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Page 1: Presentation on photoshop

First I added the image to Photoshop and edited the main image using a pen tool to roughly cut round quickly. Then I used the eraser tool to edit round the edges in detail to add a professional and refined edge to the image.

Page 2: Presentation on photoshop

Then I selected the text icon and created my masthead The Student. I then edited the masthead to change the colour, font size and font type and added it above the main image.

Page 3: Presentation on photoshop

Then I selected the shape icon and added a shape at the bottom of the main image and edited it to the same colour blue as the masthead. I then selected the text icon and added a banner into the shape to make the text stand out at the bottom.

Page 4: Presentation on photoshop

I then selected my barcode image and added it to the bottom of the magazine front cover for my date of issue detail. I then selected the text icon and added my two tag lines onto the side of the main image to entice the students of the college to read the magazine.