Page 1: PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Petitions Hymnal p. 11 Response · 2018-02-15 · PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Petitions Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal p. 11 Response WORSHIP THROUGH TITHES


Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal p. 11 Response

WORSHIP THROUGH TITHES AND OFFERINGS Offertory “Winter” Vivaldi arr. C. Hand *Doxology Hymn #606

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Christ, all people here below;

Praise Holy Spirit Evermore; Praise triune God, whom we adore. Amen.


One: God, today we bring into the light all that we hide, offering it for your transformation.

Many: As we offer ourselves and our gifts, may we witness everyday miracles in the world around us, wrought by your people living in love and compassion. Amen.


Hymn #796 “We Come to You for Healing, Lord” “


*BENEDICTION RESPONSE #177 “I Will Come to You”

Do not be afraid, I am with you. I have called you each by name.

Come and follow me, I will bring you home; I Love you and you are mine.

*POSTLUDE “The Thiry-Second Psalm” adapted by J. Spong

Page 2: PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Petitions Hymnal p. 11 Response · 2018-02-15 · PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Petitions Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal p. 11 Response WORSHIP THROUGH TITHES

*Please rise in body or in spirit

WORDS OF INSPIRATION "Those who follow Jesus are not spared from suffering; we join him in it. However, the presence of Jesus brings a quality of life that numbs the significance of death. With Hosea, we can ask, “Death, where is your sting?” Even though we die; we live. Even when we grieve, we hope -- for we are not alone.”

--Lindsey Trozzo

ORGAN PRELUDE “Voluntary III” by John Stanley “That Priceless Grace” (variations) setting, D. Lasky



INTROIT “What Wondrous Love is This“

CALL TO WORSHIP One: From dust we came, to dust we will return. Many: Yet you breathe life into us, you fill our lives with good

things, One: you invite us into life in all its fullness.. Many: May we worship you this day remembering that you

are the resurrection and the life.


Hymn #286 “Breathe on Me, Breath of God”


Lord God, we come here with longing, with hearts full of things we cannot share with others. We know that you greet us here with reverence and with love. In this time of worship, may we know a sharing with you deeper than any we have known before; may we know an emptying, of all those burdens that we carry, of all those regrets that we cling to; and may we know your love and forgiveness, a peace that passes understanding as you meet us here. With you, O Lord, it is never too late, you always hold out one more opportunity for us to find our way back. So, today, may we be healed, restored, forgiven as we worship you here. Amen.


*ASSURANCE OF PARDON One: As Lent begins, know that God understands how we struggle

to stay open and compassionate. Many: The invitation is not to focus on our inadequacies, but on

God’s gift of grace and love which transforms our hearts and minds. That gift is given to us again, here and now.Be encouraged.

One: May the peace of God be with you

Many: and also with you

*PRAYER RESPONSE Hymn #205 “Live in Charity”


SONG OF PREPARATION “Raise Us from Our Slumber, Lord” (insert)


CHOIR ANTHEM “I Want Jesus to Walk with Me”


One: The Word of the Lord.

Many: Thanks be to God!

SERMON Rev. Greg Bolt


Hymn #785 “In Deepest Night”

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH (by Rev. Julia Seymour)

We are not alone, sliding through a mystery with no guidance.We have an Advocate who guides us with power and truth. We do not pray alone, worried about “getting it right” or being heard. We have an Advocate who prays with us, in deep, wordless sighs.We do not work alone for the healing of the world. We have an Advocate who directs our paths and reveals Christ to us.We are born of water and fire, adopted into the family of God. We have an Advocate who strengthens our relationship with the Holy.We are a people of bountiful gifts and many connections. We have an Advocate who blesses and encourages us. We are yet coming to know more fully the height and depth and breadth of the love of God. We have an Advocate who does not rest in revealing that truth to all creation.

Page 3: PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Petitions Hymnal p. 11 Response · 2018-02-15 · PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Petitions Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal p. 11 Response WORSHIP THROUGH TITHES

PARTICPANTS In Ministry The Congregation Choir Director Peter Dulak Pianist Lynn Dulak Organist JoAnne McNamara Pastor The Rev. Heidi Bolt Pastor The Rev. Greg Bolt Liturgist Scott Halverson GREETER: Susan Huber USHER: TBD FELLOWSHIP: Anne Barlass FLOWERS: Teresa Kohlnhofer – For Hope


TODAY, 9:15 a.m. Christian Education 10:30 a.m. Worship 11:30 a.m. Fellowship 11:30 a.m. Tubing Trip MON, 2/19, 10:00 a.m. Coffee at Mandy’s Café TUES, 2/20, 6:55 p.m. JuBELLation Ringers WED, 2/21, 6:30 a.m. Men’s Book Study 5:30 p.m. Lenten Service – First 7:00 p.m. Lenten Bible Study THURS, 2/22, 7:30 a.m. Women’s Book Study

Page 4: PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Petitions Hymnal p. 11 Response · 2018-02-15 · PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Petitions Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal p. 11 Response WORSHIP THROUGH TITHES

*Please rise in body or in spirit