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The Descent Snapshots

Satpal Singh

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• This is a wide shot of the family driving away from the river. • As you can see this shot sets the scene, as it shows that it’s a quiet

winter country lane. With the river situated in the center of it.• There is also some mystery music played which sets a quiet tone.


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• This is a close up shot of Sarah talking to her daughter about a birthday party she will be having. Sarah asks her questions about who she will be inviting.

• This shows that they are a typical loving family.• The same music is played throughout, leaving a mystery tone.

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• This is a wide shot. This is when Sarah confronts her husband and says ‘you seem a bit distant’

• He then reply's with a short answer and says ‘I'm fine’ • In this scene you can tell that something is definitely up with him, as he

avoids talking to his wife, showing that he has something to hide.

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• This is a high shot showing that exact moment the two vehicles collide and the poles enter and smash through the window instantly killing the husband and the daughter in a single pole.

• You can instantly hear the sound of the breaks screeching and the poles inserting through the neck with huge amounts of blood splatter.

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• This is a close up shot showing the moment the pole goes through the husbands head.

• As you can see there are huge amounts of blood squirting everywhere, showing the exact moment.

• The music just emphasizes the squirting sound.

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• This is a close up shot of the girls reaction when juno tells them this is the cave they will be abseiling down to.

• As you can tell from their faces they weren't very pleased with this.• There is some subtle music played in the background, this is the sort

of music that tells us that everything is going to go down hill from this point on. This is like the turning point.


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• This is a high shot of the girls over looking the cave in complete fear.• This is the exact moment where Beth shouts ‘I’m an English teacher

not a tomb raider’ this shows that she's not prepared to go down to the cave as she describes it as a tomb raiders job.

• The same music is played leaving a mystery tone.

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• This is a low camera angle shot showing Juno throwing the first piece of rope down into the cave.

• This shows that she was the leader and the one who wanted to lead this whole adventure. But you could still see a little bit of fear in her face.

• You instantly hear the sound of the rope whistling down to the ground.

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• This is a middle close up of the girls preparing for their decent down to the cave. They are hammering down the bolts keeping them tight and secure down to the ground.

• This is a nice shot of the girls helping each other out, but at the same time it shows the fear within themselves.

• Juno at this point tells the girls what to do and when to do it, this is pure leadership.

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• This is a low camera angle of Sarah abseiling down to the bottom of the cave. She does this quite quickly and remains calm.

• She checks that she's secure before she begins her descent • The mystery music sort of steps up the paste as she steps off the top

of the cave Showing something is going to go wrong

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• This is a close up shot of Sarah touching a hand, claw print printed within the wall. The handprint is red to show blood.

• I believe this is showed to show the audience that they are not alone down there, this is the exact moment when Sarah knows something's up and they may not be

• The moment Sarah touches the print their is a huge drum bang.

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• This is a close up of Juno trying to keep hold of Holly. • She ran off without them, claiming she saw day light, juno warned

her it was not daylight, but she didn't’t listen and then fell.• Its either die or hold on and be servilely injured. • This would show the audience companionship of there friendship

and how close they both are.


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• This is a far shot at a low camera angle showing Holly falling and hitting the rock at some speed and quite hard. As you can probably tell she must have had some serious injury.

• The music emphasizes Holly’s screams as she screams in fear.• Juno instantly calls for her friends to try and get to her.

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• This is a close up image of Rebecca ripping open Holly’s trousers to try and see how bad she's been hurt.

• The image shows her bone is sticking out of her knee, All Holly’s friends are in pain by just seeing the blood and the knee, Holly screams out in pain by swearing.

• The beat of the music suddenly drops to a big thud.

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• This is a medium close up shot of all Holly’s friends helping in picking her up, trying to get her out of the water.

• As you can imagine Holly’s in extreme pain as they move up to higher grounds.

• There's so much noise going on in the background as they move her, they are all shouting at each other this allows the music to get quieter and quieter.

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• This is a far shot with the camera angel being quite low of Sarah hearing a child's laughter.

• She leaves the team and goes to discover what it is. This is the first moment they physically hear a sound and know they are not alone down there.

• The music suddenly drops and goes quite deep, with the sound of huge drums.