

Preliminary Agenda &

Preliminary Agenda - Version 4 - May 25th 2O17

NAFEMS World Congress 2O17engineering analysis, modelling, simulation, and systems engineering are becoming ever more embedded in the productdevelopment process across all industries in every part of the world. the technology is no longer seen as niche – we aremoving into the mainstream at a rapid pace.

As manufacturing techniques and product lifecycle management processes develop and grow, the use of Finite Element Analysis(FEA), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Multibody Simulation (MBS) and all of the associated technologies is increasingexponentially. As a result, your community is expanding and evolving with the technology into a truly cross-industry, multi-skilled, global society, with its own unique perspectives, problems, and solutions.

We stand at a crossroad. In order for the technology to progress further and for us, the users, to keep pace with this development,collaboration and sharing of experience and knowledge is vital.

there is only one independent, international conference dedicated exclusively to everyone involved inengineering analysis, simulation, modelling, and systems engineering, and we want you to be a part of it.

International Conference on Simulation Process and Data ManagementThe NAFEMS World Congress will also host the 3rd International Conference on Simulation Process and Data Management (SPDM).This industry-leading event will bring together industrial users, technology experts, academics and software vendors alike,allowing all those with an interest to take part in the only truly independent, international forum dedicated to SPDM.

Manufacturing Process Simulation & Additive Manufacturing SymposiumAs well as the SPDM Conference, the NAFEMS World Congress will also host a dedicated symposium on Manufacturing ProcessSimulation & Additive Manufacturing, covering virtual manufacturing tools within the product design and manufacturing cycle.

attendees, sPeakers and exhibitors have access to all these events under one registration.

Registration FeesPresenting authors standard delegates

NAFEMS Members €99O NAFEMS Members €1O9O

Non-Members €119O Non-Members €129O

All fees + 25% local Swedish VAT. For questions regarding VAT refund please contact the tax authorities in your country.

Plenary Presentations

View the abstracts at

steven a. chisholmboeing commercial airplanessmarter testing through simulationfor efficient design and attainment ofregulatory complianceSteve Chisholm is the Boeing CommercialAirplanes (BCA) Director of Structures

Engineering. In this capacity, Steven leads BCA Airplane Structuresin support of Airplane Development, Airplane Programs, ProductDevelopment and Commercial Aviation Services. He is alsoresponsible for driving functional excellence for all StructuresDesign and Stress skills across BCA and is the StructuresEngineering process and skill owner for BCA.

georg n. dudacharité Mechano biology of tissue regenerationGeorg Duda received his degree in PrecisionEngineering and Biomedical Engineeringfrom the Technical University in Berlin, and

received his Doctorate from Technical University in Hamburg-Harburg in 1996. In 1997 he became Head of the research departmentat the Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery (CMSC) at the Charité. In2OO1 he accepted a call to a Professorship in "Biomechanics andBiology of Bone Healing". He is the founding director of the JuliusWolff Institute and W3-Professor for Biomechanics andMusculoskeletal Regeneration.

david ewinsimperial college londonon the balance & integration ofsimulation & test in engineeringstructural dynamicsDavid Ewins studied at Imperial CollegeLondon and at Cambridge University. He was

based at Imperial throughout his career, as Professor of VibrationEngineering since 1983, working in collaboration with Rolls-Royceand other aerospace and defence industries. He also spent 8 yearspart-time at Bristol University and has been Visiting Professor in theUSA, France, Switzerland and Singapore. In 2O15, he received theASME Jacob P Den Hartog Award for lifetime achievements inVibration Engineering.

Fred huizingaasMlintroducing Pse within asMl –lessons learned and the Way ForwardFred Huizinga obtained his MSc in MechanicalEngineering at the Eindhoven University ofTechnology, and started his professional

career as a Design Engineer in 1984 when he joined Volvo Cars. Hesoon became interested in CAE and moved into the CAE Departmentwhere he was gradually promoted from CAE Engineer to Manager of theChassis, Driveline and CAE department. After a career of 25 yearswithin Automotive Engineering, he joined ASML in 2O11 as manager ofthe Mechanical Analysis Group. In his current position, he isresponsible for all of the Mechanical Analyses performed within ASML.

ulf lindbladtetra PakFighting bugs with hPcUlf Lindblad has over 25 years of experiencein CAE analysis, and extensive experience inusing advanced analysis methods for theprediction of fluid flow and heat transfer in a

wide area of industrial applications in the food and packaging area.Over the past 1O-12 years large case HPC has completely changedthe way product development and product life cycle is carried out.Ulf has been involved in the challenging transformation processfrom a tradition of successful but costly physical testing intosimulation driven design at Tetra Pak.

dirk ruschmeierdr. ing. h.c. F. Porschesimulation data Management – the next challengesDirk Ruschmeier is responsible foridentifying, initiating and leading ITprojects to establish and extend IT systems

for data management. He is also responsible for processes,methods and IT technologies for linking and interconnecting dataand systems in virtual development, and for coordinating datascience methods and technologies into the virtual developmentprocess.

barna szabóengineering software research& development, inc.on the Formulation and applicationof design rulesBarna Szabó is co-founder and chairman ofEngineering Software Research and

Development, Inc. His areas of expertise include mathematicalmodeling techniques, methods for the assurance of the reliabilityof engineering decisions based on computed information. Dr.Szabó is an external member of the Hungarian Academy ofSciences, Fellow of the St. Louis Academy of Sciences, holds anhonorary doctorate and is a founding member and fellow of the USAssociation for Computational Mechanics.

Peter giddingsnational composites centrevirtual Manufacturing – taking Manufacturing simulation tothe shop FloorPeter Giddings is Technology Integrator andCapability Leader for automated deposition

at the National Composites Centre (NCC) in Bristol, UK. After 1Oyears in composites research he has specialised in the applicationof virtual manufacturing tools to improve outcomes and to gainphysical understanding of High-Value manufacturing processes. DrGiddings is Chairman of the NAFEMS Manufacturing ProcessSimulation Working Group, and sits on the Industrial AdvisoryBoard of the European Materials Modelling Commission.

harald hasselbladvolvo carsoptimization culture arena – cae-cadintegrated development at volvo carsHarald Hasselblad is a Senior Analysis Engineerin the weight management and optimizationteam at Volvo Cars, with responsibilities for

corporate weight strategies as well as driving the Optimization CultureArena supporting the organization with optimization driven process.Harald gained his PhD in mechanical engineering at LinköpingUniversity, Sweden, as an industrial PhD student at Volvo Cars with thefocus on topology optimization. He has fifteen years of experience inconceptual analysis and optimization and has worked with developmentof methods and tool for structural optimization.

Learn how organisations are generating confidence in theirsimulation capabilityHaving a simulation capability is no longer a differentiator. To remain competitive companiesneed to have a capability and be able to use the capability effectively to produce results that arereliable and repeatable. Generating confidence in the capability of the simulation team isessential to move analysis from being a ‘tick box’ in the design process to a strategic capability.

Discover how organisations are extending the benefits ofsimulation to their non-expert usersPutting simulation into the hands of the non-expert is a subject that elicits much discussionwithin NAFEMS committees. On one hand, NAFEMS aims to act as an advocate for the deploymentof simulation, and extending the capability of running simulations or accessing simulationresults to inform strategic decisions is viewed positively. However, if the capabilities are notcontrolled errors and incorrect assumptions will lead to simulation being viewed with suspicion.

Understand how leading companies are using theirsimulation capability to support product certificationEngineering analysis and simulation offers significant cost and time savings byreducing the amount of experimental testing that is required to design a product sothat it is fit for purpose.

Learn why simulation engineers should be aware ofthe role played by the systems engineerWith increasing product complexity the role of the systems engineer has becomemore prevalent. Systems Engineering involves an integration of multipledisciplines to form a development process that proceeds from concept toproduction.

Join the discussion on what considerations should betaken into account when implementing an SDM systemCompanies wishing to implement SDM often find it very difficult to put off-the-shelfofferings into production. Most managers and practitioners in EngineeringSimulation organisations have little experience in designing information systemsand are ill-equipped to run a selection process to ensure that the proposed solutionwill deliver the expected benefits.

Why Attend?

Join the discussion on how to embed analysis and simulation intothe manufacturing culture within your organisationWhile the benefits of incorporating simulation into the manufacturing process are clear, manufacturingprocess simulations are inherently complicated. The processes that are being simulated are oftenhighly coupled Multiphysics environments with the input properties required by the material modelsoften difficult to obtain and subject to significant variability. Accurate modelling of the physicalprocesses can result in long run times that do not meet the requirements of the manufacturing team.

Find out how the major engineering analysis codes are evolving toaddress new HPC trendsThe last decade has seen the cost of hardware fall dramatically meaning that the cost of softwarelicenses is now a significant consideration when selecting hardware to support an organisation’sanalysis capability. Many numerical codes scale extremely well and are taking advantage of recentadvances in terms of utilising GPUs. With many experts predicting that the end is finally nigh forMoore’s law where does that leave the simulation engineer?

Learn how simulation can support the 3D printing revolutionAdditive manufacturing is a breakthrough technology that has the ability to produce parts withouttooling. This method has seen widespread publicity in recent years and, as the technology advancesand the costs continue to fall, additive manufacturing is expected to become more prevalent and leadto innovative new designs.

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sPdM sponsors

Media Partners

Stockholmone city, Fourteen islands

The two-year wait is over; June sees the return of the biennial NAFEMSWorld Congress in the stunning Swedish capital Stockholm, rightfullybranded the ‘Capital of Scandinavia’. This, however, is not a capital citylike any other. Situated at the confluence of Lake Malaren and the BalticSea, Stockholm is comprised of an incredible 14 islands, all connected bya network of over 5O bridges and viaducts.

These islands showcase the vibrant cultural history and the innovative, future-shaping character of Stockholm. From the congress venue, a twenty-minute walk overthe picturesque Vasabron (Vasa Bridge) will take you to the cobbled streets ofStockholm’s 13th century historic heart, Gamla stan.

Follow the delightful and charming narrow streets of this fairy tale world and you willdiscover the Royal palace - official residence of the present day Swedish monarchy,the National cathedral of Sweden, the Nobel Museum to name just a few of thebuildings in this part of the city. If all that walking leaves you with sore feet, thenstop at Stortorget, the oldest square in Stockholm and take a few moments to enjoythe picturesque setting.

Don’t let the fairy tale world of Gamla stan fool you, Stockholm is one of the mostforward thinking and innovative cities in the world. Just a short subway ride away inthe Johanneshov neighbourhood you will find the Ericsson Globe - the world’s mosthemispherical building. Here you can find out about this impressive engineering featand take a glass sky-car to the very top of the building where you will be rewardedwith spectacular views of Stockholm. Of course you need not look any further than thestunning congress venue to find evidence of Swedish engineering and architecturalingenuity. The building is a gleaming steel, glass and concrete constructionboasting green energy credentials that will impress the renewables engineer andfatigue and fracture aficionado in equal measure.

While we’re on the subject of glass and concrete, the award winning Scandic VictoriaTower is a unique hotel building in the neighbourhood of Kista, home of the KistaScience City The hotel building continues Stockholm’s tradition ofcreativity and innovation but also has a sense of playful creativity about it, provingthat high tech engineering need not just be functional. Clothed entirely in areflective glass skin, the building seems to play a game of ‘now you see me, now youdon’t’ with the viewer - it is a definite must see.

Once you have taken advantage of the many free short-training courses on offer during thecongress, why not continue your learning with an informative boat tour around this city ofislands? You can take your time on a 3-hour guided tour, a flexible 24-hour hop-on/off ticketor a quick 5O-minute canal tour. An extra day or two before or after the congress will give youenough time to experience the magic of the further 3O,OOO (yes, really) islands, islets androcks that comprise the greater Stockholm archipelago which stretcheseastward from the city over an area of some 6O kilometres. Among the many gems you canvisit in the archipelago is, notably, Ytterby- the tiny village that can claim the names of notone but four elements on the periodic table- we’ll let you figure out which ones! The islandsof the archipelago offer everything from the sandy beaches of aptly named Sandhamn to therugged dramatic cliffs of Utö further to the south. All these and more can be reached viaStockholm’s excellent network of ferries, trains and buses.

If time is precious then the city’s 14 main islands will give you more than enough to do. Juneis the perfect time to find yourself in Stockholm if for no other reason than the joy of having18 glorious hours of daylight, all the more time to unwind and enjoy Stockholm after a day ofengineering simulation. Hop from island to island and take in their different characters, fromhip Sodermalm to the green island of Djurgårdenas with its gardens and excellent museums.

We hope we have piqued your interest and look forward towelcoming you to the NAFEMS World Congress 2O17 in Stockholm,Sweden’s wonderful city of islands – you will be glad you came.

If you work up an appetite, your choices of eateryextend much, much further than herring andmeatballs. From the very chic Nordic Cuisineeateries on Östermalm to the award winningseasonal fare on the menus of the restaurants and bistros on Lilla Essingen, you will be spoiltfor choice. Every palate is catered for in thisthoroughly global yet uniquely Scandinavian city.

One of the most characteristically Swedish traditions of all is Midsummer, when thesky never darkens. In 2O17 it's celebrated on June 24, just a few days after theCongress - you'll never get a better opportunity to experience this magical festival.

the naFeMs World congress presents a unique opportunity, asdelegates are primarily high-level decision makers working inindustry across the globe. the exhibition area will be a centralpoint at the congress, ensuring that there is a consistent level of“traffic” at all times – refreshments, announcements, events, andcompetitions will focus on this area, giving you the chance tomeet as many of our delegates as possible.

Align yourself with the NAFEMS BrandAs the only international association dedicated to the engineeringanalysis, modelling, simulation, and systems engineeringcommunity, NAFEMS is widely held to be the leading independentsource of information and training for engineering analysts anddesigners of all levels. Sponsors and exhibitors will have thechance to promote their attendance prior to the event, through thevarious packages outlined at Being seen to beparticipating in the NAFEMS World Congress gives the analysisworld a positive impression of your company’s commitment to bestpractice, standards and continued professional development.

BenefitsSo what are the benefits of sponsoring and exhibiting at theCongress?r Promote your company to a large but highly focused group of

individuals who have a pre-qualified interest in your productr Establish important contacts within the industryr Keep an eye on the activities of your direct competitionr Increase your company’s visibility and standing in the analysis

communityr Showcase your latest product releases and service offeringsr Discover exactly what your target market needs, and what trends

are emerging across the industry

ExhibitorsAltair Engineering AnsysAras PLM Software Beta CAE Systems Ceetron CEI / Ensight Cimne GiD Comsol Dassault Systemes Simulia Datadvance Digital Engineering DYNAmore Nordic DynardoEngys ESI Group Esteco FS Dynamics FunctionBayGranta Design HBM Prenscia Intes ITI – International TechneGroup Math2Market Mentor Graphics Modelon MSC Software Numeca PDTec Phoenix Integration Pointwise Scale SDC Verifier Siemens PLMSynopsysTechnia TranscatVolume Graphics

Sponsorship & Exhibition:An Outstanding Opportunity

Platinum sponsor

gold sponsors

silver sponsors

sPdM sponsors

Media Partners

SSttrruuccttuurraall OOppttiimmiizzaattiioonn iinn FFEEAA Tony Abbey

SSiimmuullaattiioonn CCrreeddiibbiilliittyy Jean-Francois Imbert

IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo SSDDMM Mark Norris

IImmaaggee--BBaasseedd MMooddeelllliinngg:: CCaappttuurree tthhee vvaarriiaabbiilliittyy aanndd iimmppeerrffeeccttiioonn ooff tthhee rreeaall wwoorrlldd iinn yyoouurr ssiimmuullaattiioonnss

Rebecca Bryan

CCFFDD ffoorr SSttrruuccttuurraall DDeessiiggnneerrss aanndd AAnnaallyyssttss Kamran Fouladi

IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo VViibbrraattiioonn Tom Irvine

EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg SScciieenncceess WWoorrkkffllooww DDeevveellooppmmeennttss iinn tthhee GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt SSeeccttoorr –– PPaarrtt 11 Robert Clay


This short overview looks at the range of optimization techniques available in FEA today. A brief history shows the development of these methods and the various strengths and weaknesses. The future role of optimization is discussed – particularly when aligned with new manufacturing methods and vastly improving computing resources. The final topic is the continuing role of the engineer in providing the required innovation and definition of the optimization task.

Industrial decision-making increasingly relies on engineering simulation. It is therefore essential to provide objective evidence of credibility to decision-makers and stakeholders. This short course introduces key concepts, methodologies and related standards (ISO, NAFEMS, ASME...) aimed at building simulation credibility including, management of modeling & simulation processes, data, competences and Simulation Verification and Validation (V&V) including code verification, solution verification and validation with emphasis on physical testing. Finally it provides an overview of implementation issues, strategies and recommended practises.

This session will provide an overview to the fundamentals of Simulation Data Management. It will serve equally well as a basic introduction to those who are new to the technology, and a refresher for those who already have an elementary understanding of the concepts. It will provide an excellent foundation for delegates intending to attend aspects of the SPDM conference.

Image-based modelling from 3D scans (MRI, CT, mCT and more) enables detailed analysis and simulation of complex natural and artificial structures. Join this workshop to learn about the key techniques, benefits  and opportunities offered by image-based modelling and its many applications in areas across engineering sectors, from life sciences to materials research to reverse engineering.

This course aims to introduce the essential principles of fluid dynamics, important flow phenomena, and basics of CFD process to structural engineers and how CFD can be beneficial for their multidisciplinary problems.

This course will cover natural frequencies, damping, signal identification, failure modes and excitation types.  Several video clips will be shown including the drop transient of a Pegasus launch vehicle, helicopter ground resonance and aircraft flutter.




This workshop brings together some of the leaders developing workflow capability for engineering and sciences in the government sector. The capabilities being developed are all targeting large-scale parallel computation, as this is now the norm for computing in this sector. The workshop will highlight recent developments, and consider some of the technical challenges as well as opportunities for leveraging the various capabilities. We hope to present a clear picture of where things stand and where they’re heading, and have a lively discussion about the various approaches from the teams.

Short Training CoursesAs part of the NAFEMS World Congress 2O17, attendees will have access to many training courses being held over the course of thecongress. These courses will be taken by NAFEMS tutors, and cover topics as diverse as Non-Linear Analysis, Practical CFD,Simulation Credibility and Introduction to SPDM. Registered Congress attendees will be asked to pre-register before the event.

Pre-Congress: Sunday 11th June

CCoommppoossiittee FFEEAA Tony Abbey

UUnnddeerrssttaannddiinngg aanndd EEnnaabblliinngg tthhee SSiimmuullaattiioonn RReevvoolluuttiioonn Joe Walsh

EElleemmeennttss ooff TTuurrbbuulleennccee MMooddeelllliinngg Kamran Fouladi

SSppeeccttrraall AAnnaallyyssiiss Tom Irvine

EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg SScciieenncceess WWoorrkkffllooww DDeevveellooppmmeennttss iinn tthhee GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt SSeeccttoorr –– PPaarrtt 22 Robert Clay

Fourier transforms and their applications are presented.  The Fourier transform will be used to identify the blade passing frequencies in an Apache helicopter.  Other examples include a tuning fork and an electrical utility transformer.

This workshop brings together some of the leaders developing workflow capability for engineering and sciences in the government sector. The capabilities being developed are all targeting large-scale parallel computation, as this is now the norm for computing in this sector. The workshop will highlight recent developments, and consider some of the technical challenges as well as opportunities for leveraging the various capabilities. We hope to present a clear picture of where things stand and where they’re heading, and have a lively discussion about the various approaches from the teams.

Due to the nature of composite materials, stress analysis and failure prediction is far more complex than isotropic materials. The objective of this overview is to break down the composite FE analysis process into clearly defined steps, give an overview of the physics involved and show how to implement practical solutions using Finite Element Analysis.

The ASSESS (Analysis, Simulation, and Systems Engineering Software Strategies) Initiative was formed to bring together key players for guiding and influencing the software strategies with a primary goal to facilitate this revolution of enablement that will vastly increase the availability and utility of engineering simulation, leading to significantly increased usage and business benefit from these computing technologies across the full spectrum of industries, applications and users. The ASSESS Initiative interacts and collaborates with multiple initiatives, activities and organizations across the complete spectrum of Engineering Simulation, including NAFEMS, INCOSE, IEEE, and many others.

The objective of turbulence modelling is to develop equations that will predict the time-averaged velocity, pressure, and temperature fields without calculating the complete turbulent flow pattern as a function of time.





MMoonnddaayy 1122tthh ooff JJuunnee TTuueessddaayy 1133tthh ooff JJuunnee WWeeddnneessddaayy 1144tthh ooff JJuunnee

1111::OOOO--1122::2255 1111::OOOO--1122::2255 1111::OOOO--1122::2255CCFFDD ffoorr SSttrruuccttuurraall DDeessiiggnneerrss aanndd AAnnaallyyssttss PPSSEE –– GGeenneerraall IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn EEffffeeccttiivvee PPoossttpprroocceessssiinngg iinn SSttrruuccttuurraall FFEEAA

Kamran Fouladi Gino Duffet Tony AbbeyThis course aims to introduce the essential principles of fluid dynamics, important flow phenomena, and basics of CFD process to structural engineers and how CFD can be beneficial for their multidisciplinary problems.

Discuss PSE with individual who have been through the PSE process. Certified PSE analysts will be available to answer questions on their experience with NAFEMS PSE certification. The range of post processing options can be bewildering. However,

understanding how to interrogate stress results is key to effective FEA. A road map is developed that shows how to use Von Mises, Cartesian and Principal stresses in a logical and authoritative manner. Examples of contour and XY plotting are shown. Load vectors and free body diagrams are also discussed.

RRaannddoomm VViibbrraattiioonn

SShhoocckk PPaarrtt 11

Tom Irvine

Tom Irvine

The probability and statistics of random vibration will be presented, including the standard deviation, RMS and histogram.  The response of a single-degree-of-freedom system to random base excitation will be analyzed.  The expected peak value will be estimated and compared to that from a numerical experiment. Classical base excitation pulses will be covered for both time domain and

shock response spectrum analysis.  Seismic and pyrotechnic shock will be discussed.  The tripartite SRS format will be introduced.1133::4455--1155::11OO


NNoonnlliinneeaarr SSttrruuccttuurraall FFEEAA

EElleemmeennttss ooff TTuurrbbuulleennccee MMooddeelllliinngg

IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo PPrraaccttiiccaall CCFFDD

Tony Abbey

Kamran Fouladi

Kamran Fouladi

Many problems facing engineers are nonlinear in nature, where the response of a structure cannot be simply assessed using linear assumptions. One of the most difficult tasks facing an engineer is to decide whether a nonlinear analysis is really needed and if so what degree of nonlinearity should be applied. This overview will examine these issues, and look at the best ways of creating an analysis plan that matches key objectives. The objective of turbulence modelling is to develop equations that will predict

the time-averaged velocity, pressure, and temperature fields without calculating the complete turbulent flow pattern as a function of time.

This course provides a view into practical application of CFD in real life applications and the challenges faced due to presence of turbulence, heat transfer, phase changes, and movement of boundaries. Through a simple and moderately technical approach, this course covers topics such as the role of CFD, basic formulation, governing equations and use of model equations, steps in CFD process, need for turbulence modeling, and CFD best practices.

VViibbrraattiioonn FFaattiigguuee

SShhoocckk PPaarrtt 22

Tom Irvine

Tom Irvine

This course will cover rainflow cycle counting in the time domain followed by material S-N curves and the Palmgren-Miner damage summation.  In addition, the Dirlik, single-moment and other spectral methods will be presented.

Techniques will be demonstrated for synthesizing a time history to satisfy an SRS.  The SRS method will be extended to multi-degree-of-freedom systems.  The shock severity relationship in terms of pseudo velocity and stress will also be covered.  

1133::4455--1155::11OOJJooiinnttss aanndd CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss iinn FFEEAA Tony Abbey Most structures involve some form of jointing or connection. This overview looks at popular FEA methods for simulating mechanical joints, welding and bonding. Different idealization approaches and element types will be reviewed. Hints and tips will be developed based on identifying key analysis objectives.

Short Training Courses


Preliminary Agenda

Preliminary Agenda - Version 4 - May 25th 2O17 Conference agenda subject to alterations.

Preliminary Agenda - Version 4 - May 25th 2O17 Conference agenda subject to alterations.

E. Oslé Dorremochea, F. Sánchez-Iglesias, J. García-Alonso, (Airbus Defence & Space, ESP)

F. Pena D. McKinnis, A. Holler, R. Frank, S. Ahern L. Chec V. ParameshwaranThe Dassault Systemes Additive Manufacturing Solution Announcing the new product Nexus, from CEI, makers of EnSight. How often your product trade-off studies, design optimization or

engineering data analysis is slowed down by algorithm selection? Want to know which one is the most efficient for your specific problem? This session is dedicated to stunning SmartSelection technology in pSeven platform that automatically chooses the most appropriate algorithm for a given type of design optimization or data analysis problem. Visit this session to get a free 30-day demo and try

E. FontesThe definition of a model in a numerical modeling software should be transparent and structured so that it is easy to understand, document, and reproduce the results from a study.There should be a clear path between hypothesis, assumptions, model definition and the results. The sequence of operations displayed in the software’s user interface should reflect the settings that define the mathematical model, generates the numerical model, solves the model equations, displays the results, and creates a report.Join this presentation to get a demonstration of the workflow in COMSOL Multiphysics and the Application Builder, which has been designed for transparency and structure.

C. Pedersen R. Mitchell A. Pfaff, A. Stein R. Said

A look at the latest structural topology optimization developments and workflows, using non-parametric optimization, enabling industrial designers to take advantage of innovative design opportunities leveraged by additive manufacturing.

PDTec will present the Simulation Data Management solution SimData Manager and will demonstrate the features and benefits of SDM:e.g. CAD models integration, CAE tool integration, CAD-CAE Mapping, Versioning, Revisioning, Audit Trail traceability, HPC adaption, Key results & reporting, Workflow generation, User & Task management, etc.

Discover how pervasive engineering simulation can assist you in the design and analysis of your equipment and the systems that control them so that you can meet your IIoT engineering and business objectives. Topics include system-level modeling and simulation, integration with 3-D physics, and embedded systems and software engineering.

The last 50 years have undoubtedly seen a remarkable journey of the CAE technology - maturing from a rather restricted computational tool to "play with" into a comprehensive digital solution and a “game changer” across industries.The presentation will show this expedition as travelled by ESI Group - highlighting how their own approach has evolved from isolated simulation tools into integrated solution for virtual prototyping and how it is recently been coupled with digital twin technology so it can provide a comprehensive solution for the entire Product Performance Lifecycle to meet the new challenges of the 21st century.

G. Sethuraman K. Hanna, R. Bornoff, M. Gruetzmacher R. Paßmann, P. Straetemans

Often, design engineers need to perform simulations to know about stiffness and deformation strength when single parts or smaller assemblies are subjected to different loads. When those analyses are integrated into CAD systems, modeling and results can be done in short terms. The authors will give an overview about potential applications in a wide range of complexity.

M. Hack 0 R. Paßmann, P. Straetemans In today’s complex product landscape, simulation is happening both

earlier and later in the product lifecycle. The next generation of products requires simulation management to look beyond the traditional design process. Connected products enable simulations based on actual operating conditions instead of assumed values – leading to service orders and even product design changes. The challenge is managing this data in the proper context to enable configuration and change management. To deal with this reality we offer a platform-based approach to integrate domain-specific simulation environments and manage the surrounding business processes. This combination can allow you to realize the digital thread and twin concepts by capturing your product information throughout its lifecycle.

Finite element simulations need to be predictive when used in virtual development. The authors will provide an overview of needed basics with regard to geometric representation, modeling of materials as well as joining techniques and numerical methods.

Y. Lemmens

T. Wertheimer, L. Kilfoy Join this session for an overview of ModelCenter's Integration, Automation, and Design Space Explorationcapabilities. We will

This session will illustrate how the MSC product suite can solve problems facing the automotive engineer to produce quieter, lighter vehicles with improved durability today. Additionally, this session will discuss how MSC’s Engineering Lifecycle Management tools can be used to integrate globally distributed teams providing a strategy for management of simulation, materials and test data & processes in a consistent methodology to make better decisions.

Preliminary Agenda - Version 4 - May 25th 2O17 Conference agenda subject to alterations.

The NAFEMS World Congress Vasa MuseumTuesday June 13th19:OO - 22:OO

Preliminary Agenda - Version 4 - May 25th 2O17 Conference agenda subject to alterations.

Preliminary Agenda - Version 4 - May 25th 2O17 Conference agenda subject to alterations.

stockholm Waterfront congress centre

Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre is Sweden’s newest and most versatile venue for large-scale meetings and events. Located in the heart ofStockholm, across the water from the City Hall, the modern architecture is a spectacular addition to the city skyline. Located between the CentralRailway Station and the City Hall – host to the annual Nobel prize dinner – providing easy access to some of the best shops, restaurants and sights inStockholm. Directly connected to the congress centre is the Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel, a 414 room international first class hotel. The railwaystation and the Arlanda Express train platform are easily accessible by escalator right next to the congress centre.

There are also plenty of other hotels, of different categories available in Stockholm. You can check alternatives using search engines like Trivago,Kayak or others, to find the best suited hotel for your stay in Stockholm.

The NAFEMS World Congress

as well as an excellent technical program, thenaFeMs World congress has become renowned for its gala dinner, and 2o17 will be no different!

Being held at The Vasa Museum, home of the onlypreserved seventeenth-century ship in the world,and a unique art treasure, you can be sure that thiswill be an evening to remember. More than 95percent of the ship is original, and it is decoratedwith hundreds of carved sculptures.

The 69 meter-long warship Vasa sank on its maidenvoyage in the middle of Stockholm in 1628, and wassalvaged 333 years later in 1961. For nearly half acentury the ship has been slowly, deliberately andpainstakingly restored to a state approaching itsoriginal glory. The three masts on the roof outsidethe specially built museum show the height of theship's original masts. Today the Vasa Museum is themost visited museum in Scandinavia, with over onemillion visitors a year.

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Congress Fees

Presenting authors

NAFEMS Members 3 €99O

Non-Members 3 €119O

standard delegates

NAFEMS Members 3 €1O9O

Non-Members 3 €129O

alternatively, you can register online by visiting

roger oswald naFeMs ltdSpringwood • Booths ParkChelford Road• KnutsfordCheshire • WA16 8QZUnited Kingdom

t +44 (O) 1355 225688 e [email protected]

All fees + 25% local Swedish VAT. For questions regarding VAT refund please contact the tax authorities in your country.

Your registration covers: • Attendance at both the World Congress & SPDM Conference• Invitation to the opening cocktail reception• Access to a number of NAFEMS Accredited Training Courses during the congress (this does not apply to post-congress courses)• Access to all workshops and tracks in both the World Congress and SPDM Conference• Access to the extensive exhibition areas for both events• Lunches and refreshments over the three days of the event• Attendance at the exclusive Congress Gala Dinner• One set of proceedings, including conference papers on USB, as well as other delegate materials
