  • 8/8/2019 Presentation 1 of Vertebra


  • 8/8/2019 Presentation 1 of Vertebra


    The Vertebral Column

    The vertebral column is a flexible column,formed of a series of bones called vertebr.

    The vertebr are thirty-three in number, and

    are grouped under the names cervical, 7

    thoracic, 12

    lumbar, 5

    sacral, 5 coccygeal, 4

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    General Characteristics of a Vertebra

    A typical vertebra consists of two essential parts

    an anterior segment, the body,

    and a posterior part, the vertebral or neural

    arch; these enclose a foramen, the vertebral foramen.

    The vertebral arch consists of a

    pair of pedicles

    pair of lamin, and supports seven processes four articular,

    two transverse, and one spinous.

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    The body is the largest part of a vertebra, and

    is more or less cylindrical in shape

    Its upper and lower surfaces are flattened andrough, and give attachment to the

    intervertebral fibrocartilages, and each

    presents a rim around its circumference. In

    front, the body is convex from side to side and

    concave from above downward.

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    Pedicles The pedicles are two short, thick

    processes, which project backward, one on

    either side, from the upper part of the body,

    at the junction of its posterior and lateral

    surfaces. The concavities above and below the

    pedicles are named the vertebral notches; and

    when the vertebr are articulated, thenotches of each contiguous pair of bones form

    the intervertebral foramina

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    Pedicles connect the body to the arch and they

    have 2 surfaces and 4 borders

    The lamin are two broad plates directed

    backward and medialward from the pedicles.

    They fuse in the middle line posteriorly, and so

    complete the posterior boundary of the vertebral

    foramen. Their upper borders and the lower partsof their anterior surfaces are rough for the

    attachment of the ligamenta flava.

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    Processes.The spinous process is directedbackward and downward from the junction of the

    lamin, and serves for the attachment ofmuscles and ligaments.

    The articular processes, two superior and twoinferior, spring from the junctions of the pediclesand lamin. The superior project upward, andtheir articular surfaces are directed more or lessbackward; the inferior project downward, andtheir surfaces look more or less forward. The

    articular surfaces are coated with hyalinecartilage.

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    The transverse processes, two in number,

    project one at either side from the point

    where the lamina joins the pedicle, between

    the superior and inferior articular processes.

    They serve for the attachment of muscles and


    In the thoracic region they articulate with the


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    Vertebral foramen lies between the body and

    arch it forms the vertebral canal which lodges

    the spinal cord with its meninges and blood


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    Cervical:presence of foramen in the transverse

    process called foramen transversarium

    Thoracic : presence of costal facets in the body Lumbar: no foramen transversarium and no

    costal facets in the body

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    Cervical vetebra

    They are 7 in number

    Presence of foramen transversarium in the

    transverse process

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    Typical cervical vertebra

    3rd,4th,5th,and 6

    atypical cervical vertebra 1st cervical Atlas

    2nd cervical Axis



    cervical vertebra prominance

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    Typical cervical vertebra


    Smallest of all vertebrae

    transverse measurement is more than theanteroposterior measurement

    Posterior surface has 2 or more vasular

    foramina Superior surface has an upward projecting lip

    on either side

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    Anterior longitudinal ligament

    Longus colli

    Posterior longitudinal ligament

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    Verterbral foramen

    is large in size



    project lateraly and backwqards

    united to rthe body midway between the upper and

    lower borders

    So both the superior and inferior vertebral notches

    are equal depth

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    Transverse process

    Is pierced by foramen transversarium

    It has anterior and posterior root wich are united by

    a bar of bone called cost-transverse bar

    The roots end anterior and posterior tubercles

    The foramen transversarium transversarium

    traransmits vertebral artery and vein

    sympathetic fibers from inferior cervical ganga

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    anterior tubercle

    scalenus anterior

    Longus capitis

    Longus colli

    posterior tubercle

    Levator scapulae

    scalenus medius

    Scalenus posterior

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    Spine is short and bifid and ends in 2 terminal


    Atachmentsligamentum nuchae

    semispinalis thoracis and cervicis


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    No body

    No spine

    2 aches anterior and posterior

    2 lateral masses

    Its called because it supports the globe of the

    head and free nodding movement is possibleas the spine is absent

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    Lateral masses

    Lie obliquely between the 2 aches

    Connected to each other on the front and back by

    anterior and posterior arch

    Superior articular facets are concave and kidney

    shaped and Face upwards and medialy

    Articulate with condyles of the occipital bone

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    inferior articular facets

    Face donwards and medialy

    Artticulate with the superior facets of the axis

    Medial surface presents small tubercle wichgives atachment transverse ligament of atlaswhich passes behind the dense

    Anterior surface gives origin to rectus capitisanterior

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    Anterior arch

    Short,curved and convex anteriorly and

    connects the 2 lateral masses Posterior surface has an oval facet wich

    articulates with the front of the dens

    anterior surface presents anterior tubercle

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    anterior tubercle

    anterior longituidinal ligament

    longus cervicis

    Upper border

    anterior atlantooccipital membrane

    lower border

    Anterior longitudinal liagament

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    posterior arch

    Has a groove behind the lateral masses

    Which lodges 3


    part of vertebral artery Posterior tubercle, small tubercle in the

    posterior part which represents the spinous

    process ligamentum nuchae

    Rectus capitis posterior minor

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    L;ower border and anterior margin

    Levator scapuli

    Splenus cervicis

    Saclenus medius

    At the tip

    Inferior oblique

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    There is agroove on the posterior surface

    acros wich the transverse ligament of the atls

    passes through


    apical ligament

    alar ligament

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    the dense arises from the superior surface

    Lateral side of the upper surface large circularfacet is present which articulates with theinferior facets of the lateral masses of theatlas


    thickest and strongest among all cervical

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    Presence of odontoid process

    Its tooth like process which projects upwards

    from the base Its about half an inch long

    It represents the body of atlas

    It has a facet on anterior surface whicharticulates the facet on the posterior surface

    of the anterior arch of atlas

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    Tranverse process

    Small and dont present anterior and posterior

    tubercle Levator scapuli

    Saclenus medius

    Splenius cervicis Spinalis cervicis

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    Vertebra prominens

    It has along and thick spinous process


    Thick and horizontal

    Not bifurcated ends behind in a tubercle Tansverse process

    Big zise

    Posterior root is big and prominent and ends in

    posterior tubercle Anterior root is long

    Foramen transversarium is small s

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    Thoracic vertebra

    They are 12 in number

    Presence of facets on the sides of the body

    Presence of facets on transverse processexcept last 2 or 3 vertebra

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    are intermediate in size between those of thecervical and lumbar regions;

    they increase in size from above downward, the

    upper vertebr being much smaller than those inthe lower part of the region. They aredistinguished by the presence of facets on thesides of the bodies for articulation with the heads

    of the ribs, and facets on the transverseprocesses of all, except the eleventh and twelfth,for articulation with the tubercles of the ribs.

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    Typical 2-8

    A typical 1,9,10,11 and 12

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    Typical thoracic vertebra


    Looks like a heart Anteroposterior measurement is more than

    the transverse measurement

    Bears 2 costal facets on each side whicharticulate with the heads of ribs

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    1st thoracic vertebra

    Body tranverse measurement is more than the

    anteroposterior measurement Upper costal facets on the body are circular

    may be incomplete

    Lower cervical facets are semicular

    Spine is thick and lies horozontaly

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    Lower costal facets on the body may be

    absent 10th

    Upper costal facets on the body encrouch

    upon pedicles

    Facets on the transverse process are absent

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    Single full costal facets below the upper


    Spine is traingular with oblique upper border

    and horizontal lower border

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    lumbar vertebrae

    The lumbar vertebrae are the largest

    segments of the movable part of the vertebral

    column, and are characterized by the absence

    of the foramen transversarium within the

    transverse process, and by the absence of

    facets on the sides of the head.

    They are designated L1 to L5, starting at thetop.

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    The lumbar vertebra of first through fourth

    lumbar vertebrae present common features

    and they are called typical lumbar vertebra .

    The fifth vertebra contain certain peculiaritie

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    General characteristics

    each lumbar vertebra consists of a vertebral

    bodyand a vertebral arch. The vertebral arch,

    consisting of a pair ofpedicles and a pair of

    laminae, encloses the vertebral foramen

    (opening) and supports seven processes

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    Body,The vertebral body of each lumbar

    vertebra is large, wider from side to side than

    from front to back, and a little thicker in front

    than in back. It is flattened or slightly concave

    above and below, concave behind


    The pedicles are very strong, directed

    backward from the upper part of the vertebral

    body; consequently, the inferior vertebralnotches are of considerable depth

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    The laminae are broad, short, and strong.

    They form the posterior portion of the

    vertebral arch.

    The lamina connect the spinous process to the


    They give atachment to ligamentum flava

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    The vertebral foramen within the arch is

    triangular, larger than in the thoracic

    vertebrae, but smaller than in the cervical


    Foramen of the 1st lumbar vertebra contains

    the lower part of the spinal cord,the conus

    medularies, lower foramina contain caudaequina and spinal meninges

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    Th l d l d

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    The transverse processes are long and slender.

    They are horizontal in the upper three lumbar

    vertebrae and incline a little upward in the

    lower two. In the upper three vertebrae they

    arise from the junctions of the pedicles and

    laminae, but in the lower two they are set

    farther forward and spring from the pediclesand posterior parts of the vertebral bodies.

    They are situated in front of the articular

    processes instead of behind them as in thethoracic vertebrae, and are homologous with

    the ribs.

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    The first lumbar vertebra is level with the

    anterior end of the ninth rib. This level is also

    called the important transpyloric plane, sincethe pylorus of the stomach is at this level.

    The fifth lumbar vertebra is characterized by

    Large body which is thicker anteriorly thanposteriorly

    Small sized spine which is rounded superiorly

    wide interval between the inferior articularprocesses

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    The fifth lumbar vertebra is by far the most

    common site ofspondylolysis and


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    It is curved upon itself and placed obliquely

    (that is, tilted forward). It is kyphotic that is,

    concave facing forwards. The base projects

    forward as the sacral promontory internally,

    and articulates with the last lumbar vertebra

    to form the prominent sacrovertebral angle.

    The central part is curved outward towardsthe posterior, allowing greater room for the

    pelvic cavity

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    The pelvic surface of the sacrum is concave

    from above downward, and slightly so from

    side to side.

    The dorsal surface of the sacrum is convex and

    narrower than the pelvic.

    The lateral surface of the sacrum is broadabove, but narrowed into a thin edge below.

    The base of the sacrum, which is broad and

    expanded, is directed upward and forward. .

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    The apex is directed downward, and presents

    an oval facet for articulation with the coccyx.

    The vertebral canal (canalis sacralis; sacralcanal) runs throughout the greater part of the

    bone; above, it is triangular in form; below, its

    posterior wall is incomplete, from the non-development of the laminae and spinous

    processes. It lodges the sacral nerves, and its

    walls are perforated by the anterior and

    posterior sacral foramina through which thesenerves pass out.

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    The sacrum articulates with four bones:

    the last lumbar vertebra above the coccyx (tailbone) below

    the ileum portion of the hip bone on either


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    Dorsal surface presents

    Medain sacral crest fused spines

    Sacral haitus

    Dorsal sacral foramina

    Intermediate sacral crest fused articulrprocess

    Lateral sacral crest fused trasnverse process

    Sacral cornua it represents the inferiorarticular process of 5th lumbar vertebra

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    The coccyx , commonly referred to as the

    tailbone, is the final segment of the human

    vertebral column. Comprising three to five

    separate or fused vertebrae (the coccygeal

    vertebrae) below the sacrum, it is attached to

    the sacrum by a fibrocartilaginous joint, the

    sacrococcygeal symphysis, which permitslimited movement between the sacrum and

    the coccyx.

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    The coccyx is usually formed of four

    rudimentary vertebrae (sometimes five or

    three). It articulates superiorly with the

    sacrum. In each of the first three segments

    may be traced a rudimentary body and

    articular and transverse processes; the last

    piece (sometimes the third) is a mere noduleof bone.

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    Base Surfaces pelvic,


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    The posterior surface is convex, marked by

    transverse grooves similar to those on theanterior surface, and presents on either side a

    linear row of tubercles, the rudimentary

    articular processes of the coccygeal vertebrae.

    Of these, the superior pair are large, and arecalled the coccygeal cornua; they project

    upward, and articulate with the cornua of the

    sacrum, and on either side complete theforamen for the transmission of the posterior

    division of the fifth sacral nerve

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    The apex is rounded, and has attached to it

    the tendon of the Sphincter ani externus. It

    may be bifid.

    Base is formed by upper surface of the body

    of 1st coccygeal vertebra it has an oval facetfor the articulation with the apex of sacrum

    Coccygeal cornue are 2 bony prominance

    projecting from the posterolateral part of thebase

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    They make articulation with the cornua of the

    sacrum and give atachment to intercornual


    They represent the pedicles and superior

    articular process of a typical vertebra

    The gap between the intercornual joint gives

    transmission of the posterior division of thefifth sacral nerve

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    The anterior surface is slightly concave and

    marked with three transverse grooves that

    indicate the junctions of the different

    segments. It gives attachment to the anteriorsacrococcygeal ligament and the Levatores ani

    and coccygeus muscle are inserted into the

    lateral parts and supports part of the rectum

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    The posterior surface is convex, and gives

    atachment to

    Gluteus maximus on laterl side of the upper


    Sphinter ani externus from the tip

    Lateral borders are atached to the

    sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments

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    Vertebral curvatures

    Cervical and lumbar vertebra are convex


    Thoracic and sacral vertebra are concave


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    The hip bone

    is a large, flattened, irregularly shaped bone,

    constricted in the center and expanded above

    and below. It meets its fellow on the opposite

    side in the middle line in front, and togetherthey form the sides and anterior wall of the

    pelvic cavity. It consists of three parts, the

    ilium, ischium, and pubis, which are distinctfrom each other in the young subject, but are

    fused in the adult; acetabulum

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    the union of the three parts takes place in and

    around a large cup-shaped articular cavity, the

    The ilium, so-called because it supports theflank, is the superior broad and expanded

    portion which extends upward from the


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    The ischium is the lowest and strongest

    portion of the bone; it proceeds downward

    from the acetabulum, expands into a large

    tuberosity, and then, curving forward, forms,

    with the pubis, a large aperture, the obturator

    foramen. The pubis extends medialward anddownward from the acetabulum and

    articulates in the middle line with the bone of

    the opposite side: it forms the front of the


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    The Ilium

    Its flat,expanded portion above the acetabular


    2 ends upper and lower ends

    3 borders anterior,posterior and medial

    3 surfaces gluteal,iliac fossa and pelvic

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    upper end form the iliac crest

    Anterosuperior iliac spine is a projection from

    the naterior end of the crest


    Lateral end of the inguinal ligament and

    sartorius below the ligament

    Posterosuperior iliac spine is a projection from

    the posterior end of the crest

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    Dorsal 1/3rd has outer sloping surface in

    which the gluteus maximus arises from it and

    inner sloping surface in which the erector

    spine arises from it

    Anterior border presents

    Anterosuperior iliac spine

    Anteroinferior iliac spine

    And a notch in between it which transmits

    lateral cutaneous nerves of the thigh

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    Posterior border pressents

    Posterosuperior iliac spine

    Posteroinferior iliac spine Greater sciatic notch which is conveted into a

    foramen by sacroteberous and sacrospinous


    It transmits

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    Gluteal surface is divided ito 4 areas by

    posterior,anterior and inferior gluteal lines

    Iliac fossa

    Sacropelvic surface which si divided into

    Iliac tuberosity which provides atachment to

    Iliolumbar ligament

    Sorsal sacroiliac ligament

    Interosseous sacroiliac ligament

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    Auricular surface which articulates with the

    auricular surface of the sacrum

    Pelvic surface

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    Pupis has


    Superior ramus Inferior ramus

    It aticualtes with the opposite to form pupic


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