Page 1: Preparations in the MICE hall Video Conference 25 th June 09 Tim Hayler Andy Lintern Peter Lau Geoff Barber

Preparations in the MICE hall

Video Conference 25th June 09Tim Hayler

Andy LinternPeter Lau

Geoff Barber

Page 2: Preparations in the MICE hall Video Conference 25 th June 09 Tim Hayler Andy Lintern Peter Lau Geoff Barber

Upstream compressor layout

10 stacked compressors

Page 3: Preparations in the MICE hall Video Conference 25 th June 09 Tim Hayler Andy Lintern Peter Lau Geoff Barber

Downstream compressor layout

8 stacked compressors 5 stacked


Beam Stop

Page 4: Preparations in the MICE hall Video Conference 25 th June 09 Tim Hayler Andy Lintern Peter Lau Geoff Barber

Floor preparation and cable route

Floor ready for step 2Both in beam and parked position. Rolling platforms ready to be tested by Willie on his return.

Cable tray for step 1,Shows cables for KL

Page 5: Preparations in the MICE hall Video Conference 25 th June 09 Tim Hayler Andy Lintern Peter Lau Geoff Barber

High pressure hoses and diffuser compressed air pipes

Diffuser rack

Cable tray for high pressure feed and return lines for cold heads

Aim is to deliver cables midway between beam on and parked position

Page 6: Preparations in the MICE hall Video Conference 25 th June 09 Tim Hayler Andy Lintern Peter Lau Geoff Barber

Services• Compressed air; contractor Active Air to come on site today and

commission the hardware. Need some input from willies rolling platform trials before sourcing quick release fittings and hoses for final configuration.

• Water cooling for compressors; False start, beginning work to resolve this.

• Air conditioning; Now commissioned by contractor, BPG would like to handover the units by giving a quick teaching session on how to switch them on (Willie and John Govans).John Govans to be responsible for the maintenance (John does the ISIS AC)AC not yet tested with full heat load, contractor will come on site to check units when there is a full heat load in the hall.

Page 7: Preparations in the MICE hall Video Conference 25 th June 09 Tim Hayler Andy Lintern Peter Lau Geoff Barber

Mechanical• PPS fences and gates all manufactured, south

mezzanine stairway gate installed, remainder to follow over the coming weeks

• Virostek plate and brackets, drawings being done.

• Radiation shield, drawings done.

• Continue update the 3D model to investigate clashes. (SS restraint beams and tracker patch panel)

Page 8: Preparations in the MICE hall Video Conference 25 th June 09 Tim Hayler Andy Lintern Peter Lau Geoff Barber

ElectricalIan Mullacrane

• From CM24 new requirement to keep the spectrometer solenoid cold in the parked position. Will make extension leads to go from beam position to parked position for monitoring temperature.

• Compressor power feeds: Power distribution boards are on the wall, 12 power sockets (11kW) will be mounted on the south shield wall, power feeds will be run and terminate between the boards and the sockets.

• Compressed air electrical supply largely finished apart from 16A power supply in the trench.

• Expect to finish PPS by October, search buttons, gate interlocks, blue and white lighting.• Spectrometer Solenoid racks presently at WANG USA, when they arrive at RAL will cable

up, need to cut holes in the trench floor, tray work already in the trench.• EMR, require information on cabling and power requirements and the rack location.• TOF2 AND KL Cable lengths determined. The cable route goes from the control room

under the trunking in sloping floor, which takes cables under the shield wall, then under the false floor to the STEP 1 position. Maurizio to supply cables.

• Ready to build a Diffuser rack but require more information from Diffuser team.• Extractor fan being cabled up for on off operation.