Page 1: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion



Page 2: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the…

Whiskey Rebellion

Page 3: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

In his farewell address Washington warned the nation about what 3 things?

Permanent alliancesPolitical parties


Page 4: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

John Adams avoided getting into war with what country, even though it cost him re-election.


Page 5: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

During Adam’s presidency his critics were arrested because of what Laws?

Alien & Sedition Acts

Page 6: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Why was the 1800 election decided by the House of Representatives?

Tie between Jefferson and Burr

Page 7: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Jefferson was unpopular with New England when what law was passed to maintain neutrality?

Embargo Act

Page 8: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Why did Jefferson hesitate to purchase Louisiana from Napoleon? He was a…

Strict constructionist

Page 9: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Which President got us involved in the War of 1812?

James Madison

Page 10: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

James Monroe’s presidency occurred in the Era of…

Good Feelings

Page 11: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

When John Quincy Adams defeated Andrew Jackson in 1824, Jackson accused him of a…

Corrupt bargain

Page 12: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

During the Age of Jackson, the vote was extended to…

All white adult males

Page 13: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Jackson was responsible for the Trail of Tears because he refused to enforce what court order?

Worcester v. Georgia

Page 14: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

As president Jackson was the first to use what power?


Page 15: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Jackson helped cause the panic of 1837 by fighting with Nicholas Biddle over…

Bank of U.S.

Page 16: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Which president was elected on a platform that called for Manifest Destiny?

James K. Polk

Page 17: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

During his presidency the U.S. acquired what territory? (4)


CaliforniaMexican Cession

Page 18: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

When Lincoln was elected in 1860, what state was the 1st to secede?

South Carolina

Page 19: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation after what Union victory?


Page 20: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Lincoln is famous for the speech he made after what battle?


Page 21: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Lincoln campaigned for the presidency on what position regarding slavery?

Stopping the Spread

Page 22: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Andrew Johnson was impeached for breaking what law?

Tenure of Office Act

Page 23: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

What group led his impeachment and opposed his reconstruction plan?

Radical Republicans

Page 24: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Ulysses S. Grant gained national attention 1st as the Union general at what battle?


Page 25: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Rutherford B. Hayes became president only because of what deal?

Compromise of 1877

Page 26: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

James Garfield’s assassination brought about what reform legislation?

Pendleton Act

Page 27: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Who was President during the Spanish American War?

William McKinley

Page 28: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Before he became President Teddy Roosevelt became a war hero at the Battle of…

San Juan Hill

Page 29: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

What was T.R.’s presidential program called?

Square Deal

Page 30: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Teddy was responsible for what construction project?

Panama Canal

Page 31: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Teddy won a Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the end of what war?

Russo-Japanese War

Page 32: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

William Howard Taft’s foreign policy program for Latin American was called…

Dollar Diplomacy

Page 33: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

What is Woodrow Wilson most famous for?

14 Points

Page 34: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

How did Wilson reform the banking system?

Federal Reserve Board

Page 35: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Warren G Harding died in office prior to the news of what scandal?

Teapot Dome

Page 36: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Calvin Coolidge is most famous for not…


Page 37: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

What president was blamed for causing the Great Depression?

Herbert Hoover

Page 38: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

What was FDR’s program called and what 3 things did it involve?

New DealRelief, Recovery,


Page 39: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

While FDR supported Civil Rights, he violated the rights of…

Japanese Americans

Page 40: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

What two FDR programs were the main components of the New Deal & were declared unconstitutional by the courts?


Page 41: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

What day did FDR say would “live in infamy?”

December 7, 1941

Page 42: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

How did FDR help England during the Battle of Britain?

Lend Lease Act

Page 43: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

What two men were President during the Korean War?

Truman & Eisenhower

Page 44: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

The Dixiecrats opposed Truman’s reelection because he issued what order?

Desegregation of the Army

Page 45: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

What was Truman’s program called?

Fair Deal

Page 46: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

What was Truman’s response to the Cold War?


Page 47: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

What was Ike’s response to the Cold War?

Brinkmanship/ massive retaliation

Page 48: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

After the Brown decision, Eisenhower enforced the court ruling when he sent the army to…

Little Rock

Page 49: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

During Truman and Eisenhower’s presidencies cold war paranoia was called…


Page 50: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

John F. Kennedy set the goal that the U.S. would send a man to…

The moon

Page 51: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Kennedy was assassinated by…

Lee Harvey Oswald

Page 52: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

LBJ stands for…

Lyndon Baines Johnson

Page 53: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Johnson wanted to put an end to what in the U.S.?


Page 54: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

In the Great Society, Johnson pushed over 60 programs on…


Page 55: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Johnson supported MLK by pushed 2 laws…

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Page 56: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Johnson got the U.S. into the Vietnam War when he asked Congress to approve of the…

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Page 57: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Johnson decided not to run for reelection after what event in Vietnam?

Tet Offensive

Page 58: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Richard Nixon resigned after what scandal?


Page 59: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

In 1972, Nixon visited…


Page 60: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

What problem was Jimmy Carter unable to solve?

Iran Hostage Crisis

Page 61: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Reaganomics was also called the _______ ________ theory.

Trickle Down

Page 62: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Ronald Reagan began what revolution?


Page 63: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

What was Reagan’s foreign policy scandal?

Iran Contra

Page 64: Presidents Review. Washington wore his uniform as president only once during the… Whiskey Rebellion

Who was president when the Cold War ended?

George H.W. Bush

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