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(Pre-) Master programme 2015-2016

Communication Studies

25 August 2015

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Programme today

Time Description Location

12.00 - 12.45 / 13.00 Start with a lunch Canteen Cubicus

13.00 - 14.00 Information about (pre-) Master programme CS

-Communiqué (study association)

Cubicus C238

14.00 - 16.00 Guide tour over the Campus UT(scavenger hunt)Get to know each other

Campus UT

16.00 -…… Drinks Vrijhof (Theatercafe)

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Staff members Communication Studies

Mark van Vuuren (Programme director)[email protected]; tel: 053 4893607 / Cubicus C205

John Sevens (Programme coordinator)[email protected]; tel 053 4894049 / Cubicus C108

Jeanet Luijerink (Study counselor (pre-)master CS)[email protected]; 053 4892091 / Cubicus C106

Astrid Oppers- van den Berg (Student Service staff member)[email protected]; 053 4894575 / Ravelijn 3262

Mark Tempelman (Internships & graduation coordinator)[email protected]; 053 4894034 / Cubicus C216

Monique Davids (International Office)[email protected]; 053 4898028 / Ravelijn 3276

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Pre-master Programme

The pre-master’s (compulsary) courses are:

Communication Science (192470410) (5 EC)

Academic Writing CS (201400328) (5


Research Meth. and Desc. Stat. (201300063) (5


Communication Research and Design (201300065) (5 EC)

Inferential Statistics (201300064) (5


Research Project (201300066) (5 EC)

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Pre-master programme 15/16

Semester 1 Semester 2Block 1A Block 1B Block 2A Block 2B

Research Methodology and Descriptive Statistics 5EC

Inferential Statistics  5EC

Research Methodology and Descriptive Statistics 5EC

Inferential Statistics  5EC

Communication Science


Communication Research and Design 5EC

Communication Science


Communication Research and Design 5EC

Academic Writing Premaster CS 5EC

Research Project 5EC

Academic Writing Premaster CS 5EC

Research Project 5EC

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Registration Form Pre-master CS

Before you will start in the pre-master CS you have to fill in the registration form and hand in in to the study


You can find this (registration) form on the (pre-master CS)website:


When you study full-time we strongly advice you to do all the courses in one semester! You only will be

admitted to the master at the moment you have completed you pre-master CS completely.

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Rules in the Pre-master CS Programme

The pre-master’s programme is (a full-time) programme of 30 EC

(1 semester on the basis of 40 hours of study a week).

All pre-Master’s courses must be successfully completed before you can enroll in the Master programme


The maximum registration period for completing the pre-master’s programme is 1 year. During this period

you may maximal sit 2 times for an exam. If you pass the second time for one ore more exams you will be

excluded from the pre-master’s programme CS.

Obligatory prior knowledge to start with the course Research Project

Communication Science, Research Meth & Des. Statistics at least grade 5 AND Academic

Writing at least grade 6!

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Pre-master CS Programme

Successfully finished within 12 months

Maximum 2 exams per course

Failure means → stop with the (pre)master programme!

Report special circumstances beforehand!

Note: all courses offered twice (each semester)

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Master Communication Studies (CS)

One year study programme 60 EC (by full time study)

The master programme has the following specialisations:

Marketing Communication

Corporate Communication

Media and Communication ( only start in Sept. 2015)

Technical Communication

• You can start with the master’s programme in September or


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Before starting with the master’s programme you have to choose between

1 out of 4 specialisations .

For the specialisation Marketing, Corporate and Media and Communication

the generic study trajectory looks as follows:

Compulsary course (10 EC)

- Core courses of the chosen specialisation (10 EC)

(Offered twice a year, each semester)

- at least two specialisations courses of the chosen specialisation

(10 EC) → (offered once a year)

Specialisation or elective courses from another specialisation (10 EC)

Master thesis (30 EC).

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For the spec. Tech. Communication the study trajectory look as follows:

Obligatory courses (25 EC):

- Core courses of the chosen specialisation (10 EC)

- User Support (5 EC)

- Philosophy of Technology (5 EC)

- Authoring and Colloboration Tools (5 EC)

(At least) One of the following courses (at least 5 EC):

- Designing Learning & Performance Support

- Human Computer Interaction

- User Centered Design of New Media

Master thesis (30 EC).

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Programme Guide master Communications Studies 2015/2016:

Before you will start in the master CS you have to fill in the registration

form master CS and hand in in to the study counsellor.

You can find this (registration) form on the (master CS)website:

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European Credits (EC)

1EC = 28 hours of work

(the actual effort may vary per person)

60 EC = 1 year

Each course = 5 EC / masterthesis = 30 EC

Grades: 1 – 10

5.4 or less = fail

5.5 or more = pass

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Enrollment for courses

Always bring your account and password with you to practicals!

Registering for (written) exams is obligatory for all exams!!

To take part in educational activities, you will have to enrol in Osiris

for courses. By enrolling for a course, you are enrolled for both

educational activities as the first chance of the corresponding


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First exam: after the course

Second exam: (re-sit, re-exam): next quartile/block

Register for exams via Osiris

→ Registration period ( 40-14 days before the exam)

Withdraw via Osiris – 24 hours before the exam (at the latest)

Always bring your student card with you to each exam

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Digital Systems UT (Osiris, Black Board, My Timetable etc.)

Individual student account to get access to UT applications

→ you received a letter with studentnumber and password

If you (still) did not receive this information, you can go to:

→ Student Services Desk (Vrijhof): for your studentnumber

→ ICTS Service Desk (Citadel, ground floor): for your Password

(bring your student number and personal ID with you!)

“HOW TO USE THESE SYSTEMS?” Look into Powerpoint presentation:


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Is used for:


Looking up college sheets / interesting articles etc.

Looking up assignments and handing them in

Checking (partial) grades

Forming groups for assignments

The saving of shared documents

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Via the Student Portal of directly:

Log in with your student account

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Is used for

Study counselling

Enrolment and un-enrolment for exams

Checking recent study results

An overview of the study progress

Checking information about the content of all courses

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Via Studentenportal or

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In case any questions about UT Educational systems remain…

In case of ICT or admission problems, go to:

- Helpdesk ICT Service (ICTS) ( )

Citaldel, ground floor (8.30 – 17.00)

- Student Services ( )

Vrijhof, 239B (10.00 – 16.00)

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Roster/time schedule pre-master and master CS:

You can compose your personal timetable for all the courses you will be taking. You can export this timetable to your own agenda on your smartphone. Any changes in the timetable will be sent to your smartphone within 15 minutes.

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Academic calender

Academic calender 2015-2016:

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All important links can be found in the Student Portal (My University)

Do not forget to register for (all) courses (in OSIRIS)

Exam enrolment in Osiris (no enrolment = no exam)

If you are enrolled for a course in Osiris you are also enrolled for this

course in Black Board all information about the (pre)master CS

We only correspond with you through your STUDENT e-mail account

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Important information for international students

Walk-in hours every day 12:30 - 13:30 for consultation Faculty’s

Coordinator Internationalization:

Ms. Monique Davids

Ravelijn building room 3276

In case you want to organize a meeting with the Faculty’s Coordinator Internationalization outside of these time slots, please make an appointment by sending an e-mail to [email protected]

Wednesday 26th of August : Acculturation program

Location: RAVELIJN Room 2334.

Time: 10:00 – 11:30

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One thing to say…………..

Have a very studious and pleasant time at the University of Twente !!

We wish you a fantastic student life and make sure

you enjoy it!!
