Page 1: Preliminary task planning process




Page 2: Preliminary task planning process


Our preliminary task, ‘It’s good to talk’ focused on the topic of mobile phones. In order to get an idea about what our documentary might include, we first draw a mind map about the connotations we might have when we think about ‘mobile phones’. This included songs we associate with mobile phones, their role in society , ideas about documentary titles as well as ideas for cutaways, props etc. As a result of the brainstorm, we came up with the title ‘On a Wi-High’.

Page 3: Preliminary task planning process


After mind-mapping our ideas, we began creating a storyboard of how the documentary may run. Our storyboard included sketches of what will be on screen with information on; the shot type used, a description of what will be happening, sound and what editing techniques we will use. We have tried to follow the codes and conventions of interviews-placing the interviewee off centre with their eye line focusing on the interviewer. For the cutaways, we will use images associated with the topic and the mise-en-scene of the shots will reflect the topic also.