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Department of Medical Assistance ServicesPre-Admission Screening

Department of Medical Assistance ServicesPre-Admission Screening

Melissa A. Fritzman

Program Supervisor Division of Long-Term

CareFall 2008

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Why Do We Cover Who We Cover?

Basic Services, Eligibility,

Coverage Groups, and

Patient Pay

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Overview of Today’s Session Why Do We Cover Who We Cover? Why Do We Do What We Do? Assisted Living Pre-Admission Screenings What Do I Need To Get Paid? Criteria for Eligibility Determination Based On

Individual’s Abilities/Needs What Do We Look Like? What’s Wrong With My UAI? What Do Services Look Like?

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Why Do We Cover Who We Cover?

Medicaid Services - Mandatory Services - Medicaid State Plan

(must be available statewide in the same amount, duration, and scope to all who

meet criteria; individuals must be able to choose providers)

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Inpatient Hospital Services Emergency Hospital Services Outpatient Hospital Services Nursing Facility Care Rural Health Clinic Services Federally Qualified Health Center Clinic


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Lab and X-Ray Services Physician Services Home Health Services EPSDT Family Planning Nurse-Midwife Services Transportation Medicare Premiums (Part A) - Hospital; (Part

B) - Supplemental Ins. For Categorically Needy

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Other Clinic Services Skilled Nursing Facility Services for

Individuals under 21 years of age Podiatrist Services Optometrist Services Clinical Psychologist Services Certified Pediatric Nurse and Family Nurse

Practitioner Services Home Health: PT, OT, and Speech Therapy ICF/MR

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Dental Services for Persons under 21 Physical Therapy & Related Services Prescribed Drugs Case Management Services Prosthetics Mental Health Services Mental Health Clinic Services Hospice Services Medicare Part B Premiums for the Medically

Needy PACE

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Medicaid Services Mandatory vs. Optional


Can determine services to be provided

Can be targeted to specific groups:

• Aged,

• Disabled,

• Persons with Developmental disabilities,

• Persons who are Mentally Ill/Mentally Retarded

Mandatory Services

(State Plan)

Optional Services

(State Plan Option)

Cannot be targeted to specific groups, unless that is part of the service definition

Provided to both mandatory and optional coverage groups

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Long-Term Care Eligibility and ServicesLong-Term Care Eligibility and Services

Coverage Group•Aged, blind, and disabled•Families with children •Recipients of cash assistance•Pregnant women and children•Low-income Medicare beneficiaries

Financial EligibilityAfter you are in a coverage group, you must meet income and asset guidelines, as well as non-financial criteria.

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Long-Term Care Eligibility and Services Long-Term Care Eligibility and Services

To be eligible for Medicaid-funded long-term care services individuals must : Qualify for Medicaid; and

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Long-Term Care Eligibility and Services

Meet specified long-term care criteria using the standardized long-term care assessment instrument.

They are:

•Uniform Assessment Instrument (UAI) for nursing facility level of care •Level of Functioning (LOF)for Intermediate Care Facility/Mentally Retarded (ICF/MR) level of care

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Long-Term Care Eligibility and Services

LTC accounts for 70 % of the total Medicaid Budget and 30% of the individuals

Long Term Care is provided In institutions:

Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded (ICF/MR) (State Plan Option);

Nursing Facility (Mandatory State Plan service)

Assisted Living Facilities (State Plan Option)

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Long-Term Care Eligibility and Services

Long Term Care is provided In the community:

Home and Community Based (1915(c)) Waivers Program of All-Inclusive Care For the

Elderly (PACE) (State Plan Option)

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Qualify for Medicaid

Individuals who are financially Medicaid eligible at the time of application for LTC services are not automatically eligible for LTC services if they meet the functional and/or medical nursing needs assessment.

The local DSS must assess the individual’s

financial eligibility for Medicaid (LTC) and calculate a patient pay. Everyone must have a calculation, not everyone has a patient pay.

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Qualify for Medicaid*DMAS -122

The Patient Pay (DMAS-122) is the amount that the individual must contribute each month towards their cost of care.

The DMAS-122 is the service provider’s authorization to bill Medicaid for LTC services.

DMAS-122 is to be sent by the EW no later than 45 days from date of application, and 30 days from the date of a reported change.

If the individual does not receive LTC services for 30 days, he must be referred to the Eligibility Worker for a determination of continued Medicaid eligibility.

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Why Do We Do What We Do?

Why Is Pre-Admission Screening Important?

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Why we do Pre-Admission Screenings In order to be eligible for long-term care services, individuals must be screened to determine if they meet the admission criteria.

Virginia has one of the most stringent criteria in the country.

For Nursing Facilities and Home and Community Based Waivers: The authorized assessors are the local health departments in conjunction with the local departments of social services and acute care hospitals.

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Preadmission Screening

Waiver Assessment Tool Screening Agency

AIDS/HIV UAI Local DSS and HD/Hospitals

ALZHEIMER’S UAI Local DSS and HD/Hospitals

EDCD UAI Local DSS and HD/Hospitals

TECH UAI Local DSS and HD/Hospitals


Day Support LOF Local CSB


Some waivers have a wait list. LOF = Level of Functioning Tool

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The individual applying for a waiver must meet the same criteria that is used for admission to the alternative institutional placement. 42 C.F.R. 441.302 (c)(1); 42 C.F.R. 441.303 (c)(2)

Preadmission Screening Recipient’s Choice of PlacementPreadmission Screening Recipient’s Choice of Placement

Criteria for Admission to the Waiver

Criteria for Admission to


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Alternate Institutional Placement

There must be an alternate institutional placement for which Medicaid pays.

Must determine the most appropriate institutional placement for an individual, and must name that placement in the waiver application.

This does not mean that the individual must actually be placed in the institution or make application to an institution.

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Preadmission Screening

The Uniform Assessment Instrument (UAI) is an interagency assessment used by most publicly funded human services agencies in the Commonwealth for long-term care services.

The UAI is an assessment tool to gather information to determine care needs, service eligibility, and planning and monitoring a person’s care needs across agencies.

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Preadmission Screening

Read the UAI Manual !!!

Use the UAI Manual!!!

Knowing the definitions for items on the UAI is critical to determining appropriate level of care and services.

Assess the individual for current functional status and/or medical nursing needs.

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Assisted Living Pre-Admission Screenings

What’s Different with this Program?

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Who are the Preadmission Screening Teams?

• For Assisted Living Services: The authorized assessors are the local departments of social services, local departments of health, area agencies on aging, centers for independent living, or community service boards.

• ALFs may not complete any UAI assessments for public pay individuals. This includes prior to admission, the annual reassessment, and whenever there is a significant change in condition. ALFs may complete these assessments for private pay individuals.

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Who are the Preadmission Screening Teams?

• Emergency placements: Placement must be approved by Adult Protective Services (APS) through the local department of social services and the assessment must be completed within seven working days from the date of placement.

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Preadmission Screening ALF Change in Level of Care

Completed by all entities authorized to perform initial assessments.

Performed when permanent change (expected to last longer than 30 days) in level of care indicated.

Follow same assessment process as initial assessment.

Payment to assessor tied to completion of short versus full assessment.

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Preadmission Screening New Assessment Not Needed When. . .For Assisted Living Services Only Lapse in financial eligibility; or Transfer from one ALF to another ALF; or Respite care resident; or Discharge back to the same ALF from the

hospital (if less than 30 days) with no change in level of care.

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Preadmission Screening ALF Prohibited Conditions Ventilator Dependency Dermal Ulcers Stage III and IV IV Therapy or Injections Directly into the Vein Airborne Infectious Diseases in a

Communicable State Psychotropic Medications w/o appropriate

DX and TX NG Tubes Gastric Tubes

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Preadmission Screening ALF Prohibited Conditions Individuals Presenting an Imminent Physical

Threat or Danger to Self or Others Individuals requiring continuous Nursing

Care (24/7) Individuals whose physician certifies

placement is no longer appropriate Individuals who require Maximum Physical

Assistance Individuals whose health care needs cannot

be met in the ALF setting.

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What Do I Need To Get Paid?

Documentation Requirements

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Preadmission Screening For NF, Regular Assisted Living, Alzheimer’s

Assisted Living, Program for the All-Inclusive Care of the Elderly (PACE), and Waiver placement all 12 pages of the UAI, the DMAS-96 form, the DMAS-95 MI/MR/RC form, and the DMAS-97 forms are required.

For Residential Assisted Living a short form is required. This is the first 4 pages of the UAI, plus the questions related to medication administration and behavior pattern.

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Criteria for Eligibility Determination based on

Individual’s Abilities/NeedsFor Nursing Facility, PACE and Home

and Community Based Care Waivers

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Activities of Daily Living – There are Activities of Daily Living – There are three different ways to meet the three different ways to meet the criteria for ADL dependencies ….criteria for ADL dependencies ….1 Dependent in 2-4 ADLs, plus semi-

dependent or dependent in behavior and orientation, plus semi-dependent in joint motion or semi-dependent in medication administration, OR

2 Dependent in 5-7 ADLs plus dependent in Mobility, OR

3 Semi-Dependent in 2-7 ADLs, plus dependent in mobility, plus dependent in behavior and orientation.

AND Have Medical Nursing Needs

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Required Activities of Daily Living (for purposes of Medicaid eligibility)

Bathing Dressing Transferring Toileting Bowel Function Bladder Function Eating/Feeding

Although Mobility is not considered an activity of daily living, it is an area where screeners have questions. The definition of mobility is – the extent of the individual’s movement outside his/her usual living quarters.

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Behavior and Orientation

Behavior and Orientation are considered one item for the purposes of criteria determination.

Semi-dependency and dependency are based on the combination of both behavior and orientation.

Remember: In order to meet this criteria, the individual must be dependent in both areas.

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Medical Nursing Needs

In addition to meeting functional criteria, in order to receive Medicaid reimbursement, the individual must have medical or nursing supervision or care needs that are not primarily for the care and treatment of mental disease (Alzheimer’s and dementia are not considered mental diseases.)

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Medical Nursing Needs – There are three different ways to have one… The individual’s medical condition requires observation and assessment to assure evaluation of the person’s needs due to the inability for self observation or evaluation; OR

The individual has complex medical conditions which may be unstable or have the potential for instability; OR

The individual requires at least one ongoing medical or nursing service.

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Examples of Medical Nursing Needs (May or may not necessarily indicate on ongoing medical nursing needs. Except as specified, the risk of the identified conditions are not a medical nursing need if not a current problem.)

Routine care of colostomy or ileostomy or management of neurogenic bowel and bladder

Use of physical or chemical restraints Routine skin care to prevent pressure ulcers

for individuals who are immobile

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Examples of Medical Nursing Needs (May or may not necessarily indicate on ongoing medical nursing needs. Except as specified, the risk of the identified conditions are not a medical nursing need if not a current problem.)

Care of small uncomplicated pressure ulcers and local skin rashes

Management of those with sensory, metabolic, or circulatory impairment with demonstrated clinical evidence of medical instability

Infusion therapy Oxygen

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Examples of Medical Nursing Needs (May or may not necessarily indicate on ongoing medical nursing needs. Except as specified, the risk of the identified conditions are not a medical nursing need if not a current problem.) Supervision for adequate nutrition and

hydration for individuals who show clinical evidence of malnourishment or dehydration or have a recent history of weight loss or inadequate hydration which, if not supervised, would be expected to result in malnourishment or dehydration.

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Examples of Medical Nursing Needs

(May or may not necessarily indicate on ongoing medical nursing needs. Except as specified, the risk of the identified conditions are not a medical nursing need if not a current problem.) Application of aseptic dressings

Routine catheter care; Respiratory therapy Therapeutic exercise and positioning Chemotherapy Radiation Dialysis Suctioning

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Medical Nursing Needs Documentation Requirements Examples of Medical Nursing Needs (May or may not necessarily indicate on

ongoing medical nursing needs. Except as specified, the risk of the identified conditions are not a medical nursing need if not a current problem.)

Seizures Are there medication changes? Are there labs being drawn for medication


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Medical Nursing Needs Documentation Requirements

Seizures Any recent seizure activity? (Either grand

mal or petite mal) Family noted any blank stares?

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Medical Nursing Needs Documentation Requirements Examples of Medical Nursing Needs

(May or may not necessarily indicate on ongoing medical nursing needs. Except as specified, the risk of the identified conditions are not a medical nursing need if not a current problem.)

Supervision for Adequate Nutrition Documentation of weight loss/gain? Documentation of dehydration?

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Medical Nursing Needs Documentation Requirements

Supervision for Adequate Nutrition Is person seeing a dietician or other health

professional on regular bases? Taking any supplements (ensure, boost,

Gatorade, Pedialyte, scheduled snacks, etc.)?

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Medical Nursing Needs Documentation RequirementsExamples of Medical Nursing Needs

(May or may not necessarily indicate on ongoing medical nursing needs. Except as specified, the risk of the identified conditions are not a medical nursing need if not a current problem.)

Routine Skin Care to Prevent Pressure Ulcers

Documentation of red areas? Any open areas currently?

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Medical Nursing Needs Documentation Requirements

Routine Skin Care to Prevent Pressure Ulcers

Use of restraints or other equipment that has in past caused breakdown?

Any special techniques caregiver may be doing (repositioning every 2 hours, applying ointments, using pressure relieving devices)?

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Medical Nursing Needs Documentation Requirements

Examples of Medical Nursing Needs (May or may not necessarily indicate on ongoing medical nursing needs. Except as specified, the risk of the identified conditions are not a medical nursing need if not a current problem.)

Therapies Documentation of all PT, OT or Speech

therapies and the location where the therapies are received.

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Medical Nursing Needs Documentation Requirements If a child receives therapy services during

the school year at school, this is acceptable.

NOTE: Remind families that therapies received outside of the school year can be ordered by doctor through Home Health or Outpatient Rehab.

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What Do We Look Like?

Case Examples

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Case Examples

Mrs. Jones is a 96-year-old female with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure and non-insulin dependent diabetic. She is dependent in bathing, dressing, toileting, and needs assistance eating.  Mrs. Jones is oriented to some spheres, some of the time and her behavior is wandering/passive more than weekly.

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Case ExamplesMrs. Jones cont’d:

Mrs. Jones’ medications must be administered/monitored by professional nursing staff.

Individual #1: Dependent in 2 to 4 ADLs, plus semi-dependent or dependent in behavior and orientation, plus semi-dependent in joint motion or semi-dependent in medication administration.

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Case Examples

Mrs. Smith is a 60-year-old female with a diagnosis of hypertension and non-insulin dependent diabetes who recently suffered a cerebral vascular accident. She has hemi-paresis with right-sided weakness. She is dependent in bathing, dressing, eating, toileting, and transferring.  

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Case Examples

Mrs. Smith cont’d:

Mrs. Smith requires human help when going outside the home, therefore she is dependent in mobility. She is oriented to all spheres all times and her behavior is appropriate.

Individual #2: Dependent in 5 to 7 ADLs and dependent in mobility.

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Case Examples

Mrs. Ford is a 75-year-old female with a diagnosis of leukemia and Alzheimer’s disease. She requires supervision in bathing and requires mechanical help with toileting and transferring. She is continent of both bowel and bladder. Mrs. Ford is disoriented to all spheres all of the time and is abusive/aggressive/disruptive less than weekly, which makes her dependent in this area.

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Case Examples

Mrs. Ford, cont’d:Her medications must be administered/monitored by professional nursing staff and she is currently receiving chemotherapy treatments for her leukemia.

Individual #3: Semi-Dependent in 2 to 7 ADLs, Plus dependent in behavior and orientation.

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What’s Wrong with My UAI?

Process & Problems

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Process & Problems

First Health Services, our contractor, data enters all pre-admission screening packages.

The contractor will enter all pre-admission screening packets into the VaMMIS system allowing for payment of the screening.

Any screenings that the VaMMIS system can not process because they did not meet criteria are sent to DMAS for further review.

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Process & Problems DMAS will review the preadmission screening

packet and make the final determination on the pre-admission screening package.

DMAS may call the screening team, providers, or even visit an individual to determine if the individual meets the established criteria for services.

The method of doing this is done on a case by case basis.

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Process & Problems Reasons that packages are returned:

No documentation of medical/nursing need Screening documents that the individual is

in good health No documented risk of nursing facility

placement Not fully completed Missing required attachments Screeners unfamiliarity with criteria

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What Do Services Look Like?

Overview of What Makes

PACE and Waivers Special

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Program for the All-Inclusive Care of the Elderly (PACE)

Community based waivers: Aids Waiver Alzheimer’s Waiver Developmentally Disabled Day Support Waiver Elderly or Disabled Consumer Direction

Waiver Mental Retardation Waiver Tech Waiver

Medicaid Services Long –Term Care

An An increasing increasing emphasisemphasis

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Facility based programs: Assisted Living Home Health Hospice Nursing Facilities

Specialized Care ICF/MR Rehabilitation Programs

In / Out patientSchool

Medicaid Services Long –Term Care

A decreasing A decreasing emphasisemphasis

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Medicaid Services – PACE PACE is a Program of All Inclusive Care

for the Elderly Serves persons 55 and older that meet

nursing facility criteria in the community. Provides all health and long-term care

services centered around an adult day health care model.

Combines Medicaid and Medicare funding.

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Falls Church



Clifton Forge

Roanoke CitySalem



Fairfax CityManassas













Isle ofWight









Newport News







Buena Vista




King &Queen



Prince EdwardCampbell





Franklin Sussex



Craig Gloucester



Virginia Beach

FloydSmyth Pittsylvania






Tazewell Bland















King William















Manassas Park






Prince George













Map Key


Medicaid Services – PACE

Sentara PACE Mountain PACE Centra PACE Riverside PACE Hampton Riverside PACE Richmond Appalachian PACE

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Medicaid Services – PACE Community Model: Program of All

Inclusive Care for the Elderly or PACE. Combines Medicaid and Medicare funding to provide all medical, social, and long-term care services through an adult day health care center.

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Medicaid Services – PACE

Seven communities actively pursuing PACE-6 were awarded start up grants* ($250,000 each): - PACE of Riverside at Hampton Roads* - PACE of Riverside at Richmond* - PACE of Centra at Lynchburg * - PACE of Appalachian AAA at Tazewell * - PACE of Mountain Empire AAA at Big Stone Gap * - RFA under development for Northern Virginia *

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WaiversWaivers Social Security Act allows states to “waive”

the freedom of choice of provider, statewideness, and amount, duration, and scope of services requirements in order to:

have managed care programs (Section 1915(b);

try new approaches through research and demonstration (Section 1115); and

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Waivers allow services to be provided in the

community rather than in institutions (Section 1915(c) Home and Community Based Care Waivers) . About 30% of long term care spending is provided through HCBS waivers.

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Waivers Recipient ChoiceWaivers Recipient Choice

The applicant must be offered the choice in all of the following:

Waiver Alternate institution Providers Services

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Waivers…………..Cost EffectiveWaivers…………..Cost Effective It can be individually cost effective or cost effective in the aggregate.

Aggregate Cost Effectiveness : The average cost to Medicaid for individuals enrolled in a waiver cannot cost more than the average cost to Medicaid for individuals in the comparable institution.

Individual Cost Effectiveness: Cost to Medicaid for the individual in the community can’t exceed the cost in the comparable institution.

DMAS has chosen to use aggregate cost effectiveness.

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Waivers Community BasedWaivers Community Based

Medicaid waiver funds cannot

pay for room and board.

Services must be based in the community

Waiver Payments are for Services Rendered

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7 Medicaid WaiversWaiver

Alternate Institutional Placement Special Conditions VAC Regulatory Cite


Nursing Facility/ Hospital A diagnosis of AIDSBe experiencing medical and functional symptoms

12 VAC-30-120-140

EDCDNursing Facility Have a functional and medical need & a

Disability12 VAC-30-120-10

Developmentally Disabled

Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded ICF/MR)

6 years of age or olderIf child under 6 years, be developmentally at risk and meet ICF-CriteriaCannot have diagnosis of MR

12 VAC-30-120-700

Waiting List

Mental Retardation

Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded (ICF/MR)

Must have diagnosis of MRIf child under 6 years, be developmentally at risk and meet ICF-Criteria

12 VAC-30-120-210

Waiting List

Technology Assisted

Specialized Care in Nursing Facility for adult / Hospital for children

Must be dependent on ventilator or specialized equipment

12 VAC-30-120-70

Day Support Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded (ICF/MR)

Must be on the MR wait list 12 VAC-30-120-1500

Waiting List

Alzheimer’s Nursing Facility Must have diagnosis of Alzheimer’s 12 VAC-30-120 Emergency regulation

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Waivers…..Eligibility - All Waivers Waivers…..Eligibility - All Waivers Cannot be served in more than one waiver at

a time (federal requirement).

Can be on one waiver while on a waiting list

for another waiver if meet the criteria for admission to both waivers.

John DoeJohn Doe

DD Waiver EDCD


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Waivers Consumer-Directed Services

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Services provided by a enrolled Medicaid Agency who hires and monitors staff that provide services to a variety of individuals.

The individual consumer or their representative employs and monitors staff providing services exclusive to them.

Waivers …….Consumer-Directed Services

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Waivers …..Consumer-Consumer-Directed Personal Care Directed Personal Care ServicesServices

Available in four of Virginia’s waivers: HIV/AIDS (personal care and respite) EDCD (personal care and respite) DD Waiver (personal care and respite) MR Waiver (personal care, respite, and


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Waivers …..Consumer-Consumer-Directed Personal Care Directed Personal Care ServicesServices Afford recipients or family caregivers direct

control over who, how, and when services are provided.

Waiver recipient is the employer of record with the IRS.

In Virginia personal assistants are classified as domestic workers and are not subject to worker’s compensation claims.

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Waivers …...Consumer-Consumer-Directed Personal Care Directed Personal Care ServicesServices The individual must be over the age of 18, without cognitive impairment, and interested in managing his/her own personal attendant.

If a minor child or individual with cognitive impairment, there must be a a responsible family member willing and able to direct and manage the personal attendant.

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Waivers …..Consumer-Consumer-Directed Personal Care Directed Personal Care ServicesServices Specific steps are required BEFORE

consumer directed services can begin. The recipient or Employer of Record (ERO) must:

Select and meet with a Medicaid approved Service Facilitator;

Establish a service plan with the SF;

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Waivers ……..Consumer-Consumer-Directed Personal Care Directed Personal Care ServicesServices Complete Employer Tax Forms Packet and

mail the tax forms to the fiscal agent (FA) giving the authority to withhold & submit taxes as the recipient’s agent;

Receive preauthorization from DMAS’ contractor (KePRO) – this is accomplished by the service facilitator’s prompt submission of the service plan to KePRO.

Hiring, training, documenting time worked, and submitting time sheets for the attendant.

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Waivers …..Consumer-Consumer-Directed Personal Care Directed Personal Care ServicesServicesRemember – it takes time to accomplish all

of the steps before consumer directed services start.

Consider – Agency directed services may be used prior to or at the same time as consumer directed services.

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Waivers …..Consumer-Consumer-Directed Personal Care Directed Personal Care ServicesServicesExample: A recipient may want

consumer directed services. However, the recipient needs services immediately. Agency directed services may be used until all of the requirements for consumer direction are accomplished by the recipient, service facilitator and fiscal agent.

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Waivers …..Consumer-Consumer-Directed Personal Care Directed Personal Care ServicesServices

Waivers …..Consumer-Consumer-Directed Personal Care Directed Personal Care ServicesServices At a minimum, personal assistants cannot be a legally responsible relative (a spouse or a parent of a minor child).* Waivers can define differently.

Payment is not made to other family members unless there is objective, written documentation as to why there are no other providers available to provide the service.*

*These are federal requirements.

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Questions and Answers Long-Term Care Issues

Pre-Admission Screeners list serve at

For questions, please contact the Division of Long-Term Care at 804-225-4222, or by fax at 804-371-4986.

Please visit the DMAS website
