Page 1: Preparing Well for Your Day in Court

Preparing Well for Your Day in Court

Brief Description: When you are in court

you have to make sure that you understand

what social norms you are going to have to

abide by. This article describes many ways

that you can be sure you are calm and

confident when you head into the court


Going to court can be a nerve wracking

experience. You want to make sure that

you understand everything that you should

when you are going to have to go to court

so that you are not embarrassed or excessively nervous.


When you are going to court you should make sure that you take the time to understand what

documentation you are going to need. Some people think that all they have to do is show up to

court on time when they are called to court.

Although you may not need any documentation you will have to find out for sure. When you are

able to find out for sure what you will need to go to court you will be able to come to court

prepared and will not have any unexpected surprises.

After you know what you are going to need in court you have to make sure that you make a

schedule to be able to attend court. There are many people that think they will never forget

about their court date until and then get very busy right before their day in court.

You have to do whatever you can to be sure that you are in court when you are supposed to be in

court. When you hire a lawyer you will have him or her to help you remember that you are

going to have to be in court at a specific time.

Remembering the date

When you do not have a lawyer you will want to make sure that you are reminding yourself on a

consistent basis. Take the day off of work early so that you are able to attend your court session

without any worries about missing other obligations.

As you are making the trip to the court house you should allow plenty of time to get there, park,

walk inside and find your court room. You do not want to cut it close to your time in court

because you should never be late.

Page 2: Preparing Well for Your Day in Court

If anything, you want to make sure that you are early and waiting when the judge calls your

name. It will reflect poorly on your respect for the court if you come waltzing into the court after

the appointed time.

When you are preparing to go to court you should make sure that you are dressed appropriately.

You do not need to wear formal attire but you should be sure that you are in professional and

conservative clothing.


Being modest with your clothing when

you are in the court room is going to be

very important. You want to be sure that

you are not wearing revealing clothes,

clothes that are dirty or clothes that are


Try your hardest to look professional and

conservative as you present yourself to the

judge. You should be sure that you are

also wise about the way that you address

the judge and everyone else that is in the

court room.

Many people get a twisted view of reality about court rooms because they watch television

shows that portray courts in a very different way than they really are. You should never lash out

on anyone in the court room.

When someone else is talking you want to be sure that you allow them plenty of time to finish

their thought, even when you disagree with it. Give everyone the opportunity to talk so that you

are given the same opportunity.

If you are addressing the judge you want to be sure that you are addressing him or her with the

proper terminology. Never call them a slang name or their first name but make sure that you

refer to him or her as your honor.

This way, they will understand that you have respect for their authority and for their court room.

All of these small things will make a big difference in the way that you are perceived by the

judge and possibly by the jury.


Page 3: Preparing Well for Your Day in Court

Finally, you should make sure that you are wise about the lawyer that you choose to work with.

You want to make sure that you get along well with your lawyer and that you are able to spend

time with your lawyer without getting annoyed.

You also have to make sure that you are taking the time to find a lawyer that has specialized in

the type of case that you are going to be presenting. You should be sure that you are going to be

able to be confident in your lawyer when you head into the court room.

Photo credit: Phil Roeder, Joncrel
