  • Project SummaryFor more than 60 years, Preciosa has been produc-ing brilliantly cut crystal from its headquarters in the Liberec Region of the Czech Republic. Harnessing a Bohemian tradition that dates back to 1724, Preciosa creates chandeliers and light fixtures that are installed in prestigious build-ings all over the world. To eliminate production mistakes and satisfy the needs of customers requesting 3D models of designs, Preciosa adopted Autodesk® Inventor® software, as well as other Autodesk® Digital Prototyping products, including AutoCAD® Mechanical software and Autodesk® Vault Manufacturing data management software. With the Autodesk solution for Digital Prototyping, Preciosa has been able to:

    • Reduceproductionerrorsby70percentreducingcosts

    • Cutdesigntimeoncomplicatedchandeliersby50percent

    • UseDigitalPrototypingtoreducethenumberofphysical prototypes for new products

    • Delivercompellingimageryforcustomerstoreview and approves

    The ChallengePreciosa creates custom fixtures for cathedrals, music halls, hotels, and palaces for customers across Europe, Asia, the Americas, and the Middle East. Accurately conveying designs to customers in far away locations is critical to Preciosa’s business. In recent years, customers have asked Preciosa for more realistic 3D imagery rather than 2D drawings. In addition, Preciosa realized that designing in 3D would help reduce production mistakes, which cost the company time and money.

    Eager to improve its design process and cater to its discerning clientele, Preciosa began to evaluate tools that would enable it to model and visualize designs in 3D. The company sought a solution that was easy to use and learn, available in the Czech language, and compatible with the AutoCAD® software it had used for many years.

    Clear cut beauty.

    Preciosa crafts stunning chandeliers and lighting fixtures with Autodesk® Inventor® software and Digital Prototyping.

    PreciosaCustomer Success Story

    Autodesk® Inventor® AutoCAD® MechanicalAutodesk® Vault Manufacturing

    When we design in Inventor, we don’t have any engineering change orders. It’s significantly different than when we use 2D design tools. —Josef Oulehla,

    Product Engineer Builder Preciosa

  • The SolutionAutodesk Inventor software fit the company’s requirements perfectly. “We liked that by purchasing Inventor, we also got AutoCAD Mechanical,” explains Vladimir Kadlec, head of the engineering team at Preciosa. “We have a lot of drawings in AutoCAD and still use 2D regularly. By choosing Autodesk, we have both 2D and 3D tools when we need them.”

    Efficient Design ProcessWith Digital Prototyping, Preciosa has a design process that is both flexible and efficient. Sketches for new products are created by hand or using a 2D design tool such as AutoCAD. After a customer approves the sketches, Preciosa creates shop drawings for the design. If the product is based on an existing chandelier that already has AutoCAD drawings, Preciosa will complete the design process using AutoCAD. But for new designs, particularly those with complex features, Preciosa engineers use Autodesk Inventor to create 3D models of designs. Going beyond 3D, these models are accurate digital prototypes. From these models, they can gener-ate 3D views for customers to review and approve designs as well as the technical documentation needed for production.

    To manage design data, Preciosa uses Autodesk Vault Manufacturing data management software. With Autodesk Vault, Preciosa’s teams have access to all engineering data in a centralized location and can find, reference, and reuse design data more quickly. “We’re building our own library of parts,” explains Jan Divis, CAD/CAM project manager at Preciosa. “The more we add to our library, the faster we can complete projects because we don’t need to recreate every part.”

    Autodesk Inventor BenefitsWhen using Inventor software, the advantages are clear. In particular, Preciosa benefits from the ability to validate designs before production. For

    example, designs of highly intricate products may include sheet metal parts and cut crystals that can’t touch one another. “The 3D models we create in Inventor are digital prototypes that we can evaluate from every angle,” says Josef Oulehla, engineer at Preciosa. “Inventor lets us test for interferences before we go to production. As a result, we can eliminate mistakes and save money.”

    Preciosa is also saving time and money by producing fewer physical prototypes for products designed in Inventor. “Because Inventor eliminates mistakes in the design phase, we don’t have to rely as much on physical prototyping,” says Oulehla. “The first physi-cal prototype is almost always perfect with Inventor.”

    In addition, Inventor software and Digital Prototyping help Preciosa meet critical weight requirements for its products. Before designing a custom chandelier for a new building, for instance, Preciosa receives information from building contrac-tors and architects on the ceiling where it will be installed. “We must take into account the material and weight-bearing capacity of the ceiling,” explains Kadlec.“UsingInventor,wecanverypreciselycalculate the weight of a chandelier so that we know it will never fall down.”

    Visualization Aids Understanding But aside from eliminating mistakes, what Preciosa likes the most about Inventor is that it helps every-one involved understand designs immediately. “We share data from the Inventor model with our cus-tomers,” says Kadlec. “They can tell us immediately what they like and don’t like. And because they can see exactly what a chandelier will look like, there are no surprises when the final product arrives.”

    The ResultBy using Autodesk Inventor for a significant portion of its design work, Preciosa has reduced production mistakes by 70 percent and cut the number of

    Preciosa has cut production mistakes by 70 percent since adopting Autodesk Inventor software.

    Images courtesy of Preciosa.

    Autodesk, Autodesk Inventor, Inventor, and AutoCAD are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates intheUSAand/orothercountries.Allotherbrandnames,productnames,ortrademarksbelongtotheirrespectiveholders.Autodeskreservestherightto alter product offerings and specifications at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. © 2009 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.

    physical prototypes required before finalizing a design. “When we design in Inventor, we don’t have any engineering change orders,” says Oulehla. “It’s significantly different than when we use 2D design tools.”

    For complicated chandeliers, Inventor software also reduces design time. “Modern chandeliers may have lots of intricate design elements such as triangular glass parts arranged in a spiral,” notes Kadlec. “It would take us a month to design this type of chan-delier in 2D. But with the 3D design capabilities in Inventor, it takes two weeks or less.”

    Concludes Kadlec, “With Inventor, we’ve reduced mistakes and design time while satisfying our cus-tomers’ requests to review designs in 3D. It’s been a great solution for us.”

    For More InformationTo find out how Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Digital Prototyping can help you increase pro-ductivity, reduce mistakes, and cut costs, visit

    We share the Inventor model with our customers. They can tell us immediately what they like and don’t like….there are no surprises when the final product arrives.—Vladimir Kadlec Head of Engineering Preciosa
