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Policy Number crn001 Version cm0100

Drafted by Floor Shift Supervisor

Approve by the BUC board


Responsible Person

HR Manager Schedule Review Date


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CSOIntroduction my name is Roderick Arthur Guy, I have been at CSO for around five years as a Community Service Worker, and have just been promoted to Floor Shift Supervisor around six months ago. So please forgive any errors that might appear along the way, as I am quite confident in my current position. The manager ask me to develop this work place induction, with updates on hazardous manual tasks for all new employee’s/volunteers/aspirants in CSO and it is a new learning curve for me as well as you.DUTIES – RESPONSIBILITY - OF FLOOR SHIFT SUPERVISOR[1.} Each new employee will have different requirements for development and training, as a Floor Shift Supervisor you are expect to always walk in their shoes. Remember your first day, at CSO, and how it made all the difference having someone there with a smile on their dial.A. Ensure all necessary paperwork including personal details forms, tax

file number (TFN) forms, and contracts are completed and signed be necessary staff, including the new employee.

B. successfully as this will become your work bible.

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C. It’s not compulsory but the Floor Shift Supervisor would be a recommendation to arrange a meeting with the aspirant the day before invite them to CSO café for coffee and lunch. This would help both parties gain an understanding of each other and the Floor Shift Supervisor, and then could develop an induction plan around the Aspirant saving both time and CSO outcome resources.

D. Organise any PPE (personal protective equipment and access requirements.

E. If the Aspirant has any physical operational requirements, work space/station and ensuring that everything is in good order [calculator has batteries], ergonomics of their work area is set to the Aspirant correct positioning. All CSO Employees are initially provided with two full sets of uniform every year (shoes, socks, cap), the Aspirant can purchase more sets later on if they choose too. If at the end of the 3months probation, the Aspirant decides to leave, then they must return the uniform back to CSO.

F. Now your Aspirant is uniform and they have their PPE, take them on a guided tour of CSO and introduce them to your fellow brother and sisters. Also let key people local and national (if appropriate), by adding the Aspirant to the any of the Distribution, mailing, contact and phone listings etc.

G. = General Overview Step Back do your checklist check * Welcome the Aspirant * WHS (PPE) uniform* Paper Work Completed*Introduction manual and Meet and greet*

H. Lunch at CSO Café it is free to all the family members of CSO Corporation.

I. After Lunch sit down with the Aspirant and establish personal work goals. (To be a positive influence in the workplace, through personal work planning and organisation- being subservient) Remembering that the activities, personal work goals and plans is a reflection, emulates the CSO plans, and own responsibilities and accountabilities. Maintain and measure personal performance in varying work condition, work contexts and contingencies. Set and meet own work priorities, develop and maintain professional competence.

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J. Now you have establish, explain the guidelines and principals of CSO you can explain the reasoning behind the DILO Worksheet, and the importance of making sure the Aspirant understand and fills it in correctly and honestly daily, as they are the link to our KPI’s and our own personal and professional development.K. The last lot of work appraisal’s, majority of them were below the corporate retention level and the WHOS levels, the only fair and equable solution is that all employees undergo the induction process again, no exception. This way every employee can readapt their in house training plans with their allocated FSS.L. Communications in CSO this not an option it is elementary rudimentary in the deliverance of the ultimate supreme customers experience. This is why all employees must leave all technological divergence devices (mobile phones, games, iPod etc.) in their Lockers, assigned to them on day one. Each employee has an individual work tablet and ‘I’ phone assign to them, these are stored with the Floor Shift Supervisor (FSS), and must be collected at the beginning of designated shift, and on the completion of the set shift the Tablets and ‘I’ phone are to be return to the FSS. All daily documentation enter into the tablet correctly i.e. DILO worksheets, timesheets, everything regarding your work activities (interventions, break times, questions, Skype) are all built into the work tablets. The FSS downloads and uploads to the HR department daily, for work analysis (KPI’S etc.). In found to be in breach of this communication policy of CSO, can result in instance dismissal and an inquiry as to the reason for the breach must be carry out. This why it’s imperative that you know your assign tablet inside and out, It will contain every critical bit of information that will make your life at CSO more pleasurable and successfully as this will become your work bible.

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This is why its critical especially in community services organisations [CSO] to establish this paper trail, as a lot of sectors have limited resources but by creating an effective DILO system in the CSO. Is it opens up dialogue about what should be done and by whom and it can be quite surprising but it reveals to the employees not all seems to be what it is and what they actually do, are often two different things. 1. Determine your scope/audience 2. Communicate your purpose 3. Identify activity categories and core activities 4. Prepare your DILO 5. Collate Participants Activity Analysis 6. Analyse the DILO Worksheets 7. Share and Plan for improvement - DILO Worksheet - Core Activities Activity Categories - Admin - Routine job tasks - Interruptions - Waiting time -Project work - Meetings - Coaching -Interviewing - Traveling -Time Duration Core Activity - Category - Rating (1=low, 5=high) The most important facet of this equation is the last point that encourages employees to talk about the issues and opportunities, share and discuss individual DILO's, provide lots of opportunity for people to express their thoughts and experiences, which ones are surprising and which are expected, how it can increase awareness- improve work habits, creates opportunities for employee's, begin a plan for improvement, set dates for a regular DILO program to plot changes and improvements. There are so many opportunities available in the CSO for managers to fulfil their obligations in their duty of care to respective employees, thus leading by example employees will do their duty of care as a reciprocal arrangement. Monkeys see Monkey do.

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CSO - DILO Worksheet

Policy Number

crn005 Version Cm0105



Admin Routine job tasks Interruptions Waiting time Project work Meetings Coaching Interviewing Traveling




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Early intervention is one of the underpinning values and philosophy of the sector and work environment. Provide a detailed explanation of what early intervention is. Early Intervention is an important investment in the future of children, families and the community. It provides important building blocks that develop resilience to, or skills to avoid, challenges that may be faced, particularly at key turning points and transitions in people's lives. Government’s investment in early intervention also potentially avoids or reduces the need to direct significant amounts of public money in the future toward the lengthy and expensive support programs that are required to address serious and engrained problems. 

Early Intervention can also be aimed at lowering the prevalence of specific problems or issues in a population1 It focuses on strategies to resolve issues, aiming to intervene early in the life of a problem, and typically focuses on populations at a higher risk of developing problems or on families that are experiencing problems which have not yet become well established or entrenched. It is more likely to require individually tailored solutions.

Person centred approaches is a phrase used to describe ways of listening carefully to what a person has to say. To find out bout what is important to a person, what they want to achieve, their dreams, hopes, fears, needs and wishes. It also includes what a person does not want to have happen for them. Family members, and people who are important in the lives of the person with a disability can be included in the discussions. The Person-Centred Approach developed from the work of the psychologist Dir. Carl Rogers (1902 – 1987). He advanced an approach to psychotherapy and counselling that, at the time (1940s – 1960s), was considered extremely radical if not revolutionary.

"Access and Equity" is about removing the obstacles and addressing the opportunities created in this process. In CSW this means ensuring that people with differing/individual needs and abilities have the same opportunities to successfully gain the necessary skills, knowledge and experience through education and training irrespective of their age, disability, colour, race, gender, religion, sexuality, family responsibilities, or location. In understanding and addressing the Community Service needs of everyone, with the aide of Diversity in recognising and valuing of individual differences. "Disability" the definition under the Act is broad and includes physical, intellectual, psychiatric, sensory, learning neurological, physical disfigurement and the presence in the body of disease causing organisms. So as you can image there is a lot of scope in dealing with 'Access and Equity’, it also understands the relevant legislation that protects you and your client and gives both parties choice of opportunity in developing the process involved. 

The Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA), 

Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Federal), the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Federal) and the Disability 

Discrimination Act 1992 (Federal) makes discrimination and harassment in the provision of education, 

employment and the provision of goods and services unlawful. 

Equal Opportunity law also makes lawful the establishment of special processes, measures or schemes, for the benefit of employees or clients from equity targeted groups, which are designed to correct past disadvantages. 

The Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986 also requires that all employees and clients be 

provided with a safe and healthy working and learning environment free from discrimination and/or harassment. 

The Access and Equity Framework's four principles, and the corresponding performance indicators, address key responsibilities of government: 

Responsiveness – Extent to which programmes and services are accessible, fair and responsive to the individual needs of clients 

Communication – Open and effective channels of communication with all stakeholders 

Accountability – Effective and transparent reporting and review mechanisms 

Leadership – A whole of government approach to management of issues arising from Australia’s culturally and linguistically diverse society.

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Aspect of the negotiation NOTES

NotesGoalsTradesAlternativesRelationshipExpected outcomeConsequences of winning or losingPowerPossible solutions

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CSOChange to me is natural course of proactive behaviour without change nothing would improve or grow. By applying the 5P's of managing change one we learn patience [change takes time and the desired or reasonable outcome might take some time to show results/implement. Therefore don’t be impulsive or fly to high. Two be persistent it's easy to give up. Just keep chipping away the outcome or solution you're seeking will surprise you. Three be practical stay present, firmly rooted, in the here and now, create a structure that provides stability and support while you are in the process of transitioning. By aligning yourself with maintaining balance, some situations require a immediate response but majority of them don’t, think before you act. Four be positive this is normally the hardest through the up's and down's. But a sense of optimism will help you equalise through the hills and valleys and keep you focused and committed. Five have a purpose by applying this it doesn't matter how many major changes and transitions transgress through the ebb of your existing life. But being organised with guiding principles that is vital to you and give meaning to your life is essential. Example I MUST I CAN I WILL. 

Richard Beckhard and Rubin Harris first published their change equation in 1977 in "Organizational Transitions: Managing Complex Change," and it's still useful today. It states that for change to happen successfully, the following statement must be true: 

Dissatisfaction x Desirability x Practicality > Resistance to Change 

Beckhard, Richard; Harris, Reuben T., Organizational Transitions: Managing Complex Change, 2nd, © 1987. Electronically reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 

SPONSORSHIP ensuring there is active sponsorship for the change at senior executive level within the CSO and engaging this sponsorship to achieve the desire results. BUY IN - gaining buy in for the changes from those involved and affected, directly or indirectly. INVOLVEMENT involving the right people in the design and implementation of changes, to make sure the right changes is made. IMPACT assessing and addressing how changes will affect people/ environment. COMMUNICATION telling everyone who's affected about the changes. READINESS getting people ready to adapt to the changes, by ensuring they have the right information, training, and help. How can your organisation or management help you to respond positively to changes to improve work practices and procedures? CSO [community service organisation] then can ensure there is clear expression of the reason for change, and helping the employee/sponsor communicate this. Identifying 'change agents' and other people who need to be involved in specific change activities, such as design, testing, and problem solving, and who can then act as ambassadors for change. Assessing all the stakeholders and defining the nature of sponsorship, involvement and communication that will be required. Planning the involvement and project activities of the change sponsor{s}/employee's. Planning how and when the changes will be communicated, and organising and /or delivering the communications messages. Assessing the impact of the changes on people and CSO structure. Planning activities needed to address the impacts of the change. Ensuring that people involved and affected by the change understand the process change. Making sure those involved or affected have help and support during times of uncertainty and upheaval. Assessing training needs driven by the change, and planning when and how this will be implemented. Identifying and agreeing the success indicators for change, and ensure they are regularly measured and reported on. There are many theories about how to 'do' change. Many originate with leadership and change management guru, [John Kotter - a professor at Harvard Business School and world renowned change expert, like in his book - 1995 'Leading Change'].

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Accreditation is vital ingredient in any CSO by providing certain standards and quality assurances that is why i know that having a good DILO system in place is a excellent way making sure that your accreditation is on par with the standards and quality assurances set down by government departments through legislation and charters etc. Also enabling the CSO to acquire the maximum funding available for its sector of participation and to provide the best quality service to it's clients and relevant partners and everyone is on a Win/Win situation.The holistic approach is the concept of looking after the whole environment that encompasses the whole individual or CSO [sociology, physiology, psychological, etc..] Workforce development is a holistic concept that incorporates workforce analysis and planning, human resource management and capability development to strengthen CSO success by aligning the workforce to both current and future service demands. Many people are not aware of what workforce development means, what it includes, who it involves, why it is important and how it is different to traditional vocational education and training (Roche, 2002).Please complete the following questionnaire below and hand them into your Floor Shift Supervisor. This is why I am quite eager in finding out about you all, what makes you tick some basic questions to kick start us off please answer the following questions for me. For CSO to succeed, and keep on providing continuous improvement to our total environment it is very important that our clients/aspirants are satisfied and happy, and that our workplace is constructive and healthy. CSO is committed to ensuring that your work environment is fulfilling – and that you have the tools, resources, and support you need to accomplish your goals. This survey is a great opportunity for you to rate us how we’re doing and to express your thoughts and opinions about what we do well and what we need to improve. We ask that you rate or describe CSO on a variety of practices. Most importantly “we keep yours answers confidential and use them only as part of an overall summary report.We value your comments and views, and CSO hope that by learning through your experiences, we make the necessary adjustments and improvements in CSO. Describe yourself? 2. Why do you think we hire you? 3. Why do you want to be here? 4. Why did you leave your last employment? 5. What is your greatest accomplishment? 6. Describe a Difficult work situation? 7. Where do you see yourself in Five years? 8. Do you have any questions for CSO or me?Please also fill in this Generic Employee Satisfaction Survey.

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Universal Employee Satisfaction Survey

To help us provide benefits that meet your needs, please complete this survey and return it to Roderick Arthur Guy in Human Resources by 28/02/2015.Y = YES & N = NO (some questions below you can answer with a Y or N and still tick or cross the relevant box along with the question)

Policy Number crn003 Version cm0103

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