Page 1: Presentation Vitamin and Minerals

MINERALSPresented by:Dita Luthfia (3415136417)Nofita Lasari (3415131019)Ranny Apriani Hapsari (341513Shohibatul Aslamiah (341513

Biology Bilingual Education 2013

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Page 3: Presentation Vitamin and Minerals

Minerals are essential compounds for a variety of cellular processes of the body. Without minerals, your body may not be functioning properly. Minerals also play an important role in the structural formation of hard tissue and soft, work enzyme system, muscle contraction and nerve responses as well as in blood clotting.

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Percent of Body weight Calcium

2% Phosphorus 1% Potassium 0.3% Sulfur 0.2% Sodium 0.1% Chloride

0.1% Magnesium 0.05% Iron 0.04%


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In addition, minerals also act as: Material jar body shaper, bones,

teeth (Ca, P), hair, nails, skin (S), red blood cell (Fe).

Materials acidity regulator and the exchange of body fluids, blood clotting process (Ca), the sensitivity of nerve and muscle contraction (Ca, K, Na).

Part of an enzyme or hormone (Mg, P, S, Y).

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Minerals are divided into two groups

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MACRO MINERALS Macrominerals are minerals that the body

needs in large enough quantities. Macrominerals needed by the number of>

100 mg per day. Included in the class macrominerals

include sodium, calcium, chlorine, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine and potassium.

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SodiumSodium is a mineral salt forming in

the body and the conduction of impulses in nerve fibers and osmotic pressure on the cells that maintain fluid balance of cells with fluid around it.

CalciumCalcium is a mineral that has a

function in the form of bones and teeth. Additionally responsible for muscle contraction, nerve impulses, heart activity, and blood clots.

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Chlorine Chlor use our bodies to form HCl or

hydrochloric acid in the stomach. HCl has usability kill germs germs in the stomach and also activates pepsinogen into pepsin.

Iodine Iodine plays an important role to help

the development of intelligence or intelligence in children. Iodine can also petrified prevent mumps, mumps or mumps. Iodine is used to form a tyrosine substance that forms in the thyroid gland.

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Phosphorus Phosphorus also serves for the

formation of bones and teeth form.

MagnesiumMagnesium supports bone

structure, the liver, keeping the body alkaline balance. Function or usefulness of magnesium is a substance that forms red blood cells in the form of oxygen and hemoglobin binding agent.

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Iron Iron is essential for the formation of

hemoglobin, the oxygen transport.

Iodine Iodine serves as the regulatory

use of oxygen. Potassium

Potassium we need as forming activity of the heart muscle.

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MICRO MINERALS Microminerals are minerals that are

needed in very small amounts. Micro minerals needed by the number of

<100 mg per day. Included in microminerals include copper,

cobalt, manganese, zinc, sodium, and sulfur.

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CopperCopper on the human body useful as

a shaper of hemoglobin in red blood cells.

Cobalt Cobalt has a function to form

blood vessels as well as builders of vitamin B12 in the body.Manganese

Manganese serves to regulate the growth of our body and reproductive system.

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Zinc Zink serves as custodian of several

types of enzymes, hormones and activities of our sense of taste or tongue. It also plays a role in protein synthesis, transport of carbon dioxide, affect sexual function, carbohydrate metabolism, wound healingSodium

Sodium is useful to maintain electrolyte balance, body fluid volume, and nerve impulses. Sulfur

Sulfur as a substance that has a function in the form of proteins in the body.

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