Page 1: Presbyterian Foundation Group

Presbyterian Foundation Group

Technology Analysis 2011 Robert Caplin, Keegan Clay, Ryan Hubbell, Sarah McElroy,

Maddie Philley, Andrea Wood

Page 2: Presbyterian Foundation Group


Demographic Life Cycle Needs

How can The Presbyterian Foundation Group create a sustainable

competitive advantage using Information Technology?


Step One: Target Demographics

building generations of giving

Before The Presbyterian Foundation Group (PFG)

can use technology to create a sustainable

foundation it first needs to target the population of

its prospective users. If targeted correctly, PFG can

build generations of giving. We have broken these

users into three age brackets: 10-30 representing

youth, 30-60 representing the middle aged core

group, and 60+ representing the elderly major

donor group.


10-30 This group should be your foundation and

are the most tech savvy. These individuals

traditionally tend to not make major donations but

enjoy volunteering their time. If these individuals

can be reached, PFG will establish a strong next-

generation of core group of 30-60 year olds who

can help contribute financially and serve in various

leadership positions in the future.

30-60 This group is PFG’s core group. They consist

of working professionals and have many skill sets.

These individuals tend to volunteer less but have

large networks of professionals. They are able to

donate funds, and are most interested generating

wealth for their retirement.

60+ This age group is PFG’s chance to receive

large individual gifts. People in this group need

more personal attention and relationship building.


10-30 30-60


There is a large opportunity to establish a

network of planned giving members within the

church and its networks.

Step Two: Build a Board of Directors

consisting of at least one member

from each of the three target


The PFG currently has 19 board of trustee

members listed on the website. Most of these

members are over the age of 60. To have a

better understanding of younger

demographics we believe it’s in PFG’s best

interest to seek out new members aging

between 20-50 to develop a better

understanding of and a strategy to reach their

age demographic.

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Websites Tricks for Success 1. Make your site Donor Friendly

a. Media Friendly b. Volunteer Friendly

2. Organization’s Purpose Immediately Apparent

3. Consistent 4. Include News Section or Blog


Step three: Innovate

It is much less expensive to renew a donor than to

find a new one. In the current economy it has

become more difficult to maintain a high volume

of donations and investments; however the

company that innovates in the current

environment, builds on donor information, uses

technology, and understands how to properly tie

them together will achieve future success.


PFG’s current website, shown left, needs to be

redesigned. It’s too large for most computer

screens, meaning most people have to use the

scrollbar to navigate to the bottom of the page.

The page has too much information on the main

page. Users become confused when initially

opening the page. Think, “Less is More” when

developing a page. Having a simple, clean,

homepage design has the ability to reach all

demographics! We’ve listed a few websites below

that have received awards for their designs and

ease-of-use like the Greater Kansas City

Community Foundation also shown left.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure:

Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association:

The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta:


Vanguard Charitable Foundation:

Donors are becoming more concerned with the

destination and effectiveness of their

contributions. PFG must value its donors. Having

an informative up-to-date website, is one of the

first steps.

Evaluating Fundraising Software

Currently, PFG runs on its own in-house

fundraising software. The advantages to this

system are simple: “Long-term users are familiar

with the system.” We strongly feel that PFG can

run much more smoothly on an outsourced

application service provider (ASP). PFG will,

incur initial costs to train employees and switch

the data to the new system. There may be initial

pushback from employees. Some comments

that may arise could be:

• Donor base may not be current, have

errors, difficult to extract information

• Computer systems may not be able to

support the system; only a few people

may know how to use it.

• Current system may not align with other

systems such as accounting, marketing,

and management.

These questions can all be answered by having

an application service provider.

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What can an Application Services Provider

ASP do for you?

What it all comes down to is this, if PFG chooses the

right ASP, over time it will reduce your system costs

and help your organization run more smoothly.

Consider the amount of money PFG is spending on

maintaining and running the current system.

Traditionally speaking maintaining and running an

IT system consists of 60%-80% of the total IT budget.

By outsourcing to companies who specialize in

these systems, over the long run, these costs can

be reduced by no less than 20%-40%. That

equates to a large amount of savings overtime

and allows PFG to focus on what it does best by

“acting as a vital part of the Presbyterian Church,

cultivating, attracting, and managing financial

resources of individuals and institutions to serve

Christ’s mission.”

Questions to ask an ASP

Our team cannot make the decision of which ASP

is right for you. We simply are not experts of the

inner workings of your organization. However we

have compiled a list of questions that will make it

easier for you to choose an ASP that will work for

your organization.

1. How many employees currently use the

internal system? When was the last upgrade?

2. What is the cost of the fundraising software?

Do you pay for different modules? Are there


any add ons? Will it work with current

accounting software?

3. What hardware is required? What other

equipment or software such as internet

connection, and landlines, are needed?

4. What is the import capability for the ASP? Sent

electronically, manually, picked up? What’s

the cost?

5. How customizable is the system?

6. Where will the training take place? In-house?

Off site? Online?

7. What technical support is available? Is there a


By asking these questions you’ll have a better

understanding of the costs associated with the ASP

and support services available.

The Costs of Implementing the System

PFG must consider the full cost of implementing this

ASP system. One of the main costs that is

overlooked is staff time. Your current technical

manager and team will devote long hours working

with the ASP to convert the data properly and

implement the system in the following steps:

1. Clean the Data

Often the most expensive and time-consuming

process. This involves exporting the data to the

new software by mapping old fields to new,


deleting redundant data, and testing data in

the new system.

2. Making the Switch

This is the point where you make the switch

from the old system to the new. It’s important

to schedule a grace period to work out any

bugs. The best time to schedule this change is

during slow volume periods in the


3. Implementing the System

Assign staff persons to be responsible for data

quality, creating reports, and defining security.

A manager should be appointed to oversee

the processes, responsibilities and train staff.

4. Training

Employees need to know how to use your

system. Establish online training sessions or

conduct them in- house. It is imperative that

training is administered on an on-going basis

to maintain consistency and uniformity within


Tips for building your database

On the next page list 10 tips for you to help

build your next successful database

management system to establish the tie

between data and technology and make it a

successful fundraising tool. These steps were

compiled from Donor Strategies, Inc.

Page 5: Presbyterian Foundation Group



The Social Network and the PFG

Currently the PFG does not utilize social media. We strongly feel that since

the PFG is not in the social networking game already, it better check in

soon. Wait much longer and the competition already utilizing the benefits

provided will pass PFG before it can make its first “Tweet.” If PFG has the

mindset that Facebook is only good for looking up friends, you’re missing

the boat! So what are the advantages of Social Media? Do you want to

tell your customers about a hot fund, or donor opportunity using little

resources to do so? One tweet can reach millions instantly. Do you want to

amass customer feedback across diverse demographics using a simple


survey? Promote PFG’s Facebook presence in the marketing material and

website and watch the comments roll in! Do you want to increase

customer satisfaction and retain donors and investors? Respond directly to

their tweets and posts! Do you want to show how PFG beats the

competition? Post a video on YouTube telling a story of how a donation or

investment helped the community! Do you want to spread company

related news to third party sellers and clients or recruit highly qualified, well

connected employees? Create a LinkedIn account and network in a digital

way! The possibilities are endless. We will breakdown the networks on the

following pages and list how PFG can benefit from each one.

Tips for building a Successful Fundraising Database


1. Determine what basic information should be collected on each donor or prospect. • Name, home address, telephone

number, office address, email address • Spouse name, other family members’

names • Gift and pledge information (date and

amount of gift or pledge, payment schedule.

• Source of gift (specific mail appeal, special event, personal solicitation, online)

• Purpose of gift (unrestricted, grogram gift, capital campaign gift, scholarship gift)

• Attendance at events • Newsletters, invitations, and other

organizational communications received

• Board and committee assignments • Board member or volunteer assigned

to donor (major gifts and capital campaigns


2. Limit the number of staff and/or volunteers who enter data to ensure consistency and accuracy of data

3. Prepare a database procedures manual to train staff in proper procedures of data entry. This is critical for reports, mail merges, labels, and envelops

4. Have one or more mechanisms to capture the basic contact information you need such as on the reply card and/or envelope and required fields for making the gift online

5. Code reply cards and/or envelopes so that you can easily track the source of the gift.

6. Provide opportunities on reply card and online for donors to let you know what specific programs and areas that are of greatest interest to them

7. Train staff to carefully review response devices

8. Keep a record of all communications a


donor or prospect receives. 9. Review your donors patterns of giving for

developing fundraising strategies and plans • Single or multiple gifts • Time of year gifts were made • Types of programs and projects supported • Fundraising method they respond to (mail,

event, online, personal solicitation) 10. Focus on gathering and tracking information

on major donors and prospects that you plan to use in developing personalized cultivation and solicitation strategies • Reports of meetings and telephone calls • Attendance at events • Board members and senior staff they

know • Their interests and activities with other


Page 6: Presbyterian Foundation Group




Facebook has over 500 million active

users, half of which log on daily for an

average session time of 55 minutes. That’s

1/12 of the entire human population! If

targeted correctly we’ll show you how

this technology can be used as a

competitive advantage.

The first step for PFG is to create a

Facebook page. It looks like either PFB or

someone else has already created a

page or several. To ensure that it’s your

organization adding the info steps must

be taken to set up a page. During this set

up phase, use the company logo, add

contacts and edit basic information. The

next step is promoting your page. Use the

Facebook advertising page to create ads

Tips for Successful Facebook Page

1. Create a Facebook page for your business

2. Promote your page 3. Don’t make it static 4. Measure your pages success 5. Keep putting in the effort


to reach the target market. Visit for more

information. It’s a simple concept

advertising creates more interest and in

Facebook’s case more friends/fans

The third step is probably the most

important. Don’t make your page static.

What we mean by this is that you need to

give users a reason to keep coming back.

Simple updates such as a quick news

announcement of what’s going on in the

organization, encouraging feedback,

letting users take polls, and scheduling

and promoting special events are all

ways to keep members coming back.

The last step is measuring your success.

This can be as simple as reviewing the


number of fans, comments, and likes.

These things mean more people are

viewing your page. The next cool feature

is that page administrators can view the

pages insights or statistics pertaining to

the number of monthly users as well as

other useful info. (Click see all in the

Insights box on the left side of the official


REMEMBER! Facebook can be an

inexpensive but powerful way to reach

your audience but it isn’t magic. You

have to put in the effort and keep it


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LinkedIn is a business-to-business

networking and sales tool. Profiles should

be set up for both the company and

individual employees. Managers,

executives, and board members should

be saying positive things about the PFG,

because interested parties will be most

likely to click on their page to find more

information. Currently when entering the

Presbyterian Foundation into LinkedIn only

Doug McArther and Mark Klemm are on

the list as leaders of the organization. We

were not able to find a company page

for the PFG.

So how can LinkedIn help you? Research

shows the number one benefit of a

LinkedIn account is for an account


manager who wants to continue contact

with the client. Sales managers have said

their clients were more responsive via

LinkedIn than they were over voicemail or

email. Studies have shown that once

people make a connection with

someone, both parties place a higher

value on communication.

Create an individual and company


Choose between basic (free) business

(24.95per month) Business plus (49.95 per

month) or Pro (499.95 per month) It’s

recommended to start with basic and

build up from there.

Individual – Adding a photo makes it

more personable. The most important


area is the summary because that is

where you can tell prospective clients or

employers what you can do for them.

Think of the summary section as your

space to pitch your strong selling points to


Company - Company name, mission,

website. Link with Twitter and blog to

update real time messages to users. The

product and services tab show what you

can offer. The careers tab lets you post

job offerings

Be cautious of who you connect with. If

you don’t know your new contact and

they don’t appear to be interested the

business ask them why they want to be

LinkedIn with you.

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Twitter is a key resource in reaching

younger tech-savvy donors. Members

sign up to follow a company or individual

to receive updates. The key advantage

of Twitter is that it serves as an all-

encompassing informational outsource.

Members post updates called “Tweets”

that instantly send information to

subscribers. Imagine the consistency of

PFG’s message! One tweet distributes all

information! That’s “Tsweet!”

Key’s for Social Media Success

PFG needs to be ahead of the game.

One way to do this is by creating a strong

social media presence. That said, there

must be buy in from Senior Management


and a dedicated resource team

committed to updating Facebook via live

Twitter “Tweets,” posting valuable

information on the site, and keeping the

content clean and transparent. Don’t

over post and don’t trust marketing

blitzes. Instead establish yourself as an

expert first and act as a resource and

you’ll pick up more customers along the

way. Finally, Update, Update, Update. A

static site is not going to continue to

generate interest. To help you learn more

about Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter

resources we’ve listed a few helpful sites

below for additional information:

All Facebook go

to website for keep up on Facebook

developments good and bad


LinkedIn Learning center best guide for

learning LinkedIn basic, site features and

users guides.

Lewis Howes Expert

on using LinkedIn to help your business.

John Jantsch small

business marketing expert who addresses

both traditional and web marketing


Page 9: Presbyterian Foundation Group


ITEC: Daniels College of Business Final Project




PFG is at a turning point. It can

continue to do what it’s doing today

or choose to innovate and become

a leader within the Presbyterian

community and other Foundations.

We hope our guide to finding the

right ASP and integration with Social

Media strategies is helpful and

benefits the PFG foundation for years

to come. We enjoyed working on this

project and thank you very much for

taking the time to listen. If you have

any additional questions regarding

our handout and presentation feel

free to contact us.


Robert Caplin:

[email protected]

Keegan Clay:

[email protected]

Ryan Hubbell:

[email protected]

Sarah McElroy:

[email protected]

Maddie Philey:

[email protected]

Andrea Wood:

[email protected]
