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Some websites have what I call single serving content: you’ll go there once, and not return until you need it again. It could be a long time until you go back, so the user wouldn’t install a mobile application.

Responsive Design: Designed for multiple devices, adjusting the design based on the device. Equal, but different.

Adaptive Design: Designed specifically for a mobile or tablet experience. Not equal and separate.

Native Application: A program designed specifically for iOS, Android or Windows. Different and separate.

No mobile design: Designed for desktop and tablet only.

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  Content Prioritization: “While desktop Web sites often contain a wide range of content, mobile sites usually include only the most crucial functions and features—particularly those that leverage time and location….”

 Vertical Instead of Horizontal Navigation: “Vertical navigation has replaced horizontal navigation on more than 90% of the mobile sites I analyzed….”

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Bars, Tabs, and Hypertext: “We see much less hypertext on mobile pages. Links instead appear in the form of bars, tabs, and buttons.”  Bigger objects such as bars, tabs, or buttons allow users to tap with more precision. It is essential to make the actionable objects on mobile sites big and easily noticeable.

Integration with Phone Functions: While mobile platforms place many limitations on design and content, they also open up new opportunities that traditional Web sites cannot provide. For example, there is better integration with phone functions such as direct calling and text messaging, which lets mobile sites facilitate ordering products by phone.

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Accessibility is key to the success of a business

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Accessibility is key to the success of a business

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Nokia sold out to Windows

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