Page 1: President’s Message · 2018-04-03 · 2 THE TRIANGLE | Summer 2012 ENCORE news from chapters Zeta NuInstalled in April Mu Phi Epsilon’s newest collegiate chapter Zeta Nuwas installed

In popular lore every flower has a meaning. The radiant sunflower signifies warmth, loyalty,and longevity, qualities that perfectly describe the spirit of Mu Phi Epsilon members. As the

first year of this triennium has flown by, I have had the opportunity to interact with somewonderful Mu Phis. They may not have won a scholarship or award, but they are the foundationthat keeps things ticking. I want to tell you about a few terrific members and acknowledge thewarmth and loyalty they have shown our Fraternity through their recent activities.

The charter Zeta Nu members made their commitment to our Fraternity and its ideals!• Isabel De La Cerda, Delta Omega, and Wednesday Ball, Alpha Omega, brought Mu Phi

Epsilon to St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, where they helped organize our newestchapter Zeta Nu.

• San Antonio Alumni, Alpha Pi, and Beta Kappa chapters and Elda Garcia-Gomez,Alpha Pi, DDSC4, supported Zeta Nu’s founding, installation, and first initiations.

Nineteen new members of Zeta revitalized their chapter!• Valentin Lanzrien, Zeta faculty advisor and new member, spearheaded the chapter’s

reactivation and became a member with the new class. I’m proud to call him a fellow MuPhi.

• Barbara Pare, Zeta, part-time faculty member at DePauw University, organized andconducted the rituals for the reactivation.

• Sister Martha Steidl and Karen Walker, both Gamma Psi and Terre Haute Alumni,drove to Greencastle to help with the Zeta initiations and provide ritual equipment.

Jenny Smith, Phi Xi, DDSC2, handled a sticky situation with grace and professionalism.Kira Dixon, Phi Mu, DDP2, created a super presentation to invite Mu Phi Epsilon to Californiafor the 2014 convention.

Many others have also helped to make this a successful year of blossoming for Mu Phi Epsilon.Forgive me if you were one I did not mention, and know that everything you do for our Fraternityis appreciated. Collegiates, alumni, district directors, IEB … you all make me so happy and proudto be a member of Mu Phi Epsilon.

Rosemary Ames,International President

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2President’s Message

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Page 2: President’s Message · 2018-04-03 · 2 THE TRIANGLE | Summer 2012 ENCORE news from chapters Zeta NuInstalled in April Mu Phi Epsilon’s newest collegiate chapter Zeta Nuwas installed

2 THE TRIANGLE | Summer 2012

ENCORE news from chapters Zeta Nu Installed in AprilMu Phi Epsilon’s newest collegiate chapterZeta Nu was installed on Sunday, April22, 2012 at St. Mary’s University in SanAntonio. International PresidentRosemary Ames and Third Vice PresidentSandra McMillen arrived in town theprevious Friday, just in time for some ofthe city’s famed Fiesta (and attendanttraffic jams). But the new memberinitiation, chapter installation, members’recital, and celebration dinner went offwithout a hitch on Sunday, thanks tosupportive nearby chapters and memberswho generously participated. Thefraternity extends a hearty welcome to themembers of Zeta Nu (right) and wishesthem all success in pursuit of Music,Friendship, and Harmony.

Chapter Celebrates Member’s MilestoneThe San Antonio Alumni chapter was busy this spring, notonly assisting with the Zeta Nu installation but also celebratingan esteemed chapter member. As chapter member NancyLaine reports: On May 5, the San Antonio Alumni celebratedthe 75th anniversary of Nadine Flinders (Phi Zeta) at AirForce Village with a sing-along of “golden oldies.” Nadinejoined Phi Zeta at Morningside College in 1932. She served as achoir director for many years, usually at the various militarybases where she and her husband were stationed (sometimesmore than one at a time!). Attendees enjoyed seeing Nadinetake an opportunity to exercise her conducting arm as shedirected the last of the songs, “Side by Side.”

Pictured from left: Nancy Laine (Mu Chi), Jackie Laffoon (Gamma Delta), Bette Richards (Phi Tau), Nadine Flinders, Bettye JoShryock (Gamma Delta), Nadine’s granddaughter Kacie Flinders Sandoval, great-granddaughter Keira Sandoval and daughter-in-law Nancy Diamond.

New York Alumni Spring ConcertThe New York Alumni chapter gave its final concert ofthe season on June 8 at the Tenri Cultural Institute.International President Rosemary Ames and FoundationTreasurer/Artist Manager Beverly Abegg traveled fromBoston to attend. Participating artists were pianists MaryEllen Burrescia (Mu Xi), Mira Armij Gill (Epsilon Psi),Monica Verona (Omega Omega), and Paul Verona(Epsilon Psi). They were joined by flutist Christine Dookie,a student at Bloomingdale School of Music and co-recipient of the chapter’s 2012 scholarship award, andaccompanist Judith Olson. Works by Albéniz, Bach,Beethoven, Chopin, Griffes, Liszt, Ravel, and Schumannwere on the program. Pictured from left: Rafael Cortes-Colón, Beverly Abegg, Christine Dookie, Mary Ellen Burrescia, Mira Armij Gill, Paul Verona,Monica Verona, Mary Schiefen, Rosemary Ames.

“APPLAUSE news from members” will return in the fall Triangle!

Row 1: Micah Walker, Janelle Pierce, Isabel De La Cerda, Wednesday Ball, Cheryl Clark. Row 2: Sarah Puamakenamaikalani Hamilton, Roger Tamez, Patricia Terrazas, CarolineFogwell, Kristen Burress, Sierra Jimenez, Denise Molina, International President RosemaryAmes. Row 3: Miguel Roberto, Trindad Agosto, Isaac Morales, Jacob Cantu, Geoffrey Bolgren,Adrain Robles, Victor Aguilar

Page 3: President’s Message · 2018-04-03 · 2 THE TRIANGLE | Summer 2012 ENCORE news from chapters Zeta NuInstalled in April Mu Phi Epsilon’s newest collegiate chapter Zeta Nuwas installed 3

Carol Prominitz CooperBeta Tau, December 2, 1973Atlanta AlumniDied March 22, 2012Orchestral musician, music educator.Carol taught strings and piano, servedas a church musician, and performedmusic programs at nursing homes,churches, and other venues.

Carolyn HackmanTheta, June 1, 1953St Louis Area AlumniDied January 5, 2012Vocalist, music educator. A publicschool teacher and contralto soloist,Carolyn was a member of the BachSociety, St Louis Chamber Chorus,and American Kantorei.

Sara Elizabeth “Betty” GumpperHockerPhi Gamma, February 8, 1931Baltimore AlumniDied May 5, 2012Vocalist, composer, church musician.A performer with the Baltimore MusicClub and Baltimore Civic Opera, Bettyalso composed the Fort McHenryMarch that is still performed onpatriotic occasions. Writer ofnumerous hymns, she is listed in theMu Phi Epsilon Composers andAuthors publication.

Barbara Henly LevyPhi Rho, September 15, 1945New York City AlumniDied March 10, 2012Cellist. Barbara won the distinguishedPiatigorsky prize at Tanglewood. Shetaught cello and performed as a soloistand chamber musician.

Ruth Duncan McDonaldMu Delta, February 18, 1941Atlanta Alumni, ACMEDied March 4, 2012

Pianist. Aninternationaltouring andrecordingartist, Ruthwas featuredat the 1986Mu Phiconvention inAtlanta. After

24 years as professor of piano atGeorgia State University, she becamean affiliate artist at Emory Universitywhere she was faculty adviser to MuDelta. She received the fraternity’sElizabeth Mathias Award in 1998.

Grace Chapman NashMu Pi, May 31, 1929ACMEDied November 9, 2010Music educator. Grace authorednumerous books and music to assistmusic educators.

Lorene Carpenter OsbornMu Upsilon, November 27, 1940Rochester AlumniDied May 29, 2012

Violinist. Asan aspiringyoung artist,Loreneauditioned forthe all-maleRochesterPhilharmonicwith a

borrowed violin. The conductor wasimpressed that she “played like a man”and hired her, launching her longcareer. Lorene shared her thoughts asa longtime Mu Phi at the 2011convention honors luncheon.

Pauline “Polly” Hansen PenroseMu Zeta, April 22, 1947Fullerton AlumniDied April 2, 2012Vocalist, educator, church musician.

Helen Amelia Droll PriceMu Mu, November 2, 1938Died October 5, 2011Music educator, pianist, organist.

Maryjane Bovington ReesNu, January 11, 1942Sacramento AlumniDied January 9, 2011Educator, horn player. Maryjanefounded the speech pathology andaudiology program at CSU-Sacramentoand served many years as departmentchair. She was elected a Fellow of theAmerican Speech-Language-HearingAssociation and served as president ofits California branch.

Ethelyne Marguerite BurnsRichardsonXi, November 18, 1938Died February 27, 2012Music educator. Ethelyne taught highschool music, directed choirs, andsang as a church musician.

Barbara Klecka SeaverPhi Omicron, May 14, 1950Cleveland Heights AlumniDied March 30, 2012Pianist. Barbara was the longtimetreasurer of Cleveland HeightsAlumni.

Eugenia Foster Van DeinseMu Eta, May 10, 1933Died January 20, 2012Piano teacher. Eugenia performed anextensive repertoire of two-piano andduet music as part of the Two PianoClub of Palo Alto for nearly thirtyyears.

Helen A. Cronemeyer WilliamsXi, November 13, 1940Wichita AlumniDied April 14, 2012

Musiceducator,churchmusician.Helen servedin the WAVESduring WWII,directedchurch choirs,

taught piano, organ and vocal music,and was director of the Post MusicCenter at Fort Leonard Wood.

Donna Northrop WiuffEpsilon Omicron, May 6, 1958San Francisco AlumniDied May 18, 2012

Violinist,musiceducator.Donna taughtstrings andband and wasactive in the

local baroque symphony that evolvedinto the Santa Rosa ChamberOrchestra. She was a past president ofDallas Alumni and current presidentof San Francisco Alumni.

Final Notes

Page 4: President’s Message · 2018-04-03 · 2 THE TRIANGLE | Summer 2012 ENCORE news from chapters Zeta NuInstalled in April Mu Phi Epsilon’s newest collegiate chapter Zeta Nuwas installed

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The Triangle is published 4 times per year by Mu Phi Epsilon, InternationalProfessional Music Fraternity. Subscription price is $20.00 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Fresno, CA and at additional mailing offices. (ISSN 0041-2600) (Volume 106, Issue 2)POSTMASTER: Send all changes of address to: Mu Phi Epsilon InternationalExecutive Office, 4705 N. Sonora Avenue, Ste. 114, Fresno, CA 93722-3947© 2012 Mu Phi Epsilon. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.



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VVolume 106, Issue 2 | Summer 2012olume 106, Issue 2 | Summer 2012

Warmth &Loyalty

Warmth &Loyalty
