Page 1: President’s Report By Paul Hellickson 20… · news, California taking necessary steps to conserve the water they have so that they can survive. Rainwater Harvesting is a concept



c/o McClure Engineering 4545 Oleatha Avenue St. Louis, MO 63116

Phone (314) 645-6232 E-mail: [email protected]

Vice President Technical

JOHN FISCHER, JR, PE, PLS Phone (314) 322-3442

E-mail: [email protected]

Vice President Legislative NICHOLAS J. HIPP

c/o Aedifica Case Engineering 796 Merus Court

St. Louis, Mo. 63026 Phone (636) 349-1600

E-mail: [email protected]

Vice President Membership RANDY A. KLEINHEIDER, CPD,

LEED AP c/o Ross &Baruzzini 6 South Old Orchard St. Louis, MO 63119

Phone (314) 918-8383 E-mail: [email protected]


KEVIN PATE c/o Gateway Representatives

572 Leffingwell Avenue St. Louis, MO 63122

Phone (314) 835-1818 E-mail: [email protected]

Administrative Secretary

DON SULLIVAN c/o J.W. Sullivan Company

628 Waterford View Court Ballwin, MO 63021

Phone (636) 386-6800 E-mail: [email protected]

Corresponding Secretary

NICHOLAS J. HIPP c/o Aedifica Case Engineering

796 Merus Court St. Louis, Mo. 63026

Phone (636) 349-1600 E-mail: [email protected]

Newsletter Editor MIKE GIANINO

c/o Wholesale Plumbing Supply 2080 Exchange Drive

St. Charles, Mo. 63303 Phone (636) 916-4430

E-mail: [email protected]

Education Chairman

DAVE BUJNAK Phone (314) 487-7927

E-mail: [email protected]



ST. LOUIS CHAPTER 572 Leffingwell Avenue - Kirkwood, MO 63122

Local Chapters Are Not Authorized to Speak for the Society

ASPE was organized to serve as a medium in the solution of professional problems pertaining to plumbing engineering as it affects the profession, community and

the general public. Advance the general scientific interests of the plumbing engineering profession and to inculcate the desire of scientific achievement in the field

among the members of the Association. Bring about greater cooperation and understanding between the members of the association and plumbing officials, con-

tractors, journeymen and the general public

June 2015 Volume 39, Issue 10

President’s Report By Paul Hellickson

Our June gathering at the Warrenton Golf Club brings our Chapter to the close of another fiscal year of regular meetings as our next scheduled luncheon meeting will be in September. A sincere thank you to all of our members who have been able to make it to our monthly meetings as well as a BIG thank you to all of the Board Members for the sacrifice of time and energy to make our local chapter one that we can all be proud of.

Thanks to Past President Dennis Callahan for conducting our election of officers for the next Board of Directors. Dennis presented the following slate of candidates for office where they were each sworn in for the 2015-2017 fiscal years. President – Paul Hellickson VP Technical – Jack Fischer VP Legislative – Nicholas Hipp VP Membership – Randy Kleinheider Treasurer - Kevin Pate Administrative Secretary - Don Sullivan Corresponding Secretary – Nicholas Hipp Newsletter Editor - Mike Gianino Education Chairman – Dave Bujnak

(Continued on page 15)


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Page 3: President’s Report By Paul Hellickson 20… · news, California taking necessary steps to conserve the water they have so that they can survive. Rainwater Harvesting is a concept


Page 4: President’s Report By Paul Hellickson 20… · news, California taking necessary steps to conserve the water they have so that they can survive. Rainwater Harvesting is a concept

VP Technical Report By John Fischer Jr.

Hey, it’s time to take a walk (or ride) in the wonderful surroundings known as Warrenton Golf Course as we chase that little spheroid. We enjoy the flora and fauna as that little demon many times does not do our bidding but heads off into the tall grass and forests surrounding our target, the cut green grass fairways. Always, at the end of our journey, we find solace and refreshment under the shelter of the final meeting place. That food is good!!! For those who attended our last meeting, we were informed by our speaker, Steve Krieger, about a relatively new organization, the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA). His topic, “Rainwater Catchment, A Practical Resource Alternative” informed us about the results of collaboration between ARCSA and our own ASPE that produced Rainwater Harvesting Standard 63. Rainwater Harvesting (RWH), the accumulating and storing, of rainwater from the roofs of houses and other above ground impervious surfaces is another viable solution to providing water, a necessary requirement for people to survive. Historically, we have gathered rainwater and stored it for human use and consumption. It was not too recent that many of us were very dependent on cisterns to collect and store rainwater for our use. That continues even today. In very recent times distribution systems have been used to provide our water needs, however those systems need water to distribute. We have seen recently in the news, California taking necessary steps to conserve the water they have so that they can survive. Rainwater Harvesting is a concept we must begin to consider and use even in our area where we have a large water resource. Our first meeting of our new year, September 1, 2015, will be here before you know it. Currently scheduled is a representative of NSF International, the promulgator of NSF standards NSF 61 and NSF 372 dealing with the amount of lead allowable in our water as well as other standards pertinent to our industry. It promises to be an interesting meeting. We are also hoping for appearances by UL, AGA, Solar Skies, and others of interest to our members. We still need suggestions from our members for other topics or speakers of interest. My contact information is on the first page of this newsletter. I will contact the presenter if you provide the necessary information.

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Nicholas Hipp

Saint Charles City, Missouri Is in the process of finalizing a new Bill that recognizes the 2015 International Plumbing Code as well as other publications. They are set to approve the legislation May 19th, 2015. The legislation from the meeting minutes is as follows.

AGENDA Regular Session of the City Council of the City of Saint Charles, Missouri

Council Chambers – 4th Floor – City Hall – 200 North Second Street Tuesday, May 5, 2015

7:00 p.m.

Bill 11513 (To be held – Supplemental RCA Attached) An Ordinance Amending Section 500.040 and 500.050 to Adopt the 2015 Edition of the International Building Code; Amending Section 500.070 and 500.080 to Adopt the 2015 Edition of the International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings; Amending Section 500.090 and 500.100 to Adopt the 2015 Edition of the International Energy Conservation Code; Amending Section 500.110 and 500.120 to Adopt the 2015 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code; Amending Section 500.130 and 500.140 to Adopt the 2015 Edition of the International Existing Building Code; Amending Section 500.150 and 500.160 to Adopt the 2015 Edition of the International Mechanical Code; Amending Section 500.170 and 500.180 to Adopt the 2015 Edition of the International Fuel Gas Code; Amending Section 500.190 and 500.200 to Adopt the 2014 Edition of the National Electrical Code; Amending Section 500.240 and 500.250 to Adopt the 2015 Edition of the International Plumbing Code; and Enacting a New Article Containing Two New Sections, To Be Known As Sections 500.276 and 500.277, that Adopt the 2015 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, to Make Local Amendments Thereto; and to Provide and Effective Date Thereof (Sponsor: Dave Beckering) President Obama signs the Energy Efficiency Improvement Act of 2015 On April 30, S. 535 was enacted with the goal of promoting energy efficiency in commercial buildings via a new voluntary energy program within the current Energy Star framework, new regulations for smart grid-enabled water heaters, and benchmarking and public disclosure of energy usage for buildings. Below is a link to the literature.

Jackpot Drawing Worth $30.00 Mark Lukens Next month’s will be worth $10.00


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Page 9: President’s Report By Paul Hellickson 20… · news, California taking necessary steps to conserve the water they have so that they can survive. Rainwater Harvesting is a concept

V. P. Membership, Randy A. Kleinheider, CPD, LEED®AP

Hard to believe it’s been 2 years since we last held our chapter officer elections!

It’s been a fast 2 years and I am looking forward to the next 2 years as your VP Membership.

Welcome to our newest members: Brent Bischof, with Victaulic, Robert Linzmeier, with Cannon Design We’re glad to have you and look forward to seeing you at out Chapter meetings!

Reminder: Symposium registration is open! The ASPE Technical Symposium, at the Hyatt Regency at the Arch hotel in

downtown St. Louis, October 1st through October 4th. Full registration is $545 through July 31, 2015; and is $595 after July 31. All St. Louis Chapter members will receive a 20% discount on their registration to the Symposium. That means your cost for full registration is just $436 through July 31, 2015; and $476 after July 31.This will automatically be calculated when you register using your membership number. Here is a link to the registration:

Golf Outing June 2nd!!! Come out and join in the fun at the Warrenton Golf

Course!!! Good Friends, Good Fun, Good Food!!! Enjoy the Summer and mark your calendar now for our next Chapter meeting, on

September 1st, 2015 at the Engineer’s Club! See you then!

Attendance Prizes Gift Cards Mike Gianino Mike Todd Nick Roberts

50/50 Drawing

Joe Povis $15.00 Aaron Backs $12.00


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LUNCH MEETING SCHEDULE 11:30 AM Networking-12:00 PM Introductions/ASPE Business 12:15 PM Lunch 12:15 PM Tech Session-1:00 PM Meeting Adjourned Tech Sessions only: MEMBERS: FREE NON MEMBERS: $25.00 LUNCH: MEMBERS $18.00 NON-MEMBERS: Included with tech session fee Cash or Check Only-No Credit Cards Affirmative response or self registration prior to meeting is considered a positive reservation for food and attendance. Should a NO SHOW occur, you will be billed for the dinner Location Engineers Club of St Louis 4359 Lindell Boulevard St Louis Mo 63108 314-533-9333

ASPE General Meeting Dates for 2015

Golf Tournament Warrenton Golf Course Lunch Menu: Steak, Shrimp, Baked Potato, Salad

June 2nd, 2015

Meeting schedule July/August No meetings September 1st 2015


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Page 13: President’s Report By Paul Hellickson 20… · news, California taking necessary steps to conserve the water they have so that they can survive. Rainwater Harvesting is a concept

October 1-4. October 1-4.

The 2015 Technical Symposium October 1-4, 2015

Hyatt Regency St Louis at the Arch 315 Chestnut Street St Louis 63102


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Page 15: President’s Report By Paul Hellickson 20… · news, California taking necessary steps to conserve the water they have so that they can survive. Rainwater Harvesting is a concept

President’s Report By Paul Hellickson

2 0 1 5 A S P E S Y M P O S I U M

Registration is open for the 2015 ASPE Symposium located right here in our backyard. The event will be held at the Hyatt Regency downtown from October 1st through the 4th. This year not only will we have the Product Show and the Technical Sessions but we will also have an AYP Conference for our ASPE Young Professionals. Just a reminder.... at our upcoming Board meeting we will be drawing the name of the lucky individual who will be receiving a FREE PAID REGISTRATION to the 2015 ASPE Symposium in October. Courtesy of your St. Louis Chapter Board of Directors. Additional names will be drawn in the event our winner cannot attend. Click the link for more information

G O L F O U T I N G Our Annual Golf Outing is coming up on June 2nd… If you have never attended I encourage you to really begin considering it. For those of you that have attended in the past I hope to see you there again. Please take a look at our website for photos from last year’s outing. Thanks again to all that were able to make it out last month for the technical session from Steve Krieger from the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA). A special thanks to our VP Technical Jack Fischer for providing us with some great topics over the past two years. It’s not always easy to come up with topics that will not only keep our members interested but will also provide the technical data that each of us is looking for. Thanks Jack. That’s all for now… SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER.

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As soon as I can I will be e-mailing certificates to those of you who did not pick up or did not have available your continuing education certificates at the last two meetings. If all else fails they will be available at the September meeting.

(Continued from page 4)

June Anniversaries:

Leslie E. Heideman P.E. 40 yrs Mark D. Strickland P.E. 14 yrs Sean Matthew Graham 13 yrs Kelly S. Sulwer 10 yrs Gregory F. Roth 9 yrs Ronald H Jansen 9 yrs Robert Lee Thomason, Jr. P.E. 6 yrs Brett Peter Rossomanno 5 yrs Joeseph Gaied 1 yr Steve Bruening 1 yr

June Birthdays: Mark Buttimer Kelly Diane Dedeke G.E. Scott A. Moseley P.E. Kelly Murphy-Maijer CPD David Notheis Alyssa Packard Nadezhda Shifrina G.E. Mark D. Strickland P.E. Scott Tinker

VP Technical Report By John Fischer Jr.


Aaron Backs Murphy CompanyBill McKanna Murphy CompanyBob Fanning M/R AssociatesBob Thomason Albert ArnoClarence Dula Parsons BrinckerhoffDavid Notheis Ross & BaruzziniDennis CallahanDon Sullivan J.W. SullivanGeorge Paubel Finch PlumbingJ.J. Nagel Mead O'BrienJack Bruns ADG CorporationJoe Povis Core GroupJohn Benz Mack McClain Assoc.John FischerJohn YoungKelly Sulwer IPEGKelly Murphy Maijer EDMKevin Pate Gateway RepresentativesMark Lukens SSC EngineeringMike Costello American SalesMike Gianino Wholesale Plumbing SupplyMike Todd Behrmann CompanyMitch Wilson VictaulicNick Roberts VictaulicNicholas Hipp Aedifica CasePatrick Moynihan Murphy CompanyPaul Hellickson McClure EngineeringPhil Zimmer The Austin CompanyRandy Kleinheider Ross & BarruzziniRay Kleinsorge New GroundRick Bradbury Ryan HercoRobert Linzmeier Cannon DesignRon Jansen Mead O'BrienSteve Heitert Armstrong InternationalTim Biscan SFE/ Heinkel SalesTrace Laux NibcoVince Amador Woolpert


Be Sure To Send Your New Business Card To:

[email protected]