substantially stronger during the dryperiod (Figs. 11d,i), which is consistent with the highernocturnal cooling rate. Nocturnal cloudiness and rain-fall were not uncommon during the wet period.

The daytime mean anabatic wind was not substan-tially stronger during the premonsoon dry period. The

FIG. 9. (a) As in Fig. 5b, but separating between days with lightning and days withoutlightning recorded by the NLDN within 13 km of Mt. Lemmon between 1200 and 0000 UTC.(b) As in Fig. 5a, but using the same lightning-based separation and grouping data from all 10ISFF stations into a single average.

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transition from katabatic to anabatic wind was steeperduring the dry period, consistent with the rapid transi-tion from katabatic to anabatic pressure forcing (Fig.11c) and the rapid increase in surface sensible heat flux(Fig. 11e). Also, the anabatic wind was more likely tocontinue into the afternoon during the dry period, com-pared with the monsoon period (Figs. 11d,i), presum-ably because fewer thunderstorms erupted. But in bothperiods, the anabatic wind and its horizontal pressureforcing started about 2 h after sunrise and the anabaticwind peaked 1–2 h before LSN.

In short, this comparison indicates that daytime sen-sible heat flux strongly controls the amplitude of thesolenoidal forcing (expressed in terms of a �� differenceor horizontal pressure difference), but the strength ofthe resulting mountain-scale convergence appears lesssensitive to surface heating, at least for the Santa Cat-alina Mountains in summer. We hypothesize that thislack of sensitivity is due to the fact that excessive sur-face heating increases the chances of moist convection,which produces divergent flow around the mountain.We explore this hypothesis further in the next section.

4. Discussion

One finding of this study is that the mountain-scaleconvergence peaks 1–2 h before LSN over the SantaCatalina Mountains during a 58-day period in summer2006. Not many publications have examined the diurnalcycle of thermally driven mountain-scale upslope wind.Whiteman (2000) makes a distinction between “moun-tain–plain” circulations and smaller-scale “slope” wind.A schematic illustration on p. 179 in Whiteman (2000)indicates that upslope wind tends to peak as early as0800 LT, and plain–mountain upvalley wind at 1400 LT.The thermally forced circulation around the Santa Cat-alina Mountains should probably be classified as amountain–plain circulation, given its size, although

slope winds are likely to occur close to the steep flanksof this mountain range.

There is both theoretical and observational evidencethat mountain-scale upslope flow and convergencepeak later for larger mountain ranges. The theoreticalargument simply is based on a scaling of (6). Accordingto (6), the time � needed to reach a surface anabaticwind of magnitude Vn scales as

� 2Vn��L

g���H, �9

where L and H are the length and depth scales of thesolenoidal circulation. Thus, for the Santa CatalinaMountains (L 15 km; H 2 km), a solenoidal circu-lation with an observed strength of Vn 0.5 m s�1

should develop quasi-instantaneously for the observed��� of 1.5 K (� � 2.5 min). This estimate ignores fric-tional retardation, but in any event, according to (9),the time scale increases linearly with the mountainwidth.

The observational evidence is limited. To our knowl-edge there are no studies of diurnal flow around amountain with weak winds and a deep CBL. Banta(1984) studied upslope flow development on the leeside of a �25-km-wide, elongated mountain range inColorado in midsummer. Upslope (easterly) flow de-veloped shortly after sunrise and peaked before LSN,while downslope (westerly) flow prevailed in the after-noon. Banta (1984) explained this wind reversal by themixing of westerly momentum from aloft as the CBLdeepened. He speculated that convergence peakedover the mountain range before LSN, and moved east-ward later on. Over the Big Island of Hawaii, which is140 km in diameter, the mountain-scale surface conver-gence started 2–3 h after sunrise and peaked at 1200–1400 LT during 45 summer days in 1990 (Chen andNash 1994). But this case differed from the present

FIG. 10. Diurnal variation of lightning over the Santa Catalina Mountains, according toNLDN data.

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study over the Santa Catalina Mountains in that theflow was generally blocked (the Froude number wassmall, generally below 0.2), and the depth of the toroi-dal flow was limited to the trade wind inversion, whichwas always below the mountain top. Observations andsimulations over the eastern Andes indicate that the

anabatic flow from the Amazon toward the BolivianAltiplano peaks a few hours after LSN and terminatesafter sunset (Egger et al. 2005; Zängl and Egger 2005).The scale of this circulation exceeds 100 km. Numericalsimulations of plateau–plain circulations suggest thatthe solenoidal circulation is delayed and the plateau

FIG. 11. Comparison of diurnal patterns for the (left) premonsoon dry period and (right) the monsoon wetperiod. (a), (f) The pressure perturbation p�, (b), (g) the temperature departure from the 24-h mean, and (c), (h)the horizontal pressure difference with Mt. Bigelow for all stations, color coded as in Fig. 2. The solid (dashed) linesin the top four panels represent Mt. Lemmon (Mt. Bigelow). Shown in the bottom four panels are the meananabatic wind (d), (i) �1 std dev and (e), (j) the average surface heat fluxes.

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heat low is more persistent for wider and less elevatedplateaus (Zängl and Chico 2006).

For a mountain the size of the Santa Catalina Moun-tains (30-km diameter), our findings suggest that moun-tain-scale convergence, and possibly the (hydrostatic)horizontal pressure gradient that forces the anabaticflow, peak just before LSN. In section 3c we suggestedthat the early development of anabatic flow apparent inthe composite is the result of orographic cumulus de-velopment: on days with thunderstorms the mountain-scale convergence becomes negative (divergent) in theafternoon, due to outflow spreading. Yet on days with-out thunderstorms the anabatic flow peaks close toLSN and stays positive all afternoon (Fig. 9a).

It may appear counterintuitive that orographic thun-derstorms somehow suppress the heat low over themountain (Fig. 9b) and the anabatic flow (Fig. 9a). Onecan argue that towering cumuli or a cumulonimbus(Cb) detrain “rich” BL air (high in �e) into the midtro-posphere, between the level of free convection and thelevel of neutral buoyancy, and that this should lead tonet column heating and hydrostatic pressure reductionover the mountain. This argument implies that moistconvection at least temporarily enhances low-level con-vergence. We do find that convergence and the upslopehorizontal pressure gradient are slightly stronger in themorning on thunderstorm days compared to days with-out thunderstorms (Fig. 9), but they become weaker ata rather early time (after 1100 LT), as the earliest thun-derstorms erupt (Fig. 10).

These findings are consistent with three other publi-cations. The surface pressure observations by Fujita etal. (1962) indicate that the mountain low dissipates bythe time of the first Cb formation, even before a coldpool forms. An analysis of aircraft data by Raymondand Wilkening (1982) also indicates that mediocre andeven deep orographic cumulus convection does not en-hance the strength of the low-level convergence. And,as mentioned above, Demko et al. (2008) find no en-hanced convergence during the cumulus growth stages,but divergence occurs during the decay of deep cumuli.

We cannot conclude that the enhanced convergenceleads to orographic convection, but we can concludethat orographic convection suppresses the mass (andthus moisture and energy) influx needed to sustain it-self. Self-suppression characterizes thunderstorms in aweakly sheared environment over flat terrain (e.g.,Weisman and Klemp 1982). Decaying “airmass” thun-derstorms are associated with surface divergence and ahigh pressure anomaly. Orographic convergence andconvection are geographically fixed, so it is possiblethat on thunderstorm days the orographic convergenceis more sustained under stronger deep-layer mean

wind, so the cold pools drift off. This may yield multipleorographic thunderstorm developments, as is some-times observed (e.g., Zehnder et al. 2006).

The synergy between pressure perturbations, oro-graphic BL circulations, and cumulus convection overmountains (Fig. 1) remains poorly understood. In aseparate paper, we plan to examine the relation be-tween surface heating, mountain-scale convergence,and orographic convection over the Santa CatalinaMountains by means of numerical simulations.

5. Conclusions

Surface and upper-air data collected in summeraround the Santa Catalina Mountains (about 30 km indiameter, peaking about 2 km above the surroundingplains) have been used to study the thermal forcing oforographic circulations and associated deep convection.A horizontal pressure gradient is derived from hydro-static balance for use in the study of diurnal wind forc-ing in complex terrain. The main findings are as follows:

• The diurnal variation of mountain-scale convergence,with katabatic, divergent surface flow at night andanabatic, convergent flow during the day is in phasewith the diurnal variation of the horizontal pressuregradient force, which points toward the mountainduring the day and away from the mountain at night.

• The mean anabatic wind near the surface peaks atabout 0.5 m s�1, which corresponds with a mountain-scale convergence of nearly 1 � 10�4 s�1 for theSanta Catalina Mountains.

• The daytime pressure deficit over the mountain of0.5–1.0 mb is hydrostatically consistent with the ob-served 1–2-K virtual potential temperature excessover the mountain.

• Doubling the daytime surface sensible heat flux in-creases the diurnal amplitude of temperature andhorizontal pressure gradient, but it hardly affects thestrength of the mean anabatic wind, at least in anenvironment where orographic cumulus convection islikely.

• Slightly enhanced convergence and pressure gradientforce toward the mountain do occur on mornings be-fore thunderstorms erupt, but this enhancement van-ishes by the time thunderstorms develop. The mostpoignant impact of orographic thunderstorms ismountain-scale divergence, presumably because ofthe spreading of the storm outflows.

Acknowledgments. This work was funded by Na-tional Science Foundation Grant ATM-0444254 andbenefited from discussions with Thomas Parish and Jo-seph Zehnder.

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