
Presented by: Radley D. ReidApril 6, 2010

School – Complex OrganizationDeals with :- Human Resources- Curriculum- Communication- Resources and Finance- Discipline- Record Keeping- Guidance

School is partially autonomous

Types of Organizations in SchoolsIndividuals, Groups, Committees, Teams, Classes –

working together to produce a coordinated organization.

Operates with a mixture of hierarchical and collegial, skewed to collegial.

Continuum from:Autocratic – Paternalistic – Consultative – Democratic/

Collegial (Tell) (Sell) (Involve) (Co-determined)Organization affected by school size and school

ethos/ culture.Causes of negative ethos – lack of communal

relationships, and impact of community

School as Teams within a TeamOrganizing in teams for work distribution,

management control, distribution of duties, information gathering and processing.

Types of Teams: HODs, Grade Supervisors, Grade Teachers, Form Teachers, etc…

Working Together in Teams produces greater output. Members believe they are relevant, appropriate and necessary.

LeadershipMore than ManagementInvolves forward planning, vision, foresight,

school development planning, communication, student needs, general administration.

Curriculum leader, financial and resource manager.

Leadership style very important.Change AgentAll Teachers should be leaders and managers

in their own right.

Strategic and Critical Management Points and Management RolesCurriculum :- Broad and balanced- Careful selection of subjects- Appropriately Timed- Teaching styles- Student assessment- Teacher placement.- Classroom Management- Relevant to Student Needs

Human Resource Management Teachers – Recruitment, Training,

Motivation, Maintaining interest of studentsRight Person influences effective teaching

and learning.Structures must be in place to deal with

existence of vacancies to appointment followed by induction, mentoring and appraising.

CommunicationSharing of information – written, spoken,

electronic.Long, medium and short term.Extensive in all schoolsTwo way process - must be sent, received and

acted upon.Barriers to Communication

Record KeepingAdministrativeTeachers’ RecordsStudents’ RecordsPersonal InformationRegistration Finance and Resources TeachersStudent Achievement – homework/

classwork/ tests/ exams.

Record KeepingStorage – manual/ electronicMust be valid, reliable, confidentiality

maintained.Moving to electronic saves time, more

accurate, allows teachers more time for planning, teaching and assessing.

Management of Resources and FinancesDeployment of Limited ResourcesRestriction – Government, parents

contributionBudgeting – Appropriate distributionContributionsFund Raising – Care, if excessive, detriment

to teaching.Financial Management – Decision making,

management, and accountability.

Co curricular ActivitiesExpensive – sports is expensiveImportant for holistic development.Supply- wide range of activities Proper SupervisionProper PlanningEffects – Increased School Spirit and


DisciplineGood Discipline advances learning. Poor discipline crippling to learning.Importance of RulesTypes of RulesEffect of SocietyEvery Staff Member should be a

“disciplinarian” leading by example.Chain of command in dealing with discipline.

GuidanceCareer Guidance – impartional, personalized

and systematic.Helps in selection of subjects and choice of

future careers. Psychological Guidance aids good discipline.

Characteristics of an effective school

Good leadership offering breadth of vision and the ability to motivate others

Appropriate delegation with involvement in policy-making by staff other than the head

Clearly established and purposeful staffing structuresWell-qualified staff with the appropriate blend of

experience and expertiseClear aims and associated objectives applied with care

and consistencyEffective communications and clear systems of record-

keeping and assessmentThe means to identify and develop pupils’ particular

strengths, promoting high expectations by both teachers and pupils.

Characteristics of an effective school

A coherent curriculum which considers pupils’ experience as a whole and demonstrates concern for their development within society

A positive ethos: an orderly yet relaxed working atmosphere

A suitable working environmentSkills of deploying and managing material

resourcesGood relationships with parents, the local

community and sources of external supportThe capacity to manage change, solve problems

and to develop organically

Organizational StructureHaving outlined the processes, conditions,

consideration, roles and issues involved in effective school management, duties and responsibilities can now be easily fitted into the organizational chart which emphasizes the team approach.

The structure is essentially for a large school but can be easily modified for a small school.

It shows horizontal as well as vertical relationships for effective management.

Suggested Organizational Structure for Effective School Management

Suggested Organizational Structure for Effective School Management

Suggested Organizational Structure for Effective School Management

Organizational StructureNow fit the responsibilities and role as

determined in the body of the document under each position in the organizational chart.

Position Responsibility/ Role/Duties/Function

1) Board

2) Principal

3) Vice Principal

4) Grade Sup.