Page 1: Preschools in O'Fallon MO Focuses on Literacy | Bright Start Academy

Preschools in O'Fallon MO Focuses on Literacy

Page 2: Preschools in O'Fallon MO Focuses on Literacy | Bright Start Academy

“Read to your child.” You see it everywhere; on billboards, magazine covers, and even on television ads! It’s hard to miss the fact that experts recommend reading early, and often, to your child. But why the big push? Is reading to your child really that important? In short, yes, it really is! Reading to your child plays an important role in your child’s overall development.

Page 3: Preschools in O'Fallon MO Focuses on Literacy | Bright Start Academy

Children who are ready to tend to talk earlier, with more fluency pick up skills necessary for reading, and they tend to be more successful in school. Reading to your child helps them to learn concentrate, use logic, and even develop healthy social relationships!

Page 4: Preschools in O'Fallon MO Focuses on Literacy | Bright Start Academy

With all the benefits of reading, it’s no wonder that our preschool in O’Fallon places makes it a point to read to our children every single day! To enroll your child to child care center in O’Fallon MO, contact Bright Start Academy.

Page 5: Preschools in O'Fallon MO Focuses on Literacy | Bright Start Academy

It’s so exciting to hear your child say their first word! And then it only gets better as you hear them say new words, learn new concepts, and start making connections on their own.

Page 6: Preschools in O'Fallon MO Focuses on Literacy | Bright Start Academy

When you read to your child, you are actually teaching them all of these things! You are showing them how letters sound, and how they combine to make words, and how those words relate to things in their world. They are learning how books work; reading print from left to right and holding the book the correct way.!

Page 7: Preschools in O'Fallon MO Focuses on Literacy | Bright Start Academy

And when they have a favorite book they ask to hear it over and over again! And, we do just that at our preschool in O’Fallon! Through repetition, your child is learning to remember those concepts and starting to build on them. It’s just another way to help your child learn

Page 8: Preschools in O'Fallon MO Focuses on Literacy | Bright Start Academy

Socially, your child learns so much when you read to them. First and foremost, they get that special time to connect with you. You are your child’s favorite person, and when you read to them, that security and relationship is solidified. It’s especially nice when your little one is on the move so much, to get that snugly one on one time back for a few minutes.

Page 9: Preschools in O'Fallon MO Focuses on Literacy | Bright Start Academy

But even outside of your own relationship with your child, books are a great way for them to learn about emotions, relationships, sharing, and helping others. Reading to your child will help them learn better communication skills that they can use to make and keep friendships. At our preschool in O’Fallon, we enjoy talking about the emotions and challenges in the stories.

Page 10: Preschools in O'Fallon MO Focuses on Literacy | Bright Start Academy

By working together, we are creating a strong sense of community, while teaching them relationship skills that are necessary as they grow. To know more about education policy in O’Fallon MO, visit Preschool near me in O’Fallon MO.

Page 11: Preschools in O'Fallon MO Focuses on Literacy | Bright Start Academy

And as your child grows, that special reading time doesn’t need to end! Reading aloud to your young reader still continues to help them develop skills they need in life! Focus, concentration, problem-solving, and logical thinking are just a few of the skills that can be nurtured when you read aloud to your child.

Page 12: Preschools in O'Fallon MO Focuses on Literacy | Bright Start Academy

Reading books that have more advanced concepts and challenges helps your child work them out, with your guidance, helping you talk through tough situations together. Plus, when you read a book that’s slightly above their reading level, you motivate them to hone their skills and push themselves to read even more.

Page 13: Preschools in O'Fallon MO Focuses on Literacy | Bright Start Academy

There are so many great benefits to reading aloud with your child. Developing speech and language skills, learning social problem-solving skills, and helping them learn to focus and concentrate are just a few of the many skills that reading aloud can help with.  

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That’s why at our preschool in O’Fallon, we make sure that your child is read aloud to every single day. Hearing your child say new words, understand new concepts, and work out challenges is exciting for everyone. And watching your child grow and thrive is what we look forward to each and every day!

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