
Preserving History With Anti-Tarnish Material

How long would you expect a time capsule from 1795 to hold up in the future? Well, the 1795 Boston Time Capsule was recently opened,

set on display for a limited time and is now placed back in safe keeping with new preservation materials. Get ready to take a trip back

in time!

July 4th, 1795

Turning the clocks back to the time where Samuel Adams and Paul Revere were roaming the Boston area, a time

capsule was placed into the Old Boston State House. The two

American icons placed items in the capsule that they thought were

important enough to preserve for future generations.

Fast Forward: 1855

Jumping 60 years ahead, the time capsule sat in the Old Boston State

House until workers were renovating the building and found the box in a

cornerstone. The contents of the box were cleaned, recorded and officials

added their own items of importance from their time into the capsule. They

transferred all the contents into a brass box for added protection and placed the new box into the same


Water Leak 2014

Maintenance workers noticed a water infiltration issue in the basement of

the Old Boston State House and discovered the time capsule.

Restoration Process

The items in the time capsule were carefully removed from the brass box

and restored! Due to the fragile condition of all the items, state officials ordered the items to be

protected by anti-tarnish material made from Corrosion Intercept®


What Was Uncovered?

The time capsule contained a collection of coins dating back to

1652, newspapers, several pieces of paper and a sliver plate, just to name a

few of the items inside the box.

The Future of The Items

The time capsule was set back into the newer golden-domed state house with

items from this generation. But with the use of the anti-tarnish material, the contents should be safe for even more future generations to enjoy. If state officials can trust anti-tarnish

products made with Corrosion Intercept® technology, imagine how well your precious metals and fine

jewelry will hold up in regular storage!
