Page 1: PRAYER REQUESTS Volume 32 April 30, 2017 Issue 18 Patrick ... 30 17.pdf · A.S.A.P. = Always Say A Prayer Pray without ceasing _ act of adoration toward Him. David came before God


Our goal in the church of Christ is to be the New Testament church, which you can read about in the Bible. We invite you to ob-

serve our worship assemblies, the doctrine that is taught and the structure of the church organization. Make a close comparison

with your “church” and the church of the Bible -- The Church of Christ. We also invite you to join us as we strive to be the

church of the Bible and restore New Testament Christianity.


Prayer for Health: Richard Melson, Jr. (medical test); Gwen Aldridge (Maria Josephs); DeAnte’ and DeAndre Horton; Janis Bland; Vera Caldwell (recovering from stroke; Patricia Neville (Cole fami-ly’s CSU friend’s mother who is ill); Darryl Cole, Jr; Gabriel Willis; Victoria Dudley (back); Mia Gilbert; Nicole Elmore (ICU Burn Center at MVH); Rhea Wallace; Richard Melson, Sr; Alfred Willis; Judy Easter (spine); Priscilla Bogan (pneumonia)

Traveling: Prayers: Kevin Gilbert and family; Danielle Brooks, twins and family (death of twins father); Ruby Cole (death of nephew in AL); Joseph family—death of Michael Blanks’ father’s sister ; Hemphill family (death of Michael Blank’s cousin) Repentance: Baptism: _____________________________________

April 30, 2017 MESSENGER Page 4

Webster St. Church of Christ

PO Box 60789

Dayton, Ohio 45406




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Opening Prayer Jamie Fant Jamie Fant

Lead Singing LaMarr Cole LaMarr Cole

Scripture Reader Lamont Cole Lamont Cole

Prayer Patrick Thomas Patrick Thomas

Sermon Richard Melson Richard Melson

Taking Responses Richard Melson Richard Melson

Center Lord’s Table Alfred Willis Alfred Willis

Serving—1st Prayer Richard Melson, Jr Richard Melson, Jr.

Serving– 2nd Prayer Lyle Cole Lyle Cole

Closing Prayer William Bogan William Bogan

Announcements Patrick Thomas Patrick Thomas


Bible Class 40

Attendance AM 61

Attendance PM 41

Wednesday PM 29

A.S.A.P. = Always Say A Prayer

“Pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Vision Statement

We are a congregation of the Lord’s people dedicated to glorifying the Father through the proper study and application of the Scriptures, that our lives may be given to teaching the gospel and in service of Him in the Miami Valley and the world.

Dan Jenkins

The book of Psalms gives us such great insight into the deep emotions felt by David. It al-lows us to see how his soul felt when he walked through the valley of the shadow of death. It helps us to vividly see what he thought about as he stared into the firmament and the heavens and saw God’s glory. Have you ever considered what was in the heart of this godly man as he worshiped? Psalm 103 gives at least eighteen reasons he approached God with a heart filled with awe and reverence. The psalm begins with the words, “Bless the Lord, O my soul.” The Hebrew word for bless literally means to kneel, and when applied to us and our God, it specifically indicates an act of adoration toward Him. David came before God with his soul kneeling toward the Almighty. If you asked David why he worshiped God, he could give you the following rea-sons. Reasons to Kneel Before God 1. He forgives all my iniquities and heals me (v. 3). 2. He redeems my life from destruction (v. 4). 3. He crowns me with lovingkindness and mercy (v. 4). 4. He satisfies my mouth with good things (v. 5). 5. He renews me (v. 5). 6. He executes righteousness and justice for all (v. 6). 7. He made known His ways and actions (v. 7). 8. He is merciful and gracious to me (v. 8). 9. He is slow to anger and abounding in mercy to me (v. 8). 10. He does not strive always with me or stay angry (v. 9). 11. He does not deal with me according to my sins (v. 10). 12. He does not punish me according to my iniquities (v. 10). 13. His mercy is great toward me (v. 11). 14. He has removed my transgressions from me as far as the east is from the west (v. 12). 15. He shows His compassion and pity to me like a loving father shows pity to his children (v. 13). 16. He knows my frame and remembers that I am dust (v. 14). 17. Man is like grass, the flower of the field, wind blows and it is gone and forgotten, but His mercy toward me is from everlasting to everlasting (v. 16). 18. His righteousness reaches me and even to my grandchildren (v. 17). As the psalm ends, David calls upon all the angels to bless Him, to kneel as an act of adora-tion toward God. He calls upon all the armies of heaven and the heavenly servants to bless Jehovah. He looks at all that God has done and calls upon all His works which manifest His power to bless him. The man after God’s own heart then turns inward and calls upon him-self to kneel before God. In doing this, he calls upon you. “Bless the Lord, O my soul!”

Volume 32 April 30, 2017 Issue 18

Church of Christ

P.O. Box 60789

Dayton, Ohio 45406

[email protected]

Fax: (937) 401-0286

Meeting location: Louise Troy School

1630 Miami Chapel Rd Dayton, OH 45417

Schedule of



Bible Study 9:30

Worship 10:30 A.M. 4:30 P.M.

Fourth Sunday

No 4:30 PM service

Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 P.M.

Preacher Richard D. Melson

937-321-3973 [email protected]

Ministers All Members


Christian Courier on The Web

Southwest School of Bible Studies: Austin, TX

Memphis School of Preaching

Greater Midwest Lectureship Dayton, OH


Page 2: PRAYER REQUESTS Volume 32 April 30, 2017 Issue 18 Patrick ... 30 17.pdf · A.S.A.P. = Always Say A Prayer Pray without ceasing _ act of adoration toward Him. David came before God

April 30, 2017 MESSENGER Page 2

QUESTIONS — Nehemiah 9

What did the Jews make because of all these things?


Last Week’s: “Because of our sins” ( v. 37).

Christ is the one you’re looking for !

As Paul was explaining how the wisdom of man is inferior to the wisdom of God and how man needed to seek his fulfillment in Christ, he observed that "Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified" (1 Cor. 1:22-23). Then, he showed them that what they were seeking could only be found in what he was preaching. To the Jews who seek a "sign," Christ is "the power of God," and to the Greeks who seek "wisdom," Christ is "the wisdom of God" (1:24). Why don't more people seek their fulfillment in Christ? Today, folks are trying to "find themselves." Have they looked to Christ? Folks are wanting to know "what their purpose is." Have they looked to Christ? Folks are looking for "the meaning of life." Have they looked to Christ? That is why Paul said, "For I deter-mined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified" (2:2). When Christ is the one who "fills all in all" (Eph. 1:23) and is "all and in all" (Col. 1:23), why would we look anywhere else?

David Sproule © Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ

Study your Bible. Learn all you can from it. Pray like Jesus prayed. And if any of this is hard to understand, ask an adult to help you.

Vol . 21 No. 18 Mark McWhorter

420 Chula Vista Mtn. Rd Pell City, AL 35125, USA. [email protected]

Copyright 2017

Prayer in Gethsemane We are told about several of Jesus’ prayers. Jesus prayed often. The last prayers he gave before his crucifixion are de-scribed for us. He was in the Garden of Gethsemane. This was a place often visited by Jesus and his disciples. Jesus knew he was about to be arrested and go through a horrible experience. His prayer was a lonely one. He left some of his apostles and prayed alone (Luke 22:41). He needed time alone to speak and meditate with God. There are times when each of us have need of such. There is nothing wrong with spending time alone with God. His prayer was one of humility. Mark and Matthew tell us he knelt, and even fell on his face. Even though Jesus was God, he bowed before the Father. He could have made the choice to go against the Father’s plan. But he humbled himself and fulfilled the Father’s plan. Each of us need to be humble in our relationship with God. Jesus’ prayer was intimate. He addressed God as ‘Abba Fa-ther.’ He was recognizing the family aspect of his earthly existence. This was a prayer to a family member. Each Chris-tian is a son / daughter of God. He is our loving Father. Jesus’ prayer was an earnest one (Luke 22:44). He knew his time was short and wanted to make his prayer known be-fore it was too late. He also knew that the Father was there waiting for his prayer. Each of us have no idea when our life on earth will end. Each of us should be earnest in praying to God. His prayer was a repeated one. He stated the same words in the separate prayers that night (Matthew 26:44). We are not to make a prayer just repetitious for the sake of repeti-tion. But asking the same thing in separate prayers shows a deep desire in petitioning the Father. It shows a desire to have what one is asking for. His prayer was one of perseverance. He prayed three times that night. There are times when each of us are facing things in life that are serious. There is nothing wrong with going to God in repetitive prayers to ask for guidance, peace, mercy or grace. Jesus’ prayer was one of resignation. He did not demand the Father bow to his will. Instead, he prayed that the Father’s will be done (Luke 22:42). Many point to what is known as the Lord’s Prayer as an ex-ample of how we should pray. We also can learn important things from the prayers he prayed in the Garden of Geth-semane.

Melson’s Musings …

NEWS AND NOTES Visit these online resources: ; ;; http:// ; Gabriel Willis desires to place her membership with the congregation at Webster Street. Please welcome her. Check out Let The BIBLE Speak Radio program online at The congregation closed Thursday on the property at 500 Shiloh Springs Road.

April 30, 2017 MESSENGER Page 3

GOD’S PLAN FOR MAN’S SALVATION “Sirs, What must I do to be saved?” Acts 16:30

The Gospel Must Be Heard - John 6:44-45; Romans 10:17; John 8:32 The Gospel Must Be Believed—John 8:24; Mark 16:16 Sins Must Be Repented of — Luke 13:3,5; Acts 2:38 Christ Must Be Confessed—Romans 10:10; Acts 8:37 There Must Be Baptism (Immersion) for Remission (forgiveness) of Sins—Acts 2:38; 1 Peter 3:21 Christian Growth and Faithfulness—1 Peter 2:2; Revelation 2:10; 2 Peter 3:18

who in various and sundry ways were involved with the Lord and His cause. We could mention the names of men like Peter, Paul, Titus and Timothy who have gone down in history as he-roes of the faith. We could set forth the names of godly women like Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mary and Mar-tha the sisters of Lazarus. These are all great and noble charac-ters that served the Lord with vigor. Some of the names found in the New Testament are not linked to those of faithful and noble character. Surely Judas tops the list, who, for thirty pieces of silver, betrayed the Lord (Matt. 27:3-5). In Second Timothy we read of certain individuals, who, rather than being a friend and ally of Paul, forsook him in his darkest hour. Consider the following words... This you know, that all those of Asia have turned away from me, among whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes. (2 Tim. 1:15) De-mas has forsaken me, having loved this present world. (2 Tim. 4:10) Thus, the names of Phygellus, Hermogenes and Demas, along with Judas and others, go down in the annals of history as be-trayers, as those who gave up and gave in when the going be-came rough. When Paul wrote the second letter to Timothy he was in prison about to appear before Nero for a second time. He knew his time was short and that his death was imminent (II Tim. 4:6). To identify with Paul and to stand up for Christ was to put one’s life in jeopardy. These men mentioned evidently were not willing to put their lives on the line for the sake of Paul, the Lord and the gospel. Paul was so concerned that he urged Timothy not to be afraid or ashamed (2 Tim. 1:7, 8-12) but to “hold fast the pattern of

The New Testament is filled with names of people

sound words” (2 Tim. 1:13). Timothy had to make a choice, “Would he be a friend to the Lord?” or “Would he be a ‘forsaker’?” We must make the same choice. We show our friendship to the Lord when… 1. We are not ashamed of Him (Mark 8:38; Rom.

1:16; 2 Tim. 1:8). 2. We stand up for what is right (Acts 4:13, 19, 20;

5:29). 3. We refuse to compromise the truth (2 Tim. 1:13;

Titus 2:1; 2 Tim. 4:1-5). 4. When we do what He says (John 14:15; 15:14). However, we deny Him when we refuse to live the Christian life, refuse to stand up for the sake of the gospel, when we forsake faithful brethren, when we live immoral lives, when we refuse to obey the Lord in all things. When these things characterize us we fall under the category of “forsaker!” Remember Jesus said, “He who is not with Me is against Me...” (Matt. 12:30). Are you for Him or against Him? Are you a confidante or a foe, a friend or a ‘forsaker’? The choice is up to you. - The Defender, Mt Vernon weekly bulletin, May 22, 2016

For a schedule of programs visit them at
