Download docx - Preposition Places


ABOVE: por encima de AT: enBEHIND: detrsBETWEEN: entreIN FRONT OF: delante deIN: dentroNEXT TO: al lado de (a continuacin de)ON: sobreUNDER: debajoAbovePREPOSITIONS OF PLACEAugust 09th2012Keith Medrano MirandaThe Books are in the Book BagThe DVD player is ..The chair is..The wallet is . AtBehindBetweenIn Front ofINNext toonUNDER

Where are the keys?Teacher: Keith Medrano Miranda Subject: Grammar Topic: Prepositions of placeFIND THE DIFFERENCES.A. Whe re are the sunglasses?B. In the picture 1, theyre on the televisin A. In the picture 2, theyre behind the televisionPAIR WORK How are the two pictures different? Ask questions to find the differencesThe keys are IN the boxThe keys are ..... the boxThe keys are .. the boxThe keys are .. the boxThe keys are the boxThe keys are . the box