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Premier Night (Questionnaire Evaluation)

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Question 1 : ‘ On a scale of 1-10 (10 being Very Scary ) how scary did you find ‘The Occurrence’?

Looking at the result of the first question most viewers circled numbers 5-6+ which I believe is good as 5 and below I would regard as unsatisfactory in creating the scare factor which every horror needs ; I believe my partner and I have done very well complying to other horror movie standards in terms of the scare factor.

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Question 2 : Do you feel as though it was entertaining? Please Circle

When creating/producing a film not just a horror film it is very important that your film comes across as entertaining to your chosen demographic ; for your viewers to be engaged means your film was well put together and meets up to your demographics expectations .Although I believe our film was entertaining as we had a little bit of humour from the amplified and calm acting in particular scenes 3 and 4 .

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Question 3: ‘Was there enough suspense built up for it to be in the horror genre? Please circle

From looking at the results of the responses it is clear that the majority of the viewers though that ‘YES’ suspense did indeed build up in the film in order for it to be categorised with in the horror genre ; from these results I would say that this is one of our strengths as we were able to build suspense which an horror is suppose to do as building suspense is very important when producing a horror as you do not want the fright to be too near the start of the film or right at the end there needs to be an equilibrium.

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Question 4 : What did you like about The Occurrence?

Viewers Responses:

I have decided to show question 4’s responses in a table as it was an open question and therefore a generalised answer can not be given. This table can be viewed on the next slide.

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Question 4 : What did you like about The Occurrence?

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Question 5 : What do you think can be improved?

Viewers Responses:

I have decided to show question 5’s responses in a table as it was an open question and therefore a generalised answer can not be given. This table can be viewed on the next slide.

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Question 6 : What genre do you classify this film as? Please state below

Viewers Responses:

I have decided to show question 6’s responses in a table as it was an open question and therefore a generalised answer can not be given. This table can be viewed on the next slide.

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