Page 1: Press Statement of the People's Initiative against the Pork Barrel (PIAP)

For Reference: Sr. Mary John Mananzan (09178980637) * Marc Canton (09273493409) * Mae Paner (09178106145) * Atty. Alex Lacson (09285500712) * Manny SD Lopez (09179582735) * Fr. Ben Alforque (09178263496)


The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines declares its support to the people’s initiative to abolish the pork barrel system.

Press Statement/July 8, 2014

Page 2: Press Statement of the People's Initiative against the Pork Barrel (PIAP)

At the end of its plenary discussions, the Catholic Bishops unanimously agreed to backstop the people’s initiative, which aims to enact a law abolishing presidential and congressional pork barrel, prohibiting and criminalizing appropriation and use of lump sum discretionary funds, and mandating line-item budgeting.

The CBCP’s decision comes at a time when the Catholics nationwide are celebrating 2014 as “The Year of the Laity”.

During the discussion of issues under the CBCP Committee on the Laity, Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma appealed to his colleagues to give moral blessing and backing to two people’s initiatives – first, by the People’s Initiative to Abolish Pork Barrel and second, the People’s Initiative Against Political Dynasties.

“In order to put a final lid on the pork barrel system, specifically in the legislative and executive branches of government, we support the proposal from anti-pork barrel groups in the whole country that the sovereign people use the 1987 Philippine Constitution provision on the passage of a law through the people’s initiative,” Archbishop Palma said.

Page 3: Press Statement of the People's Initiative against the Pork Barrel (PIAP)

The anti-pork people’s initiative is being spearheaded by the newly formed coalition, the People’s Initiative to Abolish Pork Barrel (PIAP).

PIAP counts among its members the Abolish Pork Movement, Cebu Coalition Against Pork Barrel, Church People Against Pork Barrel, E-Pirma, Makabayan, Scrap Pork Network and Solidarity.

A consensus has been reached to focus first and ensure the success of the people’s initiative to abolish the pork barrel system in 2015 and then the people’s initiative against political dynasty.

The CBCP sees the pork barrel as a burning and pressing issue that has sparked people’s outrage and is largely perceived as a big source of corruption encouraging patronage politics.

The People’s Congress on August 23, 2014 in Cebu City will finalize the proposed law against pork barrel and firm up plans for nationwide education and signature campaign. A kick-off rally will be held at Plaza Independencia on the same day to start the nationwide signature drive.
