Download pptx - Pregnancy

  • 1. Pregnancy
    Fertilization and Beyond

2. Female Organs
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3. Side View
4. Impending Ovulation
5. Ovulation
6. Menstrual Cycle
7. Used a means of birth control
8. Male Side View
Vas deferens
More Info
9. 10. Sperm
11. Sperms Journey
During sexual intercourse, the man's sperm are deposited near the woman's cervix.
Within 90 seconds of ejaculation, many sperm have already entered the cervix.
Sperm can be found in the tubes five minutes after ejaculation or it may take up to 2 days.
12. Fertilization
13. Fertilization
14. In Fallopian Tube
15. Implantation
16. Pregnancy Test
Athome - checks for pregnancy hormone in urine (one week after missed period)
If your test is negative, test again in a week
Doctor blood test
17. Embryo
18. Fetus
19. 20. Trimesters
21. Twins
22. Siamese Twins - conjoined
May attempt to separate
23. 4 weeks
24. 5 weeks
25. 7 weeks
26. 8 weeks
27. 9 weeks
28. 10 weeks
29. 12 weeks
30. Ultrasound of fetus
31. 1st Trimester
Confirm viable pregnancy
Confirm heartbeat
Measure the crown-rump length or gestational age
Confirm ectopic pregnancies
Assess abnormal gestation
32. Second Trimester
Diagnose fetal malformation
Weeks 13-14 for characteristics of potential Down syndrome
Weeks 18-20 for congenital malformations
Structural abnormalities
Confirm multiples pregnancy
Verify dates and growth
Evaluation of fetal well-being
33. Third Trimester
Identify placental location
Confirm intrauterine death
Observe fetal presentation
Observe fetal movements
Identify uterine and pelvic abnormalities of the mother
34. 3D Ultrasound
35. 13 weeks - fingerprints
36. 15 weeks boy or girl?
37. Amniocentesis (14-20 weeks)
38. 18 weeks prominent ears
39. 19 weeks baby can hear
40. 21 weeks have lived
41. 24 weeks
42. 26 weeks adding fat
43. Lanugo
44. 28 weeks baby can blink
45. 30 weeks
46. 32 weeks baby has nails
47. 34 weeks lungs are developed
48. 36 weeks
49. 38 weeks
50. 40 weeks full term
51. Positioned for Delivery
52. Epidural
53. Breech
54. Variations of Breech
55. Transverse
56. Cesarean
57. Vaginal Delivery
58. Dilation of Cervix
59. Stages of Birth
60. Assisted
61. Suction for a clean breath
62. Delivery
63. Newborn
64. Cut the Cord
Doctor or Father usually cuts the cord.
65. Vernix
66. Afterbirth
67. Apgar Score - At one and five minutes after your baby is born
A score of seven to 10 is normal and indicates your newborn is in good condition.
A score of 10 is very unusual. Almost all newborns lose one point for blue hands and feet.
Virginia Apgar, M.D.
68. Fontanels - softspots
69. Swaddling
70. 3 months
Your baby can bring his hands together. With a mighty effort, baby can raise his chest, supported by his arms, when he lies on his stomach. Baby can roll over (one way). He reaches for objects. Baby can put some weight on his legs when you hold him upright. He makes sounds like "ah goo." Baby laughs out loud. He squeals when he's happy. Baby smiles spontaneously. He can focus on very small objects. Baby turns toward the sound of a familiar voice.
71. Finds toes
72. 4 months
73. 6 months
Your baby now can sit on her own. Baby can roll from her back onto her stomachand back again. She digs her fingers and toes into the floor to push herself toward a favorite toy. Baby can eat a cracker. She can pick up a cereal ring or other small object. Baby has more than doubled her birth weight. Baby expresses unhappiness when an object or toy is taken away. She can pass objects from one hand to another. Baby looks for dropped toys. She has discovered herself in the mirror, and loves having conversations with this new little friend.
74. 9 months
Your baby now can pull himself up to a standing position from sitting down.
He can stand while holding on to someone or something.
Baby uses the "pincer grasp" holding tiny objects between his thumb and forefinger.
He can walk while holding onto furniture.
Baby drinks from a cup.
He can stand alone for a few seconds or perhaps longer.
Baby says "mama" or "dada."
He understands the meaning of "no."
Baby responds to simple commands (such as "Give Mommy the toy").
75. 12 months
Your baby now drinks from a cup without assistance. She can stand alone for several minutes.
Baby walks well (keep in mind that good crawlers often are late walkers). She waves good-bye and plays pat-a-cake. Baby says "mama" and "dada." She says other one-syllable words (like "hi"). Baby expresses her wants with gestures and words instead of cries. She engages in gibberish conversation. Baby responds to simple commands.
