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  • 8/11/2019 presentation PUR







    Presented By : Tri Catur Sari (I11111048)

    Dr. Manuel Hutapea, sp.OG (K) Onk

  • 8/11/2019 presentation PUR


  • 8/11/2019 presentation PUR



  • 8/11/2019 presentation PUR


    Anatomic Changes During Pregnancy

    The primary changeenlargement and dilation ofthe kidneys and urinary collecting system2

    The kidneys lengthen by approximately 1 cm during

    pregnancy as a result of greater interstitial volume as

    well as distended renal vasculature2

    The renal calyces, pelves, and ureters dilate during

    pregnancy because of mechanical and hormonal


    2. Beckmann CRB, Ling FW, Herbert WNP, Laube DW, Smith RP, Casanova R, Chuang A, Goepfert AR, Hueppchen NA, Weiss PM. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 7 thRevised

    Edition. Philadhelphia: Wolter Kluwer Lippincott Wil liams and Wilkins; 2014.

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    Mechanical compression of the ureters occurs as the

    uterus enlarges and rests on the pelvic brim.

    Compression of the bladder by the enlarged uterus

    results in urinary frequency2

    Progesterone causes relaxation of the smooth

    muscle of the ureters and decreases bladder tone, so

    the residual volume is increased. As the uterus

    enlarges as pregnancy progresses, bladder capacity


    2. Beckmann CRB, Ling FW, Herbert WNP, Laube DW, Smith RP, Casanova R, Chuang A, Goepfert AR, Hueppchen NA, Weiss PM. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 7 thRevised

    Edition. Philadhelphia: Wolter Kluwer Lippincott Wil liams and Wilkins; 2014.

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    3. Lowdermilk DL. Perry SE. Maternity Nursing. 7thEdition. United State of America: Mosby Elsevier Incorporation; 2006. h. 208-230

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    General Terminology Urinary retentionComplaint of the inability to

    pass urine despite persistent effort4

    Urinary Retention :5

    1. Acute Urinary Retention(generally) as a painful,

    palpable, or percussable bladder with the patientunable to pass any urine

    2. Chronic Urinary RetentionNon-painful bladder ,which remains palpable or percussable after the

    patient has passed urine

    4. HaylenBT, de ridder D, Freeman RM, Swift SE, Berghmans B, Lee J, Monga A, Petri E, Rizk DE, Sand PK, Schaer GN. An International Urogynecological Association

    (IUGA)/International Incontinence Society (ICS) Joint Report on the Terminology for Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists

    in Womans Health2012; 110: 33-57.

    5. AbramsP, Cardozo L, Fall M, Griffiths D, Rosier P, Ulmsten U, van Kerrebroeck P, Victor A, Wein A. The Standardisation of Terminology of Lower Urinary Tract Function:Report from the Standardisation sub-Committee of the International Continence Society. Neurology and Urodynamics2002; 21: 167-178.

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    Postpartum Urinary Retention

    Absence of spontaneous micturition within 6 hoursof vaginal delivery; in case of Caesarian Section it is

    defined as no spontaneous micturition within 6

    hours after the removal of an in dwelling catheter

    (>24 hours after delivery)6

    The incidence of PUR after vaginal delivery is 10.9%,

    and after Caesarian delivery is 24.1%7,8

    6. SaultzJW, Toffler WL, Shackles JY. Postpartum Urinary Retention. The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice/American Board of Family Practice 1991; 4 (5): 341-


    7. KekreAN, Vijayanand S, Dasgupta R, Kekre N. Postpartum Urinary Retention after Vaginal Delivery. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics2011; 112: 112-115.

    8. LiangCC, Chang SD, Chang YL, Chen SH. Postpartum Urnary Retention after Cesarean Delivery. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics2007; 99: 229-232.

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    Risk Factors

    Risk Factors of PUR :7-10


    Prolonged labour

    Assisted/instrumental delivery

    Perineal injury

    Caesarean section

    Epidural and regional anaesthesia

    7. KekreAN, Vijayanand S, Dasgupta R, Kekre N. Postpartum Urinary Retention after Vaginal Delivery. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics2011; 112: 112-115.

    8. LiangCC, Chang SD, Chang YL, Chen SH. Postpartum Urnary Retention after Cesarean Delivery . International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2007; 99: 229-232.

    9. MulderFEM, Schoffelmeer MA, Hakvoort RA, Limpens J, Mol BWJ, van der Post JAM, Roovers JPWR. Risk Factors for Postpartum Urinary Retention: A Systematic Review

    and meta-Analysis. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2012; 119: 1440-1446.

    10. MusselwhiteKL, Faris P, Moore K, Berci D, King KM. Use of Epidural Anesthesia and the Risk of Acute Postpartum Urinary Retention. American Journal of Obstetrics andGynecology 2007; 196: 472.e1-472.e5.

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    Types of PUR

    - Overt retention

    The inability to pass urine within 6hours of birth thus requiring catheterization, in

    which volumes greater than normal bladder capacity

    (400-600mL) are drained from the bladder11

    - Covert retentionThe women is able to voidhowever fails to empty at least 50% of her normal

    bladder capacity, or a post void residual volume of

    greater than 150mL11

    11. The RoyalWomens Hospital. Policy, Guideline, and Procedure Manual Bladder Management - Intrapartum and Postpartum. Melbourne; 2013.

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    The Aim of Bladder Training

    The aim :11

    1. Decrease the time to go to the toilet

    2. Increase the amount of urine that pass each time

    3. Hold on for longer or put off emptying bladder

    Postpartum Warning Sign

    All women who unable to pass urine 6 hours

    following delivery and women who are symptomatic

    of voiding dysfunction12

    11. The RoyalWomens Hospital. Policy, Guideline, and Procedure Manual Bladder Management - Intrapartum and Postpartum. Melbourne; 2013.

    12. KearneyAR, Cutner A. Review Postpartum Voiding Dysfunction. The Obstetricians and Gynecologist2008; 10: 71-74.

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    Prevention In labour11

    1. Encourage woman to void every 2 hours2. If the patient unable to void in 2 occasions,

    catheterization threshold should be low, but if thebladder palpable and the patient cant void insert thecatheter immediately

    3. Soft catheter is preferable (balloons filled with 5mlsterile water), if the women doesnt have an epiduraland catheterization, the purpose merely for emptyingthe bladder and in/out catheter should be considered


    Urine volumesof >100 mL should be voided 3x/24hours

    11. The RoyalWomens Hospital. Policy, Guideline, and Procedure Manual Bladder Management - Intrapartum and Postpartum. Melbourne; 2013.

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    Management of PUR :11


    11. The RoyalWomens Hospital. Policy, Guideline, and Procedure Manual Bladder Management - Intrapartum and Postpartum. Melbourne; 2013.

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